Geeks go for broke! Updated 2/17: Wrap-up

Hmm. It seems a little dust has accumulated in my absence. Good thing I carry a swiffer at all times….

So, first off – an apology. I know it’s kind of moot, but I should have never made a promise I was not sure I could keep. I had a heck of a string of both good and bad luck that started as soon as I began this TR, and there was no way I could have predicted how much time all of those things would take up. I should, however, always assume that life is going to throw some interesting things your way, and therefore promises of things that are outside my control are not such a good thing to make.

The bad: I had surgery. And the death of a family friend. Both of those things were hard, but thankfully with the support of family and friends I made it through.

The good: I had A LOT of writing work. With deadlines. Crazy deadlines. Oh, and then there were these little holidays we like to call Thanksgiving and Christmas. And people actually wanted to hang out with us! Imagine that. Believe it or not, we actually turned down about 25% of our invitations because I was either (a) writing or (b) wanting to spend some quality time with my husband, who was starting to think the back of my head at the computer might be all he would ever see again.

Such is the life of a writer.

At any rate, my giant project is done. It’s in the process of being scrutinized and (hopefully) approved. I promise I will let the cat out of the bag once it is all over, but for now I think I’ll try to pick up where I left off.

Good thing I take notes, huh?

Alrighty… there we were, about 3 months ago, waking up to our second day at sea. The air was crisp, the birds were chirping, the fish were…..flying?

I kept seeing these things popping up out of the water and diving back in. They looked too small to be dolphins, and too close to the water (and the giant boat clipping through it) to be birds. Every time I tried to point them out to someone, they would vanish and stop. I felt like that guy from the Bugs Bunny cartoon with the dancing frog.

“No, he sings!”


Has anyone else ever seen these, or was I just in a pre-champagne haze here? Flying fish: do they really exist? And if so, do they like the Disney Magic?

We relaxed on the verandah with our room service coffee, which arrived promptly at 7:30 AM. And before you give me the “are you people crazy?” talk, keep in mind that Lionel and I both work EARLY. I get to work at 6:30. He used to work at 5. IN THE MORNING. So for us? 7:30 feels like sleeping in until 11.

Plus, there is something magical about the morning on a boat’s verandah. Sipping coffee, listening to the wind, smelling the sea (and hopefully not the smoke pouring in from a neighboring balcony, we lucked out this year by not being placed near smokers)….you feel like you are the only people in the world who are awake. Well, except for the Captain. We hope.

Another beautiful morning on the verandah.....

Feet up, reading a great there a better way to start the day?

We had brunch scheduled this morning, but we were in need of a light nibble to hold us over. This meant that we would have to practice something we had never before managed at a Disney buffet: restraint. A bowl of oatmeal, some fruit and a Mickey waffle later, we were back on the verandah eating, reading and recapping our wonderful day in Mexico.

And then, it was hot tub time.

I took a terribly unflattering photo of the two of us up on deck, and as posting it here might be grounds for divorce I am opting to describe it instead: picture my face taking up most of the frame, one eye closed and with a nose so enormous if might have caused the boat to tilt. I can’t even begin to describe my hair. Somewhere over my shoulder is a tiny Lionel head with half-closed eyes and the beginnings of a smile. And a faux hawk. I guess we both forgot to look in the mirror before we headed up to the Quiet Cove. Ah, well. Bygones.

After some wonderful relaxation time in the hot tub, during which I pimped the DIS to a man who claimed that his wife was the ultimate vacation planner (hello! She’s sitting right next to you!), we headed back up to make ourselves presentable for brunch. Sarah and Mat, after enjoying a lie-in, met us at 10:30 looking mostly awake.

You know the best thing about having Champagne brunch with two non-drinkers? Need I say any more? Yes, I know this may come as a shock to you, but I had THREE GLASSES all by myself.

Mat and Sarah after I drank all their Champagne.

Apparently after drinking, my sweated gets disheveled.

Brunch was amazing as always. I love the atmosphere at Palo, and the leisure with which meals are allowed to be enjoyed. We didn’t overstuff ourselves like we did last time, but we came pretty close. My favorite item was the stolen bread with berries and fresh whipped cream. I bet you thought I was going to say the Champagne! No, that was my second favorite.

Sometime later that morning, after I changed out of my heels (which are very dangerous after three glasses of Champagne, take note ladies) I had my DOTD: a Panama Hat. At one point, I realized there were only subtle differences in the DOTD taste. Most were fruity and boozy, and otherwise unremarkable. Still, they tasted good. And what a bargain! You have to love a boozy bargain.

