Here we go again!! A Feb 2010 PTR - update 1/31 "Final Update? Itinerary Time(again)"

Got my ME tag from Jen today. Along with a copy of all our ADR confirmations and a letter from her. Well, this has all been hanging out at the PO box for a week, but due to the location of the PO versus where our house is and where I work, I haven't been over there in a while. And trust me, there's a good reason we don't have mail delivered here. Mainly because we never would get anything. We've got some really bad mail service over here.

Anywho... Want some crazy news. I haven't done any shopping for the trip. As in nothing. I have quite a bit of travel stuff here already, plus my local Target condensed their travel section months ago, so there isn't much there anyways. As for clothes... I don't know. I'm a person who has what I have to wear for work, and spend most of the rest of my time at home in sweats or pj bottoms. I have jeans. Most of which are too big and totally torn up on the bottom as I'm short and tend not to get my pants hemmed. I have shirts. Though half of them are in support of local sports teams. Not that there is anything wrong with that, and I plan on wearing at least one of my Mariner ones to annoy Jen. Though, knowing her, she'll probably bring a Yankee shirt of her own.

Ugh, and shoes... I love heels. Like, if I could wear them to work, I would. But with my job, it's not practical. Nonetheless, I have quite the collection of heels.:lovestruc 2 pairs of flip flops. 1 pair of slippers. 2 pairs of sneakers. 1 of which is falling apart. So I really need a new pair of those too.

My problem is, I'm not interested in shopping. I don't know why. It's so unlike me. I'm the one who bought a whole new wardrobe to celebrate the beginning of baseball season last year. I'm not kidding. Maybe I'll get the shopping bug before I leave. Hopefully. I'd hate to wear the same outfit for 7 days. That'd be kinda gross. And I'd be sleeping out with the animals by day 3 I'm sure. I think I need to seek some professional help.
You don't feel like shopping????

Get yourself to a doctor!!

My dh would die from shock if I ever told him that.:laughing:

just think of all the money you're saving that you can give to Disney!
You don't feel like shopping????

Get yourself to a doctor!!

My dh would die from shock if I ever told him that.:laughing:

just think of all the money you're saving that you can give to Disney!

lol I know. My DBF came over and felt my forehead when I told him this. He was assuming I'd spend all the money I could come up with buying Disney stuff before the trip, and be broke for the trip itself.
So I was going to write an update this morning before I went to work since I knew I would be home late. But I did not. I did not even think about it before work. I did think about it about 10 minutes after I got to work. But, too late at that point. Oh well. Luckily, it is still today here. And today is 14 days, 2 weeks, until I will be at WDW with my two bestest friends having the time of our lives. Well, it is still 14 days for me. But not for those of you who are already in tomorrow. Which is today for you. And today is yesterday. So tomorrow for me will no longer be today. Huh? I think I have just confused myself. I should not try to do these things this late. I probably should not attempt this at all.

Anywho, getting back to the point... TWO WEEKS!! I have annoyingly been updating my facebook status every day to show how many days I have left. Today my uncle told me to quit bragging. I told him to hold on because it will most likely just get worse. I have definitely gotten to the point that I am sure I am annoying absolutely everyone. One of my friends at work said she hated me today because I get to go. Apparently, she has never been outside the northwest. Maybe I will get her to come along next time we go. But if I brought her, then there would be another friend I would totally have to bring too. And another one who would feel that she was entitled to go. Next thing I know there are 50 people I work with on the way to WDW. Sooooooo not into that.

I am horrible at staying on point today. Well, every day really. So I did a little shopping. Like a little little. I bought two long sleeve shirts, Disney Princess band aids (come on, regular ones do not work at WDW), some travel size laundry soap, and lastly some ponchos on clearance at Target. I feel like such a failure in that department. But, I do have some travel stuff from my trip to California last April that I plan on using. Oh, and I have started packing. So has Jen. I am a little worried about all that stuff I'm going to be bringing. Luckily, some of it is presents for Jen and Falena, so I will not have to deal with lugging it home with me at the end. And, I am not planning on buying much stuff. There are a couple of presents for some people up here, my MM ears, and maybe one or two other things. So I can not justify bringing an extra bag “just in case”. If I do end up going crazy, I will just ship it home.

So, because I am lame like that, I plan on doing a “one week from now” kind of thing starting next Wednesday. And I will probably give some general info on Tuesday. What else am I supposed to do with the week before I leave? I took it off work to use up some extra “use it or lose it” PTO I have. Only four more days of actually going to work left!! I also am planning on cleaning my house before I leave. Though, I am not sure why as my DBF is not going on the trip and the house will be a crazy mess again by the time I get home. Oh well, it will make me feel better. Right?

I am totally rambling at this point. I apologize. I am tired without being sleepy. So, I am a little off. Off Kilter. Like the band. At EPCOT. Which is in WDW. Which is where I will be in two weeks. WOOHOO!!
So I am down to a week!! How exciting!! And how crazy. Now that it is here, I wish I had more time. What a horrible thought, eh? Well, not really. I, following in the tradition of many of you, am sick. Like, I woke up this morning wishing I could just go bury myself in a hole for a while. A long while. I was in bed at 10 last night, and didn't get out of bed till 10:30 this morning. And here it is, 12:30, and I'm ready to go back to bed. And after I take some meds, I will be. When it rains it pours I guess.

