Girls Only Cocktail Sipping, Double Dipping Trip Report - COMPLETED...

These cocktail counts - are they per person ? :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh definitely!!! :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: Cheeky!!! :eek: They're for all of us...

I think if I drank 9 cocktails in one day, I wouldn't be able to remember anything that happened - as it is, I struggle!!! :faint:
Oh definitely!!! :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: Cheeky!!! :eek: They're for all of us...

I think if I drank 9 cocktails in one day, I wouldn't be able to remember anything that happened - as it is, I struggle!!! :faint:

I was just wondering :rolleyes1 :rotfl2: :rotfl2: It could've explained why you weren't very happy with your photos - y'know with your hands shaking :lmao:
Wednesday May 7th:
We'd gone to bed with a definite plan firmly fixed in our minds and hearts. Today was all about Universal Studios and we remained steadfast - despite being completely sucked in by a ridiculous film on the Lifetime Movie Channel called Deadly Relations. It starred a young Gwyneth Paltrow with Robert Urich as her murderous father! Basically he had been a war hero but found it hard to earn sufficient cash in civilian life. So he insured his daughters husbands for huge amounts then bumped them off - as you do! If I tell you that one of the hapless husbands included a pre-Friends Matthew Perry, you'll understand how riveting this drama was - maybe...? Anyway, back to reality. Despite such televisual temptations, we were ready in good time and out the door by ten. It was yet another beeootiful Orlando day and, as we stepped from the shade of the Villas into the sunlight, we all luxuriated in the warmth of the sun. It's definitely a feel-good factor I miss in lack-lustre London at the moment. So we piled into the Sienna, checked the map and drove off. It didn't take long down the I-4 and as this is my third time driving there in 8 months, I was pleased to feel the familiarity of the route. Sadly, this level of self-satisfaction didn't last as I managed to make a major fool of myself when parking the car. Oh well. It's not my forte... :rolleyes1

We usually make for the Islands of Adventure first but decided to opt for the original park on this visit. But first I had a little paperwork to attend to. We all have 2 year Annual Passes which are due to expire in August of this year, however I'd managed to lose both mine and Samuel's following our visit in December! Fortunately, replacing them proved to be very straightforward as I had photo ID for both Samuel and myself. And joy of joys - the replacement didn't have to have my photo on it!!! :woohoo:

We pushed through the turnstile and made for the Mummy! Last year I'd pre-purchased Front of Line passes for less than £11 per person but hadn't bothered today. Well, all I'm gonna say is there's a lesson learnt - if you can get them cheaply enough, those bad boys really make a difference! So we queued with the other mortals and after twenty minutes or so were reminded that "Death is just the beginning!!!" Oh how I love that ride - it's got everything from backwards rollercoastering to Brendan Fraser and so much more... :cloud9:

Next we tried the re-vamped Earthquake experience which has become Disaster! - a spoof-take on the disaster movie genre, starring the wonderful Christopher Walken. It has some great special effects mixed in with audience participation and a hilarious denoument. We all really enjoyed this attraction and look forward to returning in the not too distant future. Next, we moved onto the reason we were here - The Simpsons Ride! We are huge fans of the Simpsons and were huge fans of the Back To The Future ride so Universal had a lotta work to do as far as we were concerned! I'm not going to divulge much - suffice to say the queuing area is highly entertaining and the ride is simply fantastic!

By now we were getting hungry so decided to exit park one and try one of the restaurants on City Walk. We ended up at everyone's favourite, Margaritaville and had a fabulous lunch/dinner (Lunner? Dinch??) Sophie and Richard ordered a cocktail each whilst I stuck with the designated driver's Diet Coketail... Eventually we waddled off to Islands of Adventure so DH could get his thrill ride fix. We started off with the Spiderman attraction (as good as ever) whilst DH and I did Jurassic Park on our own. I haven't been on for a while and confess to getting more than a little creeped out by those naughty raptors... :eek:

