Halloween Time at Disneyland, Oct 16-19. Lots Of Pictures! Trip Report Completed

Fun pics!! And I like the video too. I miss the beach. Why, oh why did I ever move to the freakin desert??? :confused:

Was that your sister with you in the video? In certain parts she reminded me of Demi Moore!
I like the song you used too. Very cool. :hippie: Oh, and your neices are so adorable!!
Hello?? What's next?? We are waiting for something. Anything. popcorn::

Does that include you and the voices in your head?

Well, since there's nothing better to do...your wish is my command...
So after riding Gadget's coaster a million times, we decided to head over to DCA. We were walking toward the castle when I noticed a bunch of people with the dream ears on. I kept a look out, because I had a hunch I would see the dream team. Sure enough they were at the bridge by Snow White's wishing well. I told my sister and we booked it over there, my BIL had no clue why we were SO excited. Boys. :confused3

So we all got our ears, woohoo!



Earlier in the day we had gone on Haunted Mansion, and I don't know why, but my eldest niece, Gwen, decided that she didn't like that ride anymore and was in tears when we got off. I had ridden with my youngest niece, Lola, so I didn't know Gwen was freaking out until we got off. Is it just me and my old lady ears or are the rides in Disneyland SUPER loud? Don't even start with me on Pinocchio's ride while going through the carnival scene. :sad2: I know Lola feels the same way I do, because she pretty much had her hands over her ears on every ride.

Oh, anyways, back to my HM story...so we got off and we pulled over to the side to get the stroller and Gwen is just crying her little eyes out and saying she never wants to go on that ride again when a CM walks up to us and asks Gwen what's wrong. Gwen tells her and the CM said some really nice things to get her to stop crying and then gives her these:


Gwen LOVES presents, but I guess all girls do! :rotfl:
So that made her feel better and all was right in the world again. :wizard:

So that's enough of that trip for now.

Lets talk about my upcoming trip!

I'm really excited to see Disneyland all dressed up for Halloween! I've been eating candy corn all week in preparation! :rotfl2: I really lucked out in the candy corn division, nobody in my family likes the stuff so I get all to myself!

I'm still looking at possible Halloween costumes. I've seen some really, um, interesting costumes, and I'm not talking about the hoochie ones. I would love to do a Victorian/Renaissance type of theme. I love love love dresses, especially the ones from the Victorian period. :love:

That's all for now! I really should do some actually work while I'm here at work. :laughing:
...your wish is my command...
As it should be. ;)

I have never once been dreamed. Not even with some Mickey ears. :mad:
The girls look so cute in their hats. That's cool you guys got some.

I didn't know anyone actually liked candy corn!! :scared: LOL I don't like it at all, but I've already bought a bag of it to use for decorations on cupcakes and such.

OH! If you like candy corn, I also bought a bag of Hershey's kisses from Target that are supposed to be candy corn flavor. I bought them to use on the cupcakes as well so I have no clue how they taste, but they sure are cute! They also had pumpkin spice kisses, but I didn't buy those.

Now why the heck would you want to actually work while you are at work? Where is the fun in that??? :confused:
As it should be. ;)

No comment.


I have never once been dreamed. Not even with some Mickey ears. :mad:

That's probably because you aren't a true Disney lover!

I didn't know anyone actually liked candy corn!! :scared: LOL I don't like it at all, but I've already bought a bag of it to use for decorations on cupcakes and such.

OH! If you like candy corn, I also bought a bag of Hershey's kisses from Target that are supposed to be candy corn flavor. I bought them to use on the cupcakes as well so I have no clue how they taste, but they sure are cute! They also had pumpkin spice kisses, but I didn't buy those.

Mmmmmm...candy corn. I can usually only eat a handful at a time and only if I've eaten something beforehand or else it makes me nauseous. :rotfl:

Now why the heck would you want to actually work while you are at work? Where is the fun in that??? :confused:

It took me 10mins to get all of my work done and I've been here 8 hours, only one more to go!

Great pics thanks for sharing

Thanks for looking! :wizard:
I just walked in the door from work and was going through my mail and there was a blue envelop in there. It looked like junk mail, but I usually open junk mail so I went ahead and opened it. I was had the hardest time opening that envelope, I think they must've super glued it!

