Here we go again!! A Feb 2010 PTR - update 1/31 "Final Update? Itinerary Time(again)"


Feb 10, 2007
Here we go again? We haven't gone together in the first place. Two have never gone... EVER! The title mostly refers to me trying my hand at a PTR again. I gave up on the last one. I am NOT someone who can start a PTR 6+ months before a trip and keep it up. Now that the title explanation is out of the way, we can start!! I could sit here, and in one post tell you everything. But what would be the fun in that? I'll try to break it up a little. We're gonna start with the who. Mainly because everyone does and I'm a sheep. Baaaaaa! <-- Best paragraph ever! This is what happens when I don't get enough sleep. :headache:

Hi! My names Taylor. Disney runs through my veins. I was born and raised in Anaheim, CA, so I grew up at Disneyland. My parents met there when they both worked there. I was raised there. Had an annual pass most of my life. And I used to go every Friday with my cousins, uncle, aunt, grandparents, friends, their friends... My family is very Disney. Their friends are very Disney. I even ended up working at Disneyland for a couple of years after graduating high school. And even after all that, I still love all things Disney!! So I am super psyched to be going back to WDW after a 10 ½ year hiatus. I am the planner for the trip. I've spend endless hours on the internet researching, making spreadsheets, planning... And the end result, my friends think I'm insane.

Falena - my bestest friend. We have the oddest things in common. I won't go into detail here, but trust me, we were meant to be friends. This is her first trip to the world. I'm more excited for her than she is, or at least that's how she is playing it. I know once she gets there, she'll be jumping up and down on the bed with me. She doesn't know it yet, but she will be wearing the First Visit button the entire trip. I'll make sure of it.

Johnny - Falena's boyfriend. The only boy going, and we're still not sure how that happened. Finds ways of cheating at Disney Scene It, but still loses. His first trip to WDW as well. Only his second trip outside the state of California. His first being this past January when he and Falena came up to Washington to visit me. He's very deprived when it comes to vacations. So he's excited!

Jen - my other bestest friend. She's been to WDW a bazillion times. So this trip is more about hanging with Falena and I than being at Disney World (and even if that's not true Jen, just play along) She is almost as excited about the trip as me. She laughs at all the emails I send out about updates, and ADRs, and just all things Disney. Is up for stalking the characters with me, and getting pictures of the cute guys from other countries working at EPCOT. We've been planning ways to embarrass and “get” Falena and Johnny. Beverly anyone?
Working retail this time of year... Wow. I've been doing it for technically 6 years now (though two years really don't count), and it still is exhausting even though I know what to expect. Anywho...

So I decided I'd mention the where and why this time. I'm skipping what. That's easy. We're going to Walt Disney World!! And a one sentence post... Doesn't seem right for some reason. So the where. Well, other than WDW, we'll be staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge Kidani Village, studio, safari view. Jen's family belongs to DVC and have been awesome enough to let us use their points to book our room. Yay!! Last time I was over there, Animal Kingdom was still new, and there was no Animal Kingdom Lodge at all. So I'm psyched! I love animals, and from the pictures I've seen from other TR's, it looks absolutely stunning. So I am looking forward to seeing it with my own eyes.

The main reason for this trip is for Falena, Jen and I to get to hang out together again. The three of us have not hung out, or even all been in the same state at the same time, since Jen moved back to Jersey in 2004. So it's been a loooooooooooong time. I've seen Jen once since she moved, and Falena three times. But, as with most friends, it sucks not seeing each other much. Big time.

Funnily, this whole trip started as a joke. I was back in California this past April for my cousins wedding, and stayed with Falena and Johnny while there. Well, I'm not sure how it came up, but somehow the conversation of her, Jen and all going somewhere together and taking a vacation of sorts came up. I, jokingly, said we should go to Disney World.

