Get your bridal butt in gear! Motivational thread!

OK..So, I try...I really do...but honestly, finishing school and trying to balance life, apply for jobs, worry about grades...My work outs have fallen ridiculously behind.
HOWEVER! I have found that yogurt, fiber one bars and protien are the way of the world! I only weigh myself when I am on my Wii Fit or at the doctors office. I don't put too much stock into the numbers...but what I do love is putting on a business suit for an interview and the pants being big...OR my uniform pants for work comfier in all the right places!
We can do it!
I have been trying so hard to be good. 2 weeks ago my dress still had 2 inches to be zipped. Well I need to have it shortened so I tried it on today and can now zip it. I just can't breathe. :rotfl:

Weekends are hard for me. Fridays DF and I go for our dance lessons and I always let him pick where to eat and it's usually not diet friendly. So today I made sure I only ate half of what I normally would and then did a killer workout when I got home.

Keep up the good works ladies!

I keep telling myself pretty soon I will be snacking around the world so I can do this now. And the perk about eating at WDW for me is I am always walking so I don't gain.

Count me in.
A little over a year ago I started noticing my work skirts being too tight, and totally chalked it up to them being old, shrinking, and/or being mislabeled. I think I gained about 15 pounds, and it really didn't register with me, because I've never put on weight before.

I've had a Wii fit for 6 months and been pretty good at keeping up with it, but have lost no weight at all!

A month or two ago the ladies at work and I set up a workout room in an empty office and have been doing workout videos. Still no weight loss for me :-(

It's now just me and one co-worker who workout now and two weeks ago we both were off on cruises and then this past week we were so stressed out over company layoffs and catching up on work that we haven't worked out at all.

I think I have to face the fact that I need to watch what I eat. I've never done that. However I never used to be a big eater. I'd eat really small portions. I think too many Disney buffets have helped my eating abilities :rotfl:
I do eat a lean cuisine meal for lunch everyday and I'm not a snacker. But I do love chocolate :lovestruc:love:

My goal is once I finish the desserts I currently have in the house to try to not eat dessert until my wedding cruise on October 10th. Wedding cake will be that much more yummy!

Count me in.
A little over a year ago I started noticing my work skirts being too tight, and totally chalked it up to them being old, shrinking, and/or being mislabeled. I think I gained about 15 pounds, and it really didn't register with me, because I've never put on weight before.

I've had a Wii fit for 6 months and been pretty good at keeping up with it, but have lost no weight at all!

A month or two ago the ladies at work and I set up a workout room in an empty office and have been doing workout videos. Still no weight loss for me :-(

It's now just me and one co-worker who workout now and two weeks ago we both were off on cruises and then this past week we were so stressed out over company layoffs and catching up on work that we haven't worked out at all.

I think I have to face the fact that I need to watch what I eat. I've never done that. However I never used to be a big eater. I'd eat really small portions. I think too many Disney buffets have helped my eating abilities :rotfl:
I do eat a lean cuisine meal for lunch everyday and I'm not a snacker. But I do love chocolate :lovestruc:love:

My goal is once I finish the desserts I currently have in the house to try to not eat dessert until my wedding cruise on October 10th. Wedding cake will be that much more yummy!

Look for good healthy chocolate things...chocolate fiber one bars, chocolate milk, chocolate whipped yogurt. Even a york pepermint patty once and awhile is ok (they are ridiculously low in calories.) DF says if you have a craving and it lasts for more that a day or two ....feed it...if you deprive yourself you'll binge.
(Sorry, I don't do well with the no goodie rule. I have to have something chocolate between the hours of 2-3pm every day. Like clockwork. So, I had to find a way to get what I want and not eat the ENTIRE bag of say hersey kisses....:rolleyes1)
My new favorite chocolate "snack" is the mister salty chocolate covered pretzels 100 calorie pack!!! So good!
Here is my plan:

I workout the hardest when I have really good music to pump me spice girls and backstreet boys (it is what I used to dance to when I was younger). Anyways, I am putting Disney songs on my IPOD. I am hoping that when I here them, it will remind me that I have a wedding coming up, and will hopefully push me harder!

