Hello-It'sSmee! A July 2020 "It's Good to Be Bad AND Back" TR *Link to new TR 2/21*

Speaking of family I babysat my granddaughter the other day:
Awwww. :)
I know that seems like no big deal but this was the first time- FIRST TIME- she has NOT been with her parents!
Wow! Then, yes it is a big deal!
The cool thing is that between myself, her mom, her sister and my stepsons mom they asked ME first
Of course they did. ::yes::
since they added the UP! characters it gets bad reviews so we haven't gone out of our way to see it.
My feelings, exactly.
explained that because they would stay 6 feet from each other during the whole show they were not wearing masks.
Makes sense. Still a bit weird to see now.
towards the back it looks like the people are too close together but in reality they weren't.
Yeah, I was getting a bit nervous, just looking at that photo.
see the stickers on the seats? That was to ensure nobody sat directly behind anyone and nobody did
Oh! Okay! I was thinking "Even with a skipped row, if the guy behind me sneezes..."
the cool thing is they still do audience participation:
That's nice. :) I like that.
I spy a nose :oops:
Actually.... that was the very first thing I noticed! Funny how quickly we get sensitive to these things.
Sing the alphabet twice, Jenny!
Sing it backwards. That'll ensure you have the cleanest hands around!
Here's the crowds as we left Pandora:
Wow! I still can't believe how empty it is.
Since I have room for one more picture how about something fun? Let's see them!
I can't since I'm at work and don't have access. If I remember (very big IF!) I'll post it later.
That's because I'm the best Grams or "Mams" as I am affectionately called. Spending more time with her makes Ricky not being here a little easier!
Sweet! How are you adjusting so far? Jack just went back on Monday and I am trying to restrain myself from texting him all the time. lol!
I started out saying I thought today was our best park day even though AK isn't particularly my favorite and definitely isn't Steve's. As you see the crowds were nowhere to be found and despite being hot we were able to get out of the heat when needed. We really did everything we wanted and while I missed FOTLK it was absolutely worth going and I'm looking forward to our day there this month!
Looks like an amazing day!

Since I have room for one more picture how about something fun? Let's see them!
If you mean actually at Disney there is this one......sadly from last December.
IMG_5845 (1).JPG

Or just Disney related.......one from August modeling my latest purchase, lol!

The last time I went to Disney was 1998... film actually came in rolls back then, and you didn't know what pictures you had until you got home and had the roll developed. Now... I am only 65 days away. I can't wait! But... here is one from back then, taken at the Crystal Palace...

I don't see why not. I won't look into it now, since there's no rush, but in the future... (hopefully)
I signed up at the podium at Rainforest in DS and was able to use the temporary card they handed out right away. Very easy to do onthe spot
. The cool thing is that between myself, her mom, her sister and my stepsons mom they asked ME first
That's because I'm the best Grams or "Mams" as I am affectionately called.
Very very cool to be asked first and I love that you’re “ Mams” 💕
Jack just went back on Monday and I am trying to restrain myself from texting him all the time. lol!
Me too! Is it bad that I texted “night night” the first 3 nights before I realized that my 22 ( almost 23) year old son really didn’t need that text to get to sleep of an evening :rotfl:
I have no idea why this photo from 2018 is upside down but there you have it. My last day at EPCOT in 2018. Can’t wait to be back!
Speaking of family I babysat my granddaughter the other day:


She's precious! Spending one on one time with the Grands is the best.

We used to do this often with the boys as they both really enjoyed it. However since they added the UP! characters it gets bad reviews so we haven't gone out of our way to see it.
But now with no characters we decided to give it a try and I'm glad we did, it's as cute as it used to be!

I loved the bird show before they added Up. I haven't seen it since they added it either. I'm very happy to hear is good again.

The show was fairly the same as it used to be with a little less story; the cool thing is they still do audience participation:

Love when the add the audience.

I started out saying I thought today was our best park day even though AK isn't particularly my favorite and definitely isn't Steve's. As you see the crowds were nowhere to be found and despite being hot we were able to get out of the heat when needed. We really did everything we wanted and while I missed FOTLK it was absolutely worth going and I'm looking forward to our day there this month!

Thanks for the review. We only have half a day here in October before we fly out but I'm hopeful the low crowds helps.

Since I have room for one more picture how about something fun? Let's see them!


This was taken while I was waiting for Magical Express from my trip to drop DD off for her DCP. This was the week leading up to the Super Bowl.

