Had to Cancel


Wants to be known as tmlh....
Dec 23, 2001
Oh well, I knew it might happen. With everything going on right now with the ever changing business and my son's health it just isn't possible for me to get away in Sept.

The school board has agreed to extra help for my son next year and think they will be evaluating in mid Sept. I can't take the chance of being at wdw when they want to start. Money has also been a little tight so it just wasn't meant to be. I think I'm going thru all the stages of grieving--sadness, anger and acceptance!!!:p

I'm going to Jamaica next summer for my sisters wedding, so hopefully I can sneak a wdw trip in before then.
Tracy, I'm sorry that you have to postpone, but if it because the kiddo is getting extra help, that should ease the pain. Now you'll have even more time to save for your trip. That's a good thing!
Too bad Tracey.:( Hopefully things work out for your dear son. Isn't it great being in businesss for yourself:rolleyes:

BTW, is your sister getting married at a Sandals resort in Jamaica?
So sorry you had to cancel your trip. I feel for you. I've been fortunate not to have had this happen yet, but a number of years ago we nearly had to cancel the night before when my mum was really unwell, but she got the GP out and fortunately (and perhaps stupidly) she forced herself to go to the airport and get on the plane. The night before we were due to go my sis and I were so depressed we were in tears. How selfish!

Right now, we're not flush financially so we are postponing trips until we are back on an even keel, however if my sis does get a job in BC then I'll probably accompany her out there to see her settle - so that would be something for me to look forward to.

I'm sure you'll find you'll be able to fit in a trip before Jamaica, and look at this way - the looking forward to it and planning is one of the best parts, so you'll have more time to do all that, and when it comes for real you'll really appreciate the holiday!!

Think of it as a temporary postponement Tracey, instead of a cancelation. I also find that helps. Besides, a trip to Jamaica sounds like great fun!! :)
Thanks all for the encouragement! I actually cancelled 2 weeks ago, I waited until I was OK with it before I posted. I'm fine, I'm in the acceptance phase of my grief, so I'll just patiently wait until my next trip.

Yes, Peggy it is great being in business for yourself! :rolleyes:
To think we choose this way of life.
My sister can't get married at the Sandals because we will have kids with us. We've been looking at others, the holiday inn mo bay actually looks really nice and they have a pretty good wedding program. I always said I'd never go to Mo Bay but it seems a little outside of all the excitement. Opinions or other suggestions?


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