From 8 to 80!Seeing the Magic through a new set of eyes-Updated7/15-NEW TR LINK pg 28

I hope your upcoming trip goes well! I can totally see you being friends with Elsa!

I would be so upset if I got on TSM and the gun didn't work : ( so sad. And then to have a snippy CM on top of that is the worst! Hopefully the day only got better from there!

JessM, looks like you are heading for your first stay at Boardwalk and your first Disney Run. We will be staying at Boardwalk in a few months for the second time - you are going to love it. Be sure to check out the piano bar and the dueling pianos.

As for the Disney run, I did the 2011 Disney 1/2 Marathon and the Tower of Terror 10-Miler in 2012. The 1/2 Marathon was my first and only and one that I will always cherish. Be sure to take in all the sights along the way and the cheering crowds who will be rooting for you.
Hi. I've read a couple of your TRs but you don't know me. I'm more of a lurker than a commenter! But your love of Disney is infectious!

I just wanted to wish you good luck at your audition next week. Break a leg!

May your dream come true sooner rather than later!

Awwe! Well I'm glad that you've been reading along and enjoying them! Thank you!!

Thank you so much!! I'm hoping this will be the one!

Goodness, I'm finally caught up! Your TR give so much great details and insight from an entertainment perspective.... I know it is a lot of time and effort but I enjoy reading along. Even if I have to play catch up most times. :) That said, I completely get the needing a change of strategy for the shorter trips. But look at it this way, if you are Elsa/Anna you won't need separate TRs any longer!!

Ok back to this TR. Your Wendy dress was adorable and you did a great job with your hair, including the bow. The glittery pixie dust was the perfect touch. Darn it! That interaction with Rapunzel could have been so much better - at least the second time around it was an improvement. (And that Youtube video of that little Emma and Rapunzel was precious.)

Glad that you enjoyed the company of "Giselle" during the second parade. That photo with you and Wendy was awesome!

I wish you all the best with your upcoming audition. You are perfect for the characters - they just haven't seen you yet to realize that. I'm a huge fan of AKL so I know you'll enjoy your stay there.

Wishing you all the best and Happy New Year!!! :)

Haha thank you! I don't mind writing them at all, I just began slacking with the note taking, and I want to make sure there's as much detail as possible in them! I think I'll just not do an actual TR for the shorter trips, just some "intermission updates" kind of thing!

Thank you!! I had a lot of fun with Wendy that night haha! I was sad that Rapunzel and Flynn weren't great, but hey, I have met that Flynn since, twice in one night lol, and the first one was just as awkward, although he seemed better this time around!

I'm always down for some random meet ups in the parks, and this one was super fun to get to do!

Thank you so much! All of the disboard support I get for stuff like this is insane and I appreciate it so much!! Hahaha, I've been getting the "you look like Elsa" since before the movie came out, and I actually think it might not be just because I'm super blonde bahaha!

AKL is one of my absolute loves when it comes to resorts, between that and YC, I would never leave if I didn't have to lol!

I hope your upcoming trip goes well! I can totally see you being friends with Elsa!

I would be so upset if I got on TSM and the gun didn't work : ( so sad. And then to have a snippy CM on top of that is the worst! Hopefully the day only got better from there!

Thank you!! I'm hoping this is the one!

It really wasn't a great start to a day lol! I love me some TSM and always want everyone to have a great time on it, and enjoy it as much as I do, so it wasn't the best introduction for Anne lol

Hi Katt! Jumping on board late to this report, but going back to catch up now!

Hi!! Welcome and I'm glad you're here!!

Ladies and gents, if you know me at all, or you know anything about the quick service places in DHS, you know where we were headed for breakfast, Starring Rolls! Mom and Anne starting checking out the bagels and stuff at the doorway, but I told them to wait for the goodies that were coming up later, look at everything, then pick!

I think we all know that Anne went with a cinnamon roll again!

I clearly was in a food picture mood this morning, I just wanted to eat everything!

Mom had her eye on one of these:

Hungry yet?

After checking out all of our options, I nearly picked the chocolate cherry cupcake, but let’s be serious, there are better choices out there!

There wasn’t any seating left over in the Starring Rolls patio, but since the Hollywood Brown Derby wasn’t open yet there were people sitting on that patio so we grabbed a table in there!

I chose the Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcake and a water, because let’s be serious, I wasn’t feeling great, so a cupcake for breakfast that had a bunch of dairy and sugar in it would be a WONDERFUL idea, right?