Next up: towel folding!

Mat and I went to the towel seminar while Sarah and Lionel headed up to the art auction in hopes of winning “a major award.” While Mat and I learned how to make a monkey and a dog, Sarah tried to convince Lionel that what our living room was really lacking was a $500 painting of the Beast’s castle.

$500? That’s 100 DOTD’s!

Learning to make a mokey.

A parade of towel animals.

My review of the towel folding? Cute. Fun for families. Moved very quickly. Of course, my drunken butt was having a hard time keeping up, so that might have had something to do with it. I kind of wished we would have made more animals, but I suppose more than 30 minutes of towel folding might be more than most could bear.

At 3:05 sharp, it was time for the galley tour. My review of the galley tour: very interesting to see what is behind the scenes, but much less interesting when the tour is blatantly overbooked. I don’t know if they were letting too many people sign up, or if people were just joining the line outside Lumiere’s without knowing what they were heading to, but it was PACKED. They divided the group into three parts and shuffled us through in smaller packs. Of about 20.

I enjoyed seeing the dessert line, and the giant stand mixers and even the huge drink stations. And someone was getting married! There was an adorable little wedding cake sitting in the pastry kitchen with a Minnie and Mickey bride and groom topper. Fun times.

Lionel feels peace with the stainless steel.

Chef's office!

Cakes galore......commence drooling.

Wedding cake.

We grabbed our cookie and exited the land of endless stainless steel counters and appliances, and headed up to our favorite gaming spot: the Cove Café.

Don't try to come between a man and his monkey.

Up next: Wall-E, curry and another amazing sunset.
Erica - so glad you are back and everything is fine!!! The latest installment was excellent (as always).

I'll hang with you until the end!!!! :thumbsup2
So happy to hear all is well again in your life- can't wait to hear about what it is you've been writing outside of this board....popcorn::
Glad your back on track, Erica. I feel compelled to respond to a few things:

"So, first off – an apology. I know it’s kind of moot, but I should have never made a promise I was not sure I could keep. "

First off, much respect to anyone who uses the word "moot" appropriately and with ease

"We relaxed on the verandah with our room service coffee, which arrived promptly at 7:30 AM. "

Next I have to say that I was awake by 6 every morning on my cruise. At home, I have a pretty flexible schedule and I often have a hard time dragging myself out of bed before 8 am. There is something exciting about waking up early on you want to get the fun started as early as possible. And let's face it, laying around by the pool and eating all day doesn't exactly exhaust you!

"Brunch was amazing as always. I love the atmosphere at Palo, and the leisure with which meals are allowed to be enjoyed. We didn’t overstuff ourselves like we did last time, but we came pretty close. My favorite item was the stolen bread with berries and fresh whipped cream. I bet you thought I was going to say the Champagne! No, that was my second favorite."

I agree with everything you've said here. We raved about the stolen bread so extensively, our waitress actually prepared one and wrapped it up to go. Just what we needed :rolleyes:

"Mat and I went to the towel seminar while Sarah and Lionel headed up to the art auction in hopes of winning “a major award.” "

"It must be Italian"

Thanks for the update!
Love it (as always!)... we went to towel folding too.. me and J that is.. I agree it was way to fast... combine that with a mom that has had too much rum and trying to help a 6yr old.. can we say FRUSTRATION!
Love it (as always!)... we went to towel folding too.. me and J that is.. I agree it was way to fast... combine that with a mom that has had too much rum and trying to help a 6yr old.. can we say FRUSTRATION!

:rotfl2: Amy and I were there too! It was very quick.
Hi Erica! I was wondering if everything was alright with my favorite writer, went looking, and lo and behold you DID update! I'm glad everything is okay - anxiously waiting your news!popcorn::
Hello DISers, it's me! I'm working on the next installment and should have it up tomorrow. In the meantime, your comments.....

Erica - so glad you are back and everything is fine!!! The latest installment was excellent (as always).

I'll hang with you until the end!!!! :thumbsup2

Thank you, madam :goodvibes

So happy to hear all is well again in your life- can't wait to hear about what it is you've been writing outside of this board....popcorn::

Ahh....well, I am part of the FASCINATING world of medical writing. I can spin a tale about back pain, let me tell you. As for the new project, no word yet, but hopefully soon!

