Girls Only Trip Report - new video added!!

Mum to Belle

<font color=royalblue>Thinks she may know someone
Jul 6, 2009
Monday 10th May 2010
My alarm was set for 4am and I was surprisingly awake – amazing what the thought of Disney magic can do! I did the last minute packing and woke Isabelle at 4.20 before Mum arrived at 4.30. Our flight left at 7.15am and thankfully we weren’t affected by the volcanic ash cloud.:thumbsup2 We arrived in Paris CDG at 9.25am and found 3 bags on luggage carousel – all ours! That never happens to me – I think all the other passengers must have had hand luggage only! :laughing:
We were met by John for our transfer with Ezyshuttle to Sequoia Lodge and were there by 10.15 to check-in & leave our luggage, collect park tickets etc. I was offered park breakfasts which I accepted – love eating in the park!! :lovestruc
We headed straight to the park via the lodge exit after a bit of confusion but this did allow us to see some of the beautiful grounds before a stroll round the lake past Hotel New York.

First stop Salon Mickey so no queues for us!! Isabelle knocked over her drink, hid under a chair & crawled commando across the floor, possibly not quite the behaviour they are used to! :rolleyes1 It was a really good start to the day though and a chance to re-charge after the travelling. Found the toilets for the first time!

Princess Tiana & Prince Naveen were doing a meet & greet but the queue was already closed, so we had to make do with these guys...

Decided to walk straight round to Woody’s Round-Up where we saw Minnie, Mickey, Jessie & Goofy hanging around outside.

It was most amusing when Jessie walked off with the pram she was posing beside, complete with baby!! Isabelle decided to teach Mickey Mouse her “Donald Duck Dance” and was over the moon when he joined in and the two of them danced like ducks!! :banana:(Sadly hadn’t found the video camera at this point!)

We headed up to the Railroad station but it wasn’t open for another 30 minutes. Happily the Pocahontas Playground was open this trip so we went round there for some old fashioned play time and Isabelle had a great time. There was a family of ducks with baby ducklings wandering around – soooo cute!

Back to Disney Railroad where we rode the train until Discoveryland and walked back round past Bella Notte into Fantasyland.
Time for Lunch at Toad Hall, fish & chips! We ate outside as it was full inside, fortunately it wasn’t too cold!
Afternoon was spent in Fantasyland – we rode It’s A Small World – Granny’s first ride! She is used to cruises so this was right up her street! Carousel – Granny couldn’t climb onto the horse so sat this one out! Tea Cups – A firm favourite!

Disney Showtime Spectacular was on next, it came on to rain while we were watching this, but this didn’t stop Granny flirting with Emile and being rewarded with lots of kisses and a shake of his booty!! :rotfl2:

Left the park via Disneyland Hotel at 4pm , but no characters. :confused3
We decided to get the bus back to the hotel as it was raining, by this time Isabelle was asleep! We got our keys & luggage and unpacked before waking her up to have a bath & get ready for dinner.

We ate dinner in the hotel at the Beaver Creek Tavern and Isabelle was dressed as Tinkerbell. Our waiter said, “Hello Princess” and she looked at him and said, “I’m not a princess, I’m Tinkerbell – the tinker fairy!” he took this fairly well!! :rotfl2:

She was so tired that she didn’t eat much, but Granny & I made up for it! Mum had the half roast chicken and I had the steak with dessert buffet. Sorry but I didn’t take the camera so no photos, but the desserts were great!! I had Black Forest Gateau, Strawberry Mousse cake and chocolate mousse. Isabelle had jelly, custard and fruit. There were also other cakes, ice creams, floating islands, etc! There was so much to choose from, the starter selection was really good (selections of pates, cold meats, salads, hard boiled eggs, smoked salmon, prawns, bread, rolls) and there was also a children’s main buffet selection of Mickey potato heads, pasta, bolognaise sauce, chips, chicken drumsticks, carrots, green beans etc. Isabelle was given a spirograph-type toy when we had finished our meal. We then had an early night and were planning on a nice lie in before our 9.30 breakfast slot the next morning...
fab, fab, fab so far..please hurry with more, lol!

Love all your pics so far too, Isabelle is just beautiful and seems so much more grown up than in previous pictures. I love the hoodie she is wearing, did you buy that there???
Great report so far and your daughter is gorgeous (loving her name too, I have an Isobel) - fantastic photo of her and Jessie.

Hope John provided his usual brilliant service, we have already booked up with him again for November.

Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip.
fab, fab, fab so far..please hurry with more, lol!

Love all your pics so far too, Isabelle is just beautiful and seems so much more grown up than in previous pictures. I love the hoodie she is wearing, did you buy that there???

