My concern is more then my vacation plans. I am saddened how little concern a lot have for others. I get frustrated cause it's so easy to just follow simple guidelines. If everyone did it we could easily open everything. It really isn't hard to practice social distancing, wear a mask when needed and wash your hands. For many its like building a pyramid.
It does work and it is really so easy. It’s not forever. People around my area are great with the social distancing and masks. Everyone wears them in public places. Our numbers continue to go down and we are going in phase 3 tomorrow. it’s obvious they there are a lot of people in this world with a not my problem attitude.. So it only works When the community is in it together.
It’s more than that and you know that. While I agree masks and social distancing should be easy and I do wish it required nationwide, a long term lockdown was not sustainable for many reasons. Boredom isn’t the only reason.
It isn't more than that. People are tired of it and want to move on. They are bored with the rules and restrictions.
It’s more than that and you know that. While I agree masks and social distancing should be easy and I do wish it required nationwide, a long term lockdown was not sustainable for many reasons. Boredom isn’t the only reason.
A long term lockdown is not sustainable. Social distancing and masks can be sustainable for the long haul. Its unfortunate so many want to open things up but want no part of the work to go along with it.
It isn't more than that. People are tired of it and want to move on. They are bored with the rules and restrictions.
We will have to agree to disagree on this. How do you expect the economy to survive a long term shutdown? It doesn’t help to open up these businesses to get people back to work if people aren’t able to go to them.

It comes from a tremendous place of privilege to say a lockdown could last longer than it has. There are economic and physical/emotional/mental health consequences to that.

My reasons for wanting things to reopen have nothing to do boredom.
A long term lockdown is not sustainable. Social distancing and masks can be sustainable for the long haul. Its unfortunate so many want to open things up but want no part of the work to go along with it.
I can agree with you on this.
A long term lockdown is not sustainable. Social distancing and masks can be sustainable for the long haul. Its unfortunate so many want to open things up but want no part of the work to go along with it.

For the most part, I agree. I do think that there is more we should do to lessen the spread beyond masks and social distancing. Continuing to encourage people to work from home, in fields where that is possible, would be a major step. Continuing to encourage shopping changes, such as reducing the number of people in a household who go in and encouraging delivery / curbside pickup can both help limit spread while not hurting the economy.
I know the virus is serious, but I also know that reports of child abuse have dramatically decreased because teachers don't have eyes on their students, I also know that domestic violence has increased.
There are a lot of ramifications concerning shutting down, some negative and some positive. So if we are going to cherry pick (No school shootings! Greatly reduced drunk driving deaths and street crime) that is going to be beside the point. One big reason there are so many ER beds available is that all that other stuff got greatly reduced. You are trying to shoehorn the reality into your narrative.

We all realize how difficult and painful it is to curtail our activities.
It comes from a tremendous place of privilege to say a lockdown could last longer than it has. There are economic and physical/emotional/mental health consequences to that.
If you cared about the people without privilege, you'd rail about protecting and testing the folks who rely on public transportation. Those folks are the most vulnerable, they are more likely to be essential workers. and they are the most likely to spread it to others.

We are in a period of decreased transmissiveness. So naturally people want to move about more freely. Makes sense. The only thing we are debating about is doing it smartly.
If you cared about the people without privilege, you'd rail about protecting and testing the folks who rely on public transportation. Those folks are the most vulnerable, they are more likely to be essential workers. and they are the most likely to spread it to others.

We are in a period of decreased transmissiveness. So naturally people want to move about more freely. Makes sense. The only thing we are debating about is doing it smartly.
I don’t understand what you’re saying. I do care about people without privilege. Nothing I have said has implied otherwise.

And no, the only debate has not been about moving about safely. There are plenty of people in this board who have said we should all be staying home and not going anywhere.
It isn't more than that. People are tired of it and want to move on. They are bored with the rules and restrictions.
It's really NOT boredom for many...not that simple. We feel we can move on with some form of normalcy using reasonable a bit of our life. We know how to wash our hands, not cough on others, stay home if unwell, social distance, not go out in large crowds and mask up in higher risk situations. There can be middle ground. No need to bankrupt the country or withhold medical care from those in need. If and when a hotspot develops it can be dealt with by zip code. No need to shutter everything...lockdown the U.S. Although some wouldn't mind one bit.
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It's really NOT boredom for many...not that simple. We feel we can move on with some form of normalcy using reasonable a bit of our life. We know how to wash our hands, not cough on others, stay home if unwell, social distance, not go out in large crowds and mask up in higher risk situations. There can be middle ground. No need to bankrupt the country or withhold much need medical care from those in need. If and when a hotspot develops it can be dealt with by zip code. No need to shutter everything...lockdown the U.S. Although some wouldn't mind one bit.
That sounds all well and good. I am in agreement with doing that but the issue is too many don't care to do any of that.
There are a lot of ramifications concerning shutting down, some negative and some positive. So if we are going to cherry pick (No school shootings! Greatly reduced drunk driving deaths and street crime) that is going to be beside the point. One big reason there are so many ER beds available is that all that other stuff got greatly reduced. You are trying to shoehorn the reality into your narrative.

