Follow along as our family of 5 plan our first major vacation together! July 2010

Disney Newby

Earning My Ears
Nov 11, 2009
Let me start with a little background on our family. Hubby and I neither one did family vacations growing up, so convincing him to do this was a major undertaking, but I don’t want our kids growing up thinking that they didn’t get to do anything fun, so we are planning our first major family vacation. party: We have done small trips like 3 days in Branson, and weekends to Six Flags but nothing as major as this.

We have made 2 trips to Florida before when the girls were younger. The first in 1997 when DD was only 1 to pick up my DH’s dream car, told him I refused to ride in a car for 18 hours if I didn’t get to at least see Disney World. We got to spend 4 hours in the Kingdom with no rides or shows. Second trip was in 2000 for 3 days, oldest DD turned 4 while there and youngest DD was only 2, so needless to say they don’t remember any of it. We do have pictures of them getting to meet all the characters. We went to Magic Kingdom and Universal Studios. Only rides we did were Dumbo and It’s A Small World. DH got to do a few rides by himself while I stood with the stroller. From that point on, DH insisted that we would not return until all of our kids were old enough and tall enough to ride every ride. So here we are, only problem with that is now DD12 hates roller coasters, but she is old enough and tall enough and those were his words so we get to go now. His only requirement is do it as cheap as possible.

The Cast:
Me – Misty 32 – Planner
Hubby – Davo 31 – Birthday while we are there
DD – Tina 13 – Could really care less what we are doing, just along for the ride
DD – Ashley 12 – Co-planner, interested in all the details
DS – Austin 8 – first trip

The Plan:
July 24 – August 1

:car:We are driving to Chattanooga about 10 hours, spending the night there then driving the rest of the way to Orlando the next day.

We have a 3BR/2BA condo rented for 5 nights offsite. With 2 tween/teen girls another bathroom and separate bedroom were a must.

July 24th – drive to Chattanooga, visit Ruby Falls again
July 25th – drive to Orlando, grocery shop and settle in
July 26th – EPCOT at Rope drop
July 27th – DH’s birthday, his request Universal Studios again, dinner at Hard Rock
July 28th – Magic Kingdom at Rope drop
July 29th – Hollywood Studios at Rope drop, ADR at 50’s Prime Time Café
July 30th – Check out of condo Animal Kingdom for a few hours’ drive to Fernandina Beach, FL
July 31st – Start towards home with stops along the way for our Dukes of Hazzard fans DD8 & DH, they wants to see Hazzard County, or at least where they filmed the show
Aug 1st – Drive home

I have been checking out the DIS boards ever since he said yes and am amazed at how much has changed since we last visited 10 years ago and how much I have learned. Fast passes are amazing, I’m not even sure all the other parks were open when we last went.

We did get signed up for the GAD promotion before it ended. :banana: We made 5 blankets and donated them to Project Linus, mailed off April 14th, just waiting to be verified and we plan to get fast passes with our vouchers and maybe donate the 5th one since we will only be in the parks for 4 days.

I hope you will follow us along on this journey. I would love any ideas you have or suggestions for things we should not miss.
We are officially 1 month from leaving. :cool1: We have the countdown chain going, most of our small stuff purchased and starting the lists.

My husband thinks I am crazy for already planning what we are going to pack and which suitcases/boxes stuff is going in. How early do you start making your lists?
Your not crazy! We leave Oct 2, and I have my list started! I think it is great your stopping in Chattanooga, we live about 15 mins. from downtown. I saw you are visiting Ruby Falls, I haven't been in years!

Congrats on talking DH into the trip! Where are you staying?
Thank you!! I knew I wasn't crazy. :rolleyes1

He is the type of person that will throw a bunch of stuff in the suitcase that morning and go. I need to plan.

We went to Ruby Falls in 2000 and loved it. My kids like caves and will finally be old enough to walk through on their own without getting scared.

We are staying at the Holiday Inn & Suites on Modern Industries Pkwy. Do you know if this is a good area. It looked like a nice hotel and has free breakfast.
I think that is the Holiday Inn that is downtown? I am not exactly sure. There is really only 1 bad area of town, and the Holiday Inn is not in that area. I think Ruby Falls is a great attraction, the caves are beautiful. Of course, I am a "science nerd."

Let me know if you need any other info. I have lived here my entire life!

Enjoy your trip!


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