Sure looks like a great idea! It was super filling for breakfast, definitely just enough food for a meal, but I will tell you, it wasn’t the greatest choice, I should have opted for a banana or some fruit, but when there’s cupcakes, you eat them. I would definitely come to regret it later…eck…

Mom got the fruit tart, I did try a bite of it and it was great too, she also got some cappuccino or some fancy coffee, while Anne got a coffee and a cinnamon bun, naturally! She enjoyed hers as well and we took a nice little break while everyone else raced around us to attractions, it was actually nice! Lol.

Red Velvet Cupcake: $4.19
Fruit Tart: $3.79
Cinnamon Bun: $2.99
Coffee: $2.29
Cappuccino: $3.39
Water: $3.50

Total Cost: $20.15
We Paid: $0.00

We did use all snack credits for this meal, which wasn’t really the greatest of ideas, as a lot of the stuff we got was under 3 dollars. I did attempt to explain that to Anne and Mom, saying that they’d probably want to save their snack credits for things that were a bit more expensive, but hey, it worked out in the end anyways.

After breakfast we started to head down Sunset Boulevard towards my one true love, because, what’s smarter than eating a cupcake for breakfast when you’re not feeling great, why, falling 13 stories within half an hour of eating!

…never said I was smart…

We took some cute photos and did take a bathroom break along the way though, so we had some time to digest and attempt to cope with that much sugar for breakfast. Eventually, we made it up to my love, my favorite hotel and best place in all the world! Tower of TERROR! Anne asked which ride this was, and we explained to her, and she was still hesitant. Mom eventually would have been the one to talk her into it, and before we knew it we were traveling into the….TWLIGHT ZONE!

Seriously, best ride ever, we had the best ride sequence, it was super long, had lots of drops, lots of big drops, and the BEST FREAKING PART, THE PSYCH OUT ENDING!! Where its all the way down at the bottom with the screen, and you think you’re done but it’s all NOPE! And back up you go! Somehow, we survived, and Anne actually really liked it, we discussed how it was a lot more laughing than screaming in the elevator, and that’s aweeosme!

Also…front row seats…best day ever.
Mom, Anne and I were checking out of our stay at the Hollywood Hotel right around 10:30, a little too late to hit up the first Beauty and the Beast show, so we wandered back towards the hat. I think I was probably absent mindedly heading towards Muppets/that area of the park, but we got a little distracted with the Citizens of Hollywood!

They certainly were entertaining to watch! It was something I was super glad to catch as the Streetmosphere stuff was the stuff I really wanted to catch on this trip!

They pulled up everyone that was celebrating birthdays, so I urged Mom and Anne up there despite the fact that they weren’t wearing their birthday buttons, and they sang a little song for them that simply went “This is your birthday song, it isn’t very long” and that was it! Hilarity! We use it a lot at the dinner theater for birthdays too, so it wasn’t new to me, but still funny!

They also had a little trivia contest with an audience member, I think they won fast passes for any attraction for their group, which is pretty cool! The kid also new the answers to a lot of stuff I didn’t expect him to, it was clear that he knew his Disney side!

Eventually the stars had to get back to the movie making, and it was time for us to head into the movies as well! I really do like the Great Movie Ride, and Mom wanted to do new stuff, and I figured her and Anne would enjoy the classic movies! We winded through the queue as the movies played, and I do believe we stopped pretty close to the entrance for a bit where I was fighting with myself on whether or not to ask for the cowboy side, and eventually, the shy side of me won over, it was one of those things if I was with Paige, Jess, or someone I’m sure I’d ask, but with Mom and Anne, I figured we’d get what we’d get.

We lucked out with a front row seat! Yay! There was a family beside us with a couple of small kids as well, and then we were on our way. We passed some dancers, some singing in the rain, and a practically perfect nannie, and into gangster territory….


I INSTANTLY FREEEEAAAKKKKEEEEDDD OUT, I may have flailed wildly and gasped pretty loud which caused my Mother to be all “uhm…what?” and I muttered that I’d explain later. It was off to the wild, wild west for us!

There was a bank robbery in process and our guide, being the lovely gentlemen he was figured he should go check things out and make sure it was all okay, and then instantly got shot at by the bad cowboy guy.


Oh yeah…pretty sure our guide was in that bank….doesn’t look too good for him….naturally, the cowboy took us hostage…

I was freaking out. Best day ever. Thank you Disney gods. Our cowboy guide took us on a journey through a couple movies including the oh so terrifying Alien, in which I was cowering in a little ball much like the small children in the same row as us, Mom may or may not have laughed at me! Naturally, we got to the temple and the pull of treasure was too much for our fearless cowboy hostage leader, and he disappeared while our original guide all safe and sound!! It was pretty easy to follow the yellow brick road the rest of the way home from there on in!

