For those who so quickly crowned Dreamworks the new king of animation


‘Treasure Planet’ was supposed to be the big summer event movie for Disney, ‘Lilo’ was supposed to be a cheap filler at the holidays because there is no Pixar film this year. ‘TP’ ran into major story problems and then Eisner had a few helpful suggestions that basically trashed the other two thirds of the animation. Florida was ordered to rush ‘Lilo’ and the two films switched release dates. That is, assuming ‘TP’ actually gets released this year…

I think there’s a strong chance that ‘Lilo’ will top ‘Ice Age’. It’s a much better and richer movie. If a good word of mouth starts, it should catch on.

The reason I made the snow globe comment is that ‘Lilo’ is really different than others in more than just style. There’s been a bad trend in the post-Lion King films to really soften the animated movies. There are plenty of people out there (I hear from them) that they like soft, perfect heroines with problems that fit easily into lyrics, cute and cuddly comic sidekicks, and stories that don’t require much thinking.

The stories for ‘Mulan’, ‘Tarzan’ and ‘Hunchback’ have none of the sharp, painful and truthful edges of their original stories. A lot of people now expect that. Some people – who I factiously label the snow globers, think that’s an improvement. But warm and fuzzy makes for short lived entertainment. Only stories that contain a core of truth survive the long run. The reason that the legend of Mulan has survived for a thousand years is because it speaks to central beliefs of Chinese society – not because of a cute dragon sidekick and an Oprah-hear-me-roar third grade civics refresher course.

There are no perfect characters in ‘Lilo’, their problems aren’t set to music. But they are very truthful. The heroines aren’t perky and they are not up the challenges of their lives. Stitch embodies a lot of childhood and adult fears. To say more might ruin some of the fun.

And just remember the already famous line – “It’s okay, my doggie found the chainsaw”. You’d never hear that coming from Mulan.
Who in the world crowned Dreamworks the new king of animation? I would say they're more like the exiled Prince (thinking of J. Katzenberg).

I want to try my luck at bidding too. I'm going for 142 million. I'm presuming that Lilo won't be overshadowed by Spiderman and Star Wars by then like Spirit is right now and Scooby-Doo will be a flop. When is the Men in Black movie coming out?

Any more animated movies coming up soon? I like all of this. :D
Who in the world crowned Dreamworks the new king of animation?
I won't name names, but I remember three folks distinctly. One of them even changed their signature to point out the fact.
OK folks the Duck is coming in at $165mil. I hope to see it at AMC Downtown Disney during my stay last week of June. I think the teen crowd might be bigger than some think if my 17yo DD is a barometer. She already wants a plush.
Duck, our 4 year old has the full set of character toys. She has no idea what 2/3 of their names are (only Lilo and Stitch) but she loves playing with them.

On the converse, she has had no interest in any point in time in any of the Atlantis characters. The DVD has only come off the shelf once.
Originally posted by YoHo
Actually, I've seen a lot of Teen and Youngadult awarness. Its the people who were young when Mermaid came out that seem to be the most excited.

I'm 15 1/2 and have a social life (belive it or not :rolleyes: ) and have found very little L&S awareness. In 8th grade at the end of the year, a week after Shrek, people were reciting lines like Monty Python fans and were drawing the Shrek logos in eachothers yearbooks. If I say "Lilo & Stitch", they will have a blank look on their face and think it is a cloathing brand. "Atlantis" had more awareness than Lilo right now.
Sorry, I took so long to hop into this thread.

I won't name names, but I remember three folks distinctly. One of them even changed their signature to point out the fact.
I'm sure I'm one of the assumed "Dreamworks is King" cheerers. While I don't think they're king yet, I think they have the Mo on their side....

I saw Spirit. I thought the Animation was absolutely BREATH TAKING. I loved the actual art of the movie. Very rich and very detailed. My main problem was there was no clear cut, totally evil enemy. The US general was the closest to it, but even he wasn't totally evil (I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it).

My other problem with the movie is it shoots over children's heads. The story was too serious and there wasn't really anything in the movie for the younger set to get interested in. More of an teen-adult story. To really understand what was happening you had to know the story of the mid-west. My son doesn't understand how the horses were wild, why the Indians were fighting with the soldiers, etc. Lion King, and others didn't rely on you knowing the story beforehand either because they told it from the begining to the end or it was a simple story. Spirit fails here.

