Highway In The Sky Review


Jan 6, 2016
Background: My husband and I were at WDW for a conference and to celebrate my 3*th birthday. I am a big stalker on these boards but don’t post too much so I had tried to read up on as much as I could before and noticed a few posts about Highway in the Sky and thought that would be a great birthday present. The dates we needed had not been released but I kept checking regularly and about 4 weeks before we were to leave I saw an opening and grabbed it! Happy birthday to me!

We have no kids, enjoy Disney and all the amazing dinning they offer, and like to try new things so this seemed like a great new experience for a celebration.

Per WDW web site: “Five Courses. One Extraordinary Evening.

Join us for a progressive dinner unlike any other—with sumptuous offerings at 3 Disney Resort hotels.

Your Dine Around adventure begins at Disney's Contemporary Resort, where you’ll check in at The Wave… of American Flavors. Relax and mingle with your fellow diners, enjoying a welcoming appetizer and specialty cocktail before setting off on your epicurean odyssey. Bon voyage and bon appétit!

First stop: Disney's Polynesian Village Resort—where you’ll feel as if you’ve arrived in a far-flung tropical paradise. Celebrate the spirit of the South Pacific and luxuriate in the charm of this exotic retreat, with an enticing variety of island-inspired libations and appetizers.

Then it’s time for a change of scene and cuisine—as the monorail transports you a world away to the opulent Victorian-style Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. Step inside and step back into a bygone era of elegance and gracious hospitality. Here, you’ll be invited to sip champagne and enjoy an artisanal selection of cheeses or charcuterie. You’ll also be escorted to the award-winning Cítricos, where you’ll be treated to a special Chef’s main course selection amid the restaurant’s refined ambiance.

Afterward, board the monorail once more to return to Disney's Contemporary Resort for the culmination of your evening. Here, you and your Dine Around companions will retire to a private patio to enjoy an indulgent assortment of desserts, cordials and coffee. From this exclusive location, watch in wonder as the Happily Ever After fireworks show lights up the up the night over Cinderella Castle—a musical, magical grand finale to your one-of-a-kind dining adventure.”

My expectations: From the photos online, the Walt Disney world description online, the few reviews that I was able to find online, and my hopes and dreams after paying over $400 for a 3 hour experience for 2 people I thought this would be a magical night. I assumed we would be sitting in the ambience of the wave meeting our fellow travelers, having a drink and getting to know our guides. Then we would be escorted to the monorail to go to Trader Sam's Grog Grotto or Tambu Lounge at the Polynesian for appetizers and another cocktail. Here I assumed we would be in smaller groups and start to get a little separated but still be able to mingle. After some time here we would go to Cítricos and have our main entrees as a group with wine that paired well with our entrees. I had very high expectations of this meal as I have read amazing things about Citricos. Finally we would head to Top of the World Lounge for our dessert and cordials to watch the fireworks over Cinderella castle.

Reality: About 5 days prior I received a phone call, and missed as it was during work, asking if we had any disabilities or allergies and to call if we did, otherwise just to meet at the wave at 645pm as directed previously. The voice mail said if no problems no return call needed, so I didn’t call back. They then called every day for the next 2 days but did not leave a message. As it comes up as an out of town area code I at first thought it was just a telemarketer. It wasn’t till the day of that I realized it could be them and I was worried they might have canceled our tour. I called back, apparently did not get the same person who had called me, and they said there was no notes in my file and that as far as they knew it was still on and to just go to the Wave to check in. FEWWWWW!

We took a cab from Animal Kingdom Lodge to the Contemporary as we were dressed up and it was 85 degrees with 100% humidity (I didn’t want to sweat to death and try to navigate transportation) cost was under $20 and the cab driver was very polite. When we got to the contemporary we navigated our way to the Wave. When we got there we were directed to go to the second floor and we would see signs. We did so, confused as everything we had seen/read said at the wave, and were directed to a lobby with some dividers. We checked in, and asked why we were not at a wave. The explanation was that it was a firework night- I was confused because every night this runs is a firework night but maybe I had just made high expectations for this. It was very dated décor and very spread out. It was hard to mingle as not a very convenient place; many people kept walking through and going to the bathrooms behind us. We were lucky to have a nice couple come sit next to us, and chatted while they brought out drinks.

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When the waitress came to our table she brought me a drink but not one for my husband. No worries- he will get one next time she comes around. Next time she came around she didn’t come back to our table. When she finally did, 15 minutes later, she gave the other couple their drinks but not my husband even though there was 1 more martini on her tray. When I asked her for his drink she said “he already got one, its only one per person”. I explained that he didn’t and that there was only 1 drink glass on the table, mine. After a discussion with her manager she stated she would bring him another one, while I corrected her that it was his first, but that it would not happen again. This unfortunately set a poor taste in my mouth as even if he had had a drink, which he didn’t, what concern would it be for him to have another if there was an extra- which clearly there was. The drinks were good, 6/10 I would say, and beautifully presented, but the hospitality was very lacking.

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They then had the head chef come out and talk to the group about the appetizer they were serving us. It was a wonderful tomato bisque as the tomatoes they got in were amazing per this chef with a goat cheese grilled cheese crouton. It was very good; she said the selection changed seasonally based on her ingredients. I would give it a 7/10, delicious but small portion. Let me just say that I figured they would be small portions as we had 4 stops, but this was smaller than I thought- one maybe 2 if taking very small bites for the crouton and 3-5 spoon full’s of bisque.