The movie montage at the end was wonderful as always, one of my favorite parts is seeing all the movies all together, love it! On the way out of the ride I attempted to explain to Mom and there were two versions of the ride, and that the cowboy side seemed to never happen so it was pretty freaking awesome that we got it…I don’t think she thought it was that exciting. She did comment that it reminded her of those “themed train ride stick up” things they used to have. We went on one when I was a kid, you’d be on an old timey steam train, and they’d take you on a tour of this area and halfway through the train would get “held up” by cowboys who would come to “take all your money” and all the money that you put in went to charities, pretty cool!

Ha, I KNEW you were headed to Starring Rolls!!

Ummm, Yeah I'm hungry.

You cannot go wrong with the red velvet. God I'm hungry.

Bahaha, Anne sure didn't LOOK like she liked Tower, but I'm glad she actually did. Your mom seems to be enjoying her suffering though.

OK so :woohoo: :banana: :dance3: Cowboy side!!!!! So Wicked awesome!!! I'll let you in on a little secret. I GOT IT TOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I've come to realize that ther are 2 ride vehicles and if you're in the first one, it's cowboy time. I guess they always stick the DISers on the second vehicle. BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!! It's amazing how something so seemingly insignificant can be SO HUGE!
Those turnovers look so delicious right now but I can't blame you for going with the red velvet cupcake, that's what I always get! And I agree I love heading there after a couple rides and hanging out for a bit, it's relaxing.

I think I got that same sequence on TOT my last trip! I had never been so far down that you see the screen at the end and then go back up, too crazy! I love Ann in the ride photo, too funny!

SO glad you finally got the cowboy scene. I feel like the weirdo who never gets the ganster screen and since joining the DIS I've felt so guilty about it :rotfl:
Ha, I KNEW you were headed to Starring Rolls!!

Ummm, Yeah I'm hungry.

You cannot go wrong with the red velvet. God I'm hungry.

Bahaha, Anne sure didn't LOOK like she liked Tower, but I'm glad she actually did. Your mom seems to be enjoying her suffering though.

OK so :woohoo: :banana: :dance3: Cowboy side!!!!! So Wicked awesome!!! I'll let you in on a little secret. I GOT IT TOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I've come to realize that ther are 2 ride vehicles and if you're in the first one, it's cowboy time. I guess they always stick the DISers on the second vehicle. BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!! It's amazing how something so seemingly insignificant can be SO HUGE!

Of course! It's the best and really only place to eat in there, specially at breakfast!

Ahaha she was trying to stop her hair/hat from flying/getting messy or something, I honestly think she enjoyed it much more than the look!

SO AWESOME I LOVED IT. I understand why they don't run it a lot, it seems like a lot more pyro and money than the gangster!

Those turnovers look so delicious right now but I can't blame you for going with the red velvet cupcake, that's what I always get! And I agree I love heading there after a couple rides and hanging out for a bit, it's relaxing.

I think I got that same sequence on TOT my last trip! I had never been so far down that you see the screen at the end and then go back up, too crazy! I love Ann in the ride photo, too funny!

SO glad you finally got the cowboy scene. I feel like the weirdo who never gets the ganster screen and since joining the DIS I've felt so guilty about it :rotfl:

They look super tasty! Ah, such a good place to get a snack!

LOVE THAT SEQUENCE! I love that ride so much that the pysch out just adds to it so much. Like, I wish I could ride ToT for like, a solid 20 minutes, I'd be more than okay with that!

mmmmmmmmm....... Starring Roles! I so want that Chocolate Cupcake in the Treasure Chest right now. Not sure it's worth the $8.99 price though!

Anne looks absolutely terrified in the TOT picture. :rotfl:

So awesome that you got the Cowboy side! I haven't gotten it since 2010 maybe I'll have luck next month.
mmmmmmmmm....... Starring Roles! I so want that Chocolate Cupcake in the Treasure Chest right now. Not sure it's worth the $8.99 price though!

Anne looks absolutely terrified in the TOT picture. :rotfl:

So awesome that you got the Cowboy side! I haven't gotten it since 2010 maybe I'll have luck next month.

I know right!! So delicious!! That was my thought, like, it would've probably been delicious, but I didn't want to pay for the chest as well lol

I know!! She looks super scared, but said it was just because she was trying to fix her hair, lol!

IT'S SO GREAT! I FREAKED OUT OBVIOUSLY!! Hopefully you'll get it next month!!
Hey guys!!

