He's done!!! He's fianlly done!!!

dopeys biggest fan

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Sep 14, 2004
I picked him up today for the last time from the "official dismissal" ceremony. It was very nice. Police escorts, fire trucks, bag pipes a brass band the whole nine yards. It was very nice to see how appreciated they were and it was nice to go and pick him up with family so he realized just how much we all missed him. He got to stand up twice and be recognized for medals he received for his outstanding service during the deployment, I was so proud to see him standing there looking so proud while everyone applauded. It was an awesome site! It's just amazing to be sitting here right now knowing that he's not on leave or a 24 hour pass. I don't have to drop him off anymore, he's home, he's finally home!!!!! It's over, it's finally over!!!

For those of you out there still going through deployments, I know it's tough, but hang on you WILL make it through. Just remember how much we all appreciated the sacrifices you and your deployed solider are making for us. There is a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how small it may seem right now, it will get bigger and you too will soon be done! Keep the faith and hang in there.
Good news! God Bless and thank you both for your sacrifices to our country.
I love military ceremonies and can imagine how nice it was!
Can't wait for our son to come home safe and sound!!!! :goodvibes
God Bless all our soldiers and keep them safe.
YAY! I'm so happy for you... we're on the final down slide as well, and gosh, it just seems like time is crawling!

Enjoy your time together!
so happy for you and your family.... we have finished with deployments and are now 6 weeks away from retirement!!! Can't believe how fast 20 years has gone......
AWESOME!!! :cheer2: :banana: :banana: :cool1: A bunch of OR soldiers had their de-mob ceremony last week; can't wait til it's our turn next Jan/Feb!!

On a good note DH just called from Germany---will be home for RnR in 20 hours!! :cheer2:
What great news, Gillian!!!!! :cool1: Please pass on our thanks to him, and a thank you to you also. :goodvibes
I am glad to hear your hubby got home, mine was in Afghanastan 4/03-9/03
he got to retire when they got released I was so excited. Hope you have a trip planned soon to Disney. Good Luck.
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Very good news indeed!!!! :bounce: I can't wait for my DH to finish in Apr'06-Currently he's doing a 3 week training(8 more days left)-and may be deployed very soon-Navy Reserve, but your words are very encouraging!!!! Enjoy your time together!!!!! :cloud9:
I read your post and instantly teared up. I am so happy for you. God bless you and your husband for what you have done for us, and God bless everyone else who is going through the same.
I'm glad your dh made it home safe and sound. :flower: I remember that day my dh came home from over there. It's something you won't ever forget about. Best Wishes and hang in there, there may be some rocky roads ahead as he gets use to being home again. :wave:


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