Graduating through the Canal WBPC 2019

Day 10(Sea Day 4): March 4, 2019

The girls decided they wanted sleep more than the character breakfast this morning. So I was seated at a large table with several other adults. I ordered Minnie's Mini Pancake Tower which had bananas, peanut butter and jelly in it and was delicious with turkey sausage on the side. I was very happy when the coffee arrived. The one thing I don't like about the character breakfast is having to take your own pictures. I understand they are trying to get people in and out as fast as possible and if the photographers were there and they did it at a leisurely pace they'd probably start charging but my photos never come out very good in Animator's Palette due to the lighting.

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I was Disbounding as young Ellie from Up today so getting to meet Russel was awesome! We also met Mr. and Mrs. Incredible. I think there was a Pixar Pals party but I missed it.

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After breakfast I took a few laps on deck four and then ducked into Anyone Can Cook. Today was Sofrito Braised Pork Cheeks with a Red Tree Pinoit Noir. So delicious as always. Chef Bobby from Cinderella's Castle and Crew Member Bryan were my two favorite guys on this cruise!

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Can you guess what I did next? Yep a few more laps on deck four! LOL I'm kind of typical. But unlike usual I didn't have lunch in Cabana's. It was Italian day and nothing looked great. Instead I grabbed a schwarma and fries from out on deck. I love these things but I love food in general so I hardly ever choose them.


My favorite sommelier Samirah talked me into taking a second champagne class. Honestly, it taking much convincing. ;-). It's an inexpensive way to get five glasses of champagne. I'm not sure that I had different types but I learned new things and I really enjoyed it.

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This was an early class so I went to the cabin and ordered a couple of Mickey bars for me and Deniz and watched some Captain Pucket on t.v. Then marched off to the Art of the Theme Show Tour. If you haven't done this you absolutely must. It is a great tour. The one I went on had 50 people and it was with Bryan! We started up in Palo which is so beautiful. When Bryan talked about DCL creating ships that Walt himself would have sailed on I nearly broke down into tears. Looking around the beautiful Art Deco Wonder I really could see Walt and Lillian coming on board with smiles. That's probably me just being sentimental, but it all just makes me not want to be on the other lines. Yeah I drank the Kool-Aid that day. :-)

Tonight we were in Tiana's for the World of Flavors menu. I know that they have the cheese soup in Epcot but our Canadian friends said they'd never heard of it. We all enjoyed it. I had: an empanada, cheese soup, DCL salad, warm Guinness pudding (meh). Dede ordered: spring roll, empanada, cheese soup, Indian prawn curry, French passion fruit creme brulee (didn't like). Deniz ordered: Vietnamese spring rolls, empanadas, cheese soup, Danish vegetable turnover, cookies. Maybe it's just me but I think they've changed they cookies since we sailed last.

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Peter showed Deniz how to make some fancy napkins.

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After dinner I went to open house in the Edge. It was parents versus the kids and the parents won. It was fun but so loud in there. Then I went to see the Beverly Belle's. They are very talented but not really my style of music. I enjoyed it nonetheless. I was still a little hungry so I headed up to deck and grabbed a little pizza and a hot chocolate before bed.
I enjoyed our Art of Theme tour so much too, we had Natalie from New Zealand, she was a doll.
I have a feeling, she will someday be a Cruise Director on one my cruises!!

I didn't really get The Beverly Belle's show, It was a strange .....IMO
I enjoyed our Art of Theme tour so much too, we had Natalie from New Zealand, she was a doll.
I have a feeling, she will someday be a Cruise Director on one my cruises!!

I didn't really get The Beverly Belle's show, It was a strange .....IMO

Natalie was fantastic and I agree she will make a great cruise director some day. The Belle's have great voices but I agree the show was strange. The way they mixed songs together and the jokes...? If they had just done straight songs it would have been more enjoyable to me.
Day 11(Sea Day 5): March 5, 2019

The last few days as I walked on deck four I had been amusing myself by making up a story in which we had to evacuate the ship. Our life raft got separated from the others an our GPS systems failed. In the end we were at sea for four days before being rescued. Yes, I'll be the first to admit my imagination runs to the grim side of things, but I was the hero keeping up everyone's hopes by singing and telling stories and passing out chocolates I had in my backpack. Of course there was a bad guy in the story too. And how was I to know what would happen next?

