Have you ever experienced anything neg at WDW?

TeresaNJ said:
Congrats on your new board!! Just happened to stumble upon it tonight while browsing the DIS. Unfortunately, my DH and I did see a horrendous episode at Boma a few years ago. We were having a great dinner when we heard an obnoxious voice chastising a gay couple having dinner. Apparently the obnoxious man was having dinner with his six year old son when he noticed the couple. He immediately started yelling at this couple, saying things like how dare they be openly affectionate (I think one man let the other taste something off of his fork, not sure, my husband thinks that is what set this guy off), and he also was yelling how now he would have to explain to his six year old why two guys are together, etc., etc. I was so embarrassed that this guy was making a horse's behind of himself, and felt so bad for the couple. The idiot left rather quickly after that, don't know if he was escorted out because I wasn't looking, didn't want to make the couple any more uncomfortable by having them think people were gawking. I guess there are ********* everywhere, including Disney.

Always ironic that two men displaying affection is not ok, whereas it's ok for 2 men to beat the crap out of each other or kill each other. But then again, violence is always so much better a role model ...
micknpluto said:
I love the fact that there are many gay CMs . If they arent gay they should at least be "gay friendly"

I can attest, most of them are very gay friendly!
Hello TeresaNJ,

Now I am freaking out, what if someone like that yell at us when we go on our honeymoon next month? and I was thinking about requesting a King size bed at check-in. Maybe I shouldn't?
TLPL said:
Hello TeresaNJ,

Now I am freaking out, what if someone like that yell at us when we go on our honeymoon next month? and I was thinking about requesting a King size bed at check-in. Maybe I shouldn't?

I don't see the relation, the jerk in the post was a restaurant patron not a cast member. Requesting a king size bed would entail dealing with a Cast Member and the posts on here have pretty much uniformly praised the CMs for being open and accepting.
Request a king size bed, bottle of champagne, and the full honeymoon treatment! Your at Disney, Dreams really do come true! ::yes::
TLPL, I say go for it. Who cares what people think? If anyone should be embarrassed, it is the jerk who made the scene at Boma, and I think most people feel that way. Life is too short to care about what others think. Although I don't know what it feels like to be discriminated against, I do get comments and looks at times when people find out I am 15 years older than my husband. Do I care? No!! After my father died suddenly at age 64 without ever having the chance to retire and have some fun, my whole outlook on life changed. I left my ex-husband after 20 years of marriage, should have done it much sooner but was too concerned about how it would affect everyone else's life, and I'm glad I finally had the courage to do it. I had that "Italian guilt thing" put on me by my mother, and finally said no more!! She thought I should stay with him and go on living my life while the ex lived his, and continue to put on a happy face to the whole world. Uh uh, enough was enough. Please go on your honeymoon, have fun, make happy memories, ask for the king size bed, and most important of all, do what makes you happy. :)
oh I am a big chicken. Every time me and my partner go travel and stay in a hotel, I would have one of us stay in the car while the other one check in, so they don't see us together. And we are not into PDA at all, even my sister asked me why me and my partner alway walk so far apart whenever we go out. The only time I feel comfortable holding hands are when we are alone or when we are in a gay-function like years ago they have private gay nights at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. Don't you think it is easier for gals couples to show PDA than guys?
TLPL said:
oh I am a big chicken. Every time me and my partner go travel and stay in a hotel, I would have one of us stay in the car while the other one check in, so they don't see us together. And we are not into PDA at all, even my sister asked me why me and my partner alway walk so far apart whenever we go out. The only time I feel comfortable holding hands are when we are alone or when we are in a gay-function like years ago they have private gay nights at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. Don't you think it is easier for gals couples to show PDA than guys?

I think that you're right, in our society it is easier for two women to show affection than two men (it's more acceptable to two men to beat each other up than kiss each other). Though it may be slowly changing. Probably largely due to affection being show between same sex couples in movies and on TV.

Go ahead and enjoy your honeymoon. Demand everything that you have coming to you and everything that an opposite-sexed couple would expect without thinking even thinking about it.

Enjoy your honeymoon.
TLPL said:
oh I am a big chicken. Every time me and my partner go travel and stay in a hotel, I would have one of us stay in the car while the other one check in, so they don't see us together.

I have checked into many hotels throughout the USA and Europe with a same sex mate and I have NEVER had a problem. Keep in mind that the hospitality industry has a large gay employee base and that many large entertainment and travel companies deliver diversity training to their staff. Many travel companies also actively pursue a gay/lesbian clientele.

Now if I were checking into a hotel in rural Mississippi I might be a bit more cautious. But I would be astonished if you encountered any problems in a large city or major resort area.
TLPL said:
oh I am a big chicken. Every time me and my partner go travel and stay in a hotel, I would have one of us stay in the car while the other one check in, so they don't see us together. And we are not into PDA at all, even my sister asked me why me and my partner alway walk so far apart whenever we go out. The only time I feel comfortable holding hands are when we are alone or when we are in a gay-function like years ago they have private gay nights at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. Don't you think it is easier for gals couples to show PDA than guys?

Wow, I can relate. Joe and I were of the same mindset but that was quite a few years ago, in the early 90's. Now, we don't care what others think. Granted, neither of us are overly publically affectionate in any case, but as for checking into a hotel together, or walking with each other, heck sharing our meals in restaurants, fuhgeddaboutit. If anyone has a problem with our being a couple, that's THEIR problem not ours. NOR IS IT YOURS. NOR SHOULD IT EVER BE YOUR CONCERN. Don't let people do this to you kiddo.

Check in together, ask for a king sized bed, and be proud of yourselves. If I were to happen to be standing next to you guys when you did that, I'd be darned proud of you too!

