Frogmommy's "Time for a change" thread - comments welcome

Ty everyone for your support. Yesterday was one of those days. They happen, you know? I'm starting to view working out as a way to combat some of my stress rather then an additional responsibility. At least that's what 'm going for.

Ohhh Jane! *shaking my head at your DH* I think DH's rule of thumb for child care is as long as no one is crying or bleeding they must be ok. But then I've made silly mistakes too. We moved into our current house 2 years ago. One day before the move I was packing our old house while DS, almost 2, watched Seseme Street. The phone rang and I walked out of the room to pick it up. I was gone a matter of seconds. When I returned DS was nowhere to be seen. I noticed the front door was ajar (I must have left it open). I looked out and DS was RUNNING. By the time I caught him he was out of our cul-de-sac. He was making a break for it!

I hope BFL is working for me. I definetly think the cardio part is. Sometimes I think I could be doing more with the strength training, especially lower body. I do everything here at home with hand weights and there are some exercises I just can't do because of my knees. I bet it would be different if I were going to a gym but I can't afford it right now. I have a book that has a larger variety of exercises and I'm thinking of adding a few.

Today was a sleepy rainy day. Too bad I had stuff to do! I ate out twice today, but I think I made good choices.

Here's what I did:

Go lean and peaches - 2pts
grilled chicken sandwich from chickfila- 5.5 pts
small fruit cup - .5pts
bran muffin - 1 pt
lt string cheese - 1 pt
Petite sirlion from Ruby Tuesday - 6 pts
salad bar with olives - 2 pts?
low fat balsamic vinegrette - 2 pts?
WW desert - 3 pts
64 oz of water

BFL lower body, 25 minutes.

Boy, that steak was good. It came with sides but I gave those to DH and kids. I did well with the salad too. No cheese or anything like that (ok except the olives). I would have ordered the brocoli but it comes in a butter sauce. Kinda defeats the purpose. I need to go back and check the points for the sirloin and the vinegrette. I think I'm close. I may do it tomorrow, its time for bed. Seems like I get here later and later to update.
Great work! You're food choices are great. I love balsamic vinegar and fruit on salads. I love all the bagged salad greens - makes having a salad much easier. Hopefully you'll find some you like.
Hi Heather!!!

Great job yesterday. I think you did well.

Hope you are having a great Friday! Keep up the great work
Hey Ladies!

Jackie, lovely pair of ears you are wearing!-> :earsgirl:

Friday is the one day during the week that I don't have some scheduled activity for the kids. We actually get to hang out at home, which worked out nicely because it rained all day. I finally figured out how to make the wings for my DDs ladybug costume so I spent some time working on that.

I did my 20 minutes cardo today while watching Dr. Phil. I don't know if it was the subject matter, (should mom's be allowed to breastfeed in public) but I sailed right through it. Nothing like a debate to get one fired up I guess. (I'd rant on but this probably isn't the place :earboy2: ).

Mostly good diet day. Dinner was a disappointment. Usually I take the kids to the football game so they can have some time with DH and see the band. We stayed home tonight because of the rain. It used to be that I would order a pizza whenever DH wasn't coming home until late. Today I decided that I would get a frozen pizza for the kids and I would get a healthy alternative for myself. I generally stay away from the South Beach stuff, but I noticed that they made a pizza that actually had fewer cals and fat then the WW and LC variety and way more fiber. So I bought it. Blech. The crust was made from whole wheat, which I like, but when I took it out of the oven it was a soggy lump of dough. :( Next time I'll stick to LC french bread pizza.

So anyway, today I ate:

Go lean and peach; 2 pts
open face ham sandwich on sprouted wheat with alpine lace: 3 pts
red seedless grapes; 1 pt
bran muffin: 1 pt
2 wasa lite rye crackers: 1 pt
lt sting cheese: 1 pt
Blechy South Beach pizza: 5 pts
One of DH's krave bars to make up for Blechy South Beach pizza: 3 or 4 pts??
WW desert: 3 pts
64 oz of water
I may go drink a miller lite. Haven't had one in a week.

No veggies today outside of the tomato on my sandwich (and that's really a fruit anyway). Saturday is my grocery shopping day, so I will plan to get a salad bag or two so I can at least have salads with lunch.

We are going to the State Fair on Sunday where there are absolutely no healthy choices - it must be a law somewhere that any food with nutritional value must be deep fried before being served at the fair. I may try to sneak in my own meal.
I know what you mean about the state fair food. We were looking at the list of new items they were offering this year in Texas and one was a deep fried peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwich. I can't even imagine eating it.

