"Guess who`s back"...3 Return for 3 Weeks @ RPR. Parks, KSC with lots of good food and fun...A May 2023 TR

So glad that you got that email from Lindsey's Mom. I'm sure she appreciated hearing from you.
I will be sure to stop at the store you mentioned at the exit of IOA. I absolutely loved the old Jaws ride and would love to get some sort of remembrance of it. I also loved the old King Kong, where Kong held your car and dropped you! It was a fantastic ride too.
I am also a Clinique fan. However, they don't carry my color concealer anymore. They have a generic whitish one which is horrible, and looks exactly like you would think a white concealer would look! I also use their makeup and face powder. I used to buy all of that at our nice department store. Sadly, it has gone the way of most other department stores around here. It closed a while ago even though it was always busy. I tried to buy what I need online at the Clinique store, but can't even get a concealer to match my skin like they used to have. Very frustrating.

It's too bad Kyle had to run into a stuffy, rude salesman at Mont Blanc!
A true story about stuffy people. At our resort, we had several wealthy guests and a certain few of them would come in and sit around talk about all their money!!! However, our one guest only wore jeans with suspenders and tshirts. He was a very funny and nice older man. Come to find out he held the patent on a much used device and was a multimillionaire. You would have never know it from his clothes and demeanor. We found to be true that if someone bragged about their money, they weren't as rich as they pretended. The ones we had as guests who were humble and not showing off could buy and sell the others.

Well, I guess young people can eat whatever they want and still stay slim, even without marathons!!! I used to be able to do that, but I can gain weight just by walking by cake or ice cream:) But Kyle did look really pale on the Doom ride.
Awaiting more TR:)

It was lovely talking with her for sure.

Oh that is frustrating with Clinique. I agree, it`s not the same getting make up online, even if they do have your product. I couldn`t imagine trying to find a new shade to match your skin without testing it personally. I bought some Estee Lauder Double wear stay in place foundation a few weeks ago, it is lovely and stays on throughout the day, lovely to put on too. But, if you can`t get it from stores, doesn`t help you does it!

Completely agree about folks with money, we have friends who run a horse breeding business, he sold his haulage business and she sold her Law Practice a couple of years ago, you`d never know it if you saw them. Henry dresses like a homeless gardener (his wife`s words) most of the time, he does scrub up well though, but I know exactly what you mean. Years ago Tom had an uncle that was similar, he shared some wise words, Money talks, but real wealth whispers, never talk about money......always stayed with me.

Years back we were in the private enclosure at a F1 racetrack, a woman looked us up and down and very "sweetly" told us this was members and their guests only.....lol....she felt a fool when she saw who we were with! Yep, treat everyone with respect regardless of who or what they are.

Oh I don`t know, he did put on some weight during lockdown, no exercising and nibbling.....but as soon as he started running, his whole body changed for the better. I`m the same, I can put on weight just reading a menu!!!

Hope you had a lovely day yesterday!!!
I’m so glad you heard from Linsey’s mum and it shows just how much Linsey thought of you and Tom that her mum knew all about you 🥰
I absolutely hate people who look down on others regardless of who they are. Shows a real lack of upbringing. I went to a convent run grammar school where some of Belfast’s wealthiest girls (and also some of the poorest) attended with the likes of me in the middle of that range. Some of those from the fancier parts of town would look down their noses at the rest of us. My dad used to tell us we were as good as anyone and better than nobody. Funny thing is one of the girls that is a close friend to this day was from the richest family of all and you would never ever know it. She’s so down to earth and never treats anyone as if they’re “less than”.
Sorry to hear Kyle is feeling poorly again. I’m glad he had a decent day though and hopefully sleep will make a difference. My boys would devour that chocolate cake.
I’m so glad you heard from Linsey’s mum and it shows just how much Linsey thought of you and Tom that her mum knew all about you 🥰
I absolutely hate people who look down on others regardless of who they are. Shows a real lack of upbringing. I went to a convent run grammar school where some of Belfast’s wealthiest girls (and also some of the poorest) attended with the likes of me in the middle of that range. Some of those from the fancier parts of town would look down their noses at the rest of us. My dad used to tell us we were as good as anyone and better than nobody. Funny thing is one of the girls that is a close friend to this day was from the richest family of all and you would never ever know it. She’s so down to earth and never treats anyone as if they’re “less than”.
Sorry to hear Kyle is feeling poorly again. I’m glad he had a decent day though and hopefully sleep will make a difference. My boys would devour that chocolate cake.

