Hi, I'm Dina and I'm Running

Did work out yesterday. Blah! Kind of had a terrible day, I mean I could have cried it was so bad. But my husband shared good news with me that we can still go on our cruise unless like I deploy or something and then our second cruise is on in October! So that's something to be happy about.

I ran 2 miles today. I was kind of mad at the treadmill because it kept stopping. So it was run for like 5 minutes then hit the treadmill and then run for another 5 minutes and repeat. So in total I ran 2 miles. :P I also lifted some. I worked on my back and legs. Tomorrow it looks like I might do an extreme circuit class and then run.
Hope your day was better today...

:banana: About the shoes. I totally agree about the breaking them in thing. My shoes were awesome right out of the box. I love my running store.

Hope your day was better today...

:banana: About the shoes. I totally agree about the breaking them in thing. My shoes were awesome right out of the box. I love my running store.


Today was a much much much better day. Thanks Nat!! I ended up dropping in on a Ballet class last night. Which had to have been seriously the hardest thing I've ever done!! OMG! It was really hard. I guess when you are child Ballet is a little bit more natural but as an adult it was hard. Of course since I was so challenged I want to go back but not to that particular studio. I wanted beginner Ballet and I was thrown into a class that had been going for a while. So I found another studio in town that is cheaper and starts at the beginning.

Today I ran 2 miles again, I'm trying to build back up really slowly because of the shin splints. So far I'm doing okay, I ran my 2 miles in 17:00 which is about a 8:30 mile. :)

Tomorrow shall be Fartlek!
I ran this morning at like 7:00AM it was so cold! For Tucson....it was 44. I was chilly but I finally found my husband's beanie! Ha! I had been looking for that for days! Geez!

I ran a good mile and then I Fartlek the second mile. I finished in 18:00 because of the Fartlek.
Rest day today and tomorrow. Might knock out some belly dance practice tonight, depends on how I feel.
Phew! Good workout today! I ran for 2 miles, just to make sure my time was a good easy run. I ran it in about 18:00, I think I will try a fartlek or Tempo on Thursday. Not sure yet, Thursday might be a two and a half hour work out. We'll see depends on how much sleep I get on Wednesday, which is something I need more of! Geez!

I think I'm going to chop off all my hair. I've grown it out for the last 5 years, it's curly and it's all the way past my bra line when it's straight and sits really nicely on my shoulder blades when it's curly but I think I just want something new. My hubby was a tiny bit upset when I told him I want to do it, but he is okay with it now. I just wanted a little change, this will be dramatic but I think I'm going to love it!
If you cut your hair I want to see before & after pictures.
I want to do something new also.. maybe this weekend.

Is it wrong that I giggle every time you say fartlek. :upsidedow

If you cut your hair I want to see before & after pictures.
I want to do something new also.. maybe this weekend.

Is it wrong that I giggle every time you say fartlek. :upsidedow


I will post them for sure.

Fartlek is a funny word. :P I don't know why they called it that, I mean it'd be easier to say speed play. But I think someone else thought it was funny too. Haha! I like saying it. :happytv:
Geez I'm sorry, I've been so popped lately! I haven't been able to get good sleep at all. It's been awful! Right after this I'm hitting the sack!

I did Cross Fit yesterday and what a work out! Talk about demanding and painful! Want a really really really good work out find a Cross Fit gym in your area. It's Boot Camp x10 and then you have Cross Fit, it is by no means a beginner's work out. It's very demanding but you'll get the work out of your life! It was so great! Thankfully I had my recovery drink with me cause I'd be in worse pain than I am now!

I also did an Extreme Circuit class, it was milder than Cross Fit but not by much. I normally don't sweat this much in the winter, but I thought it was summer again! Geez!! Then I followed that class up with Zumba for a hour. So, a 2 hour work out today. We'll see how my legs feel tomorrow, another Fartlek planned! I might go for my long run on Saturday.
I knew as soon as I ran today that I regretted wearing the shoes for Cross Fit that I wore. So I only made it about a mile and a half before my shins screamed out in pain!
It's not cool that shoes can determine how well your body runs. I hate that!!

