Have you ever run into people you know at WDW?


never been tagged, but that's OK...I'm secure abou
Nov 25, 2001
Taking off from the the Small World thread, I have to share these stories and I hope you'll share some too. We're from Northern Indiana and apparently we must vacation with others from our community quite often!

1. We've run into our family doctor and her family on TWO different WDW vacations! Both times at EPCOT.

2. The daughter of one of our pastor's (we didn't know her at the time) noticed my school sweatshirt while we were both in line for lockers at the MK. She said "Is that Lakeland Christian Academy" in Indiana? I said, Yeah. She says: I'm from Warsaw! and so we make the connection. We later pass her dad as we're driving home on the FL turnpike!

3. Best story of all: Last July, we're at Animal Kingdom. We'd just gotten totally soaked on Kali, my cell phone got completely soaked, and I'd lost my husband's hat. (He's bald, it was very sunny, and he was VERY angry at me! :banana: gotta love that!) Anyway, we're walking toward It's a Bug's Life and I look up and see our NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS!!!! Neither of us knew we were coming to Florida! It was just crazy!

A side note--my doctor really follows me around on vacation! My husband and I took a 2nd honeymoon to Akumal, Mexico last spring break and who do we see there??? Our doctor--same small town in Mexico!

It really is a small world after all!

Anything like that ever happen to you?
Yes-it can be a very small world - DH, DD & I ran into the nurse that delivered DD 21 years ago in AK a few years back. Whenever I see her around town now we just laugh & talk about that. :goodvibes
Our last trip there I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt for one of local high school football teams. I thought to myself wow that is the same name as our high school and same school colors...well out comes his wife from the restroom and it was a girl I went to high school with that I had not seen in 11 years...lol

While we will be there on this upcoming trip there will be several families we know there at the same time since it is our Spring Break so I am sure we might run into some of them.
Taking off from the the Small World thread, I have to share these stories and I hope you'll share some too. We're from Northern Indiana and apparently we must vacation with others from our community quite often!

1. We've run into our family doctor and her family on TWO different WDW vacations! Both times at EPCOT.

2. The daughter of one of our pastor's (we didn't know her at the time) noticed my school sweatshirt while we were both in line for lockers at the MK. She said "Is that Lakeland Christian Academy" in Indiana? I said, Yeah. She says: I'm from Warsaw! and so we make the connection. We later pass her dad as we're driving home on the FL turnpike!

3. Best story of all: Last July, we're at Animal Kingdom. We'd just gotten totally soaked on Kali, my cell phone got completely soaked, and I'd lost my husband's hat. (He's bald, it was very sunny, and he was VERY angry at me! :banana: gotta love that!) Anyway, we're walking toward It's a Bug's Life and I look up and see our NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS!!!! Neither of us knew we were coming to Florida! It was just crazy!

A side note--my doctor really follows me around on vacation! My husband and I took a 2nd honeymoon to Akumal, Mexico last spring break and who do we see there??? Our doctor--same small town in Mexico!

It really is a small world after all!

Anything like that ever happen to you?

Yes. I have run into the same family that goes to our dance studio 3 separate times. We only knew that they were going once. The other 2 times were purely coincidental. It is a huge joke with us now. I saw the mom at class last Tuesday and I told her, ok Michelle..just giving you a heads up, we made our reservations for August so you better get moving
I guess we won't b seeing them this year, they made their reservations for May. WHat a small world though. :cool1:
I went to a very small college for undergrad -- about 300 people per graduating class. Walking down Main Street I ran into two people I graduated with -- a girl who lived in my dorm freshman year and her husband, who was also in our class. I hadn't seen either of them in 13 years.
A few years back, when I was in law school, I went to WDW after exams and ran into two classmates on separate days. I guess we all needed a little magic after our experience. :)
We saw one of my DD's high school teachers in line at RNR.

I saw a physician I work with walking around World Showcase.

It is a small world!
Prior to our October trip, I was standing in the copy room at work talking to another teacher. She asked what we were doing over the fall break so I started gushing about going to Disney World. Lo and behold, on our first day there, we were walking across the Tomorrowland bridge and ran into her and her family! She said that after talking to me she had decided to go to WDW too! DS was thrilled because he is good buddies with her DS.

The whole thing was just surreal though because nothing like that had ever happened to me!
When I was a little girl, we went to Disney and stayed at the Poly. I will never forget some guy from the town we lived in yelled "hey mailman" and of course my dad looked around (he was a mailman!) and didn't see anyone he knew...the guy then yelled "hey, mailman from (our very small town)" and sure enough it was a customer from his mail route...
Last trip we ran into one of my oldest daughers classmates from school. I think we where in AK at the time. We where staying at CBR and we ran into them again on the bus to the resort. AND at breakast in the resort one morning.

Of all of the people down there its amazing you see anyone you know. And to manage to get on a bus at the same time is pretty amazing. That meant we all went to the same park and decided to go back to the resort at the same time.

Several years ago we were waiting for a monorail and across the platform waiting for a different monorail was a family who attended my sister-in-law's day care.
It also always amazes me that we may see a family several times throughout our trip. With all the people who are vacationing and we see someone in one park that we had seen the day before in another park.
Last trip we ran into friends in the IaSW(how ironic:) ) queue and other friends at Kennedy Space Center. DD13 also saw someone from her school.
In 2006, we visited Disney with my sister's family. We were in Animal Kingdom and my husband and my brother-in-law separated from my sister and I to ride EE with the older kids. When they got back they told us they ran into my Mom's cousin. Which is crazy since I have only met my Mom's cousin twice, and they could have met her only once. Yet she still recognized my husband and brother-in-law in Animal Kingdom! :thumbsup2
On our last trip, we ran into our neighbors in the IASW line and I was recognized by a fellow DIS-er at Chef Mickey's! (I guess I look JUST like the picture in my signature!! :rotfl: )
I haven't seen anyone I know at WDW but I did at Bryce Canyon in Utah, We parked next to a guy I went to high school with in MA and we both still live in MA. Then another time I ran into a friend's girl friend at a hotel in Bermuda.
In 2005 we ran into some folks from our "home" church in Fantasyland...then last year we ran into some other folks from our "home" church while watching the High School Musical Pep Rally at MGM! LOL
In 2003 I was standing in the Muppets pre-show when my former highschool youth director (from the chuch I had attended in h.s.) and his family walked in. I hadn't seen them in 6 years.
Last year we sat down on the ME bus and one of my husbands employees sat down in the seat in front of us!!! Neither knew of the others plans to even go to WDW!!
Not at the parks, but the last 3 times we have visited WDW, we have shared the same flight from Detroit to Orlando with Lloyd Carr (former Head Coach @ Univ. of Michigan). We don't know him personally, but last year I had to tell him we'd been flying the friendly skies with him for years! He seemed amused!
Yes! On the plane leaving AND saw them at Epcot too! It was really weird LOL I havent seen them, old friends.. in like 13 years!


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