Gina & Carl's Wedding - 6/22/12 - Swan/Ohana ~ TR Day 4 Wedding Ceremony 8/9

pixiedust: ONE WEEK!! So excited for you!! pixiedust:

Woohoo!!! Yours will be here in no time ;)

Yay yay yay!!! How exciting that you are so close Gina sweetie!!!!

So close! I can't wait to be on the road (which will mean everything will be done!)

Ugh! So much to do and it feels like not enough time to do it. I woke at 2am, couldn't sleep. After trying for about 30 min, I got up and did some laundry, organized some wedding stuff, cleaned up a bit, then went back to bed. Instead of packing today Carl is moving stuff so the wood floors can be refinished. UGH! Not what I want to add to my to do list. It is so frustrating because I know that I will come to a house that is a dusty mess and all in disarray. Instead of doing laundry I will need to clean. Oh well, I know it will look nice, I just don't have the patience to put up with it.

OK, 2 days until we start the drive, 3 days until we are at BC-CL, and 5 days until the wedding! Bring it on!
It's almost your wedding day!! I'm new to the boards, but have really enjoyed yours so far! Looking forward to seeing pictures!! I also LOVE the date you choose. My df and I are getting married on the same day, but next year! SO excited of you! :cool1:
It's almost your wedding day!! I'm new to the boards, but have really enjoyed yours so far! Looking forward to seeing pictures!! I also LOVE the date you choose. My df and I are getting married on the same day, but next year! SO excited of you! :cool1:

Thanks, it is almost here! You have a great date to get married! We leave tomorrow, or is it tonight when we will leave around 3am.
Oh how exciting!! I wish you safe travels and I hope your 12 year old will come around and realize that Disney is awesome. I'm sure she'll have fun. Lots of pixie dust for an easy drive and an amazingly memorable wedding day! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Oh how exciting!! I wish you safe travels and I hope your 12 year old will come around and realize that Disney is awesome. I'm sure she'll have fun. Lots of pixie dust for an easy drive and an amazingly memorable wedding day! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Thanks. I think she will come around. Her stepsister told her to bring her mickey ears since she was bringing hers. I think she will help. Maryssa has only been to Disney once, 2 years ago with us so she is still really excited about going. I think that will rub off on Mo.


Yep, it is 2am and I am planning on leaving in an hour. I need to pack up the cooler, we need to load up the luggage carrier, and I think we are good to go. I will try to check in as the week goes by.
You're on your way!! Hope you have a super safe trip! Cannot wait to hear how everything goes!

3 days!! pixiedust:
Yay, safe travels!! :goodvibes
DH's 12 yo niece came with us for the wedding and once she was there she loved it! I think once she gets there and sees everyone else having fun, she will too! I went through that " too cool" stage too and clearly grew out of it! So exciting!!

Have a magical trip and a wonderful wedding!!!! Looking forward to hearing all about it!!!!
I hope you have a safe trip to Disney and an Absoutely magical wedding day !
Looking forward to hearing all about it !
HAPPY WEDDING DAY!!!!! :cool1:

Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about your special day!! CONGRATS!!

I hope your day was magical and everything you dreamed it would be!!!


I hope you had a wonderful wedding day! I know it rained but I hope that did not ruin it! I really can't wait to hear what happened.

We came back late last night and had a fabulous time. The short version is it rained and we needed to move the ceremony inside but we are married so that is the most important thing ;) My 11yo came around and had a lot of fun. It rained a LOT as tropical storm Debby came through. The drive was uneventful as well. I need to upload some pictures and I will write up my wedding.trip report. I also need to get my house in order since the floors were sanded and refinished and it is a DISASTER. More to come soon!
(A certain new husband wanted me to put this where more than just my “Disney” friends can read the trip report, so here it is).

Cast of Characters:

Gina, AKA the bride, coordinator of the wedding and trip, 10+ trips in my adulthood :bride:

Carl, AKA the groom, new camera to play with, a handful of trips pirate:

Maryssa, Carl’s daughter at almost 16yo, part time rookie driver (driving permit!), 1 previous trip :flower3:

Morgan, Gina’s oldest at almost 12yo, veteran Disney traveler :cool2:

Peyton, Gina’s youngest at just turned 9yo, back seat navigator and map reader, veteran Disney traveler princess:

Day 1 (June 19)

The Drive

We have been preparing for this trip for a while, and especially the drive as this is the first extended drive we have taken for a vacation (6hrs was the max last year). I have a large car (Traverse) which seats 7, but I knew I would have one seat down for the ride. That would leave plenty of room for 3 kids in the back, right?

The plan was to leave from Oswego, IL around 3am. Carl kept rolling his eyes at me when I said 3am. My goal was to get as far as we could the first day (at least past Atlanta) and have a short second day’s drive. Carl also kept having is jaw fall closer and closer to the ground as I kept pointing out all of the boxes with wedding stuff that needed to go down as well. Fortunately we invested in a hitch and a rack that goes into the hitch to carry all the suitcases outside of the car. The Traverse may be roomy for passengers but it definitely lacks in cargo space.

All 3 girls were planning on pulling an all-nighter, well until 3, so they could sleep in the car. Each girl (and myself) was equipped with an eye mask, a pillow and blanket to make driving and sleeping easier. The girls also packed activities such as laptops, cell phones, iTouches, and various other activities and DVDs. Add in a power strip (the car is equipped with an outlet for the power strip), and there was enough to keep them busy for weeks, not just days. I told the girls to change into their traveling clothes so it would be less to do if they did fall asleep.

I went to bed early and woke at 1:30am. I couldn’t hear a peep because all 3 girls were asleep. lol They did stay up late but didn’t want to throw off their body clocks. I finished up packing the last minute things and started packing the car up. All wedding stuff was going into the car, all luggage was going on the outside rack (in a large bag). Once everything was packed up, I woke up the sleeping beauties and off we went.

Carl took the first leg of the drive (I really hate night driving) and he drove for about 3 hours until he was ready to fall asleep. I took over and away we went, making frequent stops along the way, about every 2 hours.


The girls were in a tree hugging mood.


Well, Peyton didn’t want them in her picture so I had to capture her picture by herself.


While we were there, a Rest Area worker pointed out a moth to Carl that only lives a day. It was huge (by moth standards). I think it was at least 3 inches wide. Of course he caught it on film.


Upon research when I got home, I found that this is a Luna Moth, and it can live up to 7 days, depending on the climate.

After stretching our legs, it was time for Maryssa to take her turn at driving. It was her first time driving on the highway too! She did well after adjusting to the faster drive and all the trucks. She drove us into Tennessee.


We stopped for lunch in Tennessee. I packed lunch meat, bread and rolls, fruit, chips and other snacks. Like I said, I just wanted to get there and not waste any time. I asked the girls if we should cancel our first dinner at Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom for the next night and they said no, it is tradition. Who am I to mess with tradition?!

The drive through the mountains was beautiful. It was amazing to see some houses nestled up in the trees on the mountaintops.



Some of the Rest Areas were pretty neat too.



Carl’s turn to drive again. I kept joking that I would not be driving in Georgia because of all of the speed traps. lol


We arrive in Atlanta just in time for rush hour. UGH! We managed to drive around Atlanta and stopped in one of the suburbs a bit to the south of the city (Stockbridge). I wanted to go further, but Carl saw Golden Corral and he was drawn like a moth to a flame. We got a room at LaQuinta Inn around 7pm and moved all of our bags in then it was off to Golden Corral. Let me just say that restaurant is not on my return too soon list. The food was ok, but it was crowded and the area was probably not the best. After eating, we headed back to the room, changed and went to bed.


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