? for diet coke drinkers


Jun 13, 2003
Was it just me or have you noticed that Diet Coke (DC) tastes horrible at disney? I am a regular DC drinker and every time we ate lunch the DC tasted too syruppy and sweet. I noticed it first at MK but then it was at all the parks. Finally, I had to end up buying the 20 oz bottles. My wife told me it was most likely the water because the water tasted horrible too :(

Has anyone else noticed this?
Humm, I really haven't noticed that myself. I always drink Diet Coke. But, you're probably right about the water, it most likely does make it taste different.
You're often going to notice that their is a different taste if its a fountain soda as compared to the bottled, because of the water, but also because of the CO2 and syrup mix, etc.

Its very common for the soda to taste 'off' especially if you are used to a particular area or are used to drinking bottles.

Usually if its too sweet there is too much (or more than you are used to) syrup and if its too 'watery' there is not enough syrup. It can happen cuz they are using a different mix ratio or because the bag is almost out and needs to be changed. This happens often and alot of times if you are busy you don't know until its empty or someone tells you the taste is off.
Great...haven't been there since 1998. Never noticed anything different back then. Now I'll probably be thinking about it and and convince myself it tastes bad. Hmmmm. :eek:
I thought it was odd that the Diet Coke ordered in the Disney restaurants / bars tasted "too sweet and syrupy" - my exact words to my husband who kept offering to buy me one long after I tried it in 3-4 different locations and never ordered it again for the remainder of the trip (8/8-26/03). I just assumed that Disney's syrup-to-other-liquid ratio was too high on the syrup side. The bottled DC tasted familiar/OK.

Fortunately, I like Iced Tea just as well and it is not as bad for you - so they did me an inadvertant favor. That, and I had a small stock of Diet Dr. Pepper in my room.....
Thanks for the heads-up. Going in October and will put a "fridge pak" of cans into the trunk of the car "just in case!"
Thanks for the warning - going in October. I'll have to try one diet coke just to see but I'm prepared to just drink water instead if the soda tastes too sweet. And don't even get this Miller Lite drinker worked up about all the Bud Lite in WDW! (I know, that's a whole new topic)

Anyway, I'm prepared to live without the Diet Coke while in the parks. I'll keep a stash of Diet Coke and Miller Lite in my fridge at BWV.
Seeing that I am a FL native, I don't notice it. But tell me...why don't they make the icee's in diet coke? There are times I would love one, but I can't drink regular coke. :(
magickndm, that's a good question, I never thought of that. I'm a die hard DC drinker but when it comes to the frozen coke icees, i love them! I would definitely try a diet coke icee though :teeth:

For some reason the DC tasted real bad at MK. I don't think it's a regional thing because it tasted "normal" at Universal.

Lisa D, be careful of the water at the parks too. The water at MK had a real bad after taste.:(

At least Disney doesn't carry Pepsi products :p


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