I love how Joe and Steve got to ride this together! The only thing missing was their matching shirts. LOL!
We'll have to buy them some type of matching EE shirts for next time lol
Makes sense. Still a bit weird to see now.
It was the first thing that I thought when they came on stage, which is probably why the first thing they did was explain why the weren't wearing them!
Actually.... that was the very first thing I noticed! Funny how quickly we get sensitive to these things.
It is, interestingly and also sadly right? When I'm in a store now it's like my eye automatically goes to any visible nose poking out..........
My direct report at work is also a huge Disney fan and sent me a hilarious video of her and her friend on Splash Mountain to try and build up my bravery before I force myself to face my fears on Tuesday :scared: (Wish me luck.)
:laughing: I saw your post on another thread saying you are scared of the Splash drop!
But you gotta try it this time ::yes:: Especially since it'll eventually be gone! Just hold on tight and close your eyes!
How are you adjusting so far? Jack just went back on Monday and I am trying to restrain myself from texting him all the time. lol!
I am actually doing WAY better than I thought I would! Ricky is doing great and is very happy at school so that helps. The first week was rough and I moped ALOT. But last Sunday he called and we had a great conversation so this week I felt better and he sends me sweet texts every few days ❤ It is definitely hard not to call and to refrain from texting every day though! After last Sunday we didn't talk again until yesterday and by Thursday I was starting to get a little down so I guess that's just how it'll be until he's home in November. I hope the beginning of Jack's year is going well!
If you mean actually at Disney there is this one......sadly from last December.
So cute and nice to remember when we could have pictures with characters......
Or just Disney related.......one from August modeling my latest purchase, lol!
Love it!! Ready for your next trip ✈
The last time I went to Disney was 1998... film actually came in rolls back then, and you didn't know what pictures you had until you got home and had the roll developed.
LOL I remember that film! I actually say quite often that I wish we still had film to send out. It was a pain when you got a roll back that was full of duds but it was easier than having to download pics and order online. Drag and drop, drag and drop :faint:
here is one from back then, taken at the Crystal Palace...
OMG I love this! Look at Minnie's outfit it's great!
Very very cool to be asked first and I love that you’re “ Mams” 💕
Every time I hear her yell "MAM'S!" it brings a smile to my face 😁
have no idea why this photo from 2018 is upside down but there you have it. My last day at EPCOT in 2018. Can’t wait to be back!
Aw I love it! I think that's the first time I've seen a photo of you :hug:
She's precious! Spending one on one time with the Grands is the best.
It is and I am so thankful they live 6 minutes away!
And that they prefer spending time here than with her 2 other grandma's if I'm being totally honest :rolleyes1
I loved the bird show before they added Up. I haven't seen it since they added it either. I'm very happy to hear is good again.
Yes and I hope they don't add the UP! characters back when characters come back. As much as I want things back to normal I rather this stays as it is now!
This was taken while I was waiting for Magical Express from my trip to drop DD off for her DCP. This was the week leading up to the Super Bowl.
Oh man and then she was home just over a month later 😢 Thank you for sharing!
Every time I hear her yell "MAM'S!" it brings a smile to my face 😁
I’m “Goey” to my 2 year old grandson and his mum is “Moey” but neither of us has any idea where those names came from :confused3 :rotfl: I do love being Goey though💕.Grandchildren are simply the best! 🥰
It is and I am so thankful they live 6 minutes away!
And that they prefer spending time here than with her 2 other grandma's if I'm being totally honest :rolleyes1
Love that they are so close by and that you’re clearly Number 1🌟

Now you know what I look like you can either run in my direction if you spot me in a park ( really hope so) or flee depending on your mood :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
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Speaking of family I babysat my granddaughter the other day:


I know that seems like no big deal but this was the first time- FIRST TIME- she has NOT been with her parents! I know some of you are saying "so?" and others are like "WHAT! She's TWO!" That's right, they have not wanted to leave her yet. This was kind of an emergency, a dental emergency for my DDIL and they had no choice. The cool thing is that between myself, her mom, her sister and my stepsons mom they asked ME first

Aw :love:

That's crazy that they've never left her…don't they want a break? Well maybe this will be the start of something new.

We used to do this often with the boys as they both really enjoyed it. However since they added the UP! characters it gets bad reviews so we haven't gone out of our way to see it.

I used to LOVE the bird show but that UP bird show was terrible. Weird because I love the bird show and I love UP, but together they were just awful :sad2:

But now with no characters we decided to give it a try and I'm glad we did, it's as cute as it used to be!