All night I really tossed and turned. I talked in my sleep repeatedly waking up both myself and Deniz. At one point she started crying and got on the floor with her pillow, Totoro and Peter Parker. But then later got back in the bed. Poor thing. Then out of the blue we were all woken up at 9:20 am (by far the latest I had slept) by an emergency announcement. I sat straight up in bed and screamed, "It's happening!" Deniz started to cry again, but Dede kept her head and said to go back to sleep. We tried to but in a few minutes the announcement came again. We all really heard it that time. It was for a specific cabin down on deck two. I was kind of crying at that point worried that someone had died so Dede threw on some jeans and stuck her head out to talk to Noel. He said everything was fine and to go back to sleep. Well he wasn't going to tell us someone had died even if they had but at least I wasn't hustling the girls into warm clothes and life jackets. It turned out to probably be someone left the shower running too long and it tripped the fire alarm? Or at least that was the rumor.

After such a rough night and morning I just relaxed the rest of the day. Had a shower and then walked a mile on deck four before Anyone Can Cook which was Cinderella's Royal Table beef and shrimp with Merlot. It was so incredibly tender and delicious. I can understand why people wake up to make that reservation. I'm glad I got to try it and it's something I feel like I could actually make at home now that I have the recipe.

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After another mile on deck four I decided I needed some caffeine and why not treat myself to something special and walked up to Cove Cafe for my first drink from there. I had them make me a caramel iced latte and it was knock your socks off good. Met one of the FB members there and just had a fantastic chat with her. Everything was getting better by the minute as the seas were smooth, the weather was beautiful, and the people wonderful. Eventually, I headed over to Cabana's for lunch. Today's specialty was antipasta which I normally really like but just wasn't in the mood for. I had a mishmash of this and that but nothing was really outstanding except the quinoa and orange salad which I neglected to take a picture of.

Captain Pucket and his wife were having lunch and I asked if I might thank him for his lectures and chat for a minute. He is such a sweet, funny, and charming man. We talked mostly about our separate experiences in South Korea. And about how difficult it used to be to get English books in overseas locations. I feel very privileged to have met him.

Tonight was Pirate Night and I got to meet Tinker Bell which was fun. She plays the character very well. The girls and I also did some fun photographs.

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I ordered the baked brie (didn't like at all), chilled mango soup (loved), beef rib salad (good), pirates treasure sundae (yummy). Deniz had the vegetable samosa (loved), carrot and cilantro soup, lamb shank, barberry coast falafel (loved), caramel macadamia nut cheesecake tart (crust seemed a bit burned). Defne ordered the samosa, shrimp cocktail, crab cake, Jack's treasure's of the sea, cheesecake. The bread tonight was fantastic and we asked for more.

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After dinner I headed down to see JunNk. I was excited because drumming on various things is usually my kind of thing but wow I hated this group. They were rude and acted as if they had mental problems. I really don't approve of making fun of people with disabilities of any kind. But maybe I was reading things into the act that just weren't there. I left after about 20 minutes and headed up to deck to get a place for the Pirate Party.

I took a seat at a table very near the stage with a nice woman and soon two people who sat near us at dinner came along and sat with us as well. We chatted about cruising and life. It was nice and calming. The pre-party began and my girls were part of the flash mob. I was very proud of them as they are usually very stage shy. This was the first time I've gotten a really good view of the entire party and show and I really enjoyed it. It's cute the way Captain Mickey sails in to save the day. Just before the fireworks started I began to make my way to Cabana's. I watched the fireworks from just outside and was the first person through the doors. I grabbed a turkey leg, a couple of fajitas, and a couple of crepes, for me and Deniz to snack on. I'd never done this either so I was curious about the whole thing more than hungry. Everything was really delicious. Our towel animal was this thing from the movies. Thankfully, the clocks set themselves now.

