Getting to know you

This is a great idea!

I am aroyer aka Ashley. :wave: I am 30 years old and have been married to DH for 8 years (9 on 6/12). I have been in different facets of retail for 12 years now. I just recently put DH through law school- so glad he is finished! We have two cute kids (if I do say so myself)- DD just turned 7 and DS will be 2 next week. I wish I were a SAHM, but after surviving law school on my salary, we have some catching up to do! I was lucky enough to stay at home with DD for her first 3 years.

I have been scrapping for 4 years now. I started out as a CM consultant and decided it was too much when I went back to work. I haven't been incredibly motivated until we took our first family trip to WDW last summer and I found the DIS boards- you guys are so inspirational! It is also a hobby that my MIL and I both love- we have a great time! She is my scrapbook retreat partner and we frequently take classes together. We keep each other informed on all the sales!

I went to WDW as a child twice and as an adult once. We went this past summer for the kids and DH's first trip. We went the week after he took the bar- it was a much needed vacation for all of us! DH wasn't very excited about the trip, but lets just say he is now HOOKED! We are hoping to surprise the kids next spring with a trip back to the world! :banana:

I love to watch tv when I can. My favorites are Gilmore Girls and Grey's Anatomy. Shopping is another one of my 'hobbies'- I tell my DH that retail is my job, I have to be 'researching'!! :lmao: (No, he doesn't fall for it.)
I'll play too :)

I'm Sophie, I'm 20 and from little old England. I'm a SAHF (Stay at Home Fiancee) getting married in my DF's hometown next September. I earn some cash doing web surveys and mystery shopping online stores for research. I used to work in the music industry but I left because I couldn't deal with the back stabbing that went with it. No kids yet but they are certainly high on the agenda once those rings are exchanged!! I'm studying physics and astronomy at a distance learning university and my biggest goal in life is to get a Ph.D - I know I'll probably be a grandma before it happens though!! Right now I've taken a 4 month break from university to concentrate on learning to drive.

I never went to Disney as a child, my first trip was with DF, his parents and best friend when I was 17, I've been back to WDW every year since! I joined this board a few months after my first trip and was introduced to scrapping through this board - so I can blame you all for the state of my bank balance!

I have one sister who has a beautiful 4yr old daughter, DF's sister has also recently given birth to her first born, a now 4 month old boy. My father died when I was 5 leaving me with my mum and sister. I actually left home a few days after my 16th birthday - I was a runaway - due to the fact that I had mental health issues which my family refused to acknowledge and I was becoming suicidal (they found that funny.) I moved in with a friend and her mum (a mental health worker) a few hundred miles away and evetually moved in with DF who was just a friend with a spare room at the time. We got closer through living together and he proposed last December :)

My life is now back on track, I'm the happiest I've ever been and my education is going strong despite the setbacks of only having a few weeks of schooling during my final year of high school and having to attend a run-down inner city 6th form college (UK sixth form is non compulsory for 16 - 18 yr olds and bridges the years between finishing high school and starting university.)

That's waaaaay more info than you wanted I'm sure!!! :)
I'll play too :)

I'm Sophie, I'm 20 and from little old England. I'm a SAHF (Stay at Home Fiancee) getting married in my DF's hometown next September. I earn some cash doing web surveys and mystery shopping online stores for research. I used to work in the music industry but I left because I couldn't deal with the back stabbing that went with it. No kids yet but they are certainly high on the agenda once those rings are exchanged!! I'm studying physics and astronomy at a distance learning university and my biggest goal in life is to get a Ph.D - I know I'll probably be a grandma before it happens though!! Right now I've taken a 4 month break from university to concentrate on learning to drive.

I never went to Disney as a child, my first trip was with DF, his parents and best friend when I was 17, I've been back to WDW every year since! I joined this board a few months after my first trip and was introduced to scrapping through this board - so I can blame you all for the state of my bank balance!