I love working out in front of a tv, it certainly makes time fly by a lot quicker!
gradtchr said:
I know what you mean about the state fair food. We were looking at the list of new items they were offering this year in Texas and one was a deep fried peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwich. I can't even imagine eating it.

I love working out in front of a tv, it certainly makes time fly by a lot quicker!

This year the new delicacy is a deep fried OREO!!! :earseek:

Deep fried PB&J&B huh? Sounds like something Elvis would have eaten. Just yikes.
Oreos and twinkies hit here last year. I can honestly say they looked gross so I didn't bother trying one.

Have fun at the fair! That will at least be a lot of walking. :)
Hiya! sorry it's taken me so long to get around to reading your journal ^^

Apparently deep fried mars bars are supposed to be really really good.
Deep fried oreos sound not so great, cause oreos are like crunchy anyways right, so it probably just soak up the oil. xD
I remember my manager commenting on that one day he said "It's like they looked at the mars bar and asked themselves, how can we make it so that it'll kill us faster"

Great job on the workouts! Now if only i was motivated. I'm seriously debating buying an exercise video, like tae bo or something. xD What's BFL? :goodvibes Your doing awesome with your eating as well, hummus is good, lately i've been craving caramel :guilty:

Keep at it! your doing great!
gradtchr said:
Oreos and twinkies hit here last year. I can honestly say they looked gross so I didn't bother trying one.

Have fun at the fair! That will at least be a lot of walking. :)

I'm with you, this is one item i have no desire to sample.

You are right about the walking - and tomorrow is my *off* day, so it will be like getting extra credit.
Rizel said:
Hiya! sorry it's taken me so long to get around to reading your journal ^^

Apparently deep fried mars bars are supposed to be really really good.
Deep fried oreos sound not so great, cause oreos are like crunchy anyways right, so it probably just soak up the oil. xD
I remember my manager commenting on that one day he said "It's like they looked at the mars bar and asked themselves, how can we make it so that it'll kill us faster"

Great job on the workouts! Now if only i was motivated. I'm seriously debating buying an exercise video, like tae bo or something. xD What's BFL? :goodvibes Your doing awesome with your eating as well, hummus is good, lately i've been craving caramel :guilty:

Keep at it! your doing great!

Hey!! Thank you for popping over.

I agree, those deep fried goodies are like prepackaged heart attacks. Maybe if I were younger they would interest me. :confused3 I don't get the appeal.

I have some cardio/strength training dvds that I really like. Karen Voigt is the person who does them. I've taken a break from them but I'll probably rotate them back into my routine at some point.

BFL is body for life. They have a great website explaining their program (not sure if I'm allowed to put in links - but you can find it with a google search).

Hummus IS good. I love Mediteranian food.
ahh, what a day.

Just got back from a band contest. DH's band played so well. He just called me to tell me that they won their class and came in 3rd overall. This is really remarkable because they are one of the smallest bands out there, and the idea that they can even compete with the big boys is amazing.

I exercised 6 days in a row this week. First time I've made all 6 days in awhile. Today was upper body strength training. I added a few reps so it took me a little bit longer. I think I'm going to slowly increase the amount I do each week. So anyway, I think I did about 30 minutes today.

I made some iffy food choices, but still managed to come in at 25 pts.

Go lean with peach (what will I do when I can't get my peaches anymore!?!?) - 2 pts
whole wheat pita with hummus - 3 pts
red seedless grapes - 1 pt
2 peanut butter crackers (UGH) - 1 pt
3-4 of my kids' french fries - 1 pt
baked lays - 2 pts
Ham wrap with alpine lace - 4 pts
olives and lt cream cheese on 1 slice sprouted wheat - 3 pts
Miller lite - 2 pts
WW dessert - 3 pts
64 ox water

Hmm, that's only 22 pts. Maybe I'm forgeting something.

The wrap was something I packed to take to the contest so that I didn't have to eat at MickyD's (or worse). I am thinking of taking another one to the fair tomorrow.

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I have a good feeling, but we'll see.
So, I weighed myself this morning. I'm down 3 lbs to 191!!! YAY!! :Pinkbounc

I know 3 lbs is a lot for just one week, but this is early in the diet. I'm sure it will even out. The real test now is to see if I can lose more. I can get to this point but I've never done a real good job of going beyond. I think this time is different.