I got a little hole in it so I just ripped it open from there. I say some numbers and I thought maybe it was a creditor after me. :rotfl:

I tried yanking out the piece of paper, but apparently they decided to super glue THAT to the envelope too. :sad2:

I finally got it out and saw what it was and started jumping up and down. :cheer2:

Know what it was?

It was my MTOTP ticket!

Yes, I spent the extra $3 to have them ship it to me. I'm so glad I did too! It's in it's own cute little envelope and everything! *SQUEE*
I love mail, I wont lie. I love mail even more when it contains something from Disney. I believe I have all the vacation planning DVDs they've put out, I even have one on VHS.

So when I opened the envelope this is the first thing I saw that made me realize what it was:


Good ol' Disney, always trying to sell you something.

Once I finally got it out of the envelope I turned it around and confirmed what I thought it was:


:cheer2: I started jumping up and down, because I was SO excited (and I had consumed lots of Red Bull and coffee throughout the day, but shhh, don't tell Melody! ;) ).

When I opened it up, this is what I saw and it got me totally in the spirit of doing whatever possible to make it down to Disneyland next month!!:


I love seeing that ticket with Mickey on the front, because it always means DISNEYLAND!

It folded open more time and it showed some terms and conditions and some pricing info:


And this is what it looked like without the ticket in there:


I LOVE having an AP, because even with the s&h, my ticket was $28, and hey, a dollar is a dollar!

I SO can't wait for next month! I'm glad I decided to get a ticket! Woo-hoo!!!!

Right now, it is safely tucked away in my wallet with my AP. :goodvibes
So, I was looking through some movie slideshow things I had put together and found two more from my Disneyland trips.

This first one is a mix of my two trips in January of '07 for my 22nd birthday:

Video 1

The second one is from my February '08 trip for Gwen's 5th birthday:

Video 2

If you watch them, I hope you like them!!!:goodvibes
The videos are great. I like the one with the princesses at the end. princess:

So I was thinking, what about going as Dorothy for the ToT party? I think you'd make a great Dorothy and it's not that hard or expensive to put together either. And the shoes are awesome. ;)

Let's see if this works, I'm going to just copy and paste it:

The videos are great. I like the one with the princesses at the end. princess:

Thank you. :goodvibes I'm partial to that one too.

So I was thinking, what about going as Dorothy for the ToT party? I think you'd make a great Dorothy and it's not that hard or expensive to put together either. And the shoes are awesome. ;)

Let's see if this works, I'm going to just copy and paste it:


The shoes in that picture makes her look like she has clown feet! I have that exact dress, except mine is Goldie Locks, so substitute the blue for yellow and Toto for a bear and that's what I've got. The costume really accentuates my, um, "twins". So I'd probably have to go with something more family friendly. :rotfl: Thanks for the idea! I do love Dorothy, she's as crazy as I am! :rotfl2:
No way! If it's a male CM giving out the candy, just think how much more you'll get. :rotfl:

Yeah, but he'd probably see my cottage cheese thighs running towards him and reach for the apples! :rotfl2:

But, if they were giving out candy corn, I'd risk it!
Yeah, but he'd probably see my cottage cheese thighs running towards him and reach for the apples! :rotfl2:

But, if they were giving out candy corn, I'd risk it!
:rotfl: Oh hush! Watch, when I see you, you're going to be a stick. Then I'll have to smack you for all the silly comments you make.
:rotfl: Oh hush! Watch, when I see you, you're going to be a stick. Then I'll have to smack you for all the silly comments you make.

I guess I shouldn't go hire a body double if you're going to go and smack her. ;)
I don't even know if I'm going for sure and the nightmares have already started! :scared1:

It seems that every night I dream of a possible way for my trip to go wrong. From forgetting all about my plans, to my friends wanting to come along and ruining everything, because they can't get along and everyone wants to go home. :sad2:

I must say, that I prefer these nightmares about Disneyland to the nightmares I've been having, but I still wish I was having wonderful candy corn and Red Bull dreams. :rotfl:

I should know by the end of next week if I'm going for sure are not. Please, please, please, tell me I'm going!


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