Have you ever experienced anything neg at WDW?

The entire week we were there together in 2010. We were celebrating our 11th anniversary. We were greeted and congratulated by CMs and guests alike. We even got a bit of extra pixie dust from some characters.
In 2008 my family of 17 including parents, in laws, siblings, niece, nephews, and some of our wedding party all went to WDW, we did the grand gatherings and loved every minute of it....one CM at the Coral reef restaurant commented on such a large group of people and asked if we were all neighbors. My father in law proudly said no those are our daughters they're married. The CM without missing a beat said "I wish you guys were my parents" my dad said "hey I've got all girls, I'll take a gay son." We had such a good time. He showed some of our crew the area where they grow pineapples and totally hooked us up throughout dinner. We had 4 rowdy tables of love. The parents were sitting together at a respectable table, the kids were at three other tables having a grand old time. That's one of my favorite memories of 2008.
I have never had an issue at WDW well perhaps an odd look as I enter the women's bathroom but that's because I have really short hair. I get that at home sometimes. Lol
When I read the first post in this thread I had to laugh. If only traditional families should be at Disney then I'm out of luck as a divorced mom of two insane teenagers. My kids grew up around gay men, and never considered that being gay wasn't a completely normal circumstance, so I never really had to explain anything to them about it beyond the regular birds and bees talks.

I was glad to read mostly positive stories, and just had to shake my head at the ignorance described in the negative ones. People can't just mind their own business sometimes, can they? I have to say, I really am not a fan of public displays of affection, especially in places like Disneyland. Of course I don't really consider handholding or quick kisses to really be PDA (and sharing a bite at dinner is definitely not an issue), those types of things are no big deal from any gender combination. It's the makeout sessions in public that I'm not okay with. And I have never seen a gay couple doing that sort of thing in a theme park, it's always straight people, and it makes me want to throw cold water on them every time I see it.

My youngest daughter recently came out of the closet (why is it that your gaydar never works on those closest to you?), and I just hope that she never has to encounter the kind of behavior that was described in a couple of these stories, and I hope that none of you ever do so again.
We never had a bad moment at Disney. We even went for a honeymoon dinner at California Grill and stated it was our honeymoon and they bent backwards to make our dinner special! our table was next to the window overlooking the castle and our table had glitter castles and mickeys on the table and even the server offered us champaign to toast and celebrate! It was AWESOME! watching the firework at our table listening to the music of the show was so incredible and the food was amazing. Like everything, we have heard people say nasty thing but its more a thing of social class than sexual orientation. We never have encountered a cast member that has made us feel strange or bad. We just love it!
The positive response at WDW was one of the reasons why my boyfriend and I decided to go here for our vacation in a few weeks. It's a place where you can get away from the real world and not worry about stuff so much.

I totally need a rainbow Mickey pin...
thanks for everyones input on this thread!
myself and my fiancee are having a civil partnership ceremony here in the UK in october, and flying over to orlando for our honeymoon straight after.
although we have been before and never had a problem ive been a little concerned about how people would react to us as a lesbian couple on our honeymoon, i could be wrong, but as i understand it our legally recognised partnership, meaning we have the same rights as a heterosexual married couple, isnt recognised in florida. (please correct me if im wrong?!)
i guess i was worried that people would diminish the fact we were on our honeymoon.....
however after reading many of the lovely posts and stories on here i am no longer worried! and am now even more excited to spend my honeymoon in WDW.
We were on the Dream last October with a gay couple, and we had adjoining staterooms. The first night, they turned down the bed and the sofa. No big deal, we had a nice chuckle. They just shoved the couch back together. After that, they only turned down the bed. No muss, no fuss, and (as always) very professional.
I have to say, I really am not a fan of public displays of affection, especially in places like Disneyland. Of course I don't really consider handholding or quick kisses to really be PDA (and sharing a bite at dinner is definitely not an issue), those types of things are no big deal from any gender combination. It's the makeout sessions in public that I'm not okay with.

I completely agree! Last time I was in Disneyland, I had just come out of the closet at 18 years old, and I saw a straight couple making out in front of Mickey's House - I just thought to myself, "That is awkward. And it isn't because they are straight." haha. Really though, unless it is 12AM Jan. 1st in the park, I think it is awkward to happen upon two people hoovering eachother's faces.

This will be my partner's and my first time in Disney World, and I can't wait!
Actually, Joe had to remind me of one moment two years ago while checking in that a cast member made a little joke about not putting us in a room with a king size bed. Apparently she thought we were buddies just traveling together. I tried to make light of the situation and assured her that request was indeed valid. I laughed but did feel a little burn of embarrassment. Certainly not enough to make me think poorly of the girl, nor enough to insult us in any way.

