help get rid of my snakes....

what did you use to coax the copperhead under the mower??? lol
The only snakes indigenous to North America that scare the crap out of me are the Cottonmouth and Water Moccasin. They are extremely aggressive and won't hesitate to chase you down. Diamondback rattlers & copperheads would rather run than fight. They will only strike out if they're cornered or if you come up on one by accident - which rarely happens because they sense you and skedaddle before you even see them. Lawnmowers, roto-tillers, and tractors for some reason confuse the snakes and they instinctively freeze up - which causes them to feel cornered and thus, will strike.

I love snakes. They are fascinating creatures!

The "Sorting Hat" assigned me to Slytherin!! :thumbsup2
Im kinda with Deb on this one......the non-venomous ones are more of a blessing than a long as they arent IN the house or scaring the hell out of you. On the other hand...if you cant tell if a snake is venomous or not (although its very easy to determine, if it doesnt have an arrow shaped head,its of very few exceptions to this rule is the coral snake) its better to be safe than sorry...chop the sucker in half, beat it with a stick, shoot it, whatever....after all, one less snake in the world wont be missed.
snakes belong in zoos, and in communist countries.
Get rid of the Toads! A 9 iron works great for this. I usually aim for the neighbors roof.:thumbsup2 No toads, no snakes!

A Gamo Pellet gun is great fun with Toads also but then you have to clean em up. The 9 iron does both in one swing. Great short game practice.
See, I love snakes and I was about to post that chances are good the snakes in your yard are beneficial! I don't know exactly where you are in WI but like a PP said, the only venemous snakes out there are timber rattlers, and they're still pretty rare and reclusive. We have them up at my dads, and in about 15 years, I've only seen one. Chances are very good you won't see one either, so be nice to your snakie neighbors!
Jeeze Louise, I freak if I see a worm while gardening:eek:...let alone a snake. I'd wet myself right then and there.:sad2:
i am with you on the garter snake. that is one that is hanging around.. well, was hanging around until today.. now he is kind of laying around in the field behind our house :).

the other was more like this one..

eastern milk snake. not sure if this is exactly the other one. but, it is really close to what it looked like.

the golf club and toads going to the neighbors house. well, i would have to be tiger woods to make that one..

also, my dogs...yeah, they are just a little blonde and would think the snake is just another toy. i don't think they would remember they got bit either. you should see them with the toads. they all gather around it and paw at it until it jumps. then boy, does the excitement start.
also, my dogs...yeah, they are just a little blonde and would think the snake is just another toy. i don't think they would remember they got bit either. you should see them with the toads. they all gather around it and paw at it until it jumps. then boy, does the excitement start.

Does Louise stand there staring for hours afterward thinking the frog is still there like she does the squirrels at the Fort?
We have had a huge problem with snakes especially when the developers tare down a gove. That being said my DH thinks that the only good snake is a dead snake. In the last 6 years he has killed 37 that have dared to enter our yard. A few years ago we had two enter the house, one slithered in our side door while DH was putting out the trash . He had a He-- of I time getting that one because it went under the washing machine. The second one FREAKED us out. My son was playing a video game and the cat kept hissing. Well that cat was hissing because a snake was under the coffee table!!!!!!!. I still get the chills when I think about it.
The only one I talk him out of killing was a huge 6 ft black racer. I was so afraid that the snake would bite him.
Okay...I guess moving to Florida is out. :eek:Apparently it's infested with snakes.:sad2:
If you look hard enough you'll find snakes everywhere. They do tend to be more plentiful in warmer climates though. It also doesn't help our situation here in that our property backs up to a fairly heavily wooded area and creek.
If you look hard enough you'll find snakes everywhere. They do tend to be more plentiful in warmer climates though. It also doesn't help our situation here in that our property backs up to a fairly heavily wooded area and creek.

I don't think there are any snakes in Antarctica. I think I may move there. I hate snakes.
Okay...I guess moving to Florida is out. :eek:Apparently it's infested with snakes.:sad2:

Nah....I see more gators than snakes. No worries, Phyl.

Our second home was in a development just getting underway and although I knew there were a lot of snakes around, I didn't see too many. I did however rescue a young rattlesnake that was getting pommeled by a mocking bird in our cul-de-sac. I was so intent on rescuing the snake that I didn't realize it was a rattler until I walked to the field next door to set it down & heard this raspy, rattling noise. Instead of gently setting the snake down I kinda tossed him!

Three times we had snakes work their way into our garage and each time my "brave hunter" husband called me to get them out. Word about that was spread to my neighbors - who in turn called me as their "snake remover". All in all in 17 years I think there were a total of 5 or 6 snakes I retrieved. Only one was the rattler that I rescued.

Now....spiders & wasps? I'll use a whole can of Raid just to kill one of those. I HATE them. Red ants, too. Nothing kills a red ant hill like a big pot of boiling water!!!

Gators were in abundance in the lake behind our house. We only killed a few of them because the state would not. And, we only killed the ones that had no obvious fear of humans. The development was a gated community, therefore, we had to hire someone to catch and remove gators. Rick and one other neighbor were our gator "hitmen"!! It was illegal as hell to kill one without a permit - but like the state said - it's private property & we can't help you. Gator tail - lots of work to cut up...but GOOD EATS!!!
Nah....I see more gators than snakes. No worries, Phyl.

Our second home was in a development just getting underway and although I knew there were a lot of snakes around, I didn't see too many. I did however rescue a young rattlesnake that was getting pommeled by a mocking bird in our cul-de-sac. I was so intent on rescuing the snake that I didn't realize it was a rattler until I walked to the field next door to set it down & heard this raspy, rattling noise. Instead of gently setting the snake down I kinda tossed him!

Three times we had snakes work their way into our garage and each time my "brave hunter" husband called me to get them out. Word about that was spread to my neighbors - who in turn called me as their "snake remover". All in all in 17 years I think there were a total of 5 or 6 snakes I retrieved. Only one was the rattler that I rescued.

Now....spiders & wasps? I'll use a whole can of Raid just to kill one of those. I HATE them. Red ants, too. Nothing kills a red ant hill like a big pot of boiling water!!!

Gators were in abundance in the lake behind our house. We only killed a few of them because the state would not. And, we only killed the ones that had no obvious fear of humans. The development was a gated community, therefore, we had to hire someone to catch and remove gators. Rick and one other neighbor were our gator "hitmen"!! It was illegal as hell to kill one without a permit - but like the state said - it's private property & we can't help you. Gator tail - lots of work to cut up...but GOOD EATS!!!

Holy freakin' crap. :eek:


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