Have you ever run into people you know at WDW?

Crazy stories! Sounds like your doctor is stalking you ;)

For my story:
While waiting to get into Magic Kingdom, I saw a guy that looked so familiar. We kept making eye contact (we were both trying to figure out who the other was!) and looking away quickly.. awkward. :rolleyes1 . Meanwhile, my fiancee was getting angry that this "guy" was staring at me. Finally I realized he was a friend of mine from middle school! We are both seniors in college and haven't seen each other since 8th grade. I walked up, introduced myself and we chatted a little. BUT we saw him EVERYWHERE we went in the park. Needless to say, my fiancee was not too thrilled. :confused3
I ran into one of my co-leaders of a Brownie troop and her family just outside Splash Mountain. Took the family photo for them. Ran into a co-worker at MVMCP one year.

The strangest ever was this December howerver. I am in London at the theatre to see Wicked and one of the Partners from my firm walks by. My mother comes back and says "there are three million people in London and you find someone you know"
Several years back, my brother and I were standing outside the Mad Tea Party waiting for the rest of the family to catch up when we saw one of our local news anchors walking towards us. We didn't say anything to her, but we both jabbed each other in the ribs and said, "Oh my God! Did you see that!"

She was pregnant at the time and was on maternity leave, but my brother and I joked for the rest of the trip that she'd just gotten pregnant so that she could have time off to go to Disney World. :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl:
We ran into a co-worker three different times on our last trip. It was funny becasue Dh and her were joking about exchanging itineraries never thinking we'de run into her.
My dad ran into someone he used to work with. We were in the lobby at the Poly, waiting for my sister and her family to arrive. Her children didn't know that grandpa was there! He was supposed to pop out once their ME bus pulled up. Bus comes, grandpa doesn't show. A few minutes later he shows up. He saw someone he worked with 15 years ago, and they were having a chat. Strange to fly across the country and see someone you haven't seen in so long.
I ran into the owner of the small company I worked for when leaving Epcot one day. We were heading back to our room and he and his wife were coming into the park. He spotted me before I saw him.

Even though my desk was right outside his office, I didn't know we were going to be in FL at the same time until my last day of work before vacation. And he was so confident that we would run into one another down there. I was skeptical, but sure enough, it happened.

POFQ, Oct. 2007
This goes back to 2000, and it wasn't at Disney, but on the Disney Cruise. We had docked in the Bahamas and my friend and I had decided to take a day trip over to the Atlantis Resort. We had just entered the hotel when my friend hears his name being called and standing right in front of us is one of our former gym teachers from high school, who was also the old baseball coach (I never had him as a teacher, but my friend was on the baseball team).

What made it a little stranger is that this teacher had been caught having sexual relations with another girl in our class and had actually gone to prison for a year or two! No one had heard anything from him or about him since, so to run into him there was certainly odd! They exchanged a polite hello, said a few words, and then the teacher walked away.
Last year, I ran into one of my students on the boardwalk right in front of Y&BC. His family was staying at YC, & we were at BCV.
I used to work at a busy YMCA, both at a front desk and in the childcare room. So I would see a LOT of people in my hometown on a regular basis. I ran into a couple families on the same trip once.
One year I ran into my first cousin and his family at Epcot. I had no idea they were going. Then, no joke, we bumped into them somewhere every day! We weren't even at the same resort. If I had known they were going, I would have never seen them!
I grew up in FL and when I was a junior in high school, my church attended Night Of Joy (we were about 5 hour from WDW). It was PACKED and so decided to take the ferry rather than stand in line for the monorail into the MK. Well, once I got on the ferry, I turned around and standing behind me was the guy I had "gone with" at camp the summer before (I attended a camp about 7 hours away from home - and he was from Kissimmee). We had written letters back in forth a few times (this was before email or cell phones), but had not been in contact for awhile.

Needless to say - it ended up being a GREAT night. :rotfl: Way back then, those sky bucket things still existed between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland......:rolleyes1
I saw someone that looked really familiar while waiting for the Beauty and the Beast show Jan 07. Turned out it was a guy who went to the same high school as I did and graduated 2 years earlier. I didn't personally know him, but I knew his brother and I talked to him and his wife for a few minutes after the show....His wife said that he saw people that he knew EVERYWHERE they went.

Amazing how I recognized him 22 years after I last saw him. Weird!!
We were in MGM waiting in line for our children to get Rabbit's (POOH) autograph, when a family with 2 boys about the same age as my kids gets in line behind us. The two boys were running around and playing with my son and the mom says " you two come back here and stand still", well I turn around to tell her the kids aren't bothering me.........when I see one of my best friends from high school ( she moved to another state and we corresponed via email, but niether had mentioned the WDW trip to the other)
We had a great laugh about it:goodvibes :rotfl:
I ran into a my friend's brother at EPCOT. Another time, I ran into a family friend at our hotel. The second person I always run into at the most random of places, so we got a big kick out of it.
We ran into one of the dinnerladies at my primary school coming out of the Winnie the Pooh-turned-Tinkerbell store in DHS. She didn't notice us until my younger sister yelled out her name.
I know I'm nearly a year late on this thread, but maybe someone will see it... On one trip, we were walking past the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse and someone called out my name -- it was my "mentor" from Cub Scouts! And on another trip, we ran into good friends who were also in our Cub Scout Den at the Sorceror's Hat in (then) MGM. Whenever we go anywhere, my husband and always joke about who will be the first to see someone they know!


This past December at the Boutiki store in the Polynesian I hear my name being called and when I turned around it was my 2nd year accounting teacher from my college who was there with his wife and 4 year old daughter, so he was the last person I thought I would see at WDW.
When I was a kid a friend found me at the parade in MK. Last year on my daughters fall break from school (year round) we saw 4 different friends of hers and family at all 4 of the parks, that was wierd. 1 friend we ran into about 5 times over the week, I think she got a copy of my strick schedule...
Not at WDW, but I did run into someone in line for Indiana Jones at Disneyland with whom I'd taken a summer school class the year before. I think that struck me as weirder because CA's so much farther away.


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