I figured I should pop in and do a little life update as I'm not doing a trip report for this quick 3 day trip, and I'm currently sitting in the Orlando airport waiting to board to head back to Canada after an awesome couple of days!

You can check out some of the pictures here:

It was a fantastic couple of days, I got to meet a very special blondie, visit a friend on his very first day training out in the parks, and see a lot more familiar faces.

Susie (beachphotog on here I believe, and her instagram just changed so I'm not sure on that) and I had a lovely dinner at Boma and little hang out around AKL for an evening! It was great! We've met a few times before and gotten along well so when I was coming down solo I attempted to get a group together for dinner and due to working/schedules/etc, it ended up being only the two of us and that was fine, and a super fun evening!

I met quite a few tumblr/instagram friends throughout the week as well, whch was awesome!! Seriously, these people are amazing, friendly, supportive and it's always fun to see them, even if it's just for a few minutes.

This trip also made me realize just how many friends I have that are actually already part of the entertainment family, and it's wonderful, I got to meet up with a few of them out of the parks this week and that was also a great time!

And of course, the audition. It proved to be interesting. Practically every blonde girl who was there was wearing blue. There were also a pair of girls who were full on Disneybounding as Anna & Elsa, and it was a little bit insane. The casting director was (spoiler alert for Dec's tr) not the same one as in Dec, which wasn't great for me. She honestly barely looked at anyone and kept only 4 people out of the first 50, most of them on the taller side, or Anna looking instead.

I can't say that I'm too bummed, I know that a lot of people think that I look identical to Elsa, but I honestly don't see it, there's a different face shape there, and hey, I'm quite alright if I don't look like a cartoon character. Naturally, they posted parade/show performer auditions while I was down there for like, 3 weeks from now. However, after talking with a parade friend, he said that Disney's really using everything being closed to go through and "re-approve/cleanse" out everyone who maybe shouldn't be in the show anymore. So, duh, I'm going to that audition, like, FOLK, please!

I also do not feel like this was waste of a trip, sometimes, it can feel like that, "I spent this money for that?" kind of thing, but I honestly would not trade the experiences that happened on this trip for anything, so I am very glad I went!!
Oh man, I was so hoping I would get to "meet" you as Elsa in February. :sad1:

But I am glad you had a wonderful trip and I can't wait to read all about it! I hope you do get to go back in February for the parade auditions!
I'm glad you had a fun trip! Bummer about the auditions though : (

I hope you find a way to make it back there in February, new parades and re-opened shows sounds like an amazing opportunity!
Welcome back Katt!! So glad it was a magical time despite the auditions. There really is no such thing as a wasted trip. It's Disney!

ANNNNNND it looks like the best auditions are still to come. :)
Glad you a fun, quickie trip down to Disney! I'm sorry auditions didn't work out in your favor, but everything happens for a reason! :goodvibes Good luck on your auditions coming up in a few weeks! Woo hoo!
Oh man, I was so hoping I would get to "meet" you as Elsa in February. :sad1:

But I am glad you had a wonderful trip and I can't wait to read all about it! I hope you do get to go back in February for the parade auditions!

Hahaha, I doubt I'd be out and done training by then, but whatevs! I'm not too worried, parade ones will be the ones that I will get, needs to happen!

Awesome update! :)

Thank you!!

I'm glad you had a fun trip! Bummer about the auditions though : (

I hope you find a way to make it back there in February, new parades and re-opened shows sounds like an amazing opportunity!

It was awesome!! I'm not too concerned about the face audition, meh! Parades though, that's my life! lol
Glad you a fun, quickie trip down to Disney! I'm sorry auditions didn't work out in your favor, but everything happens for a reason! :goodvibes Good luck on your auditions coming up in a few weeks! Woo hoo!

Thanks!! I can't wait for the auditions, I just need to be back there asap! Lol

Welcome back Katt!! So glad it was a magical time despite the auditions. There really is no such thing as a wasted trip. It's Disney!

ANNNNNND it looks like the best auditions are still to come. :)

Thank you!! It was SO MUCH FUN, seriously, one of the best trips I've had in a while, I love the freedom of being solo and getting to meet up with friends and people whenever I wanted to!!
After our journey through the movies, Mom, Anne and I headed back down Sunset, not towards my tower, but my other love in that direction, some good ole theater! We grabbed some decent enough spots in the audience and waited for the show to begin.

