Flight price


Earning My Ears
Jun 4, 2000

How much can it cost now for a flight to Orlando??? I paid 299$ last year (for a round trip) but... on Air Canada site, the quote for an adult flight for Montreal-Orlando is between 800$ and 1500$????????? Is it possible???

Thank you!!!!!
It is possible, Air Canada quoted me 855.00 from Winnipeg!
Grover in Winnipeg
We live in Kingston Ont........and it is a whole lot cheaper to fly out of Syracuse. We got 98.00 dollars in U.S. funds - that came to 156.00 round trip Canadian per person!

I noticed alot of people on these boards fly out of Detroit or Buffalo or the nearest U.S. city as it is alway cheaper. Air Canada's prices are ridiculous!!

We are paying less to take a shuttle to the Syracuse airport and fly rt. to Orlando than it would cost the three of us to fly out of Ottawa.

Try the nearest U.S. city.

Hope this works for you- Northwest and Southwest airlines usually have very good prices - the 98.00 dollar one was with Northwest. Do your own searching through Expedia or Orbitz.
Then book as soon as you see a really good fare. The seats go fast!!

Hope this helps you,
We paid a little over $400 per person with Air Canada April 20, 2002 (4 weeks ago) WOW! That went fast! That was: Toronto to Orlando, none stop, pre-selected seats (great seats, lots of room!) on time, great flight attendants. $400 is EVERYTHING included, all taxes and EVERYTHING!

I know we could have gotten it a little cheaper with Southwest from Buffalo to Orlando, but I have little kids and didn't want to mess with a 90 minute drive to Buffalo, parking my car, probably a night in a Buffalo hotel each way, dragging two young kids around. Besides, if I added up the extra hotels and parking, the cost difference wasn't significant at the time. The times of the flights were different too. Air Canada from Toronto had wonderful flight times! Southwest had stop overs and lousy times for the dates I checked.

We live 15-20 minutes away from Pearson International so it's very convenient to fly from there. We know our way around Pearson very well.

When my kids are a little older, I might consider Southwest. We might drive next trip.

BTW, we went April 2001 as well with Air Transat, the price was the same as Air Canada this year.

We went a couple of weeks ago. We wanted to fly out of Montreal but could not get anything under 650.00. We chose to fly out of Burlington, Vermont. We paid 210. US. That was much better, even with the exchange.
diz Karen,

How did you get to Burlington?

So far, Burlington seems to have the best rates? I could not find any flights from Montreal or Ottawa to Burlington for the dates I wanted (dec 12/02 to dec 22/02). I live an hour away from both.
We paid a little over $900 Canadian (incl taxes) for two tickets to Orlando from Toronto in August. We went through a travel agent and she got us a lower fare than what was quoted on Air Canada's website. We also were able to pre-select our seats. I'm surprised they've downsized the plane during the summer. It is no longer a 767 but rather a smaller airbus for mid August. Maybe they have more business travellers in the fall hence the larger plane?

I have to agree with Sandra C on flying out of NY. If you have the time it could be a savings but for us it isn't worth it. I checked out flight times too and hate the idea of having to make connections. Also we would have to get transportation via bus or train which would make the fare more expensive than the Canadian price. Too much travelling for me in one day ;)
I tried to make an addition to my last post but couldn't.
I just wanted to add that I found it so easy to go through the border by car, in a small town. They did not ask many questions at all. I am sure it would have been more of an ordeal if flying out of Canada and going through the border at the airport.
We flew from Pearson a month ago to WDW and security was a joke. Way too easy to get thru. I don't know if that means things are running really smooth or no one is doing a good job LOL! I'll pick the first one and think that things are running smooth. Sandra


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