Guest Assistance Cards ending, to be replaced with Fastpasses?

You're probably already aware of the DISabilities thread that has updates on the new system. If not, it has some really good information with a lot less crankiness. Debate is kept to a minimum there so it's much more pleasant and we don't have to defend our use of accommodations quite as much.

It isn't the accommodations that some of us don't like it, it's the abuse of the accommodations that result in vastly preferential treatment that some of us don't like.
You're probably already aware of the DISabilities thread that has updates on the new system. If not, it has some really good information with a lot less crankiness. Debate is kept to a minimum there so it's much more pleasant and we don't have to defend our use of accommodations quite as much. The five or so people who oppose any accommodations are going to comment in any thread on this topic though eventually and a couple of them have already made it over there so...

Who are those five or so people? I haven't seen a single person that is "opposed to any accommodation".
If you want information on how the DAS is working for DISers, I recommend that you visit the DISabilities board, where there are two threads, one for WDW and one DL, that have the information you're looking for.

I don't think anyone has said or implied that anyone shouldn't go to WDW, just that with very few exceptions, such as Wish kids, people shouldn't expect or receive preferential treatment, regardless of their disability.

This is where we disagree, I understand what some people are saying how they feel about the looping and people taking advantage of it, just as someone will park in a handicap spot without a disability. Personally I'm glad my DS doesn't do this it sounds more like torture than a vacation so I also feel compassion for someone who goes through this with their family member with Autism! And I am glad that Disney as well as some other theme parks allow for some special treatment for disabled people. Thank you, I will go to the disabilities thread for more info. Linda :)
You're probably already aware of the DISabilities thread that has updates on the new system. If not, it has some really good information with a lot less crankiness. Debate is kept to a minimum there so it's much more pleasant and we don't have to defend our use of accommodations quite as much. The five or so people who oppose any accommodations are going to comment in any thread on this topic though eventually and a couple of them have already made it over there so...

Thank you I appreciate that! Linda:)
Riding again is something we discouraged with our son. There was one EHM at around 2am the cm were asking the riders in each car if they wanted to stay on. That was the one time we did.

Once when he could ride the Barnstormer, there was a child behind us on the coaster who wanted to ride again. The mom said no and the child immediately went into meltdown. The mom tried to pick her up out of the car and she arched her back, threw her head back and repeatedly hit her head on the back of the seat. The cast member said it was ok to ride again, and the child stopped hitting her head. The mom was mortified because all eyes were on them. Once she was calm enough they loaded the coaster with other guests. I don't know what happened after that because we had exited the attraction.

To some people this would look like the child is a spoiled brat getting her way. But to those that understand a meltdown by someone on the spectrum, they might see it a different way. The best book I found that explains what's going on inside the autistic child's brain is the book The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children by Ross W. Greene, PhD. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has or works with a child on the spectrum. Using this book as a tool was life changing for my family. I went from sporting black and blue marks all over to not having a single one today.
How does this "looping" work then? Do you just ask the CM as you are about to board the ride? We are going in December when it will be busy and this would be useful for TSM, to get two or three rides in rather than having to wait over an hour between rides, and being locked out of getting any other DAS passes in the meantime.
How does this "looping" work then? Do you just ask the CM as you are about to board the ride? We are going in December when it will be busy and this would be useful for TSM, to get two or three rides in rather than having to wait over an hour between rides, and being locked out of getting any other DAS passes in the meantime.

Looping should only be used by people with children who have a demonstrated need for it. It shouldn't be used just to get in a few extra rides, and honestly, that sort of attitude is part of the reason the GAC/DAS program has been changed. Go to TSM first and ride with a short wait (or use it as your first "freebie" FP from Guest Services) and grab a regular FP either before you board or as you exit. Then use your DAS for something else in the meantime.

I am 100% in favor of people being allowed to loop or being given other extra accommodations when needed but I'm not going to defend abuse/misuse of the system.
Looping should only be used by people with children who have a demonstrated need for it. It shouldn't be used just to get in a few extra rides, and honestly, that sort of attitude is part of the reason the GAC/DAS program has been changed. Go to TSM first and ride with a short wait (or use it as your first "freebie" FP from Guest Services) and grab a regular FP either before you board or as you exit. Then use your DAS for something else in the meantime.

I am 100% in favor of people being allowed to loop or being given other extra accommodations when needed but I'm not going to defend abuse/misuse of the system.

Looping should only be used by people with children who have a demonstrated need for it. It shouldn't be used just to get in a few extra rides, and honestly, that sort of attitude is part of the reason the GAC/DAS program has been changed. Go to TSM first and ride with a short wait (or use it as your first "freebie" FP from Guest Services) and grab a regular FP either before you board or as you exit. Then use your DAS for something else in the meantime.

I am 100% in favor of people being allowed to loop or being given other extra accommodations when needed but I'm not going to defend abuse/misuse of the system.