I have one sister who has a beautiful 4yr old daughter, DF's sister has also recently given birth to her first born, a now 4 month old boy. My father died when I was 5 leaving me with my mum and sister. I actually left home a few days after my 16th birthday - I was a runaway - due to the fact that I had mental health issues which my family refused to acknowledge and I was becoming suicidal (they found that funny.) I moved in with a friend and her mum (a mental health worker) a few hundred miles away and evetually moved in with DF who was just a friend with a spare room at the time. We got closer through living together and he proposed last December :)

My life is now back on track, I'm the happiest I've ever been and my education is going strong despite the setbacks of only having a few weeks of schooling during my final year of high school and having to attend a run-down inner city 6th form college (UK sixth form is non compulsory for 16 - 18 yr olds and bridges the years between finishing high school and starting university.)

That's waaaaay more info than you wanted I'm sure!!! :)

You know I'm going to hound you until you go back to school and get that degree!!! Even if I have to move in to be the nanny!
I used to love Gilmore Girls, then it got all weird for me. Too much Chris, April and not enough Mom/Daughter time. But I still read each episode on the T...V...withoutpity site.
Gilmore Girls, yes
Grey's Anatomy, no :duck:

Gee I feel like I left out so much. Let's see the WDW obsession. Well DH never goes on vacation with us, ever. I usually go to my grandmas house in New Jersey every summer with my mom but for some reason that didn't happen. So I saw something on TV about Disney, travel channel I think. So we started looking at cruises, and they had the land and sea cruise, 4 days at WDW and 3 on the ship but then DH saw Animal Kingdom lodge and fell in love with the place. So we switched gears and opted for just WDW.
The rest is history. The best thing about WDW is no one bothers us there. DH's job puts him on the road 45 weeks a year and the phone is always on. If a client or a co-worker calls we say I'm on vacation and their response is it will only take a minute. If DH says hey I'm at Disney well then they are real quick to get off the phone. It's our escape.
I am Susie and I am new here but feel right at home already. I am a 40ish single mom of a 5 yo DS that will finish kindergarten in a few weeks and with ADHD - I thought we would never make it.:yay:

I am going to WDW-Movies the week of July 4. I went 2005-Pop Century, 2004-Movies, 2001-Music and 1992 - off site. I always wanted to go as a child and never got to - now I am making up for it.

I love crafts. Dabble a little at all and am master of none. I recently took a silversmith class and loved it. Made a jasper/sterling ring and some pyrite stuff. I love throwing together necklaces.
I am Susie and I am new here but feel right at home already. I am a 40ish single mom of a 5 yo DS that will finish kindergarten in a few weeks and with ADHD - I thought we would never make it.:yay:

I am going to WDW-Movies the week of July 4. I went 2005-Pop Century, 2004-Movies, 2001-Music and 1992 - off site. I always wanted to go as a child and never got to - now I am making up for it.

I love crafts. Dabble a little at all and am master of none. I recently took a silversmith class and loved it. Made a jasper/sterling ring and some pyrite stuff. I love throwing together necklaces.

A lot of us has 5 yo!! Cool! Congrats on making it through Kindergarten!
I took a jewelry class in high school. We mostly used silver, a little gold, and a lot of pewter. We had 1 lesson with stones but mine didn't go well. I could not get it set right for the life of me.
My turn? Oh ok... (cough)

Hi! I'm Debbie. I live in Delaware with my Dh of 17 yrs, and my DS18, DS15, and 2 furbabies (labs). I have a very dear 24yr old DSS. My first trip to Disney was with my DH and kids, and I was hooked. We are DVC members now, love Disney Cruise Line, and are planning the next cruise for 2008 (hopefully).

I'm a multi-crafter...I try everything. My biggies are scrappin, painting, and jewelry making/beading. I do lots of others too, but those are my 3 big ones. I also teach at Mike's painting and card making, and painting and jewelry making at a local senior center.

Since I have been here, I have became a TOTAL swapaholic, and now have boxes full of wonderful things to put on my pages...if I ever stop swapping long enough to work on my books again :rotfl:
We did bezel settings and had to make our own bezel cups to put the cabochons in after that. We didn't get into prong settings or anything like that. Now I want to figure out how I can incorporate it into this hobby.
Gilmore Girls, yes
Grey's Anatomy, no :duck:

That's me exactly! My mom is a Grey's addict, and she just doesn't understand why I don't watch it!!

rlovew--another Gilmore Girls watcher!! Yay!!! :woohoo:

AWM--I agree with you about Christopher! I never like the episodes with him in it!