Thank you.

Yes, it shows complete ignorance when folks can treat someone badly because they think they`re beneath them. It`s a horrible way to be with people.

I think having some class has a lot to do with it, real class will always show out, regardless of how much money you have, and general humanity at times. Glad you still have a close friend from back then.

Oh those chocolate cakes.....lol......I swear he has an extra stomach somewhere!

We had a lazy morning, a very lazy morning. I think we all slept at some point during the night, but not that well. Kyle was up with his nose quite a few times and I was coughing like a banshee at times, so we all plodded along for breakfast after we were showered and dressed and Kyle ate his and went back down to the room afterwards. We sat and chatted to Alex for a while and she mentioned that Tracey over at PB had had said she hadn`t seen us over yet, she had very kindly invited us over to have a wander round and see the Club Lounge and the changes made. We had been supposed to go over our first week but Kyle wasn`t great so we put it off.

So although Kyle wasn`t overly wonderful today, I asked Alex if she`d txt Tracey to say we`d come over around 10.30/11am this morning, we looked forward to seeing her again after so long.

Tom and I took a load of laundry down and all the machines were empty which was nice as there are only 3 washers and 3 dryers in each laundry room in each tower, so if someone comes down and uses them all, you have to wait.

It`s one of the things they do better at Sapphire, the laundry rooms are larger and have many more machines in them. But, if you catch it right you`re lucky like today.

Kyle and I both took some medicine and headed down to the boats where it was a gorgeous day outside again, it is always so lovely to get outside into that heat.

Getting over to PB means taking two boats, one to Citywalk and then another to PB, doesn`t take long, even outside of peak times, the boats still run regularly.



We didn`t wait long at all, and there was a boat waiting to leave for PB when we arrived at the dock so we hopped on it and we were the only folks on it today.



The boat to PB is the longest of all the rides to the hotels, you pass HRH and then a few more minutes on to PB which is very pretty as you turn into the Bay.



As is usual the place is almost deserted during the day, we have seen it completely deserted where there was no one else around, and it is quite creepy being honest.

The lobby is a climb on the steps or a short elevator ride away and the lobby is very nice when do get there.


I head into the Concierge area to ask them if they can call Tracey, but she is there!!! It was so lovely to see her again and there was no strangeness after 4 years of not seeing her, she really is a lovely lady, we walked out to see Kyle and Tom and after all the hugs we headed down to their Club Lounge which is a few steps away from the lobby on this floor.


Definitely the nicest view from any of the lounges onsite.


It was so lovely catching up with everything that had been going on in her life and hearing about her time at PB now which she absolutely loves and that`s good to hear. We could have chatted all day with her and it was so nice of her to take the time to spend with us.

Seeing the lounge and remembering what it was like before shows quite the change in decor and space, it is incredibly spacious compared to the other lounges, but it is very sprawled out and doesn`t have that almost intimate feeling of smaller lounges, but it is very nice and they did a good job on it.





I do like the little booths they have around the different areas, it does have a cosy look with them and one of the nicest areas is where the Bar American used to be, they have made it so pretty and nicer than it used to be, it was always very dark and a little stuffy.

We had only visited it a couple of times in the past and it was never overly busy, not a lot of atmosphere, this was a much better use of the space and keeping the doors meant they could use it for smaller functions if required.





When you enter the lounge you come upon the food service areas, everything is laid out well and the staff are very nice.


The lunch offerings were being set out so we managed to grab a few pictures, they`re not the best pictures but gives you an idea of what`s on offer. Like all of the lounges, it`s not worth leaving the parks to return for any of it, if you`re at the hotel all good.

However it is all fresh and replenished regularly.







I did think their fridge for cold drinks was better than RP.


