have you ever been to wdw pregnant?


DIS Veteran
Sep 3, 1999
and if you did how many weeks were you? what is the latest in your pregnancy you would go? thanks in advance
I went at about 10 weeks and about 22 weeks. I didn't have any trouble either time. I wouldn't go past early in the 8th month, but I live 12 hours from WDW. good luck!
Hi there!

I just returned from WDW a couple of weeks ago with my 6 1/2 month pregnant wife!

Let me just say what a trooper she was! 7 days in the middle of the August heat! She did fine. Of course, there are rides you have to stay away from, etc. My best advice is to go to the parks early, and leave during the middle of the day to go back to the room for a power nap. Then go back later in the afternoon. There are plenty of places to sit and rest, and of course, plenty of places to eat! (Stay hydrated!):cool:

We stayed at the Poly so it was easy to get back to the room by monorial.

How far along are you? (Don't plan on riding Mission: Space) :p

Congratulations and hope you get to go!!!

:Pinkbounc I have 3 children and have been to WDW while pregnant 2x. Both times I was around 14 weeks. With my 2nd child (who turned out to be a girl) I was SOOOOOO nauseous my entire pregnancy. Most meats made me sick and smells sent me over-the-edge too. So it was somewhat difficult to find somewhere to eat. One of my favorite things about going to WDW is eating and all I wanted was plain grilled chicken and mashed potatoes. Anyway, the nausea kept me off most rides that had warnings regarding motion sickness. My Dr. told me to abide by the warnings posted at the rides but most particularly avoid the ones that change direction quickly.

The 2nd time we went we took a 3 day Dis cruise 1st, but that's a whole 'nother story (big time barf-fest). I was not as nauseous with this pregnancy (it was another girl though) and I actually rode one ride that had a warning for pregnancy - Splash Mountain. Since it doesn't change direction rapidly I took my DD (the one I was pregnant with the other time) because she wanted to go so badly and my DH and DS were off somewhere else. I was scared to death, but everything was fine. (I wouldn't recommend this and will never do it again!)

You will, of course, have a good time, but may not be able to go on many rides depending on how far along you are. Your belly may be a tight squeeze on some rides. If you are not nauseous, enjoy eating at all the yummy restaurants and buy some cute things for the baby, there are lots of stores with baby items.

I would not make the trip past my 6th month, especially if your feet swell as mine always do.

Take it at a slower pace and have a great time:wave:
I think I was about 29-30 weeks when I went, and had a 2y/o. Its really no problem going to Disney since most of the rides are user friendly:D . The ones I couldn't go on, my 2y/o couldn't go on either.

I also was used to exercising throughout my pregnancy so the walking didn't bother me either. I did ask my doctor about going, but since I had no problems there was no reason not to go.

The best part about that trip was the visit to Vero after our week at the park;)
I've been to WDW 3 times pregnant. 8 weeks twice and then 32 weeks. I rode all the rides at 8 weeks. Of course at 32 i had to sit out a lot.
I went at 8 weeks, stayed off any rides not for pregnant women. I would have felt too guilty if anything happened. Napped on benches a lot. Woke up once surrounded by Japanese tourists taking my picture. I believe they thought I was animatronic.
Went to Disney when I was 8 mos pg with DS. I was very cautious and didn't really do any rides. We went with 20 family members for the millenium and had planned it 10 yrs in advance so no way I was missing it. We drove from NY , Dr wouldn't let me fly. I rested every afternoon and grew to know many benches while waiting for family to get off TOT, R&RR, etc. But I had a blast. Only once in the 7 day trip did I miss a night out my legs were swollen but hey I was in Disney and that ain't bad. I hope to be pg when we go in Nov.;)
I went when I was 7 months along. I agree with prior posts. Avoid the rides that you should avoid, rest mid day and enjoy yourself! I did not feel slighted when others got to ride (I took that time to shop for baby items in whatevr gift shop was close by);) .
Have a great time. Take pictures of your belly in Disney for you baby album.
I'm doing the double-digit-hours dance, and I'm 17w pregnant right now...but since I've had 3 pregnancies in 4 years (LOL) I look like I'm 7 mo easy.

Take lots of water (keep hydrated), take frequent breaks, make sure you do the indoor shows, etc. Oh, and rub your belly often to make people smile. :-)


EDD 2-10-04 with #3
I went when I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter..and when I was 6 months pregnant with my son. It was fine both times. I'd go up until say 30 weeks pregnant.
hi: i've gone at 7 months pregnant, and it wasn't too bad. the 6 yo was very considerate and didn't run me ragged at the time. now we'll be taking his wife (he's still over in Iraq), and she'll be around 7 months along when we go in October. her dr. said it was okay for her to fly up until 37 weeks. of course we'll take frequent breaks and move a bit more slowly-she'll set the pace for the group. do you think the grandson will be as big a disney nut as his mom and grandmom?
I went when I was 18/19 weeks and did fine. We had to stop and rest a bit more than normal, but other than that I didn't feel bad at all.
We're going October 15 and I'll be 20 weeks. We planned to go to MNSSHP for over a year and have had reservations since February so when we found out about our little surprise in July, we didn't want to cancel since it'll be our last trip without kids. The only thing I'm getting nervous about now are the trips we have planned for May and June, when we'll be bringing a 3 month old with us!
I was 31 weeks pg when we last went to WDW. I didn't do many of the rides. While DH did them, I sat with my feet up. I can also tell you where EVERY bathroom in every park is. I think I average 1 trip every 20 minutes or so.:o I had a great time, and would do it again in a heartbeat.
I was there when I was 3mos. prego. and very tired. My DH loved it. He says it has been the only time we've gone to WDW that he could keep up with me:rolleyes:
We just came back from WDW a couple of weeks ago, 9-21 August. I was 23 & 24 weeks pregnant while down there. I was hot as the dickens. I drank plenty of water, spent a lot of time in the pool and took it easy. I listened to my body, when it said stop, I've had enough, that is exactly what I did.
Went when I was 20 weeks along. It was late Sept. so there were no crowds & we did it all. I have to admit I rode ALL the rides. This was my personal choice & did not have any problems.

We are leaving in 50 days & my son will be able to experence the rides out of the womb for the first time!



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