Gail & Ian's PJ - 9/7/09 WP, CG Napa & UK - WEDDING DAY TR STARTED!!

Thanks for all the Happy Wedding Day wishes! It was truely a magical day! I'm still in FL and I'll be flying back tomorrow and landing at around 3PM. I'll start a TR upon my return. I should have brought a journal to keep notes on my days but I'll do the best I can to remember what we did for the past 2 weeks. :laughing:

BTW, I got to meet camara381 aka Carolina! :banana: What a sweet girl!
Now, I've been on this trip for 14 days. I should have kept a journal to keep track of what I did but owell. Sorry in advance. I'll try and remember the best I can.


WP decor - aisle runner, swagging, pew floral, unity candle, votives, and floating candles.

"The kiss"!

DAY 1 part 1
So, we wake up at 4:00AM to catch our 7:15AM flight. I thought I was going to have issues waking up that early as I'm not an early morning person but I was wrong. I couldn't sleep that night very well and I hopped right out of bed when my alarm went off. I got dressed and headed to the airport. Everything went smoothly at the airport and the flight. We arrived in Orlando at 9:45 and check-in at the Disney's Magical Express counter and we headed to the Polynesian. After the longest 30 minute ride to WDW (doesn't that 1/2 hour feel like forever just cause you're so antsy!) we were there! We checked in and hoped for a free upgrade but didn't get it. Owell, that's ok. So we headed over to our room.

The view from our balcany. Not that great but it's acceptable.

The beds and DH on his phone.

Our pull out couch.

My feet needed resting while DH was making his phone calls.

So I called Carollyn Allens, Randy, and Ana to tell them my room number like they asked and we called Ian's cousin, Jessie, who is the bridesmaid to see if she'd like to hang out cause she flew in the day before we did.

Me while DH was on the phone with Jessie.

So we all decided to hit up DD as we didn't want to activate our passed yet. So we hop on a bus off we went. They said they were by the World of Disney store and we headed that way to meet up with them. In the process we ran into a DVC stand and decided to chat about the BLT (we've always been interested in joining DVC). We talked to the guy standing there for awhile and somehow he roped us into making an appointment for 4:30 to check out BLT. So we headed over to the World of Disney store and met Jessie, her hubby, their daughter, and her in-laws there. We all decided on getting ice cream at Ghirardellis.

Jessie and her daughter, Maddie, enjoying some chocolate ice cream!!

So after that we shopped a bit and headed back the DVC stand and met the guy so he can call for transportation. We headed to the parking lot and the van was already there to take us to the BLT for our little tour.
So these pics are for a stuido:

Comfy bed.

Looking in from the door.

Kitchenette area w/ microwave, refrigerator and sink.

For the one bedroom:

Looking in from door.

Dining area and kitchen w/ stove.

Laundry room.


Bedroom w/ sliding door open to bathroom. We can watch fireworks while in the jacuzzi!

The view from the jacuzzi! :laughing:

More BLT:

The pool area w/ an awesome water slide!!

Observatory area to watch fireworks from that only DVC members can access.

The gorgeous lobby. :lovestruc That's totally my hand pointing at the chandelier. :laughing:
We didn't sign any papers or anything we were just interested but by the time we left the place it made the gears in our head turn. :idea: be continued.
Can't wait to hear more! Love the sneak peek photo, you look beautiful and love the ceremony decor you chose. Great pics of BLT!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been working on launching an invitation company lately and I got tied up in that.

Day 1 part 2
So we left the BLT and walked into the Contemporary to look around.

Admiring the view.

We took hopped on the monorail back to the Poly still discussing weather we should sign up for DVC or not. Anyway, by that time it was around 7:30ish by the time we got to the Poly. We had a reservation for Tony's that night but totally lost track of time and missed it. We decided to give Kona Cafe a shot. I walk up the stairs and walk right passed Carolina (aka camara381). She was having her rehearsal at Ohanas that night and was busy meeting and greeting people at the time so I let it die down a bit before I said hello. Anyway, we head over to Kona cafe and put in our names. They said it would be about a 15 minute wait for a party of problem! So we stood off to the side and DH got a call. His Aunt who is the officiant and his Uncle is on property and asked what we were up to. We invited them to dinner and they accepted. We got seated in less than 5 minutes. I noticed Carolina and Sergio were by Ohanas and things have died down for them. I left DH at Kona and went to go say hi. I was really nervous at first but she was so sweet! She recognized me right away! I wished her good luck and everything tomorrow and let her be. I get back to Kona and everyone was there and diggin' into some bread. Dude, they have the best bread ever. We had our delicious meals and headed to our room. They tagged along.

