For Those Having Trouble Accessing The Boards


<font color=3366FF>Domestic Goddess<br>
Feb 11, 1999
It appears that a bad switch is causing people to have limited (if any) access to the boards. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to this issue. Our web hosting company is looking into the problem and hopes to have it resolved in the next few hours. Just for the record ... this is NOT a problem with either the new server or the new software. This is a technical issue beyond our control.

Webmaster Pete
Glad to read this. I was worried! Thanks for keeping us updated. You know we "addicts" can't go without our DIS fix for too long!
Ok, this might explain why when i click on my saved cast member site, i get that i am not allowed to access this board? it said welcome donna, you do not have access to this board but i was just in there this morning with no problem. Same thing happened yesterday, morning access was fine, but iwas denied in the afternoon. Good things are worth waiting for though! Thanks everyone for putting up with us!:p
Thanks for the update. I have been trying to get on the new boards since last night and haven't been able to.

Would it be possible, if something like this happens again, to put a note on the original DIS site (I could access that site and kept checking there to see if maybe a note was posted there) saying there is a problem and that someone knows about it.

Thanks so much for all the hard work :D
but it's still happening. I am just now able to access the boards after two hours of trying.

Earlier this afternoon (around the time you made the announcement) I was able to view the boards, but not access them. I guess it went back offline for awhile.

I hope this isn't because of a heavier load on the boards and server? (more people signing on, importing the old threads, etc, etc, etc.)

Let us know how it comes out! Hang in there. All these glitches will work their way out!
I can't access the boards from home but I have no problems from work (a mere 10 miles away).

Note, from home I go through a Road Runner cable modem ( From work, I go through our access (whatever that is). I do know I have to enter in our proxy server IP address before I can get here.

Maybe this will give you a clue(?).
This is the same problem i am having. I have no trouble here at all (at work). CM board shows up on the forum screen. But at home, there is NO Cm board and i am denied access to anything but the homepage of DIS. It's kind of frustrating for sure, but we just have to be patient.
Hopefully it will all work out soon. Was having problems, but all my conection problems here
seem to be stable at present. :crazy:
I sometimes can't get on through explorer, so I switch to Netscape and am able get on. This is not always the case though, last night neither of them worked.
I am not real savvy on the computer, so I have not been able to access the boards at all since Sunday morning, April 29. I hope this glitch is fixed soon...I am definitely in the throes of withdrawal!:(
I remember years ago when ebay had these same problems and it took weeks to correct!
How are we doing today Wednesday? This is the first I could log on? I have had 4 days of problems. Any updates?
I went to the old boards and they still work...
I'm also one of those that could log on at work but not at home... and they are only 3 miles apart. But I log on at home from an ISP via a dial-up modem and I have direct Internet access via my office. That's how I knew what the problem was. But, I'm happy to say that I am logging on from home now! Hope it's all resolved!

I agree that if there are technical difficulties with the boards in the future that a note be placed on the DIS Homepage. I, also, kept looking there to see if there was a problem. Since there wasn't, I assumed the problem was mine (until I was able to log on from work and see the notes on the board about the difficulties). If I didn't have Internet access at work I would never have known what was going on.

It's funny, I don't have withdrawal with any other boards I check! Hmmmm........ :)
What I thought was odd was that I could always ping the disboards server but couldn't connect via http!
Sometimes networks have a mind of their own...

I have tried off and on tonight and just now have been able to get on from home. I have been able to get on at home occas during the day but not in the evening. I'm glad they are working on the switch. Save the Boards!
From my end, with a broadband connection, it looks like site is losing about 40% of the packets. This is the last site before arriving at disboards which is reported as site . Also, the errors / lost packets seem to be regularly occuring about every 30 seconds to one minute.

Anyone else having a problem with
I am wondering why some days i am allowed access to the CM board and now today, i am not and it doesn't even show up on the main forum page. am i doing something wrong here? I don't like being told i am not allowed access when i know i am. thanks.donna
Having the same problem as Donna. Sometimes the Castmember Board shows under JUST FOR FUNt and most times it's totally missing. Not even listed, as though invisible!!!! Very frustrating. Hopefully all these kinks will be worked out soon. I'm missing my daily fix of messages :(
Also having the same problem (when able to get on at all) sometimes the CM board shows up and sometimes it isn't listed at all. Have not SEEN the hosts board since the software change, so don't know if it is the same problem as with CM board, or if it is an access problem. I am thinking since they said they had to set up the access to these board manually that some of us may have gotten "missed." Here is hoping that these bugs will be worked out soon.
The access problems to the boards and to the CM board should all be resolved now.

If you are still having trouble accessing any of the boards, please start a new thread and let us know. :D


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