~ From rainbows...through terror...to half in 2010! ~

Prayers continue! (thanks Maroo for sharing your experience! I know my friend was so special - she remains in my heart forever! She taught me a lot about life! and friendship)

:cheer2: MAROO
(the smileys have moved again! :dance3: )

I walked 3 miles today!! :goodvibes

DS wants to transfer to the UIC - so we went - I meant to take my pedometer since I knew ds was going to walk that campus - I googled pedometered it! 3 miles is conservative!
Prayers continue! (thanks Maroo for sharing your experience! I know my friend was so special - she remains in my heart forever! She taught me a lot about life! and friendship)

:cheer2: MAROO
(the smileys have moved again! :dance3: )

I walked 3 miles today!! :goodvibes

DS wants to transfer to the UIC - so we went - I meant to take my pedometer since I knew ds was going to walk that campus - I googled pedometered it! 3 miles is conservative!

Congrats on that 3 mile walk!!! :)

What is the UIC? :)
Weigh In Day.....

Drumroll please :rotfl2: :rotfl: :confused3

Woo Hoo!!!!!!! "Officially" down 5 pounds this week!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I honestly believe that my last week gain of .5 was not a true gain. Must have been some shift in the water weight or something. Because I dropped the very next day on my Wii Fit body test.

My goal is to not lose more than 2 pounds in any given week and to average 1.5 pound loss per week...but if I count last week (up .5) and this week (down 5), then I have lost .5 too much from 3 weeks ago. Confused yet? :confused3

Anyway, I do plan to slow down some this week to make sure that I don't have another drop like that.

I have several reasons for this:
1. The experts say that you can't lose more than 2 pounds in fat in one week.
2. Losing weight too fast can cause all sorts of problems, including gallstones, and I got those last time I lost some weight too fast...so I believe them! :rolleyes:
3. If you lose it too fast, then it is easier to put back on. :sad2:

I want to re-learn how to eat and exercise for the long term and I think I will reach that goal if I slowly lose the weight. :yay: :yay: :yay:

So...that is it!!

Down 5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! :dance3:

Half marathon...here I come!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
:cool1: :banana: 5 pounds :banana: :cool1:
That's wonderful!!! You should be sooooo proud of yourself! And I totally understand your reasoning for taking it slow and steady. But I didn't realize that losing weight quickly can cause gall stones :eek: My 16yo sis lost a bunch of weight and is having horrible abd pain. They just did an u/s of her gall bladder yesterday, and she said the lady was counting what "looked like holes" I'm wondering if she has stones too :confused3

As for my TR...:guilty: I haven't started on it because most of my pics disappeared. I have a bunch of small memory cards, and I'm guilty of not ever erasing the pics off of them. So, I thought I was being brilliant when I finally put all of my Disney pics onto the computer and erased the cards as i was doing it :sad2: The day I came back from FL my computer died...just totally kicked the bucket! The hard drive is ok, but the rest of the 'puter is dead as a door nail. So, one of these days I need to bring my thumb drive to my patient's house to get some of the pics that I downloaded to their computer. And I'm also waiting on my copy of the photopass CD.

I'm not sure yet what my walking speed is because I've been relying on my kickboxing and karate workouts, but I'm sure I'll be able to go a bit faster than the minimum speed. How fast will we have to go to be sure and not miss the award's ceremony?

Do you know if the Tower of Terror race is full? I'm sure Travis would like to do that one too!
:cool1: :banana: 5 pounds :banana: :cool1:
That's wonderful!!! You should be sooooo proud of yourself! And I totally understand your reasoning for taking it slow and steady. But I didn't realize that losing weight quickly can cause gall stones :eek: My 16yo sis lost a bunch of weight and is having horrible abd pain. They just did an u/s of her gall bladder yesterday, and she said the lady was counting what "looked like holes" I'm wondering if she has stones too :confused3

Yep! Sounds like gallstones. They would show up on an ultrasound as black spots...so that is probably what they were seeing.

I had a quick surgery and had them removed! It wasn't so bad...but certainly would have avoided it, if I could!