We got into our room and just watched the Disney cartoons on TV. Shortly after, Robyn (SIL) and her son arrived. She called us to give her a hand with bringing everything from her car into the room. She had wedding stuff and a **** load of baby stuff. Then we all continued to hang out in the room. I played with my nephew/godson, Caden for awhile.


God, I love that boy.

Last time I saw him he wasn't sitting up yet. :sad1:

Anyway, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Whitey head out to go to their hotel. Robyn and Caden stay with us that night.

Goodnight Caden, sleep tight babyboo. Aunt Gail loves you.

Up next - day 2!
I am a horrible DISer. I've been married for a month to the day and only did day 1. So sorry! :rolleyes:

Day 2
So for my bridal shower, my girls gave me a day at the spa. They told me to pick out what I wanted and let them know. Well I picked just a simple 50 minute aromatherapy massage. Anyway, the appointment was for like 8:00 that morning so we rolled outta bed and walked our ways to the Grand Floridian Spa while DH watched over our nephew. I don't have any pictures of that experience but it was a blast. I had my massage and the girls got a massage too. I was finished before they were and just as I was about to get dressed Robyn (DSIL) was finished and asked me if I wanted to join her in the sauna (sp?). That was cool but I felt like I was melting away to nothing! Finally Jessie (DCIL) was finished and joined us for a few. We all headed back to the Poly, showered and got dressed.

DH goes to check in for his room to get ready in the morning of the wedding which would be tomorrow while I'm in the shower. I get outta the shower and guess what. The door is open into the next room! ***! Are you serious?! :eek: I expected it to be in a completely different building nevermind combined rooms. So I laugh it off after going into Bridezilla mode.

Now it's rehearsal time. Rehearsal was at 9:00 AM and we did a quick run through followed by breakfast at Ohanas at 10:00 AM. We checked-in at Ohanas and there was a slight mix up with the head count and the guy standing at the outside booth literally made me cry. It was obvious that it was a rehearsal. I mean I was dressed up, wearing heels and my Minnie bridal ears and he has the nerve to yell at me and make me cry. My in-laws, DH, and bridal party were all hugging me trying to comfort me and reassure me that everything is ok. After waiting almost 1.5 hours, yes 1.5 hours with a reservation I might add we finally got seated for breakfast!


Bernard/Salcedo babyyyy!


After my melt down. You can totally tell I was crying.




Glad it's finally over! We headed back to our room to change and figure out what we're doing for the day.

Obviously, that day basically everyone had flew (is that even proper English? :laughing:) in that morning so we all decided to hang out in MK for the day after the rehearsal breakfast! That's my favorite park so I'm incredibly excited!! We get there just in time for the parade!


I'm the one in the white tube top with the angel wings tattoo.

After that we all decide to go ride the Haunted Mansion. Well, that day it was almost 100 degrees out and while waiting in line DH's Grandpa decides he's about to pass out. I ask DH for water ASAP to give to his Grandpa. I made sure he downed it and he felt better...probably didn't help that he was wearing slacks and sneakers but owell. Anyway, we all hop on the ride and guess what! It breaks down. Right were we circle the glass ball, table and chair scene. We're sitting there for atleast 30 minutes and then the lights come on. We then decided to take pictures because we were so amazed at what the Haunted Mansion looked like all lit up! Here's a few pictures (please don't look if you don't want the magic ruined!!):

Jessie and her DH


Aunt Kathy (the officiant) and her DH




DH's Grandparents. Yes, his Grandpa was napping. ;)


So that's how it's done!

Finally, after about an hour they had told us to get out of our buggies and walk through the Haunted Mansion carefully and exit. So we did! We continued to walk around MK and ride our favorite rides. The park was a bit crowded but not too bad. The lines were maybe 20-30 minutes waits.

We had a dinner reservation for about 7:30 that night at Fulton's Crab House in DTD so we make our way over there at about 6:30 or so. We all get there and get seated. Now, if you love seafood - you MUST eat there! So delicious! :thumbsup2 I love their crab. It's fresh and cooked just right...melt in your mouth. After dinner we got a bit of pixie dust.

Free dessert!

After dinner everyone heads back to their hotel. The girls go get their overnight bag and the dudes get their overnight bag as the bridal party is sleeping together (I don't mean that literally! :laughing:). The dudes with the dudes and the girls with the girls! We all meet up in our room and relax a bit.


DFIL looking happy as ever. :rotfl:


Knocked out. *Shrieks* God, he's freakin' cute!