Ok, so a little history... Falena, Jen and I actually all met when we all worked at Disneyland in Back of House Store Ops. I met Falena late 2003 and Jen early 2004 and we all immediately hit it off. We're very similar in personalities so we all just kinda clicked. I always want to snap when I say that word for some reason. Sorry, just had to share. We hung out a lot together. There were other people that were in our group we hung out with, but we've all lost contact with those others over the years, but never with each other. So Jen moved the later part of 2004 back to her native Jersey, and then I moved to Texas in mid-2005, and then up to Washington in early '06. Falena stayed in Cali. And at Disneyland. And in Store Ops Back of House. She just loves it. :rolleyes:

So getting back to the why... I jokingly mentioned how we should go to Disney World to have our “reunion” of sorts. The Disney theme just seemed to fit. Well, Falena has never been, so she actually liked the idea. Especially when we remembered (how could we forget?!) she still worked at Disneyland, and that meant CM discounts and not having to pay for entry to the parks!! Gotta love perks!! So, by the time I got back home a week later, I lived on the internet, doing research and emailed Jen about our brazilliant (I like making up words) idea. That's when she mentioned her family having DVC and said she'd ask her parents about letting us book a room with their points. They said yes. I ran around the house screaming and dancing. Seriously. I got back online five minutes later after my celebration was cut short by running into the doorway (did I mention I'm a klutz) and started doing more research.

So, after a month or so of going back and forth on dates and resorts, we were settled. Animal Kingdom Lodge Kidani Village, arriving Wed, Feb 3rd, and departing Tues, Feb 9th. Which I guess takes care of the when part too. We've got our itenerary (version 3,294), ADR's (third revision of them – and hopefully final), packing lists, tons of spreadsheets, a binder, and still a lot to be done.
Okay I'm dating myself, but 79-82 worked in Frontierland/Adventureland Merchandise. I did stock alot and was a lead.

After college I came back to Front/Adv merch but then went into mgmt and worked Plaza Complex...(plaza inn, inn between, red wagon, tiki juice bar and several other restaurants that are no longer there.) I left in 1989, but still keep in touch with 3 or 4 friends from back then.
No way! My friends and I worked west side stores/stock. Falena and I were FOH leads for the Frontier/Adventure complex, and she later switched back over to BOH as a lead, and still is today.
I didn't mean for you to date yourself. I was just curious because my parents worked there around that time. My dad worked there for nearly 20 years, from mid-70's to early 90's, but he was Tomorrowland and Main Street attractions, and my mom was late 70's to mid 80's I believe as Tomorrowland attractions too.
No way! My friends and I worked west side stores/stock. Falena and I were FOH leads for the Frontier/Adventure complex, and she later switched back over to BOH as a lead, and still is today.
I didn't mean for you to date yourself. I was just curious because my parents worked there around that time. My dad worked there for nearly 20 years, from mid-70's to early 90's, but he was Tomorrowland and Main Street attractions, and my mom was late 70's to mid 80's I believe as Tomorrowland attractions too.

I knew people in attraction, merch and restaurants...maybe i knew them.

I could tell you that downstairs stockroom still there in Adventureland?
I could tell you that downstairs stockroom still there in Adventureland?

Yes it is. It is the stockroom for Indy still as far as I know. I hated going down there, especially when it was raining. It would end up so flooded, you'd be in ankle deep water sloshing around to get product. Not fun.
Yes it is. It is the stockroom for Indy still as far as I know. I hated going down there, especially when it was raining. It would end up so flooded, you'd be in ankle deep water sloshing around to get product. Not fun.

:rotfl2: Yup that's the one. I had a great time working there and it sounds like you did as well.
So I made a binder. Well, I'm making a binder. I've made my cover sheet, and a few spreadsheets and things to go inside. But I'm always open for more ideas of what to put in it. Anyone?

Moving on... I'm sitting here, trying to keep myself awake because I believe that 7pm is too early to go to bed for the night unless I want to be up at about 1am. And I don't. So I am going to post our current thoughts of an itinerary. Well, my thoughts anyways.

Wed, Feb 3rd
Arrival day
Jen's flight was pushed back, so she won't be getting in till about 6pm now. Falena and Johnny are scheduled to arrive around 4:30, and me 5. Since we're still all arriving in close enough time to each other, we'll meet somewhere in the airport and take the ME over to the resort together.
Dinner: Who knows. Depends on how everyone feels I guess. We might just grab some food at Mara, or maybe go over to DTD. Still to be decided.

