From Solotraveler to Marathon Man! (Comments Welcome!!)


DIS Veteran
May 18, 2003
Hi there everyone!!

I have been on a healthy eating and exersice plan for about 2 months now and am down about 13 pounds (230 to 217). I have decided to begin journaling for a couple of different reasons. Mainly, I think it will help me to keep track of how well I am eating and exersicing and offer proof in balck and white of what I may or may not be doing wrong. Also, in a fit of zealous self-esteem, I have signed up for the 2005 WDW Marathon (the full one) and figure that this is as good a training log as any. I'd like to get home from the marathon trip in January, read through these pages and say "Wow, I did that." In addition, I'd like to be able to show other people that even though they may not be in the best of shape right now, you can set a very challenging goal and reach it. (Side note: I had never wanted to run a marathon in my life until I happened to be at WDW during the January 2001 running. I saw people, just like me, out there doing this and thought "If they can do it, I can do it!" And now I am...)

My main goal right now is to get myself in better physical shape. I would like to get down to about 185. I am hoping to reach this milestone sometime during the summer, as my marathon training schedule begins in September (20 weeks out of race day). I am following a plan of portion control, healthy choices (whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean meats, good fats--- call it modified South Beach), and plenty of exersice. Also, lots of water.

I hope to set goals for myself each day and each week in order to really make this happen for me. I figure that journaling will be the best way to get there and keep myself accountable.

So, wish me luck.... and happy reading!!
Welcome to the WISH Journal board, Solo! I think your goals and your plan sound great! It will be amazing to look back at this journal and see the changes in the next months!

Best wishes for success and glad to have you on the journey! :sunny:
Welcome to the boards Solo!! I am pretty new myself but these boards have helped me more then I ever thought they would and I hope they do the same for you.

good luck!

I have a copy of the Marathon Course Map on the wall in my office.
I'd love to do it. Maybe 2006...
Doe and Holly- Thanks so much for the support. Feel free to kick my behind into gear whenever I start slacking off. :p

ArielsDad- Brilliant idea with putting the course map on the wall- I am definately going to do that. I spend so much time sitting at this desk that will be an easy way to focus on my goal.

As for me, yesterday was pretty good:
B- 3/4 cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal with skim milk, 2 very large cups of black coffee with a tsp of creamer
L- Chicken Salad in 1/2 of a pita, handful of baby carrots
Snack (post workout)- 1 small apple, 1/2 protein bar
D- 2 slices of meatloaf, small salad with a 1tbsp of ranch dressing, 1/2 cup peas.
After D- slice of ice cream cake :eek: and a cup of peppermint herbal tea

Water- Got it all in

Exersice- 10 minutes on exersice bike, weights (shoulders), 1 mile run (in 8:30 on track--woohoo) and then 20 minutes on the Stepmill at a pretty strong pace.

My no soda challenge- 3 days in a row. That's got to be a record for me!

Yes, I'm still kicking myself about the ice cream cake. I let my roomate talk me into it. Honest! It is left over from my birthday this past weekend and, well "We gotta use it up." Dangerous thinking there. Overall, though, I was pretty happy with how I did and a very solid workout to boot.

Today is a very long day at work-- will probably be here until well after 10pm :rolleyes: So my goals today are pretty much to make sure I get in at least 30 minutes of cardio exersice at the gym, make good food choices (a challenge since we'll be eating out, I'm sure) and adding another day to my no soda challenge! Oh, and trying to stay postive... always a problem on long stressful days at the office!

Good Luck!
hey solo, that is so great that you are doing the disney full marathon! i'll be running the half, but i keep second guessing myself, thinking i should've just signed up for the full. oh well, not a big deal, maybe in 2006 :). i'm so impressed that you've decided to do it, and now you're going forward with it, that is just wonderful :bounce:

you're doing really well with food too! i totally understand the birthday cake thing. you feel like it will go to waste. my best suggestion would be to either give it away, or just go ahead and chuck it! i know, i know, total waste, but hey, if it will keep you away from it... :p

long day at work for sure! 10pm! i'm sure you will make the best food choices possible ::yes:: . and keep up that no soda challenge! i really like that one!

good luck on your long stressful day today, here's a bit of :sunny: to help you along :)
Hey Solo

Great job yesterday:cool1: I too have made a challenge for my self to not have soda or caffeine. I never thought I could do it but I'm starting day 12 today!! It gets easier, trust me. I easily was drinking 5-8 sodas a day for as long as I can remember and I had horrible headaches when I cut out the caffeine but now I don't miss it at all. Keep it up!!!