We all decided to go swimming and luckily everyone had their bathing suits so we all change into our bathing suits and hang out in the pool. By 10:00 PM we get out of the pool and hit the bar in Ohanas. We called it a night by 11:59 because we couldn't see each other after that. I gave my boyfriend one last kiss before we're pronounced husbund and wife. :woohoo:

I did a toast with my girls with my favorite champagne, Verdi Raspberry Sparkletini! Before I knew it, I was knocked out like my nephew was earlier that night.

Up next...WEDDING DAY!! :banana:
The Reviews!
Michelle Wenzler Dorr - A+
Anyone who has Michelle as a wedding planner is in for a special treat! She's wonderful. At first I had a million questions including silly ones and she answered them in a timely manner. She was very calm throughout the wedding planning process which can really ease a Bride's mind. After the ceremony she bustled my dress and got me a drink while we were waiting to be introduced!! During the wedding I felt like royalty. She waited on me and DH hand and foot and kept checking up on us. She did everything and then some for us. I loved her!

Elizabeth Motoc - B
I liked Elizabeth. The reason why I gave her a B is because during the planning session I felt a bit rushed. She wasn't too willing to show me linens options and colors. I was under the impression she wanted in and out which made me a bit nervous. The other thing was that I ordered a "And they lived Happily Ever After" basket for the night of the wedding so we can celebrate our first night as Husband and Wife but it never showed. However, I originally was going to do a candy bar and we must have emailed back and fourth to each other about different candy options and costs but I completely eliminated it due to being out of budget and she understood.

Beaute Speciale (Ana & Lily) - A+
Words can't describe how much I loved Ana and Lily. I had a trial done back in March and I fell in love with Ana. She has a very uplifting spirit that's so contagious. The morning of the wedding while doing my hair she really tried to keep my mind off things. It was bad enough I was so nervous I thought I was going to vomit everywhere but she kept talking and cracking jokes. I loved them both. They even helped me in my enormous dress and crinnie!

Randy Chapman - A+
Well, this is like a broken record around here on the Dis...everyone loves him. I'm in love with this guys work. Seriously! He showed up at 7:00 AM to take getting ready photos and he was wide awake and full of energy. I gave him my shoes, gargets, jewelry, flowers, and invitation and told him to go to town. He got to work right away! I was so nervous and he helped calm me down. I got into my dress and helped my girls lace up my dress. He even helped me put my shoes on! He'd snap a few photos and show me a sneak peek on his camera. He wasn't in the way like "You and you - pose!". He was very go with the flow - let the wedding happen and snapped pictures as things went along. He was awesome!

A Moment to Remember - C
Well, I they're ok. I mean, I loved my video. Just the videographer was rude, they took forever to email me back with answers to my questions and they never told me what address to send my last final payment to. Anyway, I sent my last payment and edit package to the address on their contract. A week later I call them to make sure they got it and they never did. Turned out they moved their studio and never changed their address on their contract so they told me to send another payment to their new address. Ugh! The videographer was quite rude to myself and the bridal party. Almost made Robyn cry.

California Grill Napa Room - A+
I must admit that I was waaaaay nervous about not getting a taste testing before the wedding. I was nervous my guests wouldn't like the "normal foods" like the mustard marinated chicken, goat cheese polenta, and goat cheese salad. I tried a bit of everything and OMG - to die for! The view was a hit. Even a month later and my guests are still talking about the food and view. That's what I was going for! I was very happy with that. The only thing I regret is not inviting Mickey and Minnie. That wouldn't iced the cake for the reception.

DJ Chuck - A+
I requested him because I've heard such good things about him on the boards. He was great! He played all the songs I wanted and played all the songs that were requested by the guests. For a small group our guests were a bit shy about getting out there and dancing but he was able to get them out there! He was uplifting and awesome! I highly reccomend him.

Carollyn Allens - A+
They were great! Pleasant on the phone with good prices. She got right to work and stayed out of the way. She was in and out...really quick!

Mears Limo Service - B

I liked our limo driver, however DH did not. I thought he was sweet, gentle and really cared for my dress. He didn't want it to get dirty and since I was wearing a hooped crinnie he helped me in and out with ease. DH however thought he was creepy. DH said he was talking about getting a divorce with his wife, how much he hates his life as of now, and how bad his kids were...not exactly a convo you should be having with a Groom on the way to the "altar". He kept telling DH that I looked gorgeous and not to screw up the marriage, blah blah blah. DH's dudes also said he was pretty creepy.

