For you smokers out there......

ban smoking

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Originally posted by Dean
Gail, I beg to differ on the cost issue. While it's true that anyone who mistreats a unit may increase the cost, research suggests that smoking is the largest defineable issue. Same for cars where smoking cars tend to bring less than non smoking cars. Anyone who trashes the unit should be charged, PERIOD. IMO, smoking in a non smoking unit is nothing short of criminal. If management says it's ok to smoke in a non smoking unit, they too should be fired.

I feel sure that the maint. of all units is examined before we are accessed for it. Some smoke, some don't. We pay for the ones that smoke as well as those that don't.
Just like we will pay for the new slide that some will use and some will not. Neither, is a necessity, although, some will argue that point. They are, however, activities that are enjoyed.
"I am just waiting for the day when it becomes illegal to smoke in your own home with the windows open!"

Actually it is illegal---oh you mean CIGARETTES! (VBG) :crazy:
I think it's just a matter of time before smokers are charged for smoking in a non-smoking room. When I was at the California Adventure, the entire hotel is non-smoking and they informed us at check in and had a notice in the room that their would be charge for smoking in the room. I don't remember how much it was, but it was a lot. That was the first time I've seen anything like that but I've been told that a lot of hotels are starting to charge for smoking in non-smoking rooms.
I have always been amazed that people who smoke don't have any consideration for those around them.
- First of all, they take smoking as a license to litter - don't they know that when they throw out their butts that that is littering and they are "litter bugs" - what if I took gum out of my mouth each time I walked up to building and tossed in on the ground outside the building. Someone has to clean up after their mess.
- Second - the maintenance in the smoking rooms has to be more as walls, carpets and linens are discolored and have shorter lives.
- Third, It does reduce the quality of my vacation as I have to smell people who smoke - even if they stay inside - gues what - it still smells when they come out - as do you....Stop smoking for a few daus and get on an elevator with someone who does - you will know exactly what I mean - they stink like ash trays.:mad:
I really do not want to get into the "smoker's rights" discussion, and I especially do not want to get into discussions regarding the specific behavior of individual smokers...

Sticking to question about trends toward limiting smoking in condos... I am unconvinced that WDW is somehow unique because it has a lot of international visitors. You certainly could make the same arguments about international flights to Europe, and especially to Asia... and clearly smoking has been banned on those flights. Also, smokers have much more limited choices on a plane... they can't exactly "go outside" to have a cigarette. On Monday, I will be on a 14 hr flight with people pacing the isles and bitting their fingernails... but for the most part.... they will not be smoking.

I remain convinced that there will be a continuous trend toward increased restrictions in smoking... and I do not think it will be too long before smoking is banned in most condos. I have no idea how long it will take until DVC makes this decision... but I think it is just a matter of time. I think the tide is too strong for the situation to remain unchanged.

Originally posted by Kingzoo
- Third, It does reduce the quality of my vacation as I have to smell people who smoke - even if they stay inside - gues what - it still smells when they come out - as do you....Stop smoking for a few daus and get on an elevator with someone who does - you will know exactly what I mean - they stink like ash trays.:mad:
Having to deal with some of the very bratty kids that scream, shout, run and make a total disturbance of themselves while their idiotic parents stand idly by and think they are so cute--THEY ARE NOT!; also ruins the quality of my vacation. But we all have to learn to deal with others both at WDW and in other places. I will pick being next to a smoker over being next to some of the brats and their clueless parents, that I have encountered in WDW, anyday of the week.
BTW, I do like children, have my own (now grown) and was a teacher for many years. I like children but can not stand children that are spoiled brats and unfortunately you do run into a very large number of them in WDW, especially at the deluxe resorts.
Different things ruin the quality of different people's vacations. For me having to smell someone's cigarette who may be next to me at the pool, etc., is a lot less disturbing than listening to a whining, screaming brat that is at the pool.
Originally posted by BWVDee
For me having to smell someone's cigarette who may be next to me at the pool, etc., is a lot less disturbing than listening to a whining, screaming brat that is at the pool.

I am willing to go out on a limb here... but I am willing to bet 10:1 odds that Disney will ban smoking before they ban kids.

BTW, I also agree with your comments about how unruly kids can spoil a time for all. I wish there was some reasonable way to deal with it... but I have never figured that one out! I guess that is why all of our vacation time is not spent at WDW.

Originally posted by FLYNZ4
I really do not want to get into the "smoker's rights" discussion, and I especially do not want to get into discussions regarding the specific behavior of individual smokers...

Sticking to question about trends toward limiting smoking in condos... I am unconvinced that WDW is somehow unique because it has a lot of international visitors. You certainly could make the same arguments about international flights to Europe, and especially to Asia... and clearly smoking has been banned on those flights. Also, smokers have much more limited choices on a plane... they can't exactly "go outside" to have a cigarette. On Monday, I will be on a 14 hr flight with people pacing the isles and bitting their fingernails... but for the most part.... they will not be smoking.