Lunch coming up......🍕
It had been so lovely seeing Tracey and kind of her to take the time with us, but we didn`t want to keep her any longer than we had done already, she had been very gracious with her time today.

We were planning to go offsite somewhere for lunch today, but the lovely Tracey insisted we had lunch as her guests in Sal`s, she knew we liked it in there and she would love us to have some lunch there, it was lovely of her to offer her hospitality we gratefully accepted and she walked us down to the counter and we ordered our pizzas and she said we should take them back up to the lounge and eat them and take advantage of the lounge`s hospitality, but we said we`d be ok in here.

She really had been so kind to us and lunch was very much appreciated, I was sure we`d see Tracey on our next trip too.

Once we had said our goodbye`s and she headed back upstairs and Tom grabbed some pictures as we waited for our pizzas. They have several chiller cabinets with sandwiches, salads and accompaniments including fruit plates, parfait and of course cold drinks as well as alcohol choices too.





As well as pizzas they do offer a nice selection of sandwiches and the ones we have tried in the past were very nice, but today it was definitely pizza for us!!

Kyle went for his usual cheese pizza with barbecue sauce base.......I know but we do love our BBQ sauce bases here...Tom not so much he prefers tomato, but goes with the flow usually. I can always hear my Italian cousin in Long Island screeching in horror every time we order this!!!


And to be fair, they do offer a pizza with that same base, the BBQ chicken and we always add jalapeno and pineapple, but today we forgot the pineapple.

The chef brought them out himself and said he hoped we enjoyed them, looking at them I knew we would!

The were both looking amazing and they were absolutely delicious and really made up for the last visit when they did lack a bit of something.


Kyle couldn`t finish his today, but Tom and I managed to devour ours and it was perfect. We were so glad we`d had lunch here today and again huge thanks to Tracey.

We did go back upstairs, but not to the lounge, there are some lovely back areas of the hotel towards their conference areas that are so pretty and Kyle hadn`t seen that part before so we bimbled along and had a look, but first going out to the courtyard area to get some pictures, it was blazing hot and I don`t think we had put sunscreen on as we weren`t planning to be outside today, but we did have a lovely wander and it is very pretty.








We headed down past Concierge and it is supposed to be similar to an Italian streetway and it is a little, they have done it very well, but when you go past this little area you come upon the conference area which has a gorgeous staicase with a piano at the bottom which is incredibly elegant and quite stunning.

Not forgetting the quite exquisite mural on the walls behind the escalators! There is a little stand with the smaller image explaining the painting, I had never seen that before today.



Kyle does not look his usual self here, but he was enjoying the wander around.



We did wander downstairs to have a look and although there was a conference on, we could wander happily and have a look around, it is very nice, maybe not as nice as RP Conference area, but nice.

The sitting area in the lobby has doors out to a small balcony, but they were all locked today, but you can still see the lovely view out the windows.



Heading back for the boat there were actually people around, it was mid afternoon now and Kyle wanted to go back to the room, I think he was whooped. I think one of the meds he had taken caused drowsiness, so of course he got drowsy......and it was hot and lack of proper sleep was catching up.

Bice is somewhere we might give a try to again at some point, not the biggest fan of their type of food, but never say never as it is a beautiful restaurant ☺️


About 15 years ago we got a similar picture only it was late at night and we were all a lot younger!! I think this is a classic picture many take as we had to wait for others to get off them before Tom could get on.


Some of these pictures are Kyle`s, he has a very good camera on his phone and they come out crystal clear, much better than some iphones, the one that one of my friends has doesn`t take anywhere near as good as the ones he does.


We did wait a long time for a boat today, but it was middle of the afternoon, definitely a quiet time. I don`t think any hotel has a better boat service than the others, it`s down to timing and sheer dumb luck at times, and when it did arrive there were only around 4 people getting off. They are down some boat Captains from our last trip and some very good Captains from several years ago have all retired, but today we got Capt Rob again who is probably the last real character Captain who goes out of his way to entertain as well as get you where you need to be, his jokes are awful, truly awful but he is very funny and very nice.