Ok, off my GG kick--on to more introductions!!
I'm so glad you started this thread.....I'm really enjoying hearing about everyone. it makes it nice to know a little about some of the ladies I swap with. i can't wait to get to know you all much better in time.

Just saw this thread........I guess I was too busy with the ones up above!

My name is Karen AKA YodasMom on this Board. Yoda was a dog that I had for almost 14 years, and when I brought him home, I was told he looked just like the character in Star Wars. No, I'm not a Star Wars fan and had not even seen the movies that succeeded the first one until I got the pup, and friends told me I had to see the character in the subsequent episodes. Let's see, I'm over 10 years old, and am currently not married. I have no kids, but I now have one dog, Gracie who is 12, and will be welcoming a new puppy into my home in early June.

I am an RN and do Medical Case Management, working out of my home. I'm on the road a lot, but do office and paperwork (ie: on the computer) at home. I've done this for 17 years and enjoy the independence. I don't think I could ever go back into a contained environment!

I have been to Disneyland once, Walt Disney World 52 times, and on a Disney Cruise once. No, I'm not 75 years old either!! The reason I've been to WDW so much is that I have family who lives in FL and I've never missed a trip up or over to WDW during my visits. When I'm at WDW, I get stopped by both CM's and guests who think I work there...I'm still waiting for my first paycheck. My family and friends know me as the "Disney girl" and think I'm pretty nuts, but they also just accept me. My Disney passion will never die. Disneywise---I collect photographs, movies ( videos and DVD's ) of the history and development of the parks and attractions, and pins.

I have been scrapbooking off and on (more off than on) for 10 years. I mostly just collect swaps, and haven't done much scrapping.

My other major passion is music. I sing and perform in a 4 part harmony (multi-times) International championship group and do a lot of traveling with them. I've been involved in a lot of other capacities in this group as well and just love it. My family has been deeply involved in music so I guess it's in my blood.

I also love photography, traveling to and photography at the National Parks, hiking, gardening, reading, theatre, and all other performing arts.

My favorite TV Shows are: Desperate Housewives, The Apprentice, You're the One That I Want, Sex in the City, The Sopranos, (why is everything on Sunday nights?), Dancing with the Stars, Little People Big World, and Boston Legal. I just can't get into Grey's Anatomy, probably because it has a medical theme and I get enough working.

Guess that's enough about me. I enjoy being a part of this Board!
ok, here goes...

I'm Marlynn, my friends can call me Mar. I will be 38 on the 23rd (I'd like to know how the heck that is possible!?!). I've been married for nearly nine years and have a DD7.

I work full-time outside the home (actually I do work from my home on Fridays). I am an accountant and IT manager for a commercial real estate and property management company. I also have my RE license.

I am the leader of a great troop of Brownies and I am very active in our school's APT. I chair Market Day ~ mmmmmm good food if you have the opportunity to buy it. And help on several other committees.

I have been scrapbooking for about 4 years and have recently decided to start entering contests, see if I can get on a design team or try to get published.

I watch very little TV and if it weren't for DH and DD I wouldn't even bother having one. I watch the Apprentice, LOST and the Soprano's. However, I DO LOVE to READ. I actually have a small library in my house.

My first trip to Disney was in 1981, I went with a friend of my mother's who was taking her niece.
The next time I went was when I was in 10th grade - I was in our high school marching band and we were in the afternoon parade. It was way cool being behind the scenes. I remember re-entering the MK after the parade through a gate in the fence right behind POC. The entire band had dinner at the Poly Luau and Epcot was brand new!
I went once more in my early 20's and then not until a surprise 5th birthday trip for DD. Now we try to go once a year! :)
I'll play too.