I think the main reason Spirit's box office wasn't Boffo was because of it's release timing. I know it's the only "children's" movie available right now, but it still is basically going head to head with Star Wars & Spiderman...just horrible timing. Release it later in the year, or earlier...but that is a decision which Dreamworks made so they're responsible for it.

IMHO the same thing is going to happen to Lilo. My son loves it, and I think the trailers have done a good job of getting children excited about a Disney movie (the last time that happened to a non pixar movie I can't tell you). But it's dependance on the older crowd to push it to block buster status will be felt with the glut of other movies coming out within weeks of it's release. MIB2, Scooby Doo, etc will battle for the Teen & Adult ticket money...and I don't think it's a battle L&S can win.
And for the kiddies, don't forget Stuart Little 2 is coming out a month later which will limit the amount of time L&S can linger in the theaters.

Personally I think L&S will have a similar Box Office as Emporer's New Groove.
I agree with AV....."There's been a bad trend in the post Lion King films to really soften the animated movies." !!
This may be why there hasn't been a block buster like LK since then. I remember all the hype about Mufasa being killed, etc even before the movie was released. There was so much controversy about the "realism"!!!
But that was what made it such a good movie!!
If you think way back to such classics as Bambi....when his mother was killed! It is what brings out the emotion that makes a Disney movie great!

I haven't really seen or heard enough about L&S to guess how it will do. But we are definitely looking forward to it.
I have read the animation is excellent. That they used a new water-color technique. So even for that I am excited!!

The other thing that surprises me.....They really are NOT marketing L&S a whole lot as far as merchandise goes. At least I have not seen as much as other movies of late....such as Monsters,Inc. No toys anywhere except TDS, as far as I have seen, anyway.
But I am hoping this will be a hit for Disney!!!:D
Heaven knows they need one!!
I would agree with HB2K regarding expected movie receipts.
I think they have less merchandise because the recent animated movies havent had the expected synergy with all the tie-ins. They then had to dump the excess merchandise at sale prices.
34 million the first week.
187 million for the run.
Shrugs shoulders!!!!
I think they have less merchandise because the recent animated movies havent had the expected synergy with all the tie-ins.

I think you hit the nail on the head. I imagine Disney's partners are being more cautious this time around.

Also unlike 'Atlantis', which had a ton of them, perhaps there aren't as many 'gadgets/vehicles' to make toys out of.
I think there were a ton of Atlantis things manufactured, but very few of them seemed to actually sell. The Lilo stuff is already selling at the Disney Store.

Took Nat to Spirit yesterday. She met up with two girls from school that happened to be there for the movie as well. They all sat together and when the L&S trailer ran, they all went nuts. I really think the youngest set is fired up about this movie.
My daughters are going to see Spirit tonight so i will be able to report what they thought of the movie.
I think the trailers for L&S are very well done and i like stitch and the alien theme but wonder how well the movie is done and if this is something the public will buy as disneys latest animanted movies havent fared well.
They all sat together and when the L&S trailer ran, they all went nuts. I really think the youngest set is fired up about this movie.
Ok, but is it going to be enough to power the movie to these moon shot Box Office numbers you're all predicting?

In order to make this movie a blockbuster, you are going to have to hook not only the younger set, but the teens & young adults (i.e. date flicks). I don't think this movie will be able to attract enough attention from all of the various demographics to make this movie a block buster, nor do I think it's up to the competition of surviving the whole summer when you have other children's fare available (i.e. Stuart Little 2, leftover Spirit, etc).

L&S will face competition for their primary customers (the younger set will have Stuart Little & Scooby Doo) and their secondary customers (the older set will have MIB2, Austin Powers 3, et al.)

Doesn't sound like a winning receipe for a block buster....

P.S. I can't wait to see Lilo & Stich. I'm just trying to be a realist about it's chances for success you all are predicting.
Is it just my poor memory or do we have a bigger selection of 'high expectation' films this summer than we have had in recent years?
last year was the first of the "blockbusters that drop in a week".
Testtrack, I can't speak to what's the talk in the Halls, but in the Movie theaters, while watching the trailers everybody from all age groups was laughing and clapping and getting psyched for this movie.

If Disney had actually done some marketing, this would be a huge movie.


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