It's not cool that shoes can determine how well your body runs. I hate that!!


You are so right, that's why I'm taking three days off. I will see how I feel on Tuesday gonna take a run before Turbo Kick. Hopefully my legs have healed, I'm going to PT on Wednesday maybe they can suggest some things for me to do or ways to run or give me stretches...
Back after a few days off! I feel a lot better today! I did Turbo Kick yesterday which I was afraid of for a at first cause of my shins, but once I got into it they were just fine. It was really hard at first because you know it was a new round but so worth every minute of it!:love:

Today I did a Cross Fit class, which was really hard but so much fun. We did a track work out so, at each turn in the track you had to do a exercise like squats or push ups or sit ups. Then you would speed walk the curves and sprint the straightaways. It was so much fun and I did about 3 miles I think in total. Not really a run run maybe more of another Fartlek? :cutie:

I went to go see Wicked last night! Oh man it was so great the singers were just amazing and the production was out of this world fantastic! Everyone was so professional and talented! If you have a chance you should really go see it! Just wonderful show!:banana:

Tomorrow is circuits! Whee!:rotfl:
I think my feet truly hate me, my shins started to hurt again during circuits. I switched shoes but now I think it might have something to do with how much water I drink. I'm going to re-evaluate that. I think I need to drink more.

Did Extreme Circuits today. It was good except for my shins...
Run today and got revisted by the shin splint monster....I am going to visit the running shop again and return my shoes. I think I'll look into some Pumas...Nikes are becoming a nightmare for me. They were great but now it's just horrible...

I managed to run for about 20 minutes before my legs finally stopped me completely. The worset part is I registered for a 5K this Sunday and I'm not sure I will make it...:headache:
Today and yesterday was much better. I really didn't do a thing this weekend expect for walk. I did Turbo Kick on Tuesday and it was just fine, no pain at all then I ran from Turbo Kick right into my belly dance class. I almost didn't have time to shower haha!

Today I did a Tabata! It was really good, there was running included in it and I had to bring my running shoes. It was really good today I didn't have too much pain, maybe a little tiny bit of pain left over from last week but overall I'm in good shape. Everyone kept telling me I'm really strong for someone my body type and weight and that made me feel really good. I guess I can't really be beat down when I really want to work. I can keep going forever kind of haha! But today was really good.

Tomorrow is a Hula Dance and then Friday I will attempt to run or do weights...I think it might be weights if we have a choice or maybe run for a bit then do weights. Don't know yet.
Knocked out a one mile Fartlek today and a one mile easy run. I was not completely pain free but it was soooooooooooooo much better today than a few weeks ago! I felt like I could have done more but I didn't want to push it too hard you know?

I think I'm going to take a Yoga Class starting next Sunday again I need to get back into it. I've just been so busy all the time and now that things are finally settling down I think I can take some time and go again. I am cutting my hair all off on Sunday and the only thing I can complain about is getting a blister on my big toe. :)

I am going to buy a Ticket to go see a new Musical in town called Spring Awaking. It should be interesting.
So I'm starting a Belly Dance Drills program which basiclly makes me account for how much I practice. Yesterday I practiced for a hour and today I practiced for half an hour and walked the dog for an hour. I have to get home work done otherwise the walk would have been longer.

I chopped off all my hair and I will post a picture later on maybe Thursday or Friday when I have more time. I'm really out of time till then. Geez!

Gonna try and run tomorrow I just register for a 4 mile race next week so we'll see how it goes. I hope as long as I make it a easy tempo run it will be okay.
So I'm starting a Belly Dance Drills program which basiclly makes me account for how much I practice. Yesterday I practiced for a hour and today I practiced for half an hour and walked the dog for an hour. I have to get home work done otherwise the walk would have been longer.

I chopped off all my hair and I will post a picture later on maybe Thursday or Friday when I have more time. I'm really out of time till then. Geez!

Gonna try and run tomorrow I just register for a 4 mile race next week so we'll see how it goes. I hope as long as I make it a easy tempo run it will be okay.

Your workouts sound like so much more fun then mine.
Good luck this weekend!!



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