Yay! I hope this version sticks around. It seems to get much better reviews!

Here's our last picture in WDW from December :sad1:
As we walked towards our destination now just over and hour after opening it was obvious the crowds were not going our way:

How did you not turn around and go right back to the hotel? Those crowds are terrible. Clearly gonna be a busy day

TWO cheetahs standing UP! Crazy right? They lie down like 22 hours a day lol.
After so many months of stay at home orders I wonder if I go outside right now if I can run like 60 MPH. I mean I was lying down at least 22 hours a day. Maybe even 23 some days. All the energy should surely allow me to rival a cheetah in both speed and grace.

I know I've had this before but it's been awhile, it's on the sweet side but good! Our food was good as always, seriously the Landry's card is very handy especially on a hot or rainy day! It's great knowing you can get in to a TS without a prior reservation.
Awesome to know they are still letting people use the card.

! Our food was good as always, seriously the Landry's card is very handy especially on a hot or rainy day! It's great knowing you can get in to a TS without a prior reservation.
Um did we forget food pics? We do know that is the only reason I even read trip reports right :earboy2:

We're having a little BBQ tomorrow with the family
What do know we did the same thing last night. We got a new smoker and Jason made some amazing ribs and chicken. We had my Aunt and Uncle over and they were so sweet. I didn't realize it was the first time they hadn't eaten at home since March and they were so happy to be somewhere else.

I know that seems like no big deal but this was the first time- FIRST TIME- she has NOT been with her parents! I know some of you are saying "so?" and others are like "WHAT! She's TWO!"
In Casey's first year we may or may not have taken trips without her to Key West and London. #MotherOfTheYear

We had a very fun weekend party which included lots of family, a birthday party for a grandson, an evening sitting around a fire, miniature golf, our first indoor dining experience and fantastic weather. We had to put our masks on when a server approached our table in thea restaurant, which was a bit of a game, but it was nice to eat out for a change. :)
That's because I'm the best Grams or "Mams" as I am affectionately called. Spending more time with her makes Ricky not being here a little easier!
It is fun to have the kids all to yourself because you get extra love. :)
He's a little bit happier to be riding with his BFF and I spy a nose
It is hard to talk without the mask slipping down. :)

We were at WDW from March 1-6, 2020, just before the shutdown. We didn't get too many pictures on this trip. We have so many of them already. Here we are on Pirates of the Caribbean on March 6th. We are in the first row.

Pirates Mar 6. 2020.JPG
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It's good to hear Disney is opening more restaurants. A step in the right direction. Super jealous you have a trip coming soon. I was supposed to be in Disney in June of this year with my daughter and granddaughter, but we all how that went. I don't have another trip planned until Fall 2021 and this is the longest I've gone without Disney in about 10 years. These trip reports are definitely helping though!

It sounds like a great day at AK! EE being a walk on is a dream! I've seen videos of Feathered Friends in Flight and it appears better than the previous show.

My last Disney photo is from December 2018 and it has my grandkids in it. I don't want to post it because my daughter is funny about that, so you'll have to take my word that the kids are adorable! Actually, I don't post many photos of myself because I'm a high school teacher and I don't want my tech savvy students digging into my personal life.

Speaking of grandkids, your granddaughter is a doll! How cute that she calls you Mams! You'll probably be asked more now that she's getting a bit older.
Finally got a second... my last photo from my last trip:
On the plane, flying home. I had no idea that it would be the last flight I'd take for the foreseeable future, nor the last visit that I could even attempt to Disney.