So far I have had 5 points today (go lean, peach, hummus on whole wheat pita). We are going to the fair once the kids are up and ready, so I'm going to try not to snack until we get there (or at least snack on 0 - 1 pt stuff so I won't be famished).
Yay!! :Pinkbounc :cool1: Congrats on the 3 pound loss! Your doing so great. Especially with your exercise ^^;; Keep at it!

I do have a question though, what exactly is alpine lace? I've never heard of it before.
Congrats on the loss!!! Keep doing what you are doing and the weight will keep coming off like it's supposed to!

How did it go at the fair?

You are doing great! :goodvibes
Congratulations, Heather! Awesome weigh-in! Now, just don't get complacent because you lost so much. It was very obviously a product of your hard work (congrats on exercising 6 days in a row!) and making smart food choices. I know we all second-guess when we've had a treat, but I am sure the choices you are making now are much better than in the past. Just even thinking ahead to what you are going to eat in a given situation is an awesome behavior modification! :teeth:

Congrats to DH's band! Jenn's won their group, as well, but so many bands dropped out, that what really mattered was the score and they got an awesome first TOB score for the season. Does your DH's band compete in TOB? Or in USSBA? We are a TOB band but sometimes compete in USSBA because there aren't other options.

Your family is ROCKING!!!! Keep up all the great efforts! :goodvibes:

BTW -- where are you in SC? We go to HH every year for Thanksgiving (well, every year since we joined DVC in 2002 ;) ). We LOVE it there and DH would really like to retire there!
Congratulations on three pounds!!!! Whoooo hoooooo!!!!

How was the fair? Did you have fun?
Rizel said:
Yay!! :Pinkbounc :cool1: Congrats on the 3 pound loss! Your doing so great. Especially with your exercise ^^;; Keep at it!

I do have a question though, what exactly is alpine lace? I've never heard of it before.

Ty Ty!

Alpine Lace is reduced fat swiss cheese. It's actually pretty decent. I think they make other types of cheese as well.
Ty Ty everyone!

I was going to post to you all individually but I realized that I would be here well after midnight, and I'm sleepy!

DH's band mostly competes at contests run on the local level, so they aren't affiliated with any association. In years past they have gone to BOA regionals, but they decided to skip it this year. The high school has only existed for 6 years, so the program is still being built. Every year they get a little better.
I am in Lexington which is not far from Columbia. My family used to spend a few weeks each summer at HH, and DH and I were at the DVC for New Years Y2K. LOL, on New Year's Eve they gave everyone a picture frame and a flash light (the flash light was because of the computer crash scare that didn't happen).

The fair was an experience. Both my kids got a little spooked. OK, a lot spooked. My DH is 16 months and although she is outgoing, she is a sensitive child. She cried and clung to us for dear life until we visited the animal exhibits. Too much noise and too many people I guess. My DS4 had a blast last year and rode everything he could. This year he balked at the kiddie coasters and even some of the kiddie rides, which frustrated my DH to no end. Hopefully the kids will do better at Disney when we go next Spring. At least we now know that we will need to take a relaxed approach to the trip.

My food choices weren't bad, considering where I was. In addition to what I already posted for yesterday, I had a handful of fries, a grilled chicken pita without sauce, a bite sized peppermint pattie and a bite sized hershey special dark chocolate bar. I really, really wanted an elephant ear. Instead I ate a WW eclair when I got home.

Today has been a little hectic. Tonight I had to go to a meeting downtown. 37 states have legislation that protects a mother's right to breastfeed, unfortunately SC is not one of those. A bill is going to be proposed in January and tonight's meeting was about the bill and why we need it (so now you guys know where I come down on the Dr. Phil thing). I am not anything like an activist, but I really felt like I needed to attend and show my support. Anyhooooo, dinner was on the run, and on the way home I ate a serving and a half of animal crackers. I was hungry and that was the only thing I had. Bad, bad, bad! But, the rest of the diet went ok. I need to drink a little more water but I'll get it all in before I go to bed. I also did my 20 minutes of cardio.

Heres what I ate:
Go lean and peaches - 2 pts
Open faced ham with AL on SW - 3 pts
Salad greens with 1/2 pear and balsamic vinegar - 1 pt
animal crackers - 4.5!!!!
grilled chicken wrap from sonic - 12.5 (I thought it was less, next time I'll leave off the lite dressing)
bran muffin - 1
WW eclair - 3

So I am over my total today by 2 pts. Tomorrow will be better.


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