Thanks for the congrats!!! :)

As for my TR...:guilty: I haven't started on it because most of my pics disappeared. I have a bunch of small memory cards, and I'm guilty of not ever erasing the pics off of them. So, I thought I was being brilliant when I finally put all of my Disney pics onto the computer and erased the cards as i was doing it :sad2: The day I came back from FL my computer died...just totally kicked the bucket! The hard drive is ok, but the rest of the 'puter is dead as a door nail. So, one of these days I need to bring my thumb drive to my patient's house to get some of the pics that I downloaded to their computer. And I'm also waiting on my copy of the photopass CD.

Oh NO! You lost your pictures!?!? I have mine backed up on the web and on two different computers...just in case. I would just freak out!

I do hope you can get yours from your parents. We would LOVE to hear about your trip! I bet it was crazy!!!!! :)

I'm not sure yet what my walking speed is because I've been relying on my kickboxing and karate workouts, but I'm sure I'll be able to go a bit faster than the minimum speed. How fast will we have to go to be sure and not miss the award's ceremony?

Do you know if the Tower of Terror race is full? I'm sure Travis would like to do that one too!

First, the Tower of Terror race registration does not open until March...and it probably won't fill up too fast. :) So, you guys could still do it!!!!!! :)

The official pace for the half marathon, I think, is 16 minute miles. You are supposed to be able to complete the whole race in 3 hours and 30 minutes. That is a little under 4 mph. BUT...they don't start really "counting" until the last person has gone over the start line. So if you start in the front of the slow people pack, that helps A LOT because it takes some time for all of those people to cross the start line and you get all of those minutes as a bonus.

Someone that walked last year finished in around 4 hours and still got a medal, but did not have an "official" finish time. But who cares about official...I want to finish, to know I finished, and to get some BLING! :)

Now, I don't know about making the awards ceremony? I figure I will still be walking when that starts!! :) I won't be winning any awards! :)

For the Tower of Terror race last year, they were supposed to have a 16 minute pace, but at the last minute, they changed it to 18 minute pace...so that would be easily doable...

The thing you have to remember is that you will have to stop along the way to go to the bathroom and you might want to take a character picture or something, plus, you never know if you can keep your exact pace with all of those poeple around.

My goal is to train so that I can average around 15 minute miles...which will include some jogging...but that is my goal. :)
Woo Hoo!!!!!!! "Officially" down 5 pounds this week!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Good for you! You are making progress, keep up the good work:) I'll not know what my progress is until March 1st, but that is ok because i'll have to have lost weight by then! Keep up the good work, are you following a certain running plan? I am not really, I just work my way up to the distance. Today I ran 2, walked 1 and ran 2. That made me pretty happy because the Shamrock run is 5 miles and I should be able to run the entire thing by this time next month. I have been starting out with a "fast" mile on the treadmill. (Fast is a relative term) After that I slow down. I did run the last 4 on the track tonight so that wasn't bad, although I think the going in circles affects my ankles somewhat. Keep up the good work! I am thinking about doing one of those october races, I would love to go back in October for MNSSHP and Food/Wine. That and I would like to take my daughter again before she is "too old" for Halloween.
That's such great news! I am so proud of you, but that's not important; feeling healthier and good about what Abba wants you do is what's important~!

I lost 2 pounds this week, not great, but not bad either. I think I need to up the exercise a bit more- Ohhhh, if the mud would clear out faster. I know that may sound weird, but there aren't any sidewalks here, and the mud is just everywhere! I can't run on the street because they drive like maniacs here, and I would be risking my life if I tried that.

Well, slow and steady, girl!

Your SteppeSis
Hi Mary,
Great job! I had never heard of that before-gallstones from losing too fast.The people on Biggest Loser must have them the size of Mount Rushmore then!!!!!! HA!HA!

I am so psyched for the 1/2 next year to meet so many of you.This year at the full I was so nervous I just kept to myself.

Have a great day,
Good for you! You are making progress, keep up the good work:) I'll not know what my progress is until March 1st, but that is ok because i'll have to have lost weight by then! Keep up the good work, are you following a certain running plan? I am not really, I just work my way up to the distance. Today I ran 2, walked 1 and ran 2. That made me pretty happy because the Shamrock run is 5 miles and I should be able to run the entire thing by this time next month. I have been starting out with a "fast" mile on the treadmill. (Fast is a relative term) After that I slow down. I did run the last 4 on the track tonight so that wasn't bad, although I think the going in circles affects my ankles somewhat. Keep up the good work! I am thinking about doing one of those october races, I would love to go back in October for MNSSHP and Food/Wine. That and I would like to take my daughter again before she is "too old" for Halloween.