Hope you have a good day at work:sunny:

HI Solo,

I just wanted to welcome you to the journals. You are doing a great job on the soda free and exercise. I'm really impressed with your decision to do the full marathon. Good luck on the training. I hope your day wasn't too stressful. Try to get some good sleep tonight.
First (and I know I am starting to sound like a broken record), THANK YOU for all the support!!! It honestly means a lot to me!!!

Now as for yesterday:

Please forgive me WISHers, for I have strayed. Badly:(

B: 3/4 cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal and skim milk, black coffee
L: Turkey BLT wrap from restaurant with Waffle Fries :eek:
D: 2 slices of pizza, a protein bar, a hamburger and FOUR Diet sodas :eek: :eek: :eek:

Exersice: Zilch, nada

Water: I don't even know if I had any. Oh wait, I did have some with lunch.

I wasn't just bad... I was awful!! I knew ahead of time that yesterday was going to be stressful, I know that I was working very late, but I failed to plan how I was going to eat healthfully and get the exersice in. As for the soda-- I caved, pure and simple. But DARN they tasted good!! I guess the addage that if you "Fail to plan, you plan to fail," applies here.

Luckily, I get today off before working another crazy day tomorrow. I will be going to the gym this afternoon and will do my best with my eating (so far, so good) and water. One HUGE challenge for today: I am attending a Food and Wine Symposium this evening! Ack! I was hoping that I would just have whatever I wanted, it being a once-a-year event, but having wrecked yesterday so badly, I'm going to have to be good. I will allow myself some lattitude-- if I see something I really, really want, I'll have it-- but I PROMISE all you WISHers out there that I will exersice some self control!

I am going to pick up a copy of the South Beach Diet when I am out and about today. I think from a nutritional angle it makes a lot of sense to me and sounds like a program that works and I can stick with. I figure that it's worth a read if I think it can help me.

OK, "WISH" me luck!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
solo, i'm really sorry that you had a rough day yesterday, here's a big :hug: . so you got off track, ate some stuff you shouldn't have, and had LOTS of soda. well, at least it was diet soda. but you are doing a great job by getting right back on track today. no use in dwelling on the past, just move forward and make today a good day. you can do it ::yes::

that food and wine thing tonight is going to be a challenge. but you have a good plan, eat the stuff that *really* appeals to you, and don't just eat everything because it's there. i'm sure that you will make it through it.

good luck with the sbd book! a lot of people around here follow that plan, and it really works well for them! hope it helps you out!

hope you have a great day today :sunny:
OK, I know I haven't updated in a long while, so here's the Cliffs Notes version:

I did pretty well at the Wine Symposium. Mainly because they really didn't have much food there!! Basically it was lots of wine and very little food. Ended up going somewhere else after the event and getting a flatbread-- which was fantastic. It might have been a little calorie-heavy for me, but I did well controlling the portion size. This weekend I didn't do very well with food. I was busy between work and house projects and let my choices slip a little. I did very poorly with my water intake as well. I am going to run to the store on the way home today and pick up some good for me food. I really need to restock the pantry with stuff that supports this new lifestyle.

I went to the bookstore yesterday to pick up South Beach, but after flipping through it, I just couldn't convince myself that it was worth the money. I'll try one more week of doing it on my own and then see how I'm doing.

So, my goals for this week:
- Make better food choices this week! I am especially letting the diet and exersice slip towards the end of the week, so I need to watch that
- Make it a soda-free week! If I finish today that will be Day 2.
- Exersice at least 5 times for 30 minutes, at least 2 of which include running on the track.

I know I can do this, it's just a matter of following through with the plan :D

"WISH" me luck!
Good Luck! You know you can do this. We know it too.::yes::
Hey, solo, how's it going today?? I hope you're meeting those goals! Your body will thank you for meeting them by shedding some of that extra weight. :D

Do you have a fridge at the office? String cheese is a great snack to keep on hand. Also, peanuts & sunflower seeds are handy as snacks.

Have a great day! :sunny:

P.S. Looks like you'll be at WDW the same time as me! Since you seem to enjoy Illuminations so much, maybe we should set up a meet?
Yikes, I can't seem to get this thing updated often enough. But it definately is helping!!

Here's what happened Monday:
B- 3/4 cup Kashi Go-Lean cereal with skim, 1 cup orange juice, coffee
Sn-20 almonds
L- small piece of leftover lasanga, 1 breadstick
Sn- This was bad. It involved leftover KFC and a cinnamon roll :(
D- Broiled chicken breast, baked beans, salad, glass of red wine, 1/2 cup cottage cheese;
Also had an herb tea before bed.

Water- Yep, got it in!

Exersice: 15 minutes on the Stepmill then a 2 mile run on the indoor track. I think I ran about 9 minute miles, so I was REALLY happy.

