For the first time in like ever I'm going to Disneyland a Nov 14 TR... updated 8/17

That is a shame. I am getting to the stage at the moment where I really need some mouse in my life.

We are going on holiday but not to Disney and I just don't feel the same excitement about it
We are going on holiday but not to Disney and I just don't feel the same excitement about it

I can absolutely understand this. I am heading to Dubai in 10 days for a combined business trip and holiday and although I am looking forward to it, it is hard to get real excitement going.

I can absolutely understand this. I am heading to Dubai in 10 days for a combined business trip and holiday and although I am looking forward to it, it is hard to get real excitement going.


I know. When there's no mouse it's just not as exciting lol. I'm sure where we're going is going to be nice but it's just not Disney!
Day 11, part 1:
Thursday, 27th November

So the night before we were in the park until 11, then finished up packing when we got back to the hotel before we went to bed but at 3am Momma was back up and she woke me at 4 to get ready. We were both sad to be leaving Disney and California so of course I wore my I have to leave Disney t-shirt:


Our taxi to the airport arrived at 5.15 and obviously the driver was not a morning person. First he was stroppy over the fact that we weren’t at reception when he arrived 20 minutes earlier than he should! We had booked the taxi for 5.35am. The more pick ups he did the grumpier he seemed to get as well. After all the pick ups we got to the LAX about 6.30am, I took a few pictures of some cool looking lights and things as we got close to the airport:



When we got to our terminal we found what desk our flight was at and went to check in:


We were turned away from the desk because you had to check yourself in and print your boarding cards at special kiosks first. These were a tiny bit confusing and it took us about fifteen minutes to get them to scan our passports for some reason, after that we had to go back to the desk to check in our baggage and then we were sent straight through to the security check in. We had done a lot of shopping again and I had no place to put the Mickey popcorn bucket so I put stuff in him like the iPods and phone and carried him. Going through security though they were going to take him off me because they thought he was a bottle. Does he really look like a bottle?


After all the chaos of checking in and security, Momma needed some tea so we went into The Coffee Bean to check out what they had:


I told Momma what I wanted and she queued while I went to check out a shop nearby:


Disney TY stuff:


Lookie the cute little Reindeer:


When Momma was ready we sat to eat the snacks she got and well we definitely weren’t in Disney anymore. I got 3 mini doughnuts that were stale:


And she got this Tuna sandwich which was pita bread with tuna and nothing else:


I took out the remainder of the Tigger tail that I had got in the park the day before and had that but remember how I sat on my bag for Fantasmic, well I forgot the Tigger tail was in my bag so it now looked like this:


It still tasted good though! Angel was showing off my new Frozen cup I got in World of Disney as well:


We sat people watching for a while, I was amused at the amount of people walking dogs around the airport. In Ireland you would never seen someone walking around the gates area with a dog. After that we decided to have a browse through some of the shops on the way to our gate. There was some pretty cool stuff in the shops:


I thought these were cute:


This has to be the happiest Eeyore I’ve ever seen:


More Disney TY stuff:


There was a Mattel Dolls Collector shop and they had Twilight dolls although I think Esme looks a bit weird:


They also had Wizard of Oz Dolls:


After that we decided we had enough browsing and went to sit at the gate and Angel and I did some plane spotting:


This would take us on the first part of our journey home:


They boarded our plane and we seemed to be sitting there for ages before we got moving. I took out the camera to get a few last minute pics of L.A. This was on the screen on the little T.V. on the plane though and I had to snap the Coke Santy. I love how Angel is reflected in the pic:


Then I just took pictures of the planes going back and forth while we waited and look at the shiny sun we were leaving behind:

What a shame that some of the things did not really work out on your last morning. I can't see how anybody could think that Mickey was a bottle. Some of the stuff in the shops looked really interesting.

What a shame that some of the things did not really work out on your last morning. I can't see how anybody could think that Mickey was a bottle. Some of the stuff in the shops looked really interesting.

I think I would have cried if they took my M'Elf off me :( The last day is always sad though because they're making you leave Disney
Day 11, part 2:

Some more pictures while we waited for the plane to leave LAX:





Eventually the plane did take off and we were away on the first part of our journey home. Momma and I both cried as we said goodbye to California:


I slept the whole way from Los Angeles to New York which is probably a sign of how sick I had been on the trip because I don’t normally sleep on planes at all. As we were coming in to New York I woke up to see the sun setting over America:


All week when we were in Anaheim we kept reading stories on facebook about how heavily snowed under New York was and how there was so many flight disruptions because of it so we were fully expecting to get stranded in New York due to all this heavy snow. We landed early and there was no snow to be seen! :confused3

The first thing we did when we landed was go in search of food. We decided on pizza and while Momma was ordering I went to sit down and plane watch with Angel again:


I also took a quick look at what the temperature was like back in Anaheim:


And back home: :sad:


Then Momma arrived with the pizza and the cheese was so runny it was practically running off the base but it still tasted nice so it was all good:

For dessert I had my chocolate frog that I bought at the Warner Brothers studio during our tour there:


Once we were all fed we found where our gate was:


Then browsed the shops as we made our way to the gate:




Marshmallow nutella?! Why does America get all the cool food?!