Great job on the run 2, walk 1 and run 2 plan! You are definitely well on your way!!

I am not following a specific plan. Honestly, I passed up my plan. I am only supposed to be doing 2 miles by now and I am up to almost 5...so I scrapped it.

I will probably have to use one after a while, though. :)

I have a hard time on a track with the angle and the constant circles, too! MNSSSHP is so much fun! I do hope you are able to do one!

Things might be changing with my plans! Not sure if Lisa is going to be able to go...if she doesn't, then I might do the RFTT instead of ToT? Just depends, I guess. :)

That's such great news! I am so proud of you, but that's not important; feeling healthier and good about what Abba wants you do is what's important~!

Thank you!

And thanks for that encouragement! You are SO right. :)

I lost 2 pounds this week, not great, but not bad either. I think I need to up the exercise a bit more- Ohhhh, if the mud would clear out faster. I know that may sound weird, but there aren't any sidewalks here, and the mud is just everywhere! I can't run on the street because they drive like maniacs here, and I would be risking my life if I tried that.

Well, slow and steady, girl!

Your SteppeSis

2 pounds!! Way to go! That IS great! They say you can only lose 2 pounds of fat in one week, so any more is water weight anyway! :)

Come on, ya don't want to get all muddy? :rotfl:

Slow and steady...slow and steady...

Hi Mary,
Great job! I had never heard of that before-gallstones from losing too fast.The people on Biggest Loser must have them the size of Mount Rushmore then!!!!!! HA!HA!

I am so psyched for the 1/2 next year to meet so many of you.This year at the full I was so nervous I just kept to myself.

Have a great day,

Yes, it will be SOOO cool to meet my friends on the DIS! :) I can't wait!

Yeah, my weight watchers internet site used to "yell" at me every time I lost more than 2 pounds in a week. It would tell me all of the awful things that could happen if I lost it too fast. It listed anemia, gallstones, and some other stuff that I can't remember.

I never got anemic, but I sure did get the gallstones!

I really take issue with The Biggest Loser for several reasons. I like the shows intent...but I am just not sure it is a good example. I mean, don't some of us think that we just are not doing enough if we don't drop a TON of weight in a week? Does anyone really need to work out that much? Is it even safe to drop that much weight that fast? There is no "half way house" for those folks, either. Sort of set up for failure. There is no way they can keep up that pace in the real world...I would bet you that most of them gain it all back.

Slow and steady seems the way to go!

BUT...I ate a bunch of peanut M&M's this morning...so I can't talk! :sad2:
Peanut M&Ms you mean they are not part of a healthy diet- so that's what I am doing wrong!HA!HA!

I hear you about the Biggest Loser but I would love to be on the ranch with Bob and Jillian in my face.I need to lose about 15-20 lbs and I am very competitive with myself so they would probably boot me early!

Have a great day,
Peanut M&Ms you mean they are not part of a healthy diet- so that's what I am doing wrong!HA!HA!

I hear you about the Biggest Loser but I would love to be on the ranch with Bob and Jillian in my face.I need to lose about 15-20 lbs and I am very competitive with myself so they would probably boot me early!

Have a great day,

Yea...I hate to be such a downer on The Biggest Loser...I know several people that do get inspired from home, which is a good thing! I just hope they don't get too discouraged if they don't lose 15 pounds in a week!!!! :scared1:

Yea...Peanut M&M's are not so good for a healthy diet. :sad2: Especially when your work PROVIDES them...for FREE...in those really large 5 pound BAGS!!!!! :scared1: They also have hershey's kisses and miniatures. I try to hide them...but they keep coming out of those cabinets! :rolleyes: Add that to the patients that keep bring us brownies :lovestruc ...and I am messed up for the day! Fred (that monthly visitor) is also here this week...which is not helping with the chocolate craving!

I need to get a handle on it, though, because it is not going to change (the availability of the junk food). I do HAVE good food here that I bring from home. I just need to eat that instead!