I do love being Goey though💕.Grandchildren are simply the best! 🥰
They are! When I was deciding what I wanted to be called a few older and wiser women told me it wasn't up to me and I'd be called whatever the littles wanted to cal me lol
Now you know what I look like you can either run in my direction if you spot me in a park ( really hope so) or flee depending on your mood :rotfl2:
I do hope our paths cross in the future when everyone is able to travel to Disney again :grouphug:
Love "Flights of Wonder" (I think that's what the bird show used to be called) but just like you haven't gone back since UP.
I didn't even know the show was running in July.
Yup that's what it was called :thumbsup2 But don't feel bad, I didn't realize the animation drawing class out at Rafiki's was going on in July and I LOVE that plus it would have been another nice break from the heat! I think it was just normal for us to assume anything like that wasn't happening :(
My last picture in WDW -
As are all your photos, beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
hat's crazy that they've never left her…don't they want a break? Well maybe this will be the start of something new.
Crazy is what I have said to Steve 1000 times and used to say to my DIL until I gave up lol. I cannot imagine not having left Ricky for TWO YEARS!! I will say it's mostly been my stepson :rolleyes: as wonderful as he is he's a bit ridiculous and honestly it's something I see with quite a few of the "younger" generation. We had Ricky with my mom at like 12 days old so we could go to dinner and a movie before she went back to Georgia!
Here's our last picture in WDW from December :sad1:
It won't be long before you have new ones on there x0x0
How did you not turn around and go right back to the hotel? Those crowds are terrible. Clearly gonna be a busy day
I'm still arguing with Disney for a full refund. Waiting by the phone as I type......
After so many months of stay at home orders I wonder if I go outside right now if I can run like 60 MPH. I mean I was lying down at least 22 hours a day. Maybe even 23 some days. All the energy should surely allow me to rival a cheetah in both speed and grace.
Add in all the hydrating you were doing and you should not only be able to run like a cheetah speed-wise but you should be able to GO forever! Move over Jason there's a new race participant waking up at the butt crack of dawn!!
Um did we forget food pics? We do know that is the only reason I even read trip reports right :earboy2::(
And that's why this is NOT on the dining forum. I took lots but many 👎 Besides I needed to put one foot into the report writing waters at a time upon my return 😁
I didn't realize it was the first time they hadn't eaten at home since March and they were so happy to be somewhere else.
OMG those poor people! I know it's all how you feel personally but I would have lost it. Glad you had them over and you all had a good day.
In Casey's first year we may or may not have taken trips without her to Key West and London. #MotherOfTheYear
Right there with ya! Out to dinner while Ricky stayed with my mom at 12 days, with my friend at 6 weeks while we were at my sisters wedding, with my MIL at 3 months while we took my stepsons away for the weekend. And on and on and on.............

Perfect final Disney picture in your camera 💞 Hello HOT MAMAS!!
We had a very fun weekend party which included lots of family, a birthday party for a grandson, an evening sitting around a fire, miniature golf, our first indoor dining experience and fantastic weather
Sounds perfect!
We had to put our masks on when a server approached our table in thea restaurant, which was a bit of a game, but it was nice to eat out for a change. :)
Glad you finally ate out! Hmm that's different with putting the mask on when the server approaches; here as well as in Disney once you sit at your table you don't need to put it back on unless you get up to use the restroom or you leave. I mean it's understandable putting it on for the server but.....annoying in a way?
It is fun to have the kids all to yourself because you get extra love. :)
Yes! And that's exactly why Ricky likes to go to his brothers without me sometimes, because then HE gets her attention lol
Here we are on Pirates of the Caribbean on March 6th. We are in the first row.
Thank you for sharing Sue 💜
I was supposed to be in Disney in June of this year with my daughter and granddaughter, but we all how that went. I don't have another trip planned until Fall 2021 and this is the longest I've gone without Disney in about 10 years. These trip reports are definitely helping though!
Ugh I totally feel you and I know it stinks. I do feel lucky not only that we have another trip but that we went in July and got to Universal in June. However originally we had planned a Sept. trip with our DGD and her parents, it would have been her and our DIL's first Disney trip so we were so excited! Due to all the changes they decided to wait which I felt was the right thing to do but now we don't know when we'll get to take them. I'm glad the reports help you pass the time!
My last Disney photo is from December 2018 and it has my grandkids in it. I don't want to post it because my daughter is funny about that, so you'll have to take my word that the kids are adorable!
I totally understand and of course I believe you that they're adorable lol!
Actually, I don't post many photos of myself because I'm a high school teacher and I don't want my tech savvy students digging into my personal life.
I get that as well. Both my best friends are teachers and one isn't on social media at all partially for that reason; the other is super careful and selective with what she posts. They are in elementary schools but there have been instances where PARENTS find teachers on social media and cause problems :sad2:
Speaking of grandkids, your granddaughter is a doll
Thank you!
OK, it's not the official last pic I took in Disney, but it was a moment on my July trip that felt almost completely NORMAL!!!! Plus, I needed to be totally basic and get my #MossWall selfie with my Rum blossom. Oh deliciousness, what I wouldn't give for one right now!!!
Love it! I think we all want to be back whenever we see pics of others enjoying our happy place!
Finally got a second... my last photo from my last trip:
On the plane, flying home. I had no idea that it would be the last flight I'd take for the foreseeable future, nor the last visit that I could even attempt to Disney.
But that's a beautiful picture and a fitting end to your last trip. Thank you for sharing!


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