Aw, thanks! The hoodie is from Disney Store over here, got it last year. Better go and start on day 2... :surfweb:
yey you started. what a great first day. isabelle is such a cutie. i love the pic of her with mickey and minnie. cant wait for more!!!!
Tuesday 11th May 2010
So, despite planning a leisurely morning with a lie in, I woke up at 6.00 and Mum & Isabelle were both up by 6.30 so we set off for the park & did Extra Magic Hours! We managed Buzz and Orbitron before breakfast! (Just as well considering Thursday...) I tried taking a photo of Granny on her rocket while it was flying but she was so high I couldn’t see her!!

Buzz was great fun although the moving walkway was a bit of a challenge for Mum! We both managed Level 3 which considering Isabelle was “helping” us wasn’t bad!

We had booked a character breakfast at 9.30 in Cafe Mickey and it didn’t disappoint. We saw Mickey, Chip & Dale, Friar Tuck, Prince John, Goofy & Pluto.

Isabelle taught Chip her Donald Duck dance and I have it on video so will try and edit it at some point... We waited until after all the characters had left before attempting to get her to eat breakfast (she chose smoked salmon & scrambled egg) so it was nearly 11.00 before we left.

As planned we headed to Disney Studios today! Which was good as the weather was going to turn into rain, rain, rain and then some more rain.
First off we went to see Playhouse Disney but the show had just started so we missed that. Stitch Live wasn’t on for another half an hour or so, so we wandered off to find the umbrella, only to discover that it wasn’t working. Maybe it knew it was going to rain...?? Anyway, we wandered round the corner and who did we see but Donald Duck!! I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that Isabelle was thrilled and we had another performance of the Duck Dance!! Here they are taking a bow...

Back to watch Stitch Live which was as great as ever, and although Stitch didn’t choose Isabelle to talk to, it didn’t stop her talking to him! (Even louder than the girl with the microphone) :rolleyes:

Next we took Granny for a ride on the Magic Carpets, one of the carpets had broken so the queue was slow moving and by the time we got on it was raining but still a pleasant flight!!

After this we were just in time for Animagique which we loved. Only problem was a very noisy family sitting next to us who seemed to be having a domestic at the beginning of the show!

Sully was doing a meet & greet but Isabelle was only interested in the Scream Machines...

We had lunch at the Blockbuster Cafe so we could meet Captain Jack Sparrow! :lovestruc Mum had a great time with him but Isabelle scuppered my chances by crying and hanging on to me when he came over – what a spoil sport!! We ordered a Croque Monsieur meal & Mickey pizza and sat next to a lovely couple from Holland.

By the time we’d finished lunch we had missed both the parade & the Playhouse Disney show and the rain was really heavy so we got the bus back to hotel. We went for a swim which Isabelle loved – she’s a real water baby. She especially loved the water slide, Mum & I found the water a bit on the cool side though.

We met up with our friends as we had dinner booked at Cafe Mickey at 6.15pm. This was an experience and a half! We saw Minnie, Mickey, Eeyore, Tigger, Captain Hook, Smee, Genie, Goofy & Pluto.


Best moment of the trip was Isabelle dancing with Minnie to the Freedom song! Oh yes, I have this on video!!! (Due to technical problems I can’t upload it yet though, so you’ll have to imagine my daughter dressed as Minnie jumping up and down with the real Minnie!!!) :yay:

We had ordered a birthday cake as it was my friend’s OH’s birthday – he had NO idea!! Very funny, and we had Mickey & Pluto come over to dance with us & Isabelle blew out the candles (this is when I realised I had the video on standby.........):sad2:

Overall we were there till about 10pm as the service was reeeeeally slow. We didn’t order for Isabelle, she ate the bread rolls, some of my chips, and a pudding. I knew that she would be too interested in the characters to eat. I had fantasia mushrooms, Pluto steak (it was bleeding!!) and the Woody’s Campside Chocolate, needless to say we had no room left to eat the cake! We walked back to the hotel feeling rather full, thankfully the rain had stopped! And so ends another day...
Really enjoying your report ~ Isabelle is gorgeous and I so hope we'll get to see her Donald Duck dance. :donald:
another great day. shame about the rain but thats a good time to spend in the studios

cant wait to see this dance lol
Fantastic stuff so far! Love that your daughter taught all the characters this duck dance :thumbsup2

What was the birthday cake experience like at Cafe Mickey? Planning on ordering one on the sly for my friend (it's her birthday trip). :goodvibes
Isabelle is so so so adorable!

Loving your trip-repot, hurry up with more! :)
Great - loving this :thumbsup2

Cafe Mickey twice in one day!! And I need to see this Donald Duck dance :)

Can't wait for more :goodvibes
Great photos and enjoying the TR, I'd be interested in what you thought of Toad Hall - I know you said you were considering not doing it and I'm sorry of I almost put you off!

My kids are still talking about Cafe Mickey - sounds like you had a load of fun there as well - great memories are made there!:wizard: My kids both fell asleep in the car this afternoon and are still up (failed twice to put them to bed) - so I've just shown Jo-boy your photos and he recognised Cafe Mickey.