Next I have to say that I was awake by 6 every morning on my cruise. At home, I have a pretty flexible schedule and I often have a hard time dragging myself out of bed before 8 am. There is something exciting about waking up early on you want to get the fun started as early as possible. And let's face it, laying around by the pool and eating all day doesn't exactly exhaust you!

Glad to know we aren't the only ones!

"It must be Italian"

That made me laugh out loud. I figured being so close to Christmas at least SOMEONE would get it. :rotfl:

Love it (as always!)... we went to towel folding too.. me and J that is.. I agree it was way to fast... combine that with a mom that has had too much rum and trying to help a 6yr old.. can we say FRUSTRATION!

:rotfl2: Amy and I were there too! It was very quick.

Ok. Glad it wasn't just the alcohol. Well. Maybe that added to it. I thought it was neat, but I was struggling to keep up. My monkey never got a face. Oh well.

Glad you are ack and done with the "big project". Thanks for a great update!

Thank you much!

Nice to hear from you again :)

Thanks Arin! How's the little-one-to-be?

Hi Erica! I was wondering if everything was alright with my favorite writer, went looking, and lo and behold you DID update! I'm glad everything is okay - anxiously waiting your news!popcorn::

No news yet, but I am hoping there will be some soon. I hate waiting.

I :love: your yellow Palo sweater.

Thanks! I got that sweater at Old Navy about 5 years ago and I LOVE it. One of my friends had a vintage one just like it back in high school, and I always envied it. I've never found anything like it again anywhere, so I am trying to take great care if it.
2 great updates that I somehow missed.
Love your smiley face after drinking Sarah & Mat's champagne & your feet pictures.
Glad you are back.:thumbsup2
It's funny Erica, you updated and when you updated, I was recovering from surgery! Loved the update and made me wish I was back on the Magic and even the towel folding demonstration (even though it did move very quickly). :)
Would you believe that Sarah had never seen Wall-E before this cruise? Lionel and I love this movie and regularly quote the few lines in it.

“Eeeeve. Ahhh.”

Makes us laugh every single time. So when we saw it was playing on the cruise, we had to drag her along.

Sadly, the effects of a drunken brunch AND a DOTD were starting to cause sleepiness, and I was slinking further and further down into my seat. Also, Pirate Stitch was not in attendance at the afternoon showing of Wall-E. Which is weird, because you think it would be much more his style than National Treasure. But who am I to judge experiment 626? Anyhow, at about 30 minutes into the movie, I had to excuse myself for a nap. Because I am old.

Before I fell asleep, I took this picture:

The Swedish feesh is at one with the sea.

I have no explanation for it. Moving on.

I woke up around 7-ish when Lionel came back from the movie and put himself down to sleep for a bit. Haha! I had the excuse of alcohol, he had nothing! Except for maybe babysitting his drunken wife. Hmph. In order to give him some peace and quiet, I headed out on the verandah to finish my book. And, to watch yet another amazing sunset.

The picture does not do it justice, but it still came out pretty nice.

Before we knew it, it was time to get ready for dinner. Tonight was semi-formal night, and I did not forget my camera. Still, I only have one photo of us all decked out, and we were sitting down. Oh well. At least you can see part of my $15 dress. And most of Lionel's new sportcoat, shirt and tie from Burlington. We are well-dressed bargain hunters!

We clean up alright, I suppose.

Tonight Sameer and Michelle had made another special dish for me: tilapia with risotto and asparagus. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. But I wasn’t the only one to get a personalized dinner. The boys got Sameer’s version of curry!

Five seconds later, it was gone.

I can’t say enough good things about Sameer. He had asked the boys the previous evening if they liked curry, and they both shook their heads violently yes. He said he would make some for them the next day, which I took to mean curry would be on the menu.

Lesson learned: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE SAMEER. He brought out the curry in addition to the steak they both ordered. In case you are wondering: yes, we gave him a sizeable tip. He earned it.

I’m not much of a curry fan myself, but they were making all kinds of strange noises that sound like the ones I make when I eat high quality chocolate. It’s funny, I have no idea what was on the actual menu that night. A few onlookers were admiring our very full table. I felt very special indeed, noshing on specially prepared meals that were not available on the menu. For all I know, Sameer does this for all of his guests. But we felt like we were on top of the world.

Dinner did me in, and again I ordered no dessert. And again, I got nothing. Not even the literal nothing. Sameer didn’t worry about me this time though, like he usually did when I skipped dessert. Instead he reminded us about the late night dessert buffet.