Momma went to two more duty free shops and a Mac make-up shop and in one of the three of those she had her credit card hacked. She got a bill in December that showed where someone had used her card 4 times in restaurants like IHop in Brooklyn. When she spoke to the bank they said there was 6 more attempts to use it including where they tried to spend 75 dollars at McDonalds in Brooklyn… who spends 75 dollars in McDonalds. Anyway while Momma was having her card hacked I was watching this little fellow dancing to a radio:

Then I went to sit at the gate and wait for Momma to finish shopping:

Soon it was time to board the plane. The plane was half empty, there was at least six rows in front of us like with nobody in them. Again we seemed to wait a while on the plane before we moved so I took a few more pics while we waited:


Soon enough we were on our way back to Ireland:

Bye bye America: :sad:
Those photos from LAX and from departing LA look so familiar. Nice that you got some sleep. What a pain that your mum had her card details stolen. Thanks for sharing your trip.

Those photos from LAX and from departing LA look so familiar. Nice that you got some sleep.
I don't normally sleep on planes. I'm normally reading and watching movies etc on the long flights but had just been so sick the entire trip

What a pain that your mum had her card details stolen.
I know. I'm still not over the fact someone tried to spend 75 dollars in McDonalds though, that's a lot of happy meals!!!

Thanks for sharing your trip.
I've one more update but thanks for sticking it out til the end :)
It's the last update :sad1: Thank you to everyone who followed along and read til the end, sorry it took so long to finish!

Day 11, part 3/Day 12:

Once we were in the air they made an announcement that the food was going to be served asap so that people could sleep if they wanted. I watched Disney Bears while I waited. The food choice was BBQ chicken or pasta. I went with the chicken:

We left New York at something like 7pm their time but in Ireland that was already midnight. So after the meal I went to sleep again, I didn’t wake up until they started coming around with their light “breakfast.” It was a yoghurt and a raisin biscuit:


I didn’t eat either of them but took some pics coming into Ireland.

Do you think if I pressed that back button we could go back to Los Angeles?


Oh lookie it’s Ireland yay:


We landed early on the 28th at 8am and Mickey was so excited to be in Ireland he was shaking… that might have been from the cold either:


Last bit of plane spotting before we got off the plane:


As we headed towards baggage claim we noticed they had put up some Christmas decorations:



At baggage claim they made some announcement that they aim to have all bags out within30-45 minutes and they had 168 bags to deal with. I’ve never heard them announce that kind of thing before. Once we got our bags we headed out to arrivals and this dude was waiting for us there:


We headed out to the bus stop and it was a freezing cold morning and we were at the bus stop at 9 ish and the bus wasn’t until 10am. Momma met her friend and they went off to talk. I waited at the bus stop with all the bags. They had a big Christmas tree up near the buses but no decorations on it:


Momma and her friend came back at some point and I went over to the main building to warm up. This dude was in the entrance:

When I went back to Momma she had opened up the Disney chocolate so we had that until the bus came:


Once the bus arrived we got back home by 1 and I unpacked a bit while I was waiting for my doggies to arrive back. My final plushie haul, I only intended to get a Duffy pillow pal and a build a bear but clearly got a bit over excited and they didn’t have the pillow pal:


The dogs were super excited to be home and once they were back I went to bed for a while. Our trip was over. There was sooooo much more we could have seen and done both in the parks and in Los Angeles area in general and we both loved the area. Disneyland itself was awesome and emotional being in Walt’s Home park, it was just fabulous:

I am glad that the rest of the flight went pretty smoothly as well. Your dinner looked quite nice as airline food goes. I love the Christmas decorations at the airport. You really got quite a few new friends. Thanks again for sharing. I really enjoyed reading along.

I am glad that the rest of the flight went pretty smoothly as well.
Both flights were fine it was just checking in for the first one was a bit chaotic!

Your dinner looked quite nice as airline food goes.
It was nice. I usually don't have any complaints with airline food.

I love the Christmas decorations at the airport.
Me too. I thought the Santy bench was cool!

You really got quite a few new friends.
I know I got a tad over excited but in my defence it was buy one get one for a dollar at the outlet stores that day!

Thanks again for sharing. I really enjoyed reading along.
Thanks for following!
Finally had a chance to catch up. I just love your castle picture all lit up.
Glad you did get to see Fantasmic your last night.
it sounds like you were really beat but at least you made it through the vacation. I swear I am still catching up on sleep and I have been home for almost 2 weeks.
Finally had a chance to catch up. I just love your castle picture all lit up.
Those castles are so pretty lit up. I don't think I can go any other time of year now and not have them lit up!

Glad you did get to see Fantasmic your last night.
I'm so happy the boat was going for fantasmic because it had been down and the characters weer just appearing on the island. I don't think it's Fantasmic without the boat of characters though!

it sounds like you were really beat but at least you made it through the vacation. I swear I am still catching up on sleep and I have been home for almost 2 weeks.
I don't think i've ever been as sick on holidays and then whatever I had didn't actually fully go away until January but I was determined I wasn't going to miss any Disney for it! I would see every inch of Disney or die trying lol! Hope you catch up on your sleep soon.


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