Edited to add: The scenario you described and the concern you have is proof positive as to why having this Gay/Lesbian Board is of value. It's not only a cathartic means to express one's concerns, but it's a great way to find out that you're not the only one out there.
I have never experienced a bad situation or felt uncomfortable at WDW. I have always been treated with the same respect as any other visiting guest and/or couple. I have only checked in once with my BF back in 2003. We were an obvious couple and we were proud of it and let it show. I am not a fan of gigantic PDA, but at the same time, that goes towards both gay and straight couples. Holding hands, winks, and smiles, others always knew we were a couple. This was also my first Disney experience, so my good will and constance giddiness, gave off that impression as well. I happen to be wearing my rainbow Canadian flag pin one day, and I was stopped by quite a few CM's and other vacationing guests, with whom we shared a couple of nice dinners with.

On a later trip I was always put on the stage at the Hoop Dee Doo dinner by my best travel mate Penny, where you might have seen the picture of me wearing a tutu in her post "This is so cool!". I was uncomfortable at first and nervous, but then I'm like whatever, I'm at Disney, noone really knows me and I'm going to give myself a magical moment .. and that I did. It was alot of fun, and I was received quite well by loud cheers and ovations. I was also stopped by many people outside, saying what a good job I had done. I have to admit that thanks to Penny, I had a great time and something that I will always remember.

Next time I plan on going again with Sean, I want the king size bed and a bottle of champagne too ..... After all, I'm at the greatest place on earth!

I just wanted to say congratulations on your upcoming nuptials and have a great honeymoon!! Do whatever makes you feel comfortable, unfortunately there will be jerks like the guy in the restaurant no matter where you go and with who. Last year I had my son in a wheelchair in DTD when a little 3 yr old ran right into us...the father started yelling at me to get my "gimp kid the f home where he belonged".

Enjoy your honeymoon, for every mean judgemental straight person there are a 1000 of us kind ones who understand that we all just want the same thing--love and happiness.
TLPL said:
Hello TeresaNJ,

Now I am freaking out, what if someone like that yell at us when we go on our honeymoon next month? and I was thinking about requesting a King size bed at check-in. Maybe I shouldn't?

No worries. At least not in my experience. My partner and I are traveling to AKL for our 20th anniversary in August and the concierge staff has been terrific, asking for my partner's name and making us feel as welcome as they would any guests.
We have never encountered anything negative..
In fact... when you used to ba able to fax in a room request, I mentioned that it was my and my wife's 10th anniversary. (And it was). When we arrived back to our room one day, there was a cake, and flowers, and a card signed by Mickey and Minnie, wishing us a Happy anniversary.
Now, the people at the front desk saw that it was 2 women, we have both have girl names (not like an alex...) so, it was up to the CM's discretion, Iwould believe, to send us a nice treat..

We even did the couples massage, at the Greand Floridan, they were fabulous, and didn't give any hint as to anything was different.
We also do the romantic dinners at different restaurants. No one has ever said, or done anything to make us feel uncomfortable...

So... We go back for more...!!

We have been to WDW together so many times we can't even begin to count them. NEVER had a problem checking in, in a restaurant, on a bus, with a CM, Never. Nothing.

We were married here in the great state of Massachusetts last July (on the 10th anniversary of the day we met) and shortly after took a WDW trip. I told one of the cast members "We are on our honeymoon" and showed her our rings, just to see what the reaction would be. She didn't miss a beat, smiled and said "Congratulations!" and gave us pins to wear that made it clear to others that we were celebrating a special occasion at Disney. She was wonderful.

The only other time that our sexuality was EVER commented on was when we went to MNSSHP with my brother, his wife, and their 3 year old daughter who was dressed as Cinderella. We spent some time in Fantasyland with my niece so my brother and his wife could ride some of the adult rides alone. We were walking with her between us, holding her hands, and we overheard a couple of women with a girl also dressed as Cinderella say "See, that Cinderella has two daddies just like you have two mommies". My husband and I looked at each other with an amused glance, and we thought the comment went over my niece's head, but then she said in an offhanded way to no one in particular "I don't have two daddies. I only have one daddy. But I have two uncles". One of may favorite memories at WDW.
TLPL - I don't remember exactly what the pin said (it was actually one of the big round buttons, and not one of the collector pins people trade). But it was nothing specific about our wedding. It was more general and would be appropriate for anyone celebrating anything (an anniversary, birthday, etc).
The only other time that our sexuality was EVER commented on was when we went to MNSSHP with my brother, his wife, and their 3 year old daughter who was dressed as Cinderella. We spent some time in Fantasyland with my niece so my brother and his wife could ride some of the adult rides alone. We were walking with her between us, holding her hands, and we overheard a couple of women with a girl also dressed as Cinderella say "See, that Cinderella has two daddies just like you have two mommies". My husband and I looked at each other with an amused glance, and we thought the comment went over my niece's head, but then she said in an offhanded way to no one in particular "I don't have two daddies. I only have one daddy. But I have two uncles". One of may favorite memories at WDW.

That's awesome! ;)
Great stories everyone!

On a recent trip with a male couple, we had a great dinner at Brown Derby. Our waiter was 'family' and I thought he was going to ask one of the men to marry him right on the spot! He spent half our meal, tableside, attending to our napkin droppings and champagne. I really thought he might try to squeeze in the booth with us and ask to take him home at one point!
hey guess what! I found the courage to order my future husband a dozen Roses from Disney Florist, to be delivered to our room on the day we'll check in. Does anyone know if they will put the flowers in the room or wait till we get our room number? oh so exciting!! Two weeks till the wedding and 16 days till honeymoon!!


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