I'm Diana. I'm a retired Actuary (insurance statistician) aka SAHM to a 3 1/2 and 2 1/2 year old. :faint: I took up scrapbooking when I found out I was pregnant and my first DD was 4 months old. :faint: I needed some sort of hobby and someone introduced my to scrapbooking. I still send the doctor who told me I'd never be able to have children a Christmas card with the girls photo on it! :lmao:

I love Disney World and all things Disney. i was married at Disney (Sunset Pointe), we're DVC owners (BCV), we've been on 4 Disney cruises in the last 5 years with 2 scheduled for the future. I've been to WDW over 30 times, it's gotta be close to 40 now but I really stopped counting! Our next trip is in 3 weeks, it will be my 3rd trip in the last 12 months. But now there are big plans in the works to relocate to Bradenton, FL within the next few months because, well, I can't stand the cold and snow--so we'll be house hunting along with our visit to the mouse! :cool1:

I'm a TV addict, there, I can admit it, watching every reality show my DVR can record along with Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty and LOST.
ok, here i go....

My name is Holly and I am 41. I have one little man who just turned 5 and is the love of my life. I have been married almost 23 years(july7th). So as you can see we were married 18years before our little man. So we just love him to pieces. I am not a sahm, but wish i was. very jealous of those who can stay at home. I am a credit union manager. I've only been there since sept of last year, but was at my last job (also cu manager) for 20years and it was sucking the life right out of me. so i quit! and now my new job is almost stress free!! i am home everyday between 3:30 and 4:00 during the winter and 2:30 and 3:00 in the summer,with fridays off (in the summer only). so it was a good move for me and my family. My little man hangs out with my mother after preschool everyday until i get home. And he's in his own home with his own toys so it works out very well for us. But still wish I could stay home.
I love all things Disney. I had never been as a kid, so after dh and i were married 5 years we took our first trip and have been hooked every since. This year will be our 7th trip.
I took up scrapbooking about 3 years ago. I'd love to do more, but finding the time is tough. So right now, i'm just collecting stuff!!!!! I have very little pages done. I love the dis boards. Everyone has been so nice and helpful and very fun to hang out with. I tell my dh all the time that my job is interfearing with my dis time. I need to quit so i can dis all day. yah, that did not go over to well. He kinda likes having food and electricity!! I also talk about everyone on here, like I know them. He just shakes his head. Like who are these people? I say ya know, this one, and that one...... he don't get it.
So that's my story......
What a fun thread !!

My name is Julie and I am about to be 28 and have been married for a year and a half.
We live in Michigan .. downriver to be exact !!
I work in an auto parts warehouse office during the day and then in the afternoon I am a figure skating coach and the director of our annual ice show ... with two hundred kids in the show that is HUGE job.. !! but I love it !! I have been skating since I was 3...

I have been scrapbooking for only a few years and desperately trying to finish up my Disneymoon album .. hopefully soon I will and then can get caught up on my Disney Trips !! I craft/scrap once a week with my two bestest friends and our moms-- It is great !!!

Both myself and my DH are now Disney obsessed ..(I converted him after his first trip with my family and our Disneymoon)...We are now Vacation Club owners and spend most of our free time planning or at least wishing about our next trip ..... At one time I went to Disneyland - DisneyWorld and the Cruise in a span of 4 months .. that was GREAT !

We keep talking about him transferring down to Orlando and me getting a job at Disney ...but I don't know if I want to be that far from my family. But it is awfully tempting.

I love to watch Grey's Anatomy, What About Brian and October Road !! Love them !!
:wave: Hi I'm Candy (aka PBLM, I'm now regretting how long my username is :rolleyes: ). I'm 29 and a SAHM to my two Dd's, 4 and 18mos. I'll be married 6 years on the 27th (we have alot of anniversarys in April.) Dh and I also own our own business so that keeps us pretty busy too. Especially Dh. :lmao:

I never went to WDW as a child and my first trip was a surprise birthday trip from my Dh. We went for a weekend trip and I've been hooked ever since. Sadly, though Dh is not hooked and I think we're done with WDW for a while. Even my in-laws whom we go with each Dec are done for a while. :sad1:

Diana Lyn introduced me to the DIS. Thanks Diana! :teeth: I saw the scrapping board shortly after and lurked for a while before finally jumping in. I've been scrapping for about 4 years now, starting out with CM. I was a consultant for almost 2 years but gave it up b/c I wanted to scrap with other companies.

I like to read, but sadly don't get a lot of time to do that. I also like to tap dance and we have our recital on May 5th. :yay: I watch too much TV and my favorites include LOST and GA among others. I like to watch sci fi and my friend calls me the sci fi geek. :rotfl:


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