On to happier stuff... I did a little more shopping. I bought 3 shirts from Old Navy (their clearance btw is an additional 50% through Thurs) and found in the dollar bins at Michaels tubes of glow sticks. 15 bracelet ones per tube or something like that. I did buy a lot more. But it was all scrapbooking items, so it does not really count. Though they are for the scrapbook I will be doing on my trip when I get home, so I guess they really do count. Whichever whatever.

So one week from today Jen, Falena, Johnny and I will be arriving, though at all different times. Falena and Johnny will arrive around 4:30, my flight is scheduled to arrive at 5:10, and Jen's was pushed back to 6:30ish. We will all meet up at MCO and ride the ME together to AKV. I'm excited. After we get checked in, whenever that is, we are planning on going over to DTD for a few hours, grab some food, walk around, talk about what has been going on with us all, that sort of stuff. Then, we will head back to the resort, and either will be too excited to sleep, or else will all crash from pure exhaustion. I want to explore the resort a little. So, depending on everyone else's level of tiredness, I may be on my own there. Thus ends our “first” day. Really, our trip would not have even begun yet!


I'm just a little excited ;)
So somehow the last week has gotten away from me. I'm not sure how either. I leave in two days. Well, two and a half, but I round down. I've still got a little packing to do. Things I forgot when I had everything packed last week. It still seems surreal that three days from now, I'll be asleep in Florida. Well, hopefully asleep. I am planning on living on caffeine for the next week, who can sleep at WDW?!

So, because I've failed on this already, I'm just going to list what our plans are for the trip. I know this will probably all fall apart once we're there, but, it's a post at least.

Wed, Feb 3rd
Arrival Day
We're getting there late-ish. I am hoping we will get checked in by 8pm and then we will be heading to DTD. We may eat there, we may not. It depends on how everyone is feeling. Then back to the resort, catching up, checking everything out, taking tons of pictures, and maybe getting to bed.

Thurs, Feb 4th
Hollywood Studios Day
I want to get to each park for rope drop. Again, this is a we will see what happens thing. It's DHS day simply because of Fantasmic. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the show, and am happy that they added a second show. Though I know this is because of the crowds. Who knew the Super Bowl would be played in Florida. If I did, we may have gone a week earlier. Because Falena is signing us in, we didn't know when we started planning if WDW is like DLR in that we can park hop, so we wanted to have DHS as our park for Fantasmic JIC. And we were too lazy to change this. Anywho, now we know we can park hop for sure, so... Whatever.

Fri, Feb 5th
Animal Kingdom Day
Not much to say here. After AK, we may go hang at DTD, skip to another park, just spend time at our resort, go check out another resort... I will leave that up to them to figure out. Maybe.

Sat, Feb 6th
Magic Kingdom Day
Ropedrop. Fantasyland. I want to meet Tink. Fireworks. Spectromagic. Classic Disney characters. Loves it!!

Sun, Feb 7th
I love the World Showcase. We will get there early I am hoping, do Future World rather quickly, then spend some quality time traveling the world. And having a few drinks. A few :thumbsup2

Mon, Feb 8th
Do What You Wish Day
Falena and Johnny as of right now plan on heading to Gator World or whatever that place is called. I am not. And I don't believe Jen is either. I want to go hang at EPCOT or MK this day. Maybe both. Falena is bringing her comp tickets that she's been hording from herself and her mom (who works at DLR as well) so we have those to run around with too. I don't know much about the Gator World/Land place, so I don't know their hours or when Falena or Johnny think they will be getting back, so who knows if they might be meeting us at one of the parks later.

Tues, Feb 9th
Departure Day
All of our flights leave around 6 or 6:30 I want to say. I honestly can't remember, and can't find the email that states this info. I know mine leaves at 6:30, so we'll go with that. So we do have the morning to do some stuff if we want. Maybe explore the resort some more or go to DTD again for some last minute shopping. Then we abandon each other again. Hopefully it won't take another 5 1/2 years for us to get together again. Maybe I can talk them into making this a yearly thing. That means Jen's parents agreeing to letting us use their points and Falena never quitting Disney so I don't have to pay for admission. Or else I could win the lotto. I'll take either. ;)

So yea, that is what is going on. 63 hours and counting till I get to see my two bestest friends again!! YAY!!
12 hours from now I will be high in the air... I can not believe it. I mean, it seems like only yesterday I was excited because I was at 99 days, double digits, no more three digit counts for me! And now... YAY! I'm excited again. I lost my excitement for a while. I think it was just stress. Life has been... Stressful. But we are not going to think about that! We're thinking about how I will be at WDW TOMORROW! Like, less than 24 hours from now! I just want my plane to land at MCO already. I hate flying, and spending 5 ½ hours on a plane, by myself (not really by myself of course, but I won't know anyone else on the flight) is not a good way to keep me calm. Luckily, there is stuff I can take to calm me down so I don't have a complete panic attack.

Anywho... No real update here. Just me, excited, unable to sleep. Which will probably be true all night. Though I find this to be an ok thing, because I'm hoping that means I will sleep on the plane (ha) I am off to try anyways now!! See ya when I get back!!
Have a great time. I'll be at MK on Sat and Epcot on Sunday

Thank you! And you too of course!

Winkers and I exchanged info and so I might meet up with you all at some point. Depends on how the rest of my group is feeling.

Where's your trip report? I'm waiting eagerly, yet patiently. :goodvibes

It is sitting in my head... This is what happens when 6 hours after my flight gets in I have to be at work. Maybe tomorrow after work. Or can you not wait that long. And what are you doing here on your birthday? You should be out doing something right now girl!


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