I am doing fairly well on the working out. Not logging as many miles as last week...still trying to heal those blisters. But I am doing something fairly consistently, which is good...and a BIG improvement from before!
wait, wait - you mean I shouldnt expect to lose 10# EVERY week? :faint:

seriously. that is the most discouraging thing - I can gain 5# in a day - and work very hard all week and not lose a pound!

:wave: Maroo
I've gotten lost around the dis!! I went to the gym twice this week!! I'm still sore!

Keep on keepin on!
Guess what!!

I am going to Disney!!


Check this out:

Mary's Crazy Last Minute Trip to the World!

My dates...Thursday, Feb 19 and going home Monday, Feb 23!!

More to come on my pre-trippie!!

*** Journal Entry for today:

I was awful about food on Wed, Thurs and Friday. But I got my act together on Saturday and have been so excited about my upcoming very fast Disney trip to eat anything this afternoon! So I guess that is good for me! :thumbsup2

I have been updating my workout journal, too. And have been doing a little something every day! Which is so much better than the "old me!"

I can't wait to weigh in on Tuesday and find out if I gained it all back on Wed, Thurs and Friday! I hope not!!!
wait, wait - you mean I shouldnt expect to lose 10# EVERY week? :faint:

seriously. that is the most discouraging thing - I can gain 5# in a day - and work very hard all week and not lose a pound!

:wave: Maroo
I've gotten lost around the dis!! I went to the gym twice this week!! I'm still sore!

Keep on keepin on!

Hello, there!!

Lol...no, you should not expect to lose 10 pounds a week! :lmao:

I know the feeling. Eat Chinese and you could end up blown up for days! :) So...I have stopped eating that stuff! :)

Where have you gotten lost to? :)
Congrats on the quick trip to Disney! You will get lots of walking in.

It took a long time, but I don't pay as much attention to what the scale says as to how I feel and how my clothes fit. Weight can fluctuate due to so many things.

It also depends on how you process certain foods, like a previous poster noted.

Brings grapes or something to work to replace the feel for needing the M&Ms. Or chew gum if that is an option.

Your are doing great!

Thank you for the comments! :)

I learned so much from your journal, too! About just hanging on and not worrying about that scale so much! :thumbsup2

I just need to make sure I am eating right - and especially at first - I think the weight will come off fairly consistently.

I am excited about the trip, to say the least! I do plan to do lots of walking...so I won't be walking much this week. I have blisters, they are painless at this point, but I do have one on each heel. I am trying to get those completely healed before I go on my trip. But I am bringing mole skin and body glide, just in case.

They don't hurt at all in my crocs...which is what I will probably be wearing.

We are excited!! :)
Weigh in day!!!!

Guess what!!

After what I thought was a pretty crummy week.....

I lost 3 pounds!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

I can only figure that the strengthening stuff I am doing with the Wii Fit must be really helping...because that is basically all I did this week. I worked out cardio one day in the gym and the rest has been Wii Fit! I love it! And I can finally feel some of the results in my clothes. Which is nice!

So...that is good...going into what I am now calling DISNEY WEEK! I do plan to eat fairly healthy in Disney...ie: not as bad as I would have otherwise! But also plan to splurge some since I will be walking all day!

I also will take the opportunity in Disney to really check out the course for both the ToT 13K and the half marathon. It will help me in training if I can sort of visualize the course...know when I am going to hit a massive hill and know when I am going to see that castle!

So...I hope to be able to report on that when I get back next week! Or maybe while I am there...who knows! :)
Mary - congrats on the loss! I've been thinking about getting a WiiFit, but I think for me it would be the toy of the month and I'd get bored after a month or so. I'm glad you are enjoying it.

Are you getting blisters from your workout shoes? If so, you might want to look at having your feet measured and you might have to go up a size or a 1/2 size. Your feet swell when you work out and that can cause blisters. I just went up 1/2 size in running shoes and there was such a difference.

Have a great time at Disney and think of us who aren't there!
Jealous here! I bet the weather is great! Well I know it is 55 there right now-here 15!!!!!!!!!

Great job on the lbs.Going to Disney is so hard when you are trying to be good.The food is so tempting.

My friend has the Wii and loves it too.

A trick to prevent blisters- I ran 2 -1/2 marathons and a full without 1 blister.Don't pay the bodyglide price(???) use solid deodarant on your feet. Less sweating and no blisters :)

Have fun,


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