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Natalie was fantastic and I agree she will make a great cruise director some day. The Belle's have great voices but I agree the show was strange. The way they mixed songs together and the jokes...? If they had just done straight songs it would have been more enjoyable to me.
They must rotate cruise directors! We were on the Wonder in mid-February (Haydar was our head server too), and Natalie was our cruise director!
Day 12(Sea Day 6): March 6, 2019

Today was a mostly typical sea day for me. Since the time was back one hour the girls and I all managed to go to breakfast together. I had eggs Benedict special and a slice of chocolate pound cake. I checked into the future cruises desk at 9am (which I thought was the earliest possible time) and was number 50! But I did get this adorable photo with Mickey and the gang in their Mexican clothes.

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I bet you can guess what I did next. Yep a mile on deck four! But I stayed away from day dreaming about abandoning ship and instead thought about what the next set of cruises would cost. :-) Then headed to Anyone Can Cook for Lemon Posset served with zonin baccorosa spumante dolce rose (and yes I had to look up the correct spelling of that) which was so wonderful. And this is something else I think I could actually could cook and would make a wonderful dessert to yesterday's beef dish. I wanted to lick the little bowl and have several glasses of the sparkling wine. Truly a delicious pairing. The Knob Creek is what Chef Bobby used in the butterscotch (but we all got a good laugh from it because Bryan went to college in Kentucky) if I'm not misremembering and the final photo is of what a restaurant presentation might look like.

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I walked another mile on deck four and was able to see Mexico on the starboard side which made a nice change from just water everywhere. I didn't note down what the specialty was in Cabana's today but I had shrimp, rice, and a salad. Afterward I took some ice cream out to the deck and watched the boat building contest. It was actually far more fun than I had anticipated to see the designs people had come up with. None of the boats outright sank which the captain said was unusual.

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Afterwards, I read for a little bit and then went to the tequila tasting which was sponsored by the Codigo company. Wow was this interesting! I usually love tequila but I'm the kind who just bolts it down. I've never had sipping tequila and doing that for the first time was an education. The first one was super strong and probably should have just been done as a shot for someone like me but then I'm still learning. :-) After a sip I had it with some orange and it was much better. That was the rose which is aged in Napa Valley Cabernet barrels. Next we had a classic margarita. Yummy! I could have had several of those. Third we had a Reposado (rested) which when taken with lime and salt was very nice and smooth. Fourth we were given a cocktail with blanco tequila, mango puree, grand marnier, a squeeze of lime juice, and ice. Finally, we tried the anejo which is aged for two years and while I nearly passed out from the fumes alone was fantastic with just a pinch of cinnamon. I had to go sleep for a bit after this one. :-)

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Day 12(Sea Day 6): March 6, 2019: Part Two

It was the second formal night but I wasn't in the mood. The girls however looked gorgeous. Deniz wore the Rapunzel dress I made for her.

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We were in Animator's Palette for the California Menu. I ordered: polenta (this was the first time I'd eaten polenta and I loved it so much I asked for another serving!), butternut squash soup, golden state beef tenderloin, salted caramel chocolate cake (this was just ok, I didn't really taste the salt or the caramel). Deniz had: California roll, potato croquettes, squash soup, tenderloin, and Long Beach Sundae. Dede had the same as Deniz except no croquettes or soup.

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During dessert the app notified me that I was finally next in line at the future cruise desk! I was so excited. I finished my cake and still had a few minutes wait after I got there because one of the two bookers (?) was on dinner break. The poor lady that I sat down with was exhausted with twitchy eyes. I hope I made her life easy because by that point I had managed to get a copy of the paper print of the new 2020 cruises and knew just what I wanted. I booked a 7 night Fantasy cruise followed by a 3 day break and then a 4 night Dream cruise for September 2020. I took the discount on the 7 night and she was able to book us in the same cabin for both cruises. If I keep this itinerary we'll go to NASA in between and it will be just Deniz and I. These two cruises will give us the grand slam and gold status before the new ships start arriving. But I feel like this is WAY to far in the future!!!! I really want to try for an early December 2019 cruise on the Dream. First, I really want to see a ship dressed for Christmas. Second, I want my husband to give cruising a try and a short trip in winter might be the encouragement he needs. Finally, if I can do it cheaper than the September one we have booked then my frugal nature can't say no to that. ;-)

Sometime during the day I met classic Mickey Mouse himself which was a real treat. After dinner I met Donald and Daisy and Mickey and Minnie in their formal attire. Minnie even let me have a short dance. I asked the girls to come home early as we had an early morning and a fun packed day planned for tomorrow and I headed to bed early myself.

