Have you been to Disney this year and did anyone in your party get COVID?

Did anyone in your party get COVID during a Disney trip in 2022?

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We went in April over the Easter weekend and the week following… kids double vaxxed and the adults double vaxxed and boosted.. I developed symptoms 3rd last day .. standard with my allergy symptoms.. didn’t think twice.. tested prior to returning to work per company policy for international travel and tested positive .. we only wore mask when mandated ..at the time it was only on transportation which was removed halfway through our trip

We drove and going back in July!
Went end of Feb, Family of 4, both my spouse and I are vaxxed, and so is my 8 year old. My 1 year old is still nursing until some kind of vax is out. We did not get Covid but I did get very sick with something (I had all the tests, flus, strep, PCR, all negative) afterwards. I have the exposure notifications on my phone and I did get a few from the days we were in the parks and the day we flew home. None of us have had COVID (that we know of) the whole pandemic so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Have gone 5 times since the shut down. Had masks off as much as we possibly could get away with. Didn't get it any of those times. Naturally acquired immunity for the win!
We went in Sept 2021, Dec 2021, Feb 2022 and were fine each time

We just went in May 2022 and my wife caught COVID, although I did not. Luckily she has her 3 shots and only had mild cold symptoms + some vertigo.
We went to Universal and stayed on site back in mid-February. We did not get covid. We did eat indoors and wore masks indoors. My kids also wore their masks outdoors. We also rode the Mardi Gras float. Husband and I have 3 shots, our girls had 2 vaccinations.
We went to Disneyland in March, 4 of us all double vaxxed and boosted. None of us got Covid while we were there but DH got it a week later from being at a conference and DS got it 5 days after that from having friends over during March break.

While we were travelling, we only wore masks when we were on the plane and in the airport.
We were at WDW in the beginning of March and the beginning of May. Made sure to get 2nd booster 2.5 weeks before the May trip.

Wore masks in airport and on plane, always indoors and in crowded situations outdoors. Ate both indoors and outdoors. Neither of us got covid.

When I say "mask," I mean KN94 mask, not cloth.

ETA: "Indoors" includes rideshares, buses, and monorail. Wore masks always in those situations.
We went in November to Disneyland and wore our masks inside always and outside unless we were eating or in a none crowded area. We never got it.

Covid did get us in January, Thankfully none of us were really sick just head cold.
Went for a week in August 2021 during Delta and then again March 2022 during omicron. Masked with N95s when near anyone. No indoor dining. No one got covid. Heading back in August 2022.
I went to WDW in September 2021, February 2022 and May 2022. No one in my party got Covid on any of those trips, though on the May trip my sister and I came back with colds (we tested negative, it's just a cold). On the May trip I wore my mask at the airport, on the flight to/from Orlando and on all Disney transportation since they really do pack those busses like sardines. When I say mask, I mean an N95 mask and not a cloth one.
Went in early December when masks were still required indoors, and went in late April when they weren't and still wore a KN-95 mask indoors on the plane, bus, monorail, and other places unless I was eating (ate mostly indoors), didn't get Covid. Fully vaxxed and boostered.
I realize it's a biased sample of people, but curious as to what percentage of people got COVID.

Backstory: Heading to Disney in August. On the fence about wearing a mask--I'm 1 of 2 staff at my workplace of 50 people who still wear a mask.

Follow-up questions. Did you wear a mask the whole time? Did you eat indoors/outdoors?
Just a reminder that masks do not affect getting Covid really. Its more about slowing transmission…..from you to others.

N95 may help in preventative…but only n95.
My family (9) were at Disney BRV over Christmas for 10 days. We ate indoors but masked where needed and constantly sterilizing our hands. After leaving Disney we went to Fort Lauderdale for 6 days. On day 3 my DIL became I’ll and the next day my son started experiencing symptoms. Not overly sick but seemed like a flu for two days. When they went to get tested for the return flight home they tested positive and ended up staying an extra 12 days until they produced a negative test
I've done 12 trips to various amusement parks {WDW/DL/UO/SW-SAT} since Aug2020 and have not gotten Covid; lucky #13 is in 9 days back to DL/Knott's. I've done all the numerous quarantine/rules&regs the Cdn gov't has/had implemented, multiple times, including the pay for your own hotel quarantine. All trips I have eaten indoors multiple times and on all trips I have worn a mask. This last one was a month ago to WDW and it was quite warm; my mask wearing outdoors definitely decreased but if it was crowded, I still put it on. I'm a true believer that the mask I'm wearing helps me so I'll continue to wear it next week in Cali. DH has underlying conditions and I refuse to bring it home first (esp when most of my 12 trips have been solo trips); or quite frankly anything -- I typically pick something up each time we go away and haven't on any of my trips (knock on wood). Much like the OP, I'm 1 of 2 people who still wear a mask at work -- I'm in an open trading floor with no offices or cubicles. People need to do what they feel comfortable with; I've only done a buffet at WDW once this whole time but I'm hearing they are making their way back (Hollywood & Vine late summer was what the CMs were telling me; ugh).
We have been back 4 times since re-opening - (DH & I, w/friends twice and with my son, DIL, grandson and DD and DSIL. No one has gotten COVID/sick at Disneyor sick getting home.

Can it happen, of course.
Went for 3 weeks in March 2022 with my husband (double vaccinated) and unvaccinated 9 year old. We did 7 days at Disney and 5 days at Universal. The parks were packed and we ate indoors and never wore masks. We all tested negative - my son required a test prior to our flight and my husband and I were random selected for testing at Pearson.
We are in FL and go all the time (not sure how I found myself on the Canada boards - hi friends!) but we've never gotten COVID from the parks. That said, my best friend who flew to Disney with 17 people in her travel party ALL got COVID after their Disney trip. They're assuming they got it on the plane though...
We went in January. We wore masks at all times. Only dined indoors once because we sort of had no choice.....weather was very cold and windy. We did not get Covid but did have a real scare. DD tested positive on our return test but I was negative. There is a bit of a story but I was rather certain that it was a false positive so we went out to an urgent care at 2am to get her another test which came back negative.

DD is at WDW right now with a friend and I'm rather certain they are not wearing masks at all. Oddly, she asked me for some of my N95's to wear on the plane. I'm very worried that she will get Covid and bring it home to me.....I work in LTC so always a big worry. DH and I are also going to Florida in 2 weeks time but we are mainly just planning to hang out at the condo and sit at the pool all day. Dining??? Big question but I think we will do take out. We might do one day at MK and if we do we will for sure be masking indoors at least.
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I know this is not a scientific sample, but I’m a little shocked that 1 out of 4 families experienced Covid after a trip to WDW.


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