Headphones during a race...do you use them?

Thanks everyone! I think we'll probably want them off for a good bit of the race (crowd support, in the parks, etc) There are just points in my long runs where music is what gets me through walls, and I know my 15yo (running her first race with me) feels the same way. I do want to take it all in, but it is good to know that I can take them and use them (cautiously and with heightened awareness) if I really need help busting through. I suspect that we'll be fine without from the start to after running past the Poly, but I think that 8-11 mile stretch might be tougher.

Other have mentioned needing to hear announcements on the course - at Disney there are volunteers/CMs and announcements over speakers giving you warnings, so you'll want to make sure you're able to hear those. For example, when you're crossing under the MK entrance gates, there are speed bumps and curbs - there will be an announcement playing and volunteers yelling out to watch out for the speed bumps and curbs. Similar announcements for when the course narrows, if there's a sharp turn, etc. There was even a CM during Wine & Dine in 2014 (when it was raining) who was yelling out to us to watch up for a GIGANTIC puddle up ahead.

And of course, you'll want to hear other runners around you. :) I really think as long as you don't have your volume cranked WAY up, you'll be okay.
I don't use headphones in races or in training. I want to be 100% present in the run and hearing my breathing, foot falls, nature, approaching cars or people, etc. Having headphones on would ruin the experience of running for me.
I use headphones on every run, so can't imagine not using them in a race - takes my mind off things and makes the time go faster (so I am not so focused on distance and run/walk intervals). I do keep the volume low, and in busy areas only use one earbud, so I can stay aware of my surroundings.
My husband made a good point suggesting that when I order new headphones, I get NON noise-canceling.

Also, I totally get running without headphones as much as I get running with them. When I trail run, i really prefer to hear everything around me. My neighborhood is standard suburbia, though, so when I road run, I prefer headphones to spice things up a little. :)
btw, I got myself the recently released Jaybird X3, wireless earbuds - SOOOO much better than wired. I hate the stupid wire constantly moving on me even under a shirt so I went wireless. Although in my 10K and Half Marathon PR races, I had to fiddle with headphones for the first mile so maybe I should have kept them if I want to hit another PR.
I have weaned myself off headphones over the last 2 years, even on long runs. I do have them many times on long runs, but I don't have the music on. It is there just in case I get in that "dark place" and need something. I have noticed a slight improvement in my times--I seem to focus more on the moment and what I am doing. I did the Chicago Marathon in October and it was prohibited--I was part of the American Development program and because we were competing for prize money, headphones were not allowed (there were a bunch of other strict rules).

I love my headphones during treadmill time and ANY time spent on the elliptical.
I decide if I want music or not literally the morning of races. I'm glad that I don't "need" the music to get me through a race anymore. But there are times I certainly feel like the music gets me moving. I'm the type that reacts to music (I'll start dancing pretty much anywhere if I like a song) and songs with strong "beats" make my feet move naturally with them. So I do have to be careful of speeding and slowing with music. That's why I like what @DopeyBadger said about self-selecting music.
That being said...I haven't worn headphones for rundisney because I just wanted to "take it all in" and running for a PR wasn't what I wanted to do. I may pocket some for my next disney half, but may never touch them?


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