Getting up in the morning!

How difficult is it for you to get up in the morning?

  • Easy! I like to 'seize' the day!

  • Hard, but I like to take my time so I get up with the alarm

  • Very hard! I leave it to the last moment and rush about like a maniac!

  • Depends on the time of year!

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WDWfan uk

<font color=red>.... but you can call me Shirley :
Aug 21, 1999
..... how easy or hard do you find getting up in the morning? Do you jump out of bed the moment the alarm bell rings or do you fall back to sleep and then wake up again five minutes before you are due to leave the house and rush around like a maniac to get ready?
I always find it harder to get up early in the Winter, but hate rushing around so force myself. ( Got to gather myself with a mug of coffee before I can do anything, including speak :D !!)
LOL! Shirley,
I know the feeling about not being able to talk b4 coffee.

Luv Audrey,
LOL The seasons have a lot to answer to with me! I can get up with no problem at all during the warm sunny months - spring up out of bed, into the shower and ready to "Sieze the Day"

Winter time - different story altogether. WHY GET UP!


I think I should hibernate for at least January and February! :) :)
I have never been a morning person, although since having the children I have improved a little. During the week I need to get up as soon as the alarm goes off but nobody dare speak to me till I've had my first cup of tea!

I'm exactly like you, Shirley. The alarm goes off at six, and it's certainly not easy during the dark mornings, but I like to take my time too, so I always get up. I'm definitely more of a morning person, though. Even at weekends I seldom lie in later than 8am, but I'm often dropping off on the sofa after 9.30pm!
Probably not a surprise to anyone who knows me...but I'm a maniac! Hehehe.

Mornings + me = Urgh!

Penny :)
I'm like a Cornflakes advert in the mornings - the alarm goes off at 05:30, the duvet is thrown back and I leap out of bed - honest!

I've always been a morning person and love being up and about, although I will say, it's not so good in the winter. :rolleyes:

Best wishes,

I never used to be a morning person but I commenced a new health regime a number of years ago which involves rising at 5:00am to complete a two hour workout before going to work. I do this six days a week (6:00am Saturdays) so now I just bound out of bed!
Invariably I am awake at 4:30am and have never ever used an alarm clock relying on my body to tell me when to wake up.

I am not a morning person - in fact I am always the last person to get up in our house. My dh is definitely a morning person, he used to have a paper shop which opened at 6am, so he was used to getting up at 5! (the middle of the night as far as I'm concerned.)

I try to get up by 8, so I can leave the house by 8:30 - but I fail more often than I succeed - I have flex, but next year Katie will have to be at school on time, so I will have to try harder!

My hubby gets up before 7, (I've no idea when, I am not awake to find out...)
get's Katie up, dressed, fed and leaves her watching the tv and waiting for her lazy mummy to appear and brush her hair and bundle her into the car.

I'm terrible in the mornings! Just can't get going at all - I only get up when DD1 (Alexandra aged 8) has brought me a cup of tea!

Me and the two girls have been known to wake up at 8.30 and I've still got them to school on time - 8.50! (mind you, it was bread and jam for brekkie in the car!)
My alarm goes off at 4.00am :eek:

Most days I get up okay, but sometimes near the end of the week I just switch it off, but then Fox will jump on me and let me know its time for him to go out

I never go to bed before midnight! Is it any wonder I look so tired all the time

Frances x
4.00 am, what time is that!!! I thought I was a morning person until I read all those posts about people getting up that early. I'm usually awake around 6.30am but this is only cos my brain is rushing to get to work - no, I don't really like it that much. Once I've not been at work for a week or so, then I get a lie in, until about 7.30am.
I have to be at work at 6.30am on shifts so I have to get up at 6am.

I always set the clock 7 minutes late so that I can press the snooze button one more time. How sad is that? - I know that it isn't really 7 minutes later but it still makes me feel like I've had a longer sleep!!
#Getting up used to be easy before my 3 yo discovered how to turn the alarm off! Hence waking up this morning at 8.30 and trying to get me and 3 kids ready for school:p

It depends on the season with me, I'm no good on the cold dark mornings.
But in the summer I'm up early.
Frances is there 2 four oclocks in a day!
LOL Frederick :D ...... as bad as that eh :D ?!!

Well I take my hat off to all these 5.00am ..... and 4.00am Frances :eek: ?? ... risers! Do you all go to bed really early??? ( ........... sounds like a cue for another poll ;) )
I will never complain about my 6.45 alarm call again!! I am so fortunate. I teach in a school that is 5 minutes away. I start at 8.30 and usually leave the house at 8.05 - plenty of time!! BUT aren't the weekends the best!! I still set the alarm, but the joy of rolling over!!
I really don't do mornings. Dh has learnt not to talk to me before my first cup of coffee. He, however, gets up with ease. Just as well really, some mornings he starts work at 3am :rolleyes:
Mornings... YUCK!

I really envy you guys that can hear that alarm and jump out of bed - I have to lay there for at least 15 minutes for me to join the world of the living and even then it's reluctantly!!

I have quite a luxury really, I don't really HAVE to be out of bed until 7.40am (very latest!) but by the time I get to work I wish I had been up and out earlier - does that make sense!? :confused:

Weekends are lovely though, just like Lynnette said - the joy of rolling over :D :D



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