Going for a new me - Melissa's Journal (comments welcome and needed!!!)


DIS Veteran
Oct 28, 2006
I'll come right out and say it...I am NOT a dieter!!! I have tried it in the past, many things, and it's not for me. I am all for eating healthy, but I can't keep with a points system or not eat carbs or limit my calories to an extremely pitiful amount.

To give you all some highlights of my attempts over the years:

Tried Atkins - lasted 3 days when I realized I couldn't do without the sugar, was lightheaded and dizzy for all 3 of those days

Weight Watchers - lasted about 8 weeks and 15 pounds. Felt good at the time, but was expensive to buy those prepackaged meals and I didn't really cook at the time

Atkins again - this time a slightly modified program given to me by my boyfriend who had lost 50 pounds in 12 weeks. Again, lasted 3 days, headaches and dizziness for the whole time.

Got a personal trainer who limited me to 1600 calories a day. Let's face it folks, during a typical meal I can get 1600 calories on my SHIRT!!! :lmao: Lasted about 4 months when I then broke my hand and stopped for good.

So that brings us to today when I decided I needed to make a change. I watched The Biggest Loser finale last night (okay the last 4 minutes). When I saw Erik had lost 214 pounds I was IN SHOCK!! I was literally repeating HOLY COW, THAT'S AMAZING out loud to myself while watching. He looked like a brand new person and I realized that I wanted to feel that way and I wanted people to be shocked at how good I looked.

I don't have 214 pounds to lose, but I do have 75 that I would like to lose. I don't have a set time frame to complete this in, but I want to reach that goal.

I got a very rare afternoon off thanks to a Christmas party at work that ended early. I came home having just eaten more pizza than I needed to and a cannoli - which was mighty good. The weather was beautiful for this time of year and I decided a walk was in order. I needed to try out my new Airwalks for my January trip anyway. To see how they would hold up to the pavement pounding around the World. So I popped on my iPod, set it to my favorite Disney Podcast and off I went. 1 hour and 4 miles later I felt great (okay, I didn't feel GREAT...but I felt pretty darn good). I immediately came home and popped on the WISH board to announce my intentions to any DISer who cared to read about it!

So that's my start:
Day 1 - 0 pounds down 75 to go.

My gym membership is ready to be fully utilized again, my airwalks are ready for another long walk and even though the last twinkie is calling my name, I am resisting with all my will power.

Here are my goals for this plan of mine:
- I will not diet but will make a more concious effort to eat better and eat less. No more stuffing myself just because I can.
- I will do cardio at the gym a minimum of two times a week including a 4 mile walk on the treadmill or outside if it's warm enough.
- I will only weigh myself once every two weeks and NOT be disappointed if I am not seeing rapid progress.

You all might be saying - why only cardio twice a week? Well, I am also a martial artist and have class between 3 and 5 times a week to keep me going. It's not enough to lose weight, but it does keep me healthy (other than weight wise).

Thanks for reading - stay with me and watch me along my path towards my goal!!

Melissa :banana:
First off, thanks to the folks that have checked in on my Journal. Glad to know that there are people out that who are at least interested!

Today was yet another Christmas party at work, and I didn't have a good start to my new life. It's going to be a lot harder to change than I thought it was going to be. I ate a bunch of stuff that was probably not very good for me, but I tried not to over stuff myself like I usually do, so I guess that's a start. But let's just say I was definitely a member of the clean plate club today, even when everybody pushed aside the over cooked NY Strip Steak I made sure to inhale every last bite.

On the upside, I took a long walk to get my car, at least 3/4 a mile. Unfortunately, by the time I got home it was too dark for a walk and I wasn't feeling well enough to trek the 20 minutes to the gym.

I am going to try and end each of my journal entries with a High and Low for the day:

High: Taking a longer walk than I needed to so that I could get some exercise.

Low: The piece of Turtle cheesecake that I didn't need to be eating.
Wow, turtle cheesecake must be amazing. I have never had that. Probably a good thing too as I don't know if I could stop at just one piece. Good for you on the 3/4 mile walk. Keep working at it, the holidays along with all the extra food will soon disappear so it will get easier with less temptations around. :cool1:


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