Day 3
So I had my alarm on my phone set to 5:00 AM so I can take a shower and shave before Beaute Speciale arrive at 6. My alarm goes off and I jump outta bed and run to the bathroom. I woke up with so much energy and in such a good mood. I'm soooo not a morning person but I think I could have woke up at freakin' 1:00 AM and it wouldn't have phased me. Anyway, I forgot to pack my hair cap so it was incredibley hard to shower and not get your hair wet. I was just finishing up getting ready (brushed teeth, lotion on the legs and face, dressed, etc.) by 5:55 and wake my girls up. "Jess, Robby Ana's gonna be here in 5 mins. I've never seen them jump outta bed so fast in my life...pretty entertaining. Ana calls me to make sure she's at the right room so she's not banging on the wrong dor at 6:00 AM. :laughing: Don't blame her. Right after she came in, Carollyn Allens showed up to steam my dress and that's when things got a bit crazy. I have to say Carollyn Allens was in and out - no complaints there!


The room was a bit tight.



I look like the grinch smiling that big but I was so happy I couldn't help it. I mean my day was finally here!! Ana finished my hair and she told me to sit with Lily and she'll do my make-up while Ana did the girls' hair. They were real quick. Before I knew it we were done. Then a knock on the door. It's Randy all bright eyed and bushy tailed - more power to him! I gave him my shoes, purse, jewelry, flowers, garters, and invitation and he went right to work. We paid them and they cleaned up while I attempted getting in my dress and Randy went next door to shoot the guys getting ready. Ana and Lily noticed me struggling so they offered a helping hand. Ana held me up while Lily pulled up my dress and the girls held my dress up while Ana pulled up the hooped crinnie. Who woulda thought it took 4 girls to get a bride dressed! :lmao:



That's when Randy stepped in and helped the girls lace up my dress. Randy then helped me with my shoes as we're running a bit behind schedule. He was like having an extra Bridesmaid I swear! Anyway, he leaves to take pictures of the guys in the GF. My girls finish dressing me while they try and dress themselves. Now it's real. :scared1: I'm getting married!! :scared1:




I'm obsessed with this picture! How funny do they look wearing tuxes sitting in a child sized couch watching cartoons with a child sitting in the same size chair watching cartoons with them?! :lmao: I want to blow this picture up and frame it!!

Michelle told me at round 9:00 she'll call my room to let me know that it's that time to head over to the GF for pictures with Randy. I hear the phone ring and I panic. I didn't even have my jewelry or sash on yet! Jessie runs to answer and of course it's that time. We rush to finish getting ready and make a dart for the limo. I felt like a princess walking through Poly in my gown. Everyone stopped me to say congrats and complete strangers were taking pictures of me. Crazyness! Walking through the Poly my garter is falling down my scrawny legs so I hold my legs out so Jessie can take it off so it's not hanging around my ankles.

There it is - the limo! We get in and head to the GF for pictures with Randy. We took some by the piano and staircase. I felt like I was a performer or something as a crowd started to form around us while the shoot. People congratulating me, taking pictures, clapping, ohhhing and ahhhing, etc.

Then we get back into the limo and head to the WP beach for pictures. It was a bright sunny day so the reflection of the sun off the water and the bright sun I thought for sure it was making my eye make-up run but I was good.

We headed to the WP to hang out before the Ceremony. Michelle checked up on me to make sure I ate and drank something. DMIL and Aunt Kathy visited me to see how I was doing and I handed out the corsages. I started to work on my breathing. Then I realize oh ****! I have to pee! Now, when I get really nervous, even since I was little, I feel like I have to pee. I can sit on the toilet and try to pee but I can''s like my bladder acts up. My girls tell me to hang in there it's probably just nerves.



Cry packs I made.


Programs I slaved over.




Aisle runner we painted.
So I hear "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" playing all the way from the WP to the Bride's Room and that's the song for Grandparents and Parents to walk down the aisle to and now I really feel like I have to pee. I'm bouncing my knees holding my girls' hands.







Michelle walks into the Bride's Room and steals my girls because it's time they walk down the aisle. I hear Canon in D Major playing and I get a bit teary-eyed. I stare at myslef in the mirror taking deep breaths and I feel my heart pounding while listening to the song.




I hear the door open to the Bride's Room and Michelle makes eye contact with me in the mirror and says you ready? I shake my head yes. Taking a deep breath while going from a sitting to standing position and make my way to the WP doors. With Michelle's hand on one door and her assistant's hond on the other door "Wait Michelle. I can't."

Up next...what happens next?
OMGOSSHHHHH dont leave us hanging like thatt!!!



(i feel like Ross in Friends when he is screaming at the answer phone ''DID SHE GET OFF THE PLANEEE?'..haha!!


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