B- 3/4 cup Kashi Go-Lean cereal with skim, 1 cup orange juice, coffee
L- 1 protein bar
Sn- 1/2 pita with hummus, 20 almonds
D- Baked pork loin, peas, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, salad, glass of red wine.

Water- Did pretty well. I think I got in what I needed.

Exersice: 10 minutes on treadmill (run/walk intervals); 20 minutes on elliptical trainer. I fell like I could have pushed a little harder with this--- :(

It's a really funny thing- I can't seem to have a perfect day!! There's always a little something that I feel like I could have done better. With Monday it was the snacking, yesterday it was my workout. It's all getting VERY frustrating!!! I feel like I am constantly down about it, which doesn't make this whole thing any easier. (sigh)

Another funny thing about this kind of self-improvement is that I am seeing my whole life differently. All the other things that I could improve upon. I guess that could be either inspiring or depressing. Right now it feels a little bit of both.

OK, so today has been a good day so far! I'm going to make DARN sure it stays that way!!!;)

R_judy: Thanks for the support, it really helps!

Doe: I just got finished reading your journal! 11 miles the other day!!! How great for you!! I think I might be eating your dust in January. I can see it now... as I run by the Boardwalk during mile 24, there sits Doreen casually sipping a Pina Colada, she finished hours ago....:teeth: I didn't realize we had the same dates in June! A meet is a definate possiblity. I'm actually traveling down with my roomate for that trip and we're due to confrence about the trip soon; so I'll let you know! Thanks for being my cheerleader!

OK, today WILL be a good day!
Well, since I'm only doing the half marathon, I'll probably finish before you, but if you see me at the Boardwalk, I'll be passed out from exhaustion! :teeth: :crazy:

Here's a little hint: No one has a "perfect" day! You've got to learn to celebrate the things you did right and stay positive. Set some reasonable goals - not perfect, but reasonable. When you meet them, pat yourself on the back. The goal is to build healthy habits that will become second nature and last you a lifetime.

I'll be at the Beach Club Villas with my DH, DD and DD's friend for 2 weeks. Since we're only a 5 minute walk from Epcot, any time you want to meet up, let me know!
I managed to weigh myself this morning-- first time in 10 days and I... I'm 213.0!!! What?!!? I'm down 4 pounds off 10 days ago?!! WooHoo!!!!! :teeth: Got to just keep doing what I'm doing, because it must be working!! Redouble those efforts today!

Yesterday went fairly well:
B: 3/4 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal with skim, 1 cup OJ, 1 banana, coffee
Sn: Protein bar
L: Slice of leftover lasagna (it was a little later lunch than I wanted, but I didn't over do it)
D: Roast Turkey Tenderloin, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, steamed asparegus
Sn: cup of herb tea and a slice of lite bread toast with 1 tbsp of peanut butter.

Water: I made it. Barely

Exersice: I took a day off. Work ran very late I needed to get a million things done afterwards. But that's OK, because I'll just do do a REALLY good job with it today.

Doe: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for reminding me that this isn't about being perfect. It's about building good habits and making lifetime changes.

I feel like this whole thing really is making me re-evaluate lots of things in my life. Seems like the minute I think about WHY I put on the weight it opens up a whole can of worms. Feels like I need a good, long think. :D

Today will be a good day!
:jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: Four bounces for four pounds GONE!! Bye-bye pounds!! :wave2:

Glad to hear you're having such success!! Find a way to celebrate that success - but NOT with food, OK? :p

Enjoy walking on air today!! ::yes::
Well, yesterday actually was a really, really good day!! Woo hoo for me!!!

Here's the rundown:
B- Banana, 3/4 cup Kashi Go Lean with skim, coffee
Sn: 20 almonds, 1/2 protein bar
L: Tuna on whole what toast, Campbell's Chicken noodle soup
Sn: Lite Yogurt with All-Bran
D: Broiled salmon filet, (a tiny bit of) Mac and Cheese), leftover asperagus, SF Jello with banana
The usual herb tea before bed.

Water: Yup, got it all in.

Exersice: Circuit weight training, 2 mile track run, 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer.

So, a very good day! Today I actually have off :teeth: so i get to sit home and do my taxes :o and work on the itinerary for my June trip. :sunny: (Only 100 days away-- got to figure out my PSs pretty quick here.) I worry sometimes about sitting home all day, since that tends to be when my diet goes to heck. BUT NOT TODAY!! I WILL be good.

Big plans for tomorrow: a 6 mile run/walk. I don't care how long it takes me, I just want to get it done.

"WISH" me luck!
Hope you have great weather for your run/walk today!
hey solo, first off, congrats on that 4 pounds gone!!! :bounce:

and that 6 mile walk/run sounds like lots of fun, i hope you had wonderful weather and that you had a great time :sunny:

keep up the great work and those pounds will keep coming off :hyper:


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