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Day 13(Puerto Vallarta): March 7, 2019

We could not have had better weather for today. Just glorious. I woke up several times in the night worried about missing our early excursion time and finally got out of bed at about 730. I woke up the girls, but they said they'd rather have another 30 minutes of sleep than breakfast so I told them to meet me at the Walt Disney theater at 815 and headed off to Cabana's. When I got up there was still a rosy cast to the sky and it was so lovely. I had a departure from my usual breakfast and ate french toast and a chicken burrito. This was a mistake as there ended up being SO much food put in front of me today and I couldn't seem to say no to trying any of it. I should have just had coffee. Dede said some people from Vibe did the pirate ship I took a photo of. When I got to the theater I ran into Conner aka Alabama. He was such a hoot.

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The girls and I signed into our excursion to Los Caletas and it wasn't a long wait for the hundred or so others to arrive. We stepped right off the Wonder and into PV and it was a short walk to the boat that would take us to the magnificent beach. Our French friends were on the tour with us and I met a homeschool family that I had the best conversation with about homeschooling in an rv. The boat ride out included a continental breakfast of pound cake, juice, water, coffee, and fruit. Well of course I had to try the cake and coffee! A man sang a Mexican song and then the least fun part of the day a presentation of all the add ons you could purchase. It was short and not in your face as they kept it at the front of the boat. There were things like a scuba diving, seal swim, and others that I can't remember. They also went over the many things that were included. Unfortunately, this was all very loud and my French babies were upset by the noise. I loaned them my muffle phones but alas I only had the one pair. The photographers also took a photo of each family for the photo recognition software.

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After about forty minutes we were there at the stunning beach. It truly look like Fantasy Island! The minute we arrived I never wanted to leave.

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The first thing the girls and I did was head over to the welcome taco. A woman was making fresh corn tortillas. At first I was a little disappointed because I don't normally like corn tortillas, but when in Mexico! And these were amazing! The best taco I've ever had with hot beans, guacamole, grilled onions and salsa. Served with a glass of hibiscus nectar. Just incredible.

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Next we made our way to the family beach. One of the men from the tour company stopped to apologize about the noise on the boat over and to please let our French friends know once again how sorry they were and that if there was anything at all they could do to let him know. Apparently, they'd been very unhappy and there had been quite a misunderstanding when they'd disembarked but in the end everything got settled and they told us at dinner they had a wonderful day. I thought it was very nice of the tour operator to of noticed that we were friends with them even though we hadn't been seated together and to have taken the time to re-apologize.

The family beach held even more loveliness. With chairs both in the shade and in the sun there was somewhere to sit for everyone. We put our things in the shade and dove into the clear water. Dede and I swam out to one of the small floating platforms. It had a deck chair and a hammock. At that point I really wished I'd bought a waterproof camera because everything was just so beautiful. The fish were everywhere! I laid back in the hammock and just rocked with the ocean. After a few minutes Deniz got up courage and swam out to us. We stayed out there until another family came along and wanted a try. I was a little nervous to dive off but the boy of the family who was about seven showed me several times how easy it was and eventually I got up my nerves. :-)

We swam around for a bit and then walked up to get snorkeling gear. I have always been terrified of putting my face in the water but I wanted to try snorkeling and I thought with a mask on I'd be ok. One of the attendants showed us how to walk backwards which helped a lot with the flippers on and the three of made it into the water. I eased my face in and slowly breathed but within about 20 seconds I was hyper-ventilating. I pulled up and calmed down, rationalized with myself and tried again. That time my body just wasn't having it at all. There was no way I was snorkeling that day. Dede got stung by a jellyfish pretty badly on her leg and arm so she wanted to take a break in the shade. Thankfully the tour guide on for the snorkeling excursion didn't ask or didn't care about Deniz's age so she was able to go without us. She loved it. It was a 20-30 minute tour. I was really proud of her and now she won't stop talking about it. I can't wait until I can take her again. I'm going to buy a snorkeling set and really work on overcoming my fear this summer in the pool. I'll also sign her up for the teen excursion on Castaway Cay once she's 14 as that includes snorkeling.