Hopefully it work :cool1:
hi, ya'll --:wave2:
name's veronica ~ just got "the ring" about a month and a half ago, so the date's to be determined -- looking at either Fall 2010 or Spring 2011
Plus i just turned 30 last month, and i've been wanting my college body back....for the last 10 years :rotfl:
So, i totally need the motivation to work out and eat healthy...rather than reverting back to my eating disorder days (i'm a recovering anorexic) -- and everyone's support and advice on here is great :cheer2:

I've got about 20 pounds to lose -- even though i've got some time to go, i figure it's never too early to start :thumbsup2

1st up...elliminate my beer intake (the one habit i didn't shake too well from my college days) :laughing: and increase my fiber intake

Does anyone have any advice on good tasting salads or super healthy dressings?

Ok this week didn't go so well for me. Musta been PMS:rotfl: Anyway, I keep telling myself that this coming week I'll do better. And i have to because I am buying my dress this week so hopefully that will motivate me more!

veronchichi~ If your not vegetarian, add grilled chicken to your salads. The protein will help fill you up. I like to season mine with different kinds of seasonings. I like rosemary, or sometimes I do chipotle to spice it up. I use the Mrs. Dash stuff sometimes too. I try not to add dressing but its so hard eating salad with nothing on it!
I ordered a Wii Fit and just got it today!!! I can't wait to use it tonight.

One pound down 14 more to go.
:cheer2::cheer2:MY DRESS IS A LITTLE TOO BIG!!!!!:cheer2::cheer2:

I AM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! Originally when I ordered it from David's Bridal they ordered it a size too small and I when I got it I just decided to keep it for motivation and now it's too big!!! YAY! But I'm still going to Curves and I'm still going to eat healthy! I just realized I'm going to have to buy a new bathing suit for the HM! Yikes! :scared1:
Thank you girls!!! Once again I was getting ready to skip a workout but....What popped up in my Subscribed threads? Bridal motivation soon as I saw it i thought, man now I have to go work out :)
Ok everyone!

Has anyone been lacking on Motivation the past couple days? Considering there hasn't been a post here in a couple of days. I figure I would just give you all a
:banana::banana::banana: BOOST of MOTIVATION!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

I know I still need it. Even though the dress fits, I still need to go to the gym to make sure that it still fits in three months. :laughing: So let's do it!
I think its the weather. I've been in eeyore mode...I am eating well but no working out. :rolleyes: Still my pants feel loose! So, I'm gonna go with it!
I think its the weather. I've been in eeyore mode...I am eating well but no working out. :rolleyes: Still my pants feel loose! So, I'm gonna go with it!

It's definitely the weather here too. I'm in MD and it has been gray skies and rain for the past couple of days. Hope it clears up soon!
That MD weather must be looming over NY, too! the fog here is so spooky!!

anywhoo -- as an update, i'm actually testing out going vegan! I've been at it for the last few days, and i gotta say, it's not that bad -- i'm actually liking all the fiber!! are there any animal bi-products in a dancing banana? :banana: <--he doesn't even know what's coming. dun dun dunnn
Ok, I had my first Wi at Weight Watchers tonight! I lost 2lbs!! YAY! The first week was really hard though, trying to weigh and measure everything, but now that I know what my points are for my regular things that I eat, it should get a little easier.

I didnt get enough exercise this week! Gotta work on that. I did learn that the Merengue cookies need to be banned from my house. ALthough they are 4 cookies for 2 points, I cant stop eating them!

2 lbs down, 50ish to go!
Ok, I had my first Wi at Weight Watchers tonight! I lost 2lbs!! YAY! The first week was really hard though, trying to weigh and measure everything, but now that I know what my points are for my regular things that I eat, it should get a little easier.

I didnt get enough exercise this week! Gotta work on that. I did learn that the Merengue cookies need to be banned from my house. ALthough they are 4 cookies for 2 points, I cant stop eating them!

2 lbs down, 50ish to go!

YEAH FOR 2 LBS! party:


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