I wouldn't worry about Isobelle dropping her juice in Salon Mickey - Amélie did the same (photo of her cleaning it up in the TR). I have to say, I was impressed with the toilets there, very plush.

Weather wise, I think you might have been a bit more unlucky than us, we only had a few minutes of rain on the first few days bit a freezing cold wind -I think Karen Molloney will back me up on that one! Even in the rain, Disney's still as magical.

Looking forward to the rest of the TR.
Wednesday 12th May 2010
What a difference a day makes - only just made breakfast in the park at 9.15 Chalet au marionette!! We were actually running!! Needless to say we missed EMH but there were no queues for It’s A Small World or Tea Cups!
We then explored Sleeping Beauty Castle for the first time and heard the snoring knight and watched the window change! This was followed by a quick trip to the Christmas shop!!

Princess Tiana & Prince Naveen were doing a meet & greet at 11.00 so we got there at 10.45 and joined the queue. In total we queued for an hour and as we waited the clouds got really dark and then the sun came out through a small hole in the clouds!! The wait was worth it for this though...

The CM was fab and took loads of photos while I videoed a bit and then he made us go up for a photo too! They were wonderful!!!

By now it was nearly time for our 12.00 reservation at Walt’s Restaurant. Now, as it was gone 10am before we finished breakfast we were considering cancelling, but after standing in the queue we decided that we’d go anyway, and I am so glad we did! It was the best meal ever!!!

We had the quick lunch which was a bargain at 19.90 Euros!!

I ordered the duck breast which was heavenly!

Mum had the asparagus risotto which she loved too!

This was followed by coffee gourmande!

DD had the children’s pasta & ice cream.

We had a window table so DD could watch the All Star Express Train go by!!

Would go back here again and again - it was wonderful!!!

Total cost was 46.58 Euros after shareholder discount - fantastic!!

We then spent the afternoon in Adventureland & Frontierland, exploring Skull Rock, Rope Bridge, and Pirates Beach before a ride on the River Boat Mark Twain and a visit to Phantom Manor to scare the ghosties!! (Isabelle loves this!)

We headed back to Fantasyland and had time for a quick exploration of Alice’s Maze before meeting up with our friends to watch the parade! We had a great spot opposite Bella Notte and saw the princes & princesses when they got off the floats to dance. Mum really loved the parade and said we had to watch it again the next day!

Ben & Isabelle then chose our next ride – IASW, no surprise there then! When we came off we saw a mouse (sorry, not sure if it was Suzy or Perla!) but Isabelle was so excited she ran after her! She gave her a wave and I said we’d see her tomorrow at lunch. As the mouse went to leave through the big gates that the parade comes out of Isabelle ran after her again! I couldn’t believe it when the mouse stopped and came back to give Isabelle a hug goodbye and kissed her hand! She stopped again as she went through the gates to wave again and blow a kiss! Magic!

We headed round to watch the Showtime Spectacular and decided to wait at the back of the stage area so we could wave at the characters before they went on. Could not believe what happened next though! We were happily waving at the characters when all of a sudden Woody and Jessie came right over to us! Isabelle had hugs and kisses and got their autographs and they were followed by Sully, Donald, Lilo & Stitch and Mr Incredible! She got to shout “Boo!” at Sully and he pretended to be scared! Then he pretended to frighten Jessie! Lilo & Stitch were sooo cute and they all spent ages interacting with us, it was brilliant! :cloud9: While the show was on we had Woody & Jessie messing around nearby, he even got told off by a CM for climbing over the railings and standing on the grass - LOL!

We had dinner booked for 6.30pm Early Bird Special at The Steakhouse in Disney Village so we had a browse through the Plaza East/West boutiques before we left the park. On the whole I think we were a little disappointed with the Steakhouse. It was fine, but nothing special. I suppose that after Walts, anything was going to be an anti-climax.

Back to hotel to pack and then it was time for cocktail & cake in the Redwood Bar with my friend. I thought I’d share with you a little photo I took of the cake (this was the birthday one we got in Cafe Mickey)

and another one of the cocktail! We shared a Forest Edge cocktail for 2 people – it was absolutely gorgeous!!! (You can just see the cake on the left of the glass...)

Then it was off to bed before our last day...
How cute is that dancing!!! You met loads of characters too.
loving ur report!!! walts does seem rather good value - love the menu (except coffee as dont drink it lol)

pictures are gorgeous - love the tiana ones - sounds like the cm was excellent!!

like the tip about back of stand for the show - might have to remember that ;) lol

more more more - it sounds like a magical time!!!!!!!!!
yey finally the dance and the tiana pics. sooooooooo cute.

i am definitely going to walts after your review and feel free to remind me i said that lol.

i am loving your tr.
I have only got round to catching up with your trip report. Great photos & video. Isabelle looks like she is having a ball, especially with all the character interaction. I know I complained about the cold in my trip report, but I would rather it than the rain you got - seems like you got loads done though. You are putting me to shame with all your great photos - must get round to adding mine to my TR - maybe tomorrow night.


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