I'm totally greatful for those of you willing to share your experiences. Im takingvmy daughter August 3rd - she was a Graduating Senior this year - with so many things canceled for her (and many of us), I just agonized with whether or not to postpone our trip. I ultimately had decided to stay the course & move forward when I was able to make reservations for our park day. Hearing the wise tips and suggestions is very helpful.

I do have 1 silly question but ... "how long did your storms last yesterday?" ...
I hear it rains daily in August

about 45min on Friday and 20min Saturday - and honestly it was so hot that it was welcome
Random comment, but just noting that DAK security with the walk through scanners was great yesterday. Total breeze. And the new front entrance/security plaza area is fabulous! Hot and not much shade, but fabulous! It is really nice to finally see real security structures and lots of capacity at all the parks. I really like the flow/look getting into DAK now.
about 45min on Friday and 20min Saturday - and honestly it was so hot that it was welcome
Amen to that. My wife and I were praying for the rain to come cool us off every time a cloud got near. Most folks who live here ignore the rain unless there is lightning along with it. We usually wear comfortable sneakers to the parks, but we carry a pair of flip-flops in our bag for each of us to wear in the rain so we can keep our shoes and socks dry.
These streamers are at Disney World, visited first aid last night for cough, shortness of breath, and severe vomiting, and were back in Magic Kingdom today complaining of sore throats. Seriously people??

the one had an allergic reaction to accidentally eating a cashew, she was not ill beyond that. I watched it happen. People really need to be careful about what they see/read. Not everything is true!
All in all, though it seems unpopular to say right now, we felt like our added risk of getting COVID as a result of this trip was minimal, in exchange for the opportunity to experience once-in-a-generation crowd levels at our beloved Disney Parks. There was some risk here, but also some reward. If you haven’t ever gone through the effort and expense of booking and planning a complete weeklong Disney vacation at club level over 3 months out, or have never paid hundreds or thousands for a guide, you may not realize how much it *usually* costs to have a wait-free Disney park experience.

I completely understand this. Our girls are only 4 years old, so I don't think we can rely on them to be mask-compliant for a full theme park day, but if they were older, we would consider going now, to experience these park conditions, especially if we could quarantine for 2 weeks afterward. I don't think Disney fans should feel guilty about appreciating low crowds. Obviously no one would choose a pandemic for the circumstance, but it's okay to still feel awed by near-empty parks.

I'll be following this thread and future threads to see if crowds steadily increase over time. We never pulled the trigger on our 2021 reservation out of fear, and I'm debating now about whether it's worth it, just to have a reservation in hand. Thanks, everyone, for reporting your experiences!
She described vomiting (not a symptom of allergies) also. And said the Benadryl she took didn't work. And she doesn't use an epi pen. Obviously, a liar.

Agreed. Bottom line. If you are sick, STAY HOME!
It’s so incredibly selfish to go to the park sick and possibly spread your disease so you can have fun. Imagine going on a ride after her...
She described vomiting (not a symptom of allergies) also. And said the Benadryl she took didn't work. And she doesn't use an epi pen. Obviously, a liar.
Food allergy symptoms are not what she described (high blood
Pressure etc).
Don't know what to tell you except I watched what happened live. IF you want to see for yourself the live stream from Friday is out there.
A sore throat the day AFTER an allergic reaction is not normal. Maybe she had a reaction, but it sounds like she’s also sick.

Not just a slight sore throat... but bad enough to stop and decide to head for Disney first aid.
A sore throat the day AFTER an allergic reaction is not normal. Maybe she had a reaction, but it sounds like she’s also sick.
The lady with the sore throat was the vlogger. The one with the allergic reaction was her friend. She says her throat was irritated from all the talking/screaming she'd been doing. That I think is fair to criticize over not the very real allergic reaction her friend had.
Amen to that. My wife and I were praying for the rain to come cool us off every time a cloud got near. Most folks who live here ignore the rain unless there is lightning along with it. We usually wear comfortable sneakers to the parks, but we carry a pair of flip-flops in our bag for each of us to wear in the rain so we can keep our shoes and socks dry.
I wish I would’ve had flip flops in my bag! The rain didn’t bother us, but the soaking wet socks and shoes did! Next time for sure will either wear croc type shoes or bring flip flops in case of rain!


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