OK, fair enough. What are the "freebie" FP's?
OK, fair enough. What are the "freebie" FP's?

People seem to be reporting that they were given a set of "any ride" FPs along with their DAS, so that they wouldn't be starting their day off with a wait but could instead send someone for a DAS return time at one ride, then ride a different ride with their FPs and then use their DAS return time. Hopefully that will get most people off to a good start so that waiting for the next return time won't be a big deal because they'll actually be ready for a snack/store/non-busy attraction.

If most people are able to work within that system (and I think many/most will) then it won't be such a big deal to do a bit more for those who really can't tour within those parameters.
People seem to be reporting that they were given a set of "any ride" FPs along with their DAS, so that they wouldn't be starting their day off with a wait but could instead send someone for a DAS return time at one ride, then ride a different ride with their FPs and then use their DAS return time. Hopefully that will get most people off to a good start so that waiting for the next return time won't be a big deal because they'll actually be ready for a snack/store/non-busy attraction.

If most people are able to work within that system (and I think many/most will) then it won't be such a big deal to do a bit more for those who really can't tour within those parameters.

OK thanks :thumbsup2
ETA: Someone else said it better so I'll copy from them. GAC/DAS is about equal access, not equal experience.

I'll name one ride there are more HM, if you are in a wheelchair and can't transfer you cant ride, where is your equal access on this ride, and it's not the only one.
I have such a hard time reading this tread. It is very upsetting to me. As I stated before my son is now 19. My husband and I have to pick all of his 135 lbs to put him on every ride. Yes we do ride again. I almost broke my neck lifting him onto one ride, fell down and really got hurt. I almost dropped my son, luckily my husband had a good hold of him.

Please dont tell me about equal anything. sorry but Life is not fair and I get it but this is supposed to be the Happiest place on Earth. I need every bit of help I can get to be able to do this for my son. :confused3

If I misunderstood what people are trying to say than I am sorry
I have such a hard time reading this tread. It is very upsetting to me. As I stated before my son is now 19. My husband and I have to pick all of his 135 lbs to put him on every ride. Yes we do ride again. I almost broke my neck lifting him onto one ride, fell down and really got hurt. I almost dropped my son, luckily my husband had a good hold of him.

Please dont tell me about equal anything. sorry but Life is not fair and I get it but this is supposed to be the Happiest place on Earth. I need every bit of help I can get to be able to do this for my son. :confused3

If I misunderstood what people are trying to say than I am sorry

You said it just fine!!! I have a niece with autism and without the GA card there is no way that see could do Disney. That is not only for her but for others standing in line around her. If there any more then a 15 minute wait there is no way that she could stand still without bothering others in line.

We have taken to large trips one with 48 people and one with 26 people. Each trip even though the pass was good for up to 6 people we would only use it for 4. One person to help my sister and a cousin to go with my niece.
I have such a hard time reading this tread. It is very upsetting to me. As I stated before my son is now 19. My husband and I have to pick all of his 135 lbs to put him on every ride. Yes we do ride again. I almost broke my neck lifting him onto one ride, fell down and really got hurt. I almost dropped my son, luckily my husband had a good hold of him.

Please dont tell me about equal anything. sorry but Life is not fair and I get it but this is supposed to be the Happiest place on Earth. I need every bit of help I can get to be able to do this for my son. :confused3

If I misunderstood what people are trying to say than I am sorry

I'm sorry to hear that the change is upsetting to you and hope you can find a happy medium to make it work.

When you do go next, make sure to tell GS what you NEED. It seems that some have gone to GS demanding, and some have gone to GS inquiring, and as long as you're clear and let them know what is NEEDED it seems they're going to at least TRY to work with you for your best experience. Disney is still going to accommodate on a case by case basis where they need to; but the DAS is not going to be the freebie card for EVERYONE that the GAC was. At least, that's the hope.
I'm sorry to hear that the change is upsetting to you and hope you can find a happy medium to make it work.

When you do go next, make sure to tell GS what you NEED. It seems that some have gone to GS demanding, and some have gone to GS inquiring, and as long as you're clear and let them know what is NEEDED it seems they're going to at least TRY to work with you for your best experience. Disney is still going to accommodate on a case by case basis where they need to; but the DAS is not going to be the freebie card for EVERYONE that the GAC was. At least, that's the hope.

Very well said!!
Looping is only for kids?

Based on everything I read, I think anyone can get a looping pass, you just have to be able to explain why you need it. However, I do think they have to be autistic, whether a child or adult.

From what I understand some autistic people, if they don't loop certain rides, have such severe melt downs that it makes it very uncomfortable for everyone involved and around them. Therefore, Disney believes it's worth it to give these passes out to prevent such disruptions within the park. The looping privilege is not not for people who will just be disappointed they cannot ride again right away. They are for people who will take on extreme behaviors if they cannot do it.


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