Hairline Fracture


<font color=teal>My head looked like a brillo pad<
Aug 8, 2003

My sister has a hairline fracture in her right foot and will be getting a light cast/walking boot on Mon, we leave for Disney on the 13th. What rides won't see be able to do? Should we rent her a wheelchair?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to disABILITIES

In answer to your first question, with ability to walk she should be able to get on all rides and attractions. If the cast is visible, and you feel extra loading time is needed she may want to go to the disabled access area.

As far as a wheelchair, the answer is a strong (sort-of) YES! Generally people walking around WDW get 8 - 10 miles per day. In a cast this will be very difficult.

A lot depends on her age and size.

If she is a child she can use a stroller and you can get a Guest Assistance Card (GAC) which will allow the stroller to be used as a wheelchair in lines.

If an adult you need to be aware there are hills at WDW, just not noticeable to most people but definitely noticeable in a chair.

There are three sources of wheelchairs, rentals at the parks ow Downtown Disney, rental from off-site, or loan from your Disney hotel. There are two sources for electric convenience vehicles (ECVs){sometimes called scooters), at the parks and from off-site.

It is possible to borrow a wc from your hotel for the length of stay with no fee. However, there is no promise at all as to either size, quality or availability.

Renting in the parks (wc or ECV) or Downtown Disney (wc only) there is a daily fee plus a refundable deposit. If you rent at one location and then go to another the same day, by showing your same-day receipt you do not have to pay another daily fee, only the refundable deposit.

Renting from off-site will save money over daily rentals (espicially if a week or longer), give a chair that will fit properly, and be available at all times.

Generally an ECV has advantages over a wc in that it gives the user more freedom than a wc, but of course it costs more (about $30 per day compared to about $8 per day).

If you can give more detail, we would probably be able to answer the question better.
To add a little more to what Cheshire Figment had to say,
if she's over 18, she can rent an ecv either from the parks or from one of the offsite rental places. If she's under 18, she will not be able to rent from the parks and will most likley not be able to rent from one of the off-site places either (most have policies that the driver of the ecv must be over 18).

As, he said, you can usually get a wheelchair lent by the resort, if you are staying on site. Some people have had good luck with those, but otheres have found that what was available was not the right size or good condition. People have posted it took anywhere from a few hours to a few days to get a more suitable one.
Here's a list of the off-site places DIS posters report renting from:
Care Medical:
Phone (407) 856-2273 • Toll Free U.S and Canada (800) 741-2282

Walker Mobility:

RANDY'S Mobility is in Kissimmee 407-892-4777

Colonial Medical

You may want to take the numbers anyway, even if you plan to get one from the resort.
Here's a link to a pst thread about boarding rides which explains what Cheshire Figment mentioned about boarding and also talks about GACs.
GACs are basically a way to let CMs know what sort of assistance someone with an invisible disability needs.
If she has a wheelchair or ecv, she won't need a GAC; the CMs will route her to the wheelchair accessible boarding area. Generally, she will just wait in line with everyone else until just before boarding, and then, if the regular boarding are is not accessible, she will be sent to another area for boarding.
Thanks to both of you.

Cheshire Figment she is an adult, only stands 4' 10'' and is an XL when bying her clothes. We would want to rent either a wc or ecv for getting her around the parks, and for the wait in ride lines(if long), but she would be able to walk to board the rides.

SueM in MN, Yes she is over 18 thank you for the numbers to rent an ecv from off site. How long befor we leave should we call?
I don't hae any expereince with erenting since my DD has her own wheelchairs, but since you are going soon, I'd probably call ASAP.
Let them know her size and approxiamet weight. They will need that to get her the most appropriate equipment.
Based on size, I would strongly suggest the ECV. If a person is not used to pushing a wheelchair, it can be VERY tiring. Same thing for wheeling.

I would call tomorrow to set up your reservation. I know that Walker will charge the credit card the day prior to arrival. All except Randy's will drop off the ECV (or chair) with your hotel bell services at least a few hours before your scheduled arrival and arrange to pick it up (again from Bell Services) after your departure. Randy's requires you be present at both ends fo the transaction.

If using a car the ECV will break into five pieces, the heaviest less than 40 pounds and will fit in the trunk of most full-size (or larger) sedans. If using Disney tranportation you should be able to get around fairly easily with an ECV.

If you will be using a car (including rental) have time, you might print an application for a handicap hang tag from your state's motor vehicle department web site and ask her doctor to fill it in for a temporary tag. This will allow you to park legally in the disabled parking areas, and, if you go to one of the deluxe hotels use the valet parking without the $6.00 daily fee.
Thank you both. :D You have been very helpful, and I appreciate it very much. ::yes::

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc


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