And there’s Belle! Vocally, she was okay, she was good enough that I wasn’t turned off of the show, but there was something a little odd about her, haha. I found that she looked too “little” and Italian….the “little” part meaning that like, the wig seemed to big for her head, and even the dress didn’t seem like it came in a small enough size for her, there was just too much of a child vibe coming from her for a princess like Belle. I dunno. I did spot one of my favorite dancers out there though!

And my girls!!

These are definitely costumes that I plan on getting for a MNSSHP in the future! I do want to do them like the stage show ones though, not like most of the ones I’ve seen. I definitely want the full skirt, and the two piece costume like this, I feel like it just looks better!

It would be great to have the three girls and a Gaston all in a group, like, just think of the photo opportunities you’d have!!

Gaston was a familiar face, I like him, some people think he’s a little too old, but I think he’s great! It’s hard to not love that roll, I mean, aside from being the villain of the movie…lol. He’s just so hilarious!

I would just love to be one of the silly girls, they get so many funny opportunities, and just get to spend an entire musical number fawning over Gaston, like, I’m okay with that, bahaha.

I was busy searching for my favorite girl during Be Our Guest and just couldn’t find her anywhere until the singing “dessert” came out, and was a little disappointed as that roll doesn’t get to dance that much. I mean, the big dance number is that one, but oh well! I did see the two guys Paige and I had liked so much last time, so that was a bonus!

I also really want to get the girls BOG costumes for a Halloween party! I like the idea of more obscure, and like, Disney Parks styled costumes that people might not get for MNSSHP. Lol. Like these, the Bimbettes, Move It Shake It costumes, and more!

In case you thought the show was over right there, I’ll give ya a hint, it wasn’t….Gaston wasn’t too pleased with the going ons in the village. It wasn’t the greatest after the Mob Song though, normally, Gaston’s all “How could you be in love with a monster when you could have someone like me?!” and shoves Belle over, she falls, and then takes a minute to recover, and then is all like “oh crap, he stabbed the Beast”

…..the girl didn’t even fall…she like, shrugged away and turned around from Gaston….there was nothing dramatic about it and kinda looked ridiculous since she’s not supposed to see him stab the Beast….

Also in the moment where we think Gaston has won and the Beast is dead, the small boy behind us chirps up “He’s dead! He wasn’t tough enough!”

And I proceeded to nearly cry from how hard I was trying not to laugh in the “serious” scene where Belle’s confessing her love…quote of the day, right there!

Yay, love and good wins…as per usual!

Aaaaand then I may have gone on a bit of a spree of close up pictures of my two favsies dancers from the show…they happened to be partnered together at the end, and I just really like how some of the shots turned out, so I kept all of them! Lol

That face….

Clearly excited!

As the show wrapped up, I checked into my phone, I’d been on Instagram and noticed a fellow Dis-er, Mary, was at the same show so we had a little chat over picture comments and she ended up spotting me on our way out of the theater! She had actually recognized me LAST Sept while in line for Tarzan and Jane at MNSSHP, and through the year we’d kept in touch through trip reports and other social media, haha. It was awesome to see her for a bit and chat, we knew we’d be at the same MNSSHP later in the week as well! Go check out her trip report here:

Quick Dismeet over, Anne and Mom were asking for the air conditioning, so we headed over to the Animation Building! I had really wanted to do one of the classes in there, but Mom argued that she was a horrible artist and there was no point, even after I said it could still be fun, but not wanting to pressure her, we kinda just wandered through, but of course, couldn’t resist the characters. It was Ralph and Vanellope that were calling our names this time!

Ralph gave me a quick hug, and we hung around for a minute while everyone got situated and we took some fun pictures!

Naturally, the fun started once the cameras stopped rolling, Ralph took me by the shoulder and started directing me out of the meet and greet area, it was a little difficult as his arms don’t move the greatest, but I eventually clued in to what he was trying to do and was all “oh, we’re leaving are we?” and I waved bye to Mom before the attendant was all “No Ralph, you have to get back to work” Ralph motioned something essentially saying that he wanted to take me on a date! Vanellope seemed to be totally okay with this and closed off the chain to the meet area and we were all set to go but the attendant just seemed to want Ralph to go back to work, so after she promised that she’d get my phone number for him, we said good bye.

SO CUTE! Mom definitely leaned over to me and asked if I knew who Ralph was hanging out with that day (lets be serious, she didn’t click into the lingo that easily, but I’m all for preserving the magic) but the only friend I knew of Ralph’s was done his DCP now…

We wandered through the rest of the Animation building for a bit and I found some super cute Monster’s University stuff in the other rooms, and of course, gawked over a Frozen poster in the hallway.



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