Guest of Honor Badges?

Does anyone know if the GOH badges can be purchased at my local Disney Store? We are going June 2, and I would love to hand them to the kids just before arriving.

Thanks for any info.

I've never seen them in any DS I've gone in to. If you're talking about how long before the custom-made ones are ready, they do them right away. Maybe 5-10 minutes (although I got 2 things engraved)
Thanks for the information, I didn't think the local stores had them.

I'll just have to wait until we get there, and surprise them with something else instead :D
My daughter's name is usually mispronounced when someone sees the full spelling of her name. But we usually call her by the shortened version anyway (which is much easier to read too), should I do her full name or shortened nickname on the badge? She is only 2 and will tell you her name is the shorter version.
MIL has had birthday badge in the past. I think she said it does not have her name on it. When I gave her the guest of honor badge for our trip in Oct she commented that the guest of honor badge had her name whereas the birthday badge did not.

I would have the shortened version (nickname) put on it especially if the longer is usually misprounced (nobody likes that, I have a last name that is misprounced more times than not) and if your DD will tell them that her name is not the longer but the nickname. I hope this makes sense :)
ZachnElli -

my daughter is called Catherine, or Katie (nearly always Katie), and we had Katie on her badge - if asked her name she would say 'Katie Stephenson, Catherine Louise Stephenson' usually all in one breath - so I think we have managed to really confuse her!

I would get whatever name your dd is comfortable with,



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