It is doubtful that she meant to be offensive. While working as a photographer at the Giants games in San Francisco, I took a picture of two female baseball fans and heard one say to the other "This is our first picture as a couple." She then glanced my way as I was walking away with a look that said "Ooops! Did you hear that?" Yes, and that was fine with me because I knew that I had a sure sale on the Giants' web site.
My partner and I have been many times and never had any problems.

We even bought a DVC time share together with no questions asked.
oh I am a big chicken. Every time me and my partner go travel and stay in a hotel, I would have one of us stay in the car while the other one check in, so they don't see us together. And we are not into PDA at all, even my sister asked me why me and my partner alway walk so far apart whenever we go out. The only time I feel comfortable holding hands are when we are alone or when we are in a gay-function like years ago they have private gay nights at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. Don't you think it is easier for gals couples to show PDA than guys?

Women are harder to single out on the Gay-dar because women are more affectionate with each other as heterosexuals. I used to work cleaning motel rooms years ago, and it was not uncommon for female friends having a girls' getaway to share beds while businessmen traveling together were often uncomfortable even sharing a room. Among tourists from Europe, it was not at all unusual for mothers and daughters to hold hands so I learned not to make any assumptions that they were a couple when I saw them.

You really don't need to worry about what Disney staff will do if you check in together in a room with one bed. I worked with someone at the front gate of Universal Studios who once embarassed himself when he realized that he had said something perhaps inappropriate to a male couple. It was not done with malice though because he used to work at Disney World and loved Gay Days there. He said that the people who showed up for the event were a fun crowd.

Even if you do encounter a cast member who does not approve, it is unlikely that this person will make an issue of it and not just because he or she wants the job. People who choose to work in the hospitality industry are generally social types who want to get along.
Little OT, but I am a female who was traveling with a male friend of mine. We were checking into POFQ. There was no wait but as we walked to the reception area, the concierge came over and offered to help us.

As she was checking us in, she said, "You have different last names and you're staying in the same room?" Thought that was pretty odd.
In January we had our 8th trip to WDW in 7 years. Never once have we felt uncomfortable or unwelcome. We love it so much that this time we decided we might as well go for it and bought into DVC...so it looks like we'll be going for the next 42 years! We're going back down the first weekend in May for our first stay as DVC owners, then we've planned a long weekend to take my mom with us in December to see the Christmas decorations (she's been with us 3 times already but REALLY wants to see the Christmas stuff). Next summer we're taking my partners brother and sister to celebrate their graduations from high school & college. It's a great place to be yourself and enjoy your family and friends and that's a big part of why we bought DVC. Who could ask for anything more!
I'm not gay but started reading this thread out of curiosity, hoping not to hear of a bunch of negative experiences. So glad to see its mostly positive.

Even when the negatives happen, know you've got more supporters than detractors.
I've been six times since January 2008 (seven, if you include a trip to DL). We've never had anything negative occur. Everyone thinks we're brothers...
I've been six times since January 2008 (seven, if you include a trip to DL). We've never had anything negative occur. Everyone thinks we're brothers...

My partner and I get asked if we're sisters a lot (we've never been to Disney together, this is just in our everyday lives). It's kind of irritating, but we have to put up with it.
Little OT, but I am a female who was traveling with a male friend of mine. We were checking into POFQ. There was no wait but as we walked to the reception area, the concierge came over and offered to help us.

As she was checking us in, she said, "You have different last names and you're staying in the same room?" Thought that was pretty odd.

I am married but my DH and I have different last names so a comment like that would have irked me a bit. some people just don't think when making small talk sometimes.

I know when I made our concierge level arrangements since my name was first they would come back with "mylast name" family. on the email contact. I would just email to refer to us as the "dhlast name" family. and that was it.
Rn448698 and Utterrandomness, maybe you and your partners really do resemble each other. Husbands and wives often resemble each other too, even if they come from different ethnic backgrounds. I remember making that observation as a teenager and hearing soon afterward that it was environmental.
Let me just start off by saying I am bi, and currently in a straight relationship. I'm going over Gay Days this year with my father. I'm hoping he doesn't give anyone any bad looks....he's not completely okay with the idea of gay couples. (a little off-topic, sorry) I just wanted to say I support everyone, and no matter what he thinks, I'm going to buy a rainbow pin to show it. :thumbsup2 I'd meet up with everyone if I could, but seeing as this trip is with him, I can't. Maybe next time! :goodvibes
When my boyfriend and I went to Disneyland we had no negative comments. However, we look like brothers so people might have thought we were. But I don't know many brothers that ride The Little Mermaid ride 5 times in a row. haha


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