"Frozen Shoulder"


DIS Veteran
May 9, 2000
Has anyone here ever been diagnosed with this? Or know someone who has?

My left shoulder has been bothering me for a couple of months. When I was on vacation, I noticed that my range of motion has become severely limited. (I noticed this when trying to apply sunscreen to my back, LOL!) So, yesterday, I went to an orthopaedist.

My symptoms fit the description perfectly -- hits women more than men (by about 5 to 1!), usually between the ages of 40 and 60. Usually the NON-dominant arm. They don't know what causes it, but it takes an average of at least a year from when the symptoms start till they go away! I had a cortisone shot yesterday, and will be taking Celebrex for a while. Later on, I may need physical therapy. :(

So far, I'm still able to do most of the machines at Curves, but some of the stretches are totally impossible! :mad:

Since I'd never heard of this before, I'm looking for anyone who might have first- or second-hand experience with this so that I might know a little more of what to expect in the next few months.


I've gotten the "cold shoulder" quite a few times in my life, but have never heard of a frozen one. :)

Hope you're back up to speed soon!
I had a frozen shoulder, but it dod not come on it's own.
I am a nurse and I injured my shoulder when lifting a patient. They refused to do an MRI and said it was sprained. I had to go to Physical Therapy 5 days a week for 6 months. It hurt constantly and the PT only made it worse. The only time it didn't hurt was on the weekends when PT was closed.
THey finally decided to do an MRI when I didn't feel any better and they found that I had torn my rotator cuff in my shoulder. They said that it tried to heal on the weekends but when I went to PT I did more harm than good. So no more PT for 6 months while I let the injury heal. After 6 months of doing nothing I was diagnosed with a "frozen shoulder" Another 6 months of PT to get the shoulder working again.
Since then I am unable to reach behind my back to hook my bra, I can't scratch or wash my back without the use of a long handle brush, and I can't brush my hair with my left hand because my hand won't go behind my head. I am left handed by the way.
I hope I don't become one of the statistics for the right arm, I need that arm to do the things my left hand won't.
Good luck and get to PT as soon as possible. Peggie

Thanks for the info. Wow. I'm sorry you had to endure so much pain and a misdiagnosis before you could get better.

I'm hoping this goes away quickly. :(
Disneyaholic, My DH has had surgery twice this year on his shoulder. His range of motion had become so bad that he could not reacharould to put his wallet in his back pocket. Unfortunately the first surgery did not "take" - it became frozen again (that means a build up of scar tissue) and he had to have it manipulated bu the doctor until it broke free. He has been going to therapy for this since April and still has pain. Sorry if this sounds scarey to you - just wanted to let you know the facts . Oh and i should mention that my DH is not a good patient - his PT gave his exercises to do and he never did them - that may have prolonged the pain.

Best of luckand keep us posted - if yo have any otehr questions feel free to PM me.
My mom had a frozen shoulder a few years ago. She had surgery to restore the motion and then PT for six months afterwards to rebuild the muscles. That was several years ago (can't remember how many, but more than 10) and she has had no complications or troubles since then.

Best of luck to you....I hope it is treatable and gets better SOON! ;)


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