Thurs, Feb 4th
DHS day
We're going this day because of Fantasmic showing. I LOVE me some Fantasmic. I've seen the one at Disneyland a ton of times. When I used to close in Frontierland, we'd go out on the porch in front of Bonanza and watch the show since we'd be so slow in the stores. I love love love it! So we have to go! Now, the others want to see it to, so it's not like I'm dragging them!
Breakfast: At the resort, probably something small in the room, or else maybe grab something at the Writers Stop?
Lunch: Earlyish ADR at 50's Prime Time
Dinner: CS at the park or maybe go to DTD

Fri, Feb 5th
Animal Kingdom day
I love this park. I like walking all the different trails and seeing the animals and getting pictures of their butts because, really, do they ever show their faces? I'm also super psyched to ride Everest. It looks amazing! A modern Matterhorn if you will.
Breakfast: Grab something at Mara before we leave
Lunch: CS at the park
Dinner: ADRs at Boma

Sat, Feb 6th
Magic Kingdom day
What can you say? It's like Disneyland. I love Disneyland. I love the Magic Kingdom. The castle, the fireworks, the parades. **sigh**
Breakfast: either in the room or maybe grab something at the bakery
Lunch: CS
Dinner: ADRs at Tony's before Spectro and Wishes

Sun, Feb 7th
I LOVE EPCOT! Totally my favorite park. And the last time I was there, I wasn't even old enough to try the adult beverages offered, so that tells ya something. I love the idea of traveling the world (who doesn't?!) and the fact that you actually are interacting from people from those places. Amazing! We're also planning on doing the Around the World on a Segway tour (or whatever it's called) thing this morning.
Breakfast: Later ADRs at Akershus – Yay Princesses!!
Lunch: Just snacking and drinking around the world
Dinner: ADRs at Le Cellier
Dessert: Beaches and Cream? I want to try a Kitchen Sink!

Mon, Feb 8th
Go Back And Do What You Want day
It's really like our free day. Get up late. We can go back to what we want. I already told them I'm going to want to spend more time at EPCOT. But who knows.
Breakfast: Grab something at Mara or eat in the room
Lunch: Depends where we go
Dinner: ADRs at Whispering Canyon

Tues, Feb 9th
Departure day
I can't remember when everyones flights leave. Mine is around 6 or 6:30, and the other's are around the same time. So we do have time to go do something that morning before we have to leave.
I have no clue on food this day. We'll eat something somewhere I'm sure.
Our itineraries match up on Sat/Sun. I meeting up with some DISers who I met on my last trip on Saturday at MK. A few of them are eating at Tony's as well....
Be on the lookout for the crazy Asian'll be me.
joining! i'll be there in Feb. as well, though I'm arriving a couple days after you leave.
joining! i'll be there in Feb. as well, though I'm arriving a couple days after you leave.

Yay!! Another one!! :woohoo: I don't know why I get so excited about that. Deeeep breath.
I'm busy trying to come up with ways to extend my stay. The others can't because of various school and work reasons, but I already am taking 2 1/2 weeks off around that time, so.... We'll see.
I scrapbook. I love doing it, though I seem to have no time for it anymore. Well, lately I've spent the time I've had working on layouts that will just need pictures stuck on once I get home, which will save me some time after the trip. And I've decided I'm actually going to do two scrapbooks. Maybe. I'm going to do a classic one, like a traditional scrapbook. But I also want to make an ABC's of Disney one. Where I have 26 different pages, one for each letter and what the letter stands for when it comes to Disney. But I'm having problems coming up with something for each letter. Then there are letters like C where I have like 10 things. Ugh... I thought this was going to be easy! :headache:
I guess I am just looking for ideas if anyone has some good ones. I'd rather not get into naming specific characters or attractions. Because then I'd feel bad for the ones I left out. Like A, I'd totally have to use Ariel, but what about Alice? Or Aladdin? See what I mean?
I decided this last night when I couldn't sleep, can you tell? Here's what I have so far:


Maybe I could get away with just doing half the alphabet...
Joining in followe you over from Blues thread !! I will be one of them with Jordan on the 6th !! nly now we are eating at the Wave before watching Wishes !! May be we can meet ya there !!!
Joining in followe you over from Blues thread !! I will be one of them with Jordan on the 6th !! nly now we are eating at the Wave before watching Wishes !! May be we can meet ya there !!!

Sounds great to me! I'm excited to meet all you disers!!


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