In 2018 we visited 5 times in one year and on our maybe third visit he asked us if we had just moved into the hotel as we were there so often and for such a long time too! We got used to him yelling "you`re still here" every so often. Nice man, he`ll be missed if ever retires.

Kyle`s art shot of the day....nice timing!



We got on the RP straight away as Capt Rob had called on the radio to say hold the RP boat for us as we weren`t far away, now that is service, and sure enough it waited and we walked straight along the dock to the second boat and thanked the Capt for waiting for us, so we got straight on and knew we`d be home in no time at all. It was blazing hot now!!!

More to come...
There are a few seats but calling it a lounge doesn`t make a lot of sense to me, it is basically now a store that sells stuff with a few seats and charger points.
It’s a bit much lol
we do miss the Yankee Candle store and Lindt who were both removed for not being "high end enough" What rot. Yes, they might not be high end stores but they were always busy and very much missed.
Ridiculous, quality isn’t based solely upon price
One of my friends wears No5 and 19 and they smell lovely on her, not so much on me so I stick to the ones I know suit me as well as this chanel!!
I’m a 5 gal, since mid teens. What one do u favor?
think we must have looked like hobo`s to him. I hate stores like that, and something we had never experienced in this Mall before
It’s a touristy town, they should be used to seeing customers in sportswear.

Noticed this summer even more stores in the outlets there have locked doors with security guards.
The manager came over and again said it wasn`t their usual standard and to contact him if we ever came back which we said we would at some point.
I was getting nervous reading your review lol. Our visit there in December, an obviously new server spilled a refill Drink all over the table & down into my DS lap. It happens. I usually stick to crab cake appetizer, made into a dinner entree at that chain

We found to be true that if someone bragged about their money, they weren't as rich as they pretended. The ones we had as guests who were humble and not showing off could buy and sell the others.
Not that I have any to speak of lol, can usually tell new money :duck:
As usual I'm struggling to keep up around here but loving your report as usual!!

I have on occasion in the past when we did eat there, get half way through a meal and had to go outside to warm up as I was shivering with cold, genuinely, take something to even wrap around your shoulders if you do feel the cold. My two found it hilarious I had to go outside to get warm!
I have this problem a lot in Florida...the initial blast of frigid air is nice when you first come in from the heat...but after a few minutes I'm always shivering! I don't think it needs to be quite that drastic to keep people comfortable...
The Bonefish we opted to go to was near Seaworld, someone had suggested to us it was decent and we`d enjoy it, good enough for us then as we do like to have some personal recommendations.
That's too bad that your experience there wasn't great. I have been there in other locations and it's been decent, but maybe not all locations are as great...

Thanks for sharing all the pics of the Universal area hotels...I don't think I've actually been inside any of them but you are making me want to go just to have a look around!!
That pizza looks much better!!

PB is certainly beautiful to walk around, but the rooms are just blah. We just couldn't get past the old boring room decor and lack of modern tech.

I also much prefer the tropical vibe of RPR.

It was the best pizza we ever had from there without a shadow of a doubt.

I`ve never been in a regular room at PB, but yes, the hotel itself is very pretty, but I too much prefer RP and Sapphire over it.

I can see why folks like it though, maybe one day we should try it for maybe a night or two......:rolleyes1
It’s a bit much lol

Ridiculous, quality isn’t based solely upon price

I’m a 5 gal, since mid teens. What one do u favor?

It’s a touristy town, they should be used to seeing customers in sportswear.

Noticed this summer even more stores in the outlets there have locked doors with security guards.

I was getting nervous reading your review lol. Our visit there in December, an obviously new server spilled a refill Drink all over the table & down into my DS lap. It happens. I usually stick to crab cake appetizer, made into a dinner entree at that chain

We found to be true that if someone bragged about their money, they weren't as rich as they pretended. The ones we had as guests who were humble and not showing off could buy and sell the others.
Not that I have any to speak of lol, can usually tell new money :duck:

The Concierge manager told us the YC store is one most asked for when folks ask them where things are, the biggest joke was they added a very cheap looking Amazon type store last year, looks like a bargain basement store, but YC weren`t good enough??? Crazy.