When the snorkelers were returning the resident sea lion, Rex, appeared. Deniz got to swim with him a little bit. I jumped right in and took some photos of our French friends and petted him too. He was funny. Dede took a photo of me petting him. I petted the donkey and returned the snorkeling equipment. Just a slight warning here. There are a lot of steep stair cases on this excursion and it can get very tiring. Deniz and I did some sculpting with local clay and left it to dry in the sun. I also went on a kayak ride. Dede wouldn't come with me and I found out later it was because she was sure I would flip. I didn't. Dede found some snails she had been studying in her marine science class.

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Next we went to the cooking class. There weren't many of us there. Four adults other than me and just my two kids. I could kick myself for not taking the camera! The chef made paella that smelled astounding. I was so excited when I got to try some later but I was almost too full! Dede and I were at the guacamole station but she cut her finger. Deniz was at the salsa station or the pico de gallo. There was also salsa verde and shrimp ceviche. Plus they brought in fresh pitchers of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic margaritas. Now, I'd never had ceviche but I was determined to try. OMG!!!! It was out of this world. This was how I was too full to eat much paella. With a little of the guacamole on a crispy fried tortilla with some spicy salsa. :swoon: I'll never order it in a restaurant because I don't think I could ever trust it to be fresh like this but I hope I can work up the nerve to make it at home eventually.

We walked back down to the beach and the girls swam and I chatted with my French friends as the boys played with the sand toys provided. It was just so nice to relax. The time in PV is just far too short! I don't know why it has to be. If it is because of tides or taxes or getting to Cabo but I wish we could overnight there so we could have stayed at Los Caletas far far longer.

Far too soon it was lunch time. We packed up our things and headed over to the buffet lunch where some of the things we'd helped make plus the paella an many other dishes were on display. We were offered drinks. I can't remembered what I ordered but it honestly wasn't good. It was the one disappointment to the day. All of the food however was fantastic.

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Immediately after lunch the bell rang and it was time to head back to the boat to go back to the Wonder. This was the first and only time I was said to be heading back "home." The girls felt the time had been enough but I could have stayed there a week. On the way back the guides did an hilarious music show while passengers looked at photos and videos that had been taken. They were also handing out water, juice, beer, and margaritas so I may have gotten a little bit rowdy with some of the songs. LOL The price for a thumb drive with everything was only $50 but we only had 7 pictures and all them were really bad so it was an easy no for me. I was a little sad neither of the girls wanted to do the zip line or any of the teen activities but they had a fantastic time nonetheless.

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Sorry you didn't get to try snorkeling. You might want to try getting a full snorkel mask. You can find them on Amazon. Our Costco had them last season. They might help with your anxiety about getting your face in the water.
Sorry you didn't get to try snorkeling. You might want to try getting a full snorkel mask. You can find them on Amazon. Our Costco had them last season. They might help with your anxiety about getting your face in the water.

Thank you. I never got my Girl Scout swim badge because I couldn't do the stomach float, didn't even have to have my eyes open for that. It's just a life long fear. Hopefully, with lots of practice and maybe a few Klonopin ;-) I'll get over it!
Heather I totally get the snorkel fear, I won't do it either!
On our first DCL cruise wayyyy back in 2002, we were on CC and we were all gonna snorkel as soon as I put the mask down and the snorkel in my mouth I became claustrophobic.
It was awful, I was so disappointed. I just couldn't do it, just thinking about it makes me gasp.
My husband, son & daughter went and had a blast, I sat on the sand sad.

I saw the full face snorkel mask and was researching them to see if it would work for me. But I ran across a story online about them being dangerous and people have died using them, so that was over real quick :sad2:
Heather I totally get the snorkel fear, I won't do it either!
On our first DCL cruise wayyyy back in 2002, we were on CC and we were all gonna snorkel as soon as I put the mask down and the snorkel in my mouth I became claustrophobic.
It was awful, I was so disappointed. I just couldn't do it, just thinking about it makes me gasp.
My husband, son & daughter went and had a blast, I sat on the sand sad.