We met up with Sophie and walked around to Duelling Dragons. I hadn't braved this coaster before - and I still haven't. Fingers crossed for Easter 2009, then! Richard went on alone whilst a beery single dad attempted to chat me up in the adjacent store!!! Eeeeuw!!! Fortunately DH was on and off quickly and we were able to scuttle away without too much trouble. What can I say? I'm a beery single dad magnet... ;)

Sophie and Richard decided they wanted to hit the Hulkcoaster so I took their bags and said I'd meet them in the Christmas shop. What a disappointment that store is after the wonderful DTD example! I struggled to amuse myself with the poor array of festive fancies but fortunately they were quick and we were soon quitting the park. We have had such good value out of those passes that every visit is a bonus so we are happy to pop in and out without having to ride everything. So we headed for the Sierra and, after carefully extracting the car from the space, I dutifully drove us all home again.

One of the (many) pluses about Wilderness Lodge is the vast amount of parking spaces at the resort. Last October, we stayed at the Yacht Club and I regularly struggled to find a space in the car park. No such worries here. I was even able to park the car in a shaded area before we pointed our tired feet in the direction of the lobby. Once inside, we picked up a room key for Richard and adjourned to the Territory Lounge for a post-park pick-me-up! I kept to my preferred raspberry champagne cocktail whilst the others drank I remember not what! We had a lovely evening chatting about the day plus topics as varied as US politics, house prices in London and the magic of the Glowtini ice cube - that's all I can remember anyway... Cocktail count = 11!!!
Another great day Karen. I'm looking forward to seeing Brendan Foster again ;) and riding the Simpsons ride for the first time in August ::yes::
...I'm looking forward to seeing Brendan Foster again ;)

Brendan Foster...?


...or Brendan Fraser...?


I guess you never see 'em in the same room.... :rolleyes1
So many updates, sounds as though you're having such a wonderful holiday so far, you know how to do it in style don't you :goodvibes What a fantastic surprise for your DD!
Yay some more fab instalments :yay: plus lots more cocktails :thumbsup2
Fantastic trip report, loving reading every bit of this :banana:
Thursday May 8th:
OK so I'm having a hard time remembering what we did today. I know Richard popped to Roaring Forks for copious coffee refills and a selection of breakfast platters for us to try - delicious! I'm pretty sure DH and I spent time by the pool plus I'm quietly confident Sophie went over to DTD for some shopping. Apart from that I can't be sure! I think Sophie returned with the second season of 'How I Met Your Mother' on DVD and we spent a ridiculous amount of time watching back to back episodes before getting ready to head out to the Animal Kingdom Lodge for our evening ADR at Boma...

We took a cab to the resort and were soon strolling through the awesome lobby. Now I was somewhat anxious about Richard's reaction as this was his first time visiting AKL. So what, I hear you cry!? Well, this is the guy who'd been so impressed by DVC's promotional material for Animal Kingdom Villas that he'd begged me for an add-on!!! Now I'm not the kind of woman to ignore a man's needs, so add-on we did. Right there and then... :eek:

But that was almost a year ago and men are such fickle creatures. But the Lodge's impressive lobby didn't disappoint and I watched my husband gaze in awe at the architectural features and artefacts. "Wow!" he whispered and I knew those dollars were well spent...

Sophie, Richard and I checked in at the Boma reception with a twenty minutes to spare and decided to spend some cocktail currency at the Victoria Falls lounge. We were just halfway through our beverages when the pager started flashing so we picked up our glasses and headed to the restaurant. Boma is a buffet and, as such, is all you can eat. Not surprisingly I found I could eat a lot! We ordered a bottle of delicious Pinotage that Sophie and I remembered trying at the South African wine tasting event last October. The food was incredibly yummy and we tried everything - sometimes twice! After the meal, Sophie explored the Zawadi Marketplace whilst Richard and I sat on one of the comfy sofas in the lobby. We requested a cab and within 5 minutes we were on our way back to Wilderness Lodge and bed. Zzzz... Cocktail Count = 3...
fantastic trip report,looking forward to reading more:goodvibes
Loving your trip reports, Karen, keep up the good work. I loved reading about your daughter's surprise when your hubby arrived :goodvibes

Laur's princess:


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