“There is a chocolate fountain! You must go.”

Sameer had spoken. We resolved to go, even if just to look at the chocolate fountain. Everyone loves a chocolate fountain. Except for a good friend of mine who can never seem to get her chocolate to the right consistency to make the darned thing work. She’s tried everything. Microwave. Stovetop. Straight into the fountain. And yet all she gets is clumpy chocolate goo, which is about as appetizing as it sounds. It’s kind of a sore subject in her house, so we try not to talk about chocolate fountains when she is around.

After dinner, we headed up to Shutters to cash in on our free photo from the REAS package, only to discover (a) the great beach photo we had seen earlier was nowhere to be found and (b) we had forgotten our voucher anyway. Let this be a lesson, folks. The signs say not to stack, but honestly… the end of the third day you will never find your photos again if they aren’t together. Tons of people had theirs stacked and the Shutters police did not issue warrants. I am normally a by-the-rules kind of gal, but I will be breaking them from now on.

By the time we went up to the room, changed and came back with the voucher in hand (sans Mat and Sarah, who decided on an early night) Shutters was closed. Well, crap. I hoped the embarkation photo we had finally decided on would still be there tomorrow. It sort of makes me wonder….is our beach photo sitting on someone’s mantle somewhere?

No matter, it was honorary 80’s night.

Our cruise meets thread had discovered months previously that the Magic no longer had an 80’s night at Rockin’ Bar D, which is blasphemy in my opinion. No 80’s night? What is wrong with you people? We had decided as a group that we would take matters into our own hands by celebrating it anyhow. Some of us bought 80’s themed shirts. Others vowed to feather their hair. Hadley and family even made beaded friendship pins and put in everyone’s fish extenders to get us all in the mood. It was official: at unofficial 80’s night, good times would be had by all!

Except…..when we arrived, there was some sort of…….line dancing…...going on. And the music was so bad, that not even we – children of the 80’s hair bands and the likes of Debbie Gibson – could tolerate it. Plus, I didn’t see anyone we knew there. Maybe we were too early, or even too late, or maybe we didn’t venture in far enough. But after one and a half songs, Lionel and I took one look at each other and left the premises without a word.

It was so sad. I felt a little bit like a party pooper, but I was too tired and no longer drunk enough to have a good time in a foggy faux country music club. Sorry.

We wandered back into the atrium and noticed a TON of people at Lumiere’s. And then, through the ornamental golden gilded doors, there it was: the chocolate fountain.

You know something? I know people love chocolate fountains. And I get it. I really do. Delicious, silky chocolate pouring down in smooth ribbons, its deep brown waters parted only by an occasional strawberry or finger of pound cake……it’s all very reminiscent of Willy Wonka. I don’t know. I guess I’ve never been much for running rivers chocolate since the age of about 10. Ok. Maybe 14. Anyhow, Neither of us had any desire to battle the crowd in that buffet when we could just go up to the room and order milk and cookies.

Which is exactly what we did.

And when Sameer asked us the next night if we saw the chocolate fountain? We said YES.

Up next: we hit Castaway Cay one more time, and is that all we spent?
2 great updates that I somehow missed.
Love your smiley face after drinking Sarah & Mat's champagne & your feet pictures.
Glad you are back.:thumbsup2

Thanks ma'am :goodvibes

It's funny Erica, you updated and when you updated, I was recovering from surgery! Loved the update and made me wish I was back on the Magic and even the towel folding demonstration (even though it did move very quickly). :)

I'm glad your recovery is going so well! You know, we would do anything to be back there as well. As I re-vitis my TR, I'm kind of regretting my New Year's resolution to go somewhere NEW every year. That cuts into cruise money! :rotfl:
I love the fish pic! It made me think of the old Mr. Bill from SNL for some reason. (are you old enough to remember him? If you are, you don't have to admit it, just nod quietly)

Wow! You have become such a celebrity that you had a private chef on the cruise! :thumbsup2 And as for chocolate rivers, I want one running through my house!:love:
We also had Sameer for the 2nd time and he is amazing. He remembered us (Joe, Michelle and me) from our 06 cruise and he also remembered that he had made curry than for our table in 06. He asked Michelle if she would like curry again this cruise so Gabe, Will and Michelle were also treated to his wonderful curry.
As always great installment.

When I saw the fish... I actually said HEY a FEESH lol


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