gradtchr's back on track (comments welcome)

Hey done yet???
We're pullin for ya!!!
Hang in there!! You're doing great!! :cheer2:

This weekend was a kick tail one by means of workouts. I worked out 230 minutes total. I was thrilled!!!

Eating wise I'm trying to go hard core I have a couple of blips this week like a dinner w/ friends, and a baseball game but I am going to workout enough to not blow it totally.

Classes are over in two weeks and although I am not a student it's hard being the instructor at crunch time. :)
Hi there,

Way to go on the workouts!!! That is awesome!!! Keep it up!!!!

Almost done with can do it!!!

Happy Monday
Just a few more days just a few more day just a few more days. I can repeat that mantra and survive. :)

I am doing great eating wise and workout wise. I found the 140's again and am hoping that it just keeps on going DOWN!!!
School years almost over!! You are almost there! Hang in there!!

140's!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! :thumbsup2
im so glad you found the 140s again!! im there with you and we will both be going down down down!!!!
Is school over now?! haha hope it goes quick for you!
Woohoo! I'm glad to hear you are back in the 140's. This time it will stay there for a while! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2:
Excercise wise I am over my goal for the month YEAH!!!!!!!!

I had a breakdown this weekend weight wise. I am so frustrated that I am at exactly the same weight I was last year at this time and I am working so hrad on getting it off I am tired of the same pound creeping back on. Anyway I am not giving up if anything I am 100 times more motivated. It will come off in time and I can't wait to see what happens when it does. :)
Congrats for hitting your exercise goal & hitting the 140s. :thumbsup2 (Those 140s are a pain to maintain!) Hope these 2 weeks go by quickly!
Congrats on exceeding your exercise goal! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :thumbsup2 :yay: :woohoo: :bounce:

I know EXACTLY what you are going through. June 28 is my WISH anniversary and I am at the exact same weight as when I started! But I know I am in better shape than I was before, so I am happy with that. I am doing everything I can and I have developed some good habits and gotten rid of some bad ones. You will get there, don't get discouraged! :teeth:
Congrats on making your are doing great!!!

Don't give are doing a great job and you are so much healthier now than you were will happen. I know it will.

Keep up the good work!

Have a great day :)
Thanks everyone this has been a great week. The scale is at this time down about 4 pounds from last Saturday. I cna't wait until my weigh in!!!

I am glad that I got my workouts done early in the month because I am having serious asthma trouble and the doc has me on hold from cardio for the week. I think I will be dying by next Wednesday. :)
Sorry to hear about the asthma. Take it easy, listen to the Dr and get back into it when you are ready! Congrats on the loss! :cheer2:
Congrats on the loss!!! That is great!!!

Take it easy with the asthma...I have it too and it is no fun!!!

Keep up the good work and have a great weekend :)
After my weight loss breakdown last week and seriously reevaluating what I was doing I am happy to say that I think I have broken the plateau and I lost 3.2 pounds this week and am down to 148.2 The lowest I have seen in awhile. YEAH!!!!!!! I am now 18.2 away from goal and I have lost 60.8 since starting on this journey 4 years ago. I see the end in site and I am NOT going to give up. :)


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