Help Marines


DIS Veteran
Apr 4, 2005
My daughters class is trying help 49 marines currently residing in an army hospital burn unit. Apparently supplies are thin and I got an email from a USMC retired major asking for help. I am told the greatest need is sweats and comfy loose clothing but they could not use the ones I could get because they need marines logo.Does anyone have any ideas how we can help. The class raised over 500.00 since last week so we will send that to them but I am looking for other ideas.

Here is the enmail I got from her teachers friend.

Date: 10/20/06 16:35:30
Subject: Burned Marines support

Hi folks…I was told that you were interested in supporting our burned marines in need of Marine Corps clothing. Abbie told me that I should explain some things as you have questions.

Right now there are 49 Marines who are undergoing treatment for burns sustained in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are on an Army base where getting Marine Corps anything is impossible. I guess you have to be a Marine to understand why they would want to be recognized as Marines but they do. All the Marines have is the hospital garments and some light Army warm ups that don't quite do the job. The hospitals are kept cold for medicinal purposes and the Marines are uncomfortable. Marines who work the center put out a flyer requesting donations so their Marines could be comfortable…or as comfortable as they can be with some having burns over 72% of their bodies. Burns are the most horrible wound and always occurs with an IED explosion. Supply School, here at Camp Johnson, NC which is adjacent to Camp Lejeune, home of the Second Marine Division and II Marine Expeditionary Force is collecting items for everybody who feels compelled to help our Marines. The links I have enclosed with this note will tell you more and will perhaps fill in the gaps that I have here.
It is difficult for Marines to be in an Army place and not being looked at as being Marines. Marines have a pride that transcends normalcy. Marines are fanatical about mission. There is an aura around Marines and their history (especially now that Flags of Our Fathers is out). We want to let our wounded Marines know that they are not forgotten and that we love them. We appreciate their life altering service; their sacrifice of giving up a beautiful happy youth of going to dances with pretty girls and hanging out with their buddies at a safe shopping mall We, here at Supply School, are trying to collect funds so we can purchase for them Marine Corps Sweats and shorts, socks and T-Shirts that will rapidly identify them as being Marines. Clothes to lounge in so they can heal is just a way to do that. It was the Marine liaison at Brook Army Hospital that requested the gear and why they are in need. They are a bit overwhelmed with the number of Marines there and want to make sure that every one is in need of nothing. Making them comfortable and to relieve their stresses and concern is a major mission for the health care professionals as you know. They have 49 as of Friday last week. One Marine has been there since 2003.

Thanks for you interest in this cause.

I have contact info for the major if anyone needs to reach him and can help.
I'm sure Sgt Grit ( can help you out. His store is wonderful. God bless you all.

-proud sister of a Marine
*JoGo* said:
I'm sure Sgt Grit ( can help you out. His store is wonderful. God bless you all.

-proud sister of a Marine
My DD and her class sent in over 500. and we are working on getting corporate sponsors and kids to send letter,cards,cookies etc.DAV is sending stuff too.
DH is an ex-marine. I ordered him a shirt Not as Lean,Not as Mean Still one Tough Marine :thumbsup2
snowwite said:
My DD and her class sent in over 500. and we are working on getting corporate sponsors and kids to send letter,cards,cookies etc.DAV is sending stuff too.
DH is an ex-marine. I ordered him a shirt Not as Lean,Not as Mean Still one Tough Marine :thumbsup2

Ummm, I suspect you mean your DH is a former Marine, not ex- (speaking as a mother (DD) and MIL (DSiL) of Marines!)....... :thumbsup2

PS: love the shirt, though!
I thought I would post an update.
The kids got a call from the gunney seargent working in the supply unit and some of his guys. They were able to purchase USMC jogging suits for the Marines in the burn unit. They are very touched by the show of support and spoke with the class on speaker phone. One of them said they had made a lot of tough Marines tear up. The kids have adopted a unit in Iraq and are sending stuff to them as well. In addition they made a wall of stars.One for each military person killed since this war began. Each star has a name and it is a pretty powerful statement because there are a lot of stars.
Thank a veteran today :thumbsup2
kdzgon said:
Ummm, I suspect you mean your DH is a former Marine, not ex- (speaking as a mother (DD) and MIL (DSiL) of Marines!)....... :thumbsup2

PS: love the shirt, though!
Oh yeah, former Marine! Are they ever really not a Marine anymore? :rotfl2:


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