I can see why stores have security guards for stores like Tiffany and so on, but it is a little disconcerting to see so called normal stores having to use them too.

I wear Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche, it`s the greenish bottle, I have tried the others but, not a fan, most of them are far too sweet for me. That one I wear is very fresh....as the name suggests lol......

I did like that Bonefish, I think I was just unlucky to be honest, Tom and Kyle`s were prefect. I did see the crab cake go past me and it looked lovely!! How annoying to have drinks poured over you though!!

Yep, new money is very easy to spot, they usually tell you the price of everything!!
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As usual I'm struggling to keep up around here but loving your report as usual!!

I have this problem a lot in Florida...the initial blast of frigid air is nice when you first come in from the heat...but after a few minutes I'm always shivering! I don't think it needs to be quite that drastic to keep people comfortable...

That's too bad that your experience there wasn't great. I have been there in other locations and it's been decent, but maybe not all locations are as great...

Thanks for sharing all the pics of the Universal area hotels...I don't think I've actually been inside any of them but you are making me want to go just to have a look around!!

lol...always good to see you post Kathy.

Oh yes, when you first go in it`s heavenly.....then, the shivering starts!! It`s not fun but some folks seem to think it`s hilarious.....lol.

That Bonefish does get good reviews and we would go back again, I know some folks preferred the Sand Lake one but it`s closed down now.

The hotels are very pretty, it is nice just to wander round them and most of the hotels have some very good food options while you`re there.

Glad you`re all caught up!!
carole - I’ve never heard of (or seen) that perfume. I’ve never purchased it for myself. luckily, it’s always been something gifted to me. When I‘m close to running out, I drop those not-so-subtle hints :)

I can see why the true high end stores have security, just too tempting for smash & grab crooks.

There’s a new concern spreading across the US, wherein organized gangs from Central & South America are coming in on travel visas, hitting exclusive neighborhoods that are relatively “soft targets”. No idea if it’s hit the Orlando area yet.
Kyle and Tom zonked out for a couple of hours as soon as we were back, I went down to the lounge with my ipad and had a cup of tea and a chat, that way me rumbling about wouldn`t disturb them, I think they needed to sleep way worse than I did.

I went back down in a couple of hours as I wanted to freshen up and get changed, Tom and I were planning to go into Citywalk tonight, we hoped Kyle would join us, but it didn`t look like he would right now. He was still asleep in our bed and Tom had landed with the sofa, Kyle did get priority of course!

We got changed and went back down to the lounge telling Kyle if he felt like to come join us, but when he never appeared we knew he was staying home, so he ordered some chicken noodle soup and two flourless chocolate cakes to be delivered at 7.45pm, that was more than enough for Kyle tonight.

I will say we did offer to stay with him, but he just wanted to chill out, we were glad he was still hungry though and drinking plenty of water, it was sleep that was troubling him, as well as the nose of course!

We headed down to to get the boat, it was too hot to walk and we`d already had a couple of glasses of red wine in the lounge, so boat time for us.

Fat Tuesday`s is famous on Citywalk for their premixed but very nice cocktails and they do offer a tooter as a top up which blends in nicely.

They are strict over ID`s, if Tom went up on his own he`d have to point me out when he orders two drinks to show it`s for another person....there`s always an extra tip for the bartender who asks me to prove my age :rotfl: yep, I think those days are long gone!!! So I wait with him as we get our drinks and we do like to get something different from each other and share.

There are plenty of seats and little tables along the front and it is just about perfect sitting here while it`s so warm and sunny watching the sunset with my husband and a nice cocktail.


Tom went with the Pina Colada and I chose the strawberry daiquiri and both had a tooter, so they were very nice indeed! We did wish Kyle was with us, but he was enjoying a movie on the tv, ipad, some food he liked and peace and quiet!!! But, we missed him all the same.



We only had one drink here but we took our time with it and watched as it got darker as the evening went on which is one of our favourite things to do here at night.