I remain convinced that there will be a continuous trend toward increased restrictions in smoking... and I do not think it will be too long before smoking is banned in most condos. I have no idea how long it will take until DVC makes this decision... but I think it is just a matter of time. I think the tide is too strong for the situation to remain unchanged.

Taking a flight no matter how long it is, is VERY different than someone staying for a week or more in their vacation timeshare. Just a tad less space, air etc in the plane then there is in a 2 br villa!
Also when many of the DVC members who are smokers bought into DVC, they bought into with the knowledge that they could smoke in the comfort of their villas. Eliminating all smoking rooms will take away something that was in place when they bought. They have every right to enjoy their DVC as much as any other member does. ALL DVC members were aware of the fact that there were smoking DVC villas and that smoking is allowed on all balconies and at all WDW pools. It obviously did not bother you when you bought!
Those people that bought the plane ticket for your flight on Mon bought the ticket knowing that there was no smoking on the flight and this is what they are getting.
Originally posted by FLYNZ4

I am willing to go out on a limb here... but I am willing to bet 10:1 odds that Disney will ban smoking before they ban kids.

BTW, I also agree with your comments about how unruly kids can spoil a time for all. I wish there was some reasonable way to deal with it... but I have never figured that one out! I guess that is why all of our vacation time is not spent at WDW.

I never said anything about banning kids, I am just saying what reduces the quality of my vacation.
BTW, I am willing to bet that WDW will not ever ban either kids or smoking. Hows that for going out on a limb? LOL!
Hey, isn't there a "No Smoking" rule in the parks at WDW except for the designated areas? And that's outside. It must be a cleanliness issue.
Yes, there is no smoking except in designated areas at the parks. However, I have never seen it enforced.
If there is a rule, there should not have to be a cop around to enforce it. People should follow the rules on their own. One day I was over at Toon Town, there is a place where they have slides for little kids and the celling is about 5 feet high. There is a sign clearly stating no on over a certain height allowed in.. My wife starts to walk in, I say to her adults are not allowed in there. Some guy who I did not see in there with his wife, chimes in, well there is no one here to enforce the rule, so I guess it is ok. The two adults were in the way of the little kids trying to enjoy the special area for them. My wife did not go in of course but the little child with us did. There are just too many people out there that think the rules are not for them--add to that the need and I mean need to smoke, my wife smokes, and you will have people breaking the smoking rules if they do not have a place to stay where smoking is allowed.
How about alcohol???

Last few times we went to Epcot we were seated next to drinkers. Not a problem except when they began swearing and spilling there bears on my kids.

They are even allowed to walk around with alcohol during the food and wine expo I believe.

At best drinking alcohol in public can become an annoiance.

My point being, I believe we all have something that gets under our skin. smoking, drinking, destructive kids, swearing, rude adults. Ah if only I ran the parks LOL.

I think DVC and Disney in general seem to do a pretty good job considering the diversity of people they serve.

Just one reformed smoker/drinkers opinion.
Goodness! After reading this thread, I think I'd better:

1) leave my smokes at home;
2) leave my unruly children at home; and
3) merely peruse the menus at the Food and Wine festival.

I wonder if anyone would be offended at my choice of shoes?
Originally posted by Deesknee
How about alcohol???

Last few times we went to Epcot we were seated next to drinkers. Not a problem except when they began swearing and spilling there bears on my kids.

:eek: bears!
Originally posted by wintergreen
Goodness! After reading this thread, I think I'd better:

1) leave my smokes at home;
2) leave my unruly children at home; and
3) merely peruse the menus at the Food and Wine festival.

I wonder if anyone would be offended at my choice of shoes?

Maybe, what kind of shoes do you wear? ;)

(Thanks by the way, your post made me LOL for real)
Originally posted by GAIL HAYDEN
I feel sure that the maint. of all units is examined before we are accessed for it. Some smoke, some don't. We pay for the ones that smoke as well as those that don't.
Just like we will pay for the new slide that some will use and some will not. Neither, is a necessity, although, some will argue that point. They are, however, activities that are enjoyed.
Gail, the issue that there are multiple issues than can increase our dues is not in question. What is in question is that smoking is a defineable issue that has a significant impact on maintenance and the quality of life (not just vacations) for those that may or may not be in a room. I've gone on record as saying smoking rooms are fine with me and should be booked directly. If you don't get a smoking room, you should not be allowed to smoke in a non smoking one and/or should be charged handsomely, say $250 min.

To use the arguement that there are other, less defineable, issues that increase fees is the same as my teenagers when they say "but everyone else.....". The main differences are that smoking is a BIGGER ticket item and it's defineable. It's also a minority of people that if it's allowed to happen impacts other people's health in addition to one's own person and family. I don't care if anyone smokes but I don't want to smell it EVER and I don't want to pay in any way for the problems it causes, health or otherwise. Unfortunately at the present time, I am forced to endure both in one way or another but I'd like to minimize the impact.
Walt never wanted them in his park, but it is not Walt's park anymore.
Originally posted by Pa@okw95
Walt never wanted them in his park, but it is not Walt's park anymore.
That is precisely why there is no alcohol allowed in the Magic Kingdom to this day. :cool:

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