We all realize how difficult and painful it is to curtail our activities.
You're right about me cherry picking, I didn't realize that I was doing it.

The US is now in an economic recession and our country's debt is increasing at a tremendous rate because of the stimulus packages.

Bejiing was Covid free for 50 days and they have another outbreak. The virus will continue to infect people. The only thing we can prevent is more businesses collapsing and more unemployment.
My in-laws just returned from FL. They went there to close up their winter home for the season. MIL said that no one in their area (Vero Beach) wears masks in store employees, servers, etc. I was shocked. Here in PA everyone wears them out in public. Even though our restaurants are open for outdoor (distanced) dining, everyone has to wear a mask until they are sitting down. All restaurant employees wear them. All store employees wear them. Why is no one in Vero (at least wherever my in-laws went) wearing them?
My in-laws just returned from FL. They went there to close up their winter home for the season. MIL said that no one in their area (Vero Beach) wears masks in store employees, servers, etc. I was shocked. Here in PA everyone wears them out in public. Even though our restaurants are open for outdoor (distanced) dining, everyone has to wear a mask until they are sitting down. All restaurant employees wear them. All store employees wear them. Why is no one in Vero (at least wherever my in-laws went) wearing them?

And that is exactly why more will get sick and die. Common sense is all it takes but people can’t be bothered.. Until it is their parent or relative sick or dead, it doesn’t hit home for them. If doing something as simple as social distancing and wearing a mask in public can save even one life, it’s worth the minor inconvenience to me. Let’s see how inconvenient they all think things are when the cases continue to climb and they lock things down again as a result. Even if they say they won’t do that, if hospitalizations get too high they will have to. If that happens, the very same people will then start to say...we should just wear masks and social distance. about we just do it now.
I live here and when I wear my mask out in public I get looked at like I have 5 heads.

The cases have been skyrocketing, but it seems everyone is over wearing masks and social distancing :rolleyes2.
My in-laws just returned from FL. They went there to close up their winter home for the season. MIL said that no one in their area (Vero Beach) wears masks in store employees, servers, etc. I was shocked. Here in PA everyone wears them out in public. Even though our restaurants are open for outdoor (distanced) dining, everyone has to wear a mask until they are sitting down. All restaurant employees wear them. All store employees wear them. Why is no one in Vero (at least wherever my in-laws went) wearing them?

My family and I were in Fort Myers a week or so ago and everywhere we went, employees in stores and restaurants were all wearing masks. All the restaurants we were in were doing 50% capacity, closing or eliminating tables so no two were next to or across from each other, things like that. I was pretty impressed with how well they were handling it. Granted, it's their slow season, so it's easier to do, but I thought they were handling things well (in my observation).

Customers and masks, that was a different story.
My in-laws just returned from FL. They went there to close up their winter home for the season. MIL said that no one in their area (Vero Beach) wears masks in store employees, servers, etc. I was shocked. Here in PA everyone wears them out in public. Even though our restaurants are open for outdoor (distanced) dining, everyone has to wear a mask until they are sitting down. All restaurant employees wear them. All store employees wear them. Why is no one in Vero (at least wherever my in-laws went) wearing them?

I just returned from a weekend in Orange Beach, AL. Stopped at the Mississippi rest stop on the way there and the way back. No one wearing masks. Buc-ee's Orange Beach --maybe 10% of customers wearing them. Employees tried, but half of them had them on incorrectly.

Yesterday I went to our local grocery store (Louisiana) for the first time in 3 months. Only a handful of customers were wearing masks. All employees were, though.

People simply do not care to wear the masks. They think it's a political statement now. I wore mine and will continue to do so, especially since I have been out and about and could have picked it up along the way. I don't like it, but I do it. I was finally able to get some disposable ones and they are seriously better than the cotton/reusable ones.
My in-laws just returned from FL. They went there to close up their winter home for the season. MIL said that no one in their area (Vero Beach) wears masks in store employees, servers, etc. I was shocked. Here in PA everyone wears them out in public. Even though our restaurants are open for outdoor (distanced) dining, everyone has to wear a mask until they are sitting down. All restaurant employees wear them. All store employees wear them. Why is no one in Vero (at least wherever my in-laws went) wearing them?
Pennsylvania vs Florida. Nuff said.


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