Trying to decide where to eat can vary wherever we are. We very rarely make a reservation for anything within UOR and tonight was no different. But we also are equally happy sitting at the bars in restaurants having food and we like doing that more than at tables in certain places and in Citywalk we do that with Vivo and Cowfish. Both places have very good bar staff that interact and add to your evening a lot, so we were still deciding what we wanted as we wandered around Citywalk.

There are several places we don`t eat in, Bubba Gump is the main one we`ll avoid and Red Oven Pizza, I don`t see the appeal there, NBC we like only for burgers as everything else has been a hit or miss for us when we have gone in, but it`s not bad.


We met a couple at the top level we recognised from the Club Lounge the day before, they stopped to chat and asked us how our trip was going, we said yes, apart from bugs and colds, it was fun!! They said they read the TR`s and wanted to thank me for them as they really enjoy them, which is always good to hear. But, they said they went to Mardi Gras after reading two trip reports about it and knew they had to go and they had really enjoyed it which again is good to hear.

It`s funny because Mardi Gras is probably my least favourite event that Universal offer. We had gone a few years in a row, I think once was enough really and I don`t think we`d ever go back for it, it just didn`t interest us enough to see it all again. I was glad they had fun though.

It is nice on the upper level, they have a good mix of food options from Burger King, Panda Express to Antojitos and other options too, plenty of choice for everyone.


No Red Coconut bar tonight, quite a fabulous place to spend a few hours whatever the theme!!


I think by now we were both getting a little hungry, so we headed for Cowfish and opted to sit at the bar as it was busy and not too long a wait if one wanted a table, but the bar it was for us.

There were plenty of seats available and we sat down and ordered a nice and rosey for Tom which has Four Roses bourbon, blackberry brandy, Cointreau, lemon juice and simple syrup, he really enjoys this one a lot, for me it`s just ok. I ask for a mango ginger but made with dark rum instead of Tequila which she says no problem they can do that, but I got the feeling she hadn`t heard me correctly. I`ve had this drink before many times and although I do love Tequila too, it goes well with Rum.



As soon as I tasted it I knew it wasn`t a dark rum she had made it with, I asked her and she assured me it was Myers, but I do know my rum and this was just bacardi she had made it with. It wasn`t horrible, but not what I asked for. I asked her what she had made it with and I knew she realised her mistake but she still said it was dark rum.....hmmmm.

I may have mentioned it once or five times to Tom it was bacardi......lol....even he was beginning to roll his eyes, but I was adamant!!

A group of four men came and sat down beside us, first asking if I minded moving the bag so he could sit, absolutely, he did say it was a lovely bag that deserved a seat, but I told him I`d rather have him beside me....we had good complany the rest of the evening!! They were all men who were Cabin Crew so they were a lot of fun!

We had ordered our food and it just arrived, we opted for the Tuna-Avocado Tini, Crab Rangoon dip and the Sesame chicken bites and it all looked amazing.




It was all lovely. The chicken I probably wouldn`t order again, it was nice, but nothing special, the dip and the tuna tini however were both amazing!!! We would love to order both of these again.

The guys beside us admired the dip and tuna tini so much they ended up ordering them too and something else for them to share, I did hope they liked them!!

Usually we have a burger from Cowfish, they are very good here and have never disappointed, as I`ve said numerous times, we don`t rate the sushi here or their Bento boxes......if you want good sushi, go to Orchids at RP or Nagoya Sushi in Dr Phillips, both are wonderful and have so much more flavour and style than here.

I ordered a second mango ginger and said I`d prefer Myers this time, it was a different lady who said oh you didn`t want bacardi light this time around.....lol....



Now Tom was rolling his eyes as I was proved right......lol.....and he knew what was coming next and.....it comes with a dance!!!


The other bar lady looked a little bemused by my reaction, but brushed it off.....the second drink was much nicer and more to my taste, although the only time we do drink Myers Rum is in cocktails, it works.

We passed another hour or so enjoying the company and being out in Citywalk, but eventually it was time to pay up and head home. And when we got the check, it actually said bacardi light on the first drink! We said goodbye to our companions for the evening and walked home, it was still blazing hot and we were glad to get into the cool of the lobby after our walk and probably the rum too!!!

