Glee - Season Two!

Heavy handed yes and not to mention there is still no real plot going on this season. I think the show is losing what made it great.
I was quite disappointed considering Brad wrote the episode, and I tend to really like his. But yes, there's just no real cohesiveness to this season yet. That's troubling for me. Next week doesn't look to be any better.
This is why I say I don't "get" Glee. But I REALLY liked last night's episode. We didn't start watching until almost the end of the season last year, so when there WAS a plot we had missed most of it. I wonder of they are moving away from a storyline focus and doing more "episode" type stuff?

The scene of Kurt and his dad in the cemetery almost put me over the edge. I can't stand the thought of anybody losing their mommy. Ever. It overwhelms me. :sad1:
It's becoming one big advertisement for their iTunes downloads. Didn't they say this season was going to feature less music per episode and more focus on the characters? Ha, this episode had SEVEN songs for God's sake. :confused3
I hated the Spear episode .. just didn't feel right. I felt the same way with GaGa .. it make the whole thing feel like an advertisement. The "Grilled Cheesus" was awesome though ... a little too mush singing, but the song choices were awesome and the acting was awesome.

I want to see a story line, I agree, but that last episode could be the start of a story line.
I'm the "Gleek" in the family. Hubby tolerates. I was looking forward to Grilled Cheesus" since the critics we're gaga over it. I just did not feel a connection from the characters, not sure why. Maybe too heavy subject manner. Anyway, usually LOVE the show and songs.
Maybe I'm one of the few, but I loved the spirituality episode. Had some great humor, yet a touchy subject matter that I think was handled very well. If Glee isn't make you laugh your butt off, I'm crying instead. I also loved all of the songs. Maybe it's because I was raised Pentecostal, but I really enjoyed the two gospel numbers.

I know the season doesn't have much "direction" yet, but it's only been a few episodes. I think I remember first season not having one right off the bat. I say give it time, it will all come together. :)
I'm the "Gleek" in the family. Hubby tolerates. I was looking forward to Grilled Cheesus" since the critics we're gaga over it. I just did not feel a connection from the characters, not sure why. Maybe too heavy subject manner. Anyway, usually LOVE the show and songs.

Yeah the critics said this one would guarantee to make you cry, except I was rolling my eyes throughout.
I thought Grilled Cheesus was funny.

The cemetery scene got me, and when Kurt was telling his dad "I don't believe in God, but I believe in us." it got me. I am digging Kurt.
In light of what's currently going on with our family/friends locally, this episode couldn't have come at a better time. Allowing people to comfort and seek comfort however they can is immeasurable. I loved the message and the songs. The one that really got me was Kurt's IWHYH.
In light of what's currently going on with our family/friends locally, this episode couldn't have come at a better time. Allowing people to comfort and seek comfort however they can is immeasurable. I loved the message and the songs. The one that really got me was Kurt's IWHYH.

I'm watching that scene right now and crying my eyes out.

I also loved Rachel's belting out Yentil :p
I loved the message and the songs. The one that really got me was Kurt's IWHYH.

Chris, for not having done anything prior to Glee, continues to be the heart of the show. I loved his version. During the scene I kept watching Heather Morris too. Her father passed away when she was in her teens, so I'm sure filming some of that was difficult for her.
Yikes! Set my recorder to wrong channel and missed recording it! (I did watch it "live" from hotel). I hope they replay it soon to add to my dvd collection of season 2.:happytv:
Yikes! Set my recorder to wrong channel and missed recording it! (I did watch it "live" from hotel). I hope they replay it soon to add to my dvd collection of season 2.:happytv:

The full episode is on the Fox website. If you have Windows 7, you can use the internet TV option in the Windows Media Center.
So Brittany and Santana necking kinda totally made my night, not gonna lie :lmao:

Santana needs to get her head outta her you know what and own up though. The girl is in DEEP denial.
Loved episode last night! Felt bad for Britney at the end eating at Breadsticks all alone. Thought it was odd the way they explained Puck being gone (in juvenile hall for stealing ATM) and wondered if he (actor) is off the show for awhile. No Sue Sylvester though. No new episode next week, then the Rocky Horror episode!:happytv:
Must say, I approve of all the shower scenes with Sam. Not really interested in seeing him with Quinn though. LOL.

I did like this episode a lot better though.
Again, another nights episode that I loved. I'm also curious about Puck to see if he's just off for a few episodes to really introduce Sam or if he's off for good.

Have you all noticed that Rachel sings a Babs song every episode so far this season? I heard the rumors they're touting her to play Barbra's part on a Broadway revival of Funny Girl. I wonder if they're helping her get that part by having her sing one of her songs every episode. Interesting.


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