I saw the full face snorkel mask and was researching them to see if it would work for me. But I ran across a story online about them being dangerous and people have died using them, so that was over real quick :sad2:

Oh I'm so sorry. :hugs: It hurts me to know there are others out there with the fear.
Day 13(Puerto Vallarta): March 7, 2019 Part Two

We walked back to the Wonder and it was a good thing we took a DCL sponsored tour because I would guess they were watching for us and ready to close the doors(?) behind us and there were lots of lookie loos pointing at us. Jokes on them as we weren't runners! Honestly, we were only about five minutes late and I think Puerto Vallarta tours did a fantastic job of maximizing our time without putting us in jeopardy of being late.

When we got back back to the cabin we all got showers and Dede headed to Vibe. Deniz and I stayed in to rest and then headed off to formal pictures. I'm glad we did because this was the last time we did for this trip as the next day was repeat backgrounds. Can you tell how much I love getting hugs from the characters? Tonight I Disbounded as village Belle and she wore the top I hand embroidered and smocked for her specifically for Tiana's Place. It has water lilies and a frog prince on it.

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Tonight we were in Tiana's Place for Mardi Gras night! The cups were gorgeous tonight. My granny had some that were green and very similar. We had eagerly been awaiting this menu for a year! Dede and I had gone over it again and again discussing what we would order. We were surprised there was no gumbo on the menu. We all love it and I make it at home and think of it as a staple of southern cooking but never mind. In the end some was better than expected and some were disappointments.

Of course we all ordered the famous beignets. Now, I haven't been to New Orleans in nearly 30 years but these were amazing. If I could have stuffed more into me I would have for sure. I had a huge sweet tooth this night as it was. Dede ordered: Sausage fritters (she liked them I tasted them and didn't),pepper pot, grits, sea bass. Deniz also had the sausage fritters but then had: tomato soup (said it was sweet and didn't finish it), artichoke ravioli, and Chocolate Doberge Gateau. I ordered: shrimp and grits (amazing, better than what I cook at home), seafood pepper pot (disappointing not at all spicy had to add hot sauce and still not great), sea bass (fish and shrimp were good rice was way under cooked again), white chocolate bread pudding (wanted to lick the bowl), banana Foster sundae (good).

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After dinner I went to the crew talent show. I think the girls did too but with their friends from the clubs. It was very good. Some of the acts were truly Broadway caliber. Bryan was set to preform but he didn't which was odd. It became a deepening mystery in the days to come. One of the Edge counselors sang 9-5 and the man next to me said, "I bet she wishes she worked 9 to 5." I laughed because it's too true.

All in all this was probably the best day of the entire cruise even though it was mostly spent off the ship and usually I enjoy the ship the most. The food, the beach, the experiences, were just for me all five stars today and you just can't say that every day of your life.
Who knew Puerto Vallarta could be so much fun! I'm sorry we missed the port. Hopefully when we do the PC cruise again, we can check it out!

I'm also sorry you missed Bryan sing, talk about Broadway quality! He was amazing! I'd be interested to know why he didn't perform.
I'm glad you got to go to Las Caletas, they did not offer it on our PC, we were bummed!! Oh well, all the more reason to go again!
Who knew Puerto Vallarta could be so much fun! I'm sorry we missed the port. Hopefully when we do the PC cruise again, we can check it out!

I'm also sorry you missed Bryan sing, talk about Broadway quality! He was amazing! I'd be interested to know why he didn't perform.

Fun fact: Bryan used to be a main stage performer on DCL. The only specific role he told me he played was Genie.
Who knew Puerto Vallarta could be so much fun! I'm sorry we missed the port. Hopefully when we do the PC cruise again, we can check it out!

I'm also sorry you missed Bryan sing, talk about Broadway quality! He was amazing! I'd be interested to know why he didn't perform.

Everyone had a great time in PV no matter what they did. Some people just went to Wal Mart and picked up vanilla and tequila and still had a great day. I heard no one complain about PV. As for Bryan that mystery deepened.

I'm glad you got to go to Las Caletas, they did not offer it on our PC, we were bummed!! Oh well, all the more reason to go again!

I know. I was so worried when I read about that and was so glad when they did for us. I absolutely want to go again, maybe from the west coast this time and absolutely add in Disney Land this time.

Fun fact: Bryan used to be a main stage performer on DCL. The only specific role he told me he played was Genie.

He told me he was in Aladdin but not which roll. He had a great story about being on one of the ships as a passenger and one of the performers breaking a leg? so he ended up signing a contract and had yet to be a passenger on DCL.


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