Back in the room Kyle was looking better, he had really enjoyed the dinner of soup and chocolate cake...2 of them and had watched a movie while we were out, it was good to see him looking slightly better.

It wasn`t long after that we all headed to bed, praying we`d all get some sleep for a change. These beds are so comfortable, but nothing beats a good sleep.

Tomorrow, some more park time.
carole - I’ve never heard of (or seen) that perfume. I’ve never purchased it for myself. luckily, it’s always been something gifted to me. When I‘m close to running out, I drop those not-so-subtle hints :)

I can see why the true high end stores have security, just too tempting for smash & grab crooks.

There’s a new concern spreading across the US, wherein organized gangs from Central & South America are coming in on travel visas, hitting exclusive neighborhoods that are relatively “soft targets”. No idea if it’s hit the Orlando area yet.


lol....I`m good at hinting when I want some new perfume too! I do get it for Christmas and birthdays, but we always pick up the largest bottle they do here as we don`t get it in stores that size in the UK. We could order online of course, but it`s always nice to bring extra back with us. It is gorgeous and probably the favourite of the perfumes I wear, mainly this and JImmy Choo Blossom.

I should have said it`s pink but with the green writing on it not green packaging.

I haven`t heard anyone mentioning things like that in Orlando, won`t be far away I imagine.
There is nothing like proving yourself right, particularly when it's family. One time we were passing through a town in Illinois that we had stopped in for the night on a previous trip, and my husband insisted that the lovely fish restaurant we had eaten at the last time was clearly that burned down building on the main road and I said no, it was several blocks over. And then I looked at my Google Maps app and I was right, and it even had the review I wrote. I felt very smug and I'm pretty sure I also did the "I'm right dance." I'm so bad with directions he never believes me but I am right SOME of the time.
I would love a chicken soup and chocolate cake dinner any day lol...but I hope it did the trick and Kyle felt better by the next day!!

Weird about the rum thing...how hard is it to put dark rum when asked for lol? Glad they got it right the second time around. The food looked good though!! I love how you have the time to check out all the lounges and pass the time. That's what I'm looking forward to most about when the day comes that I can take a much longer trip to Orlando...making notes of all your recos for when that day comes!!
There is nothing like proving yourself right, particularly when it's family. One time we were passing through a town in Illinois that we had stopped in for the night on a previous trip, and my husband insisted that the lovely fish restaurant we had eaten at the last time was clearly that burned down building on the main road and I said no, it was several blocks over. And then I looked at my Google Maps app and I was right, and it even had the review I wrote. I felt very smug and I'm pretty sure I also did the "I'm right dance." I'm so bad with directions he never believes me but I am right SOME of the time.

lol.....I love it!!!

I think even if you`re poor at directions, some things just stay in our memory regarding locations of some places like your lovely fish restaurant......It`s nice to be a little smug now and again......lol......
Ok, Carole, I have got to ask, What is a toot on a drink????? A "toot" in the US means something entirely else, LOL Just wondering:) Also I love tequila too, but have you heard that "tequiila will tekill you". The food sounds and looks so good too:)

It`s an extra shot of the alcohol, they pop it in a little test tube and sit it in the drink and you just tip it in, cute. They call it a Tooter on the drinks menu.

I have never heard that one......will try to keep it in mind!!! 😉

That food was so good!!! Cowfish excluding the sushi is a lovely place to eat in Citywalk.
I would love a chicken soup and chocolate cake dinner any day lol...but I hope it did the trick and Kyle felt better by the next day!!

Weird about the rum thing...how hard is it to put dark rum when asked for lol? Glad they got it right the second time around. The food looked good though!! I love how you have the time to check out all the lounges and pass the time. That's what I'm looking forward to most about when the day comes that I can take a much longer trip to Orlando...making notes of all your recos for when that day comes!!

He did feel a bit better thanks.....chocolate and chicken soup does the trick every time!

We were very lucky to be invited over for sure, being able to have a wander and see the difference in lounges is always nice.

Yes, I specifically asked for it with dark rum, I did say to Tom I didn`t think she was really listening, but yes, the food we had was excellent.

Hope you can get that trip sorted soon...... ☺️


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