The guides we had for the night then came over gave us the 5 minute warning with the kindness of explaining that the restrooms are out of the way at our next stop and suggested we used these here. They then rounded us up and took us to the monorail, we went through security and into a special line for the very back of the monorail. The car was locked, the conductor came out and hit some buttons and it opened up for us. This was the theme throughout the night, we always had 1 car for the 25 of us, but those are the double cars so about 16 seats and a few standing and it was fine, not too packed and nice to always get to stay together.
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When we got to the Polynesian I was very excited to go to one of the lounges/bars I thought we were. Unfortunately we were directed to the lobby, just inside the doors you use to come from the monorail, directly to the right. They had set up some standing cocktail tables with plates for us. We were in the middle of the lobby, no space to yourself, with the luau letting out and hundreds of people trying to get on the monorail. It was nice they gave us leis on the table to wear but to say it was loud was an understatement. The manager of the Kona café came out to talk to use about what we would be drinking and eating, discuss their philosophy, and probably other stuff but I could not hear her over the crowd noise.

Luckily the 4 of us who meet at the last place were able to get a table together, we had come to quickly realize that mingling would not be easy so might as well get to know just another couple well. They brought over the beverage for the meal- no idea what it was, something fruity with rum, but I couldn’t hear her explain it over the noise. It was ok, 5/10

Next was a piece of pork belly with a radish side. It was interesting, I don’t typically eat this but was happy to try it and not too bad. My husband who loves pork belly loved it and thought it was the highlight of the Polynesian experience part. 6/10, that radish was weird.


Next was a California roll, well a piece of one. It was delicious, 7/10, but at this point we had 2 drinks and about 5 bits of food in our belly’s. The other couple even mentioned that they thought there would be a little more food, that for paying for what was equivalent for their meal last year at Victoria and Albert’s they were worried they would be eating at the quick service in their hotel later tonight.


Stay tuned to see if this changes!
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They give us the 5 min warning and we were back out to the monorail. We did have to go though security but it was fast, I even think it was just looking through bags so most people just kept walking, no metal detector or anything. Had our private car on the monorail for the group and headed to the Grand Floridian.

THIS PLACE IS BEAUTIFUL! I loved all the décor, the elegance of it, even the smell! As soon as we got off the monorail I felt like if this was the only place we had went it would have been worth it! They took us down to the tea room I believe, on the 1st floor to the left side when coming down the grand stairs for our charctuerie portion. The manager of ?? talked to us again about the next course. The band was playing upstairs so I could not hear anything he said.

I loved this room, I loved that we were 2 to a table and only had to share that portion with just us. I had read some reviews that said there were 4-6 people per plate and I was worried as I love me some cheese. The room was set up well, enough space between tables so we could have some alone time but still make small talk if you wanted with your neighbors. They already had Champaign on the tables, a brut I believe, 4/10. I am not a big Champaign drinker but it was good, went well with the cheeses. It was a great selection and my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a good amount of time down there to enjoy it, sip Champaign, just chat with my husband (my time stamps on my phone show we got there about 8:21 and the next photo of our place at Cítricos was 8:51) and the selection of meats and cheeses was faultless, 10/10!



Delish! Maybe it was the larger porition or maybe the 3rd drink but at this time we were both feeling happy and that this was sooooooo worth it!

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We were given the 5 min warning and walked the stairs right outside up the 2 flights of stairs to Cítricos. If you had a disability they had one of the guides take you to the elevator and walk you around. I will just insert here that they asked at every place if anyone had any allergies, so if you are worried about that don’t be. There was one woman in our group with an egg allergy and they made sure at every place to state there were no eggs in whatever they were serving which I thought was nice so if she was very concerned she didn’t have to bother them every time to ask. Once at Cítricos we stood in the entry way and the manager and her staff where there and very friendly. They chatted to us about how our night was going and then explained the restaurant and their flavors to us. It was very nice.

They then split us into 2 groups as they did not have an area to accommodate our large group. I would point out a tip here that if you have a group of people you want to sit with that you ask before you get up here. They did not place us with the other couple we had been chatting with all night and it made dinner a little awkward. We were placed with some nice people, but they were all with their little group they made and we felt like outsiders sitting at a table for 12. We also got placed with some very loud people and my husband does not like this type of personality so for him this was the big end of the night. I know that at this point we had had 3 drinks but these people were acting like they had 30 and maybe they had been drinking before, but if I wanted to baby sit a bunch of drunks I would go work at my local ER not pay $400 for a night of enjoyment. Our guides were nowhere to be found at this point and we were stuck. It was the most beautiful room I had seen yet, the Chef's Domain room, and we were told by our waiter that normally this room would cost you a minimum of a $800 bill to even reserve.

We were given a choice of red or white wine to go with dinner, never told what they were as I think even the waiter could tell that some of our party was sloshed beyond belief, and not told what our main course was so it was just a guess as to which you would like best. I took the white, my husband the red. He loved the red, nice bold taste, my white was ok, a little bland, most likely a pino, 6/10. They brought the entrées very fast, my time stamp shows a time of 8:57. They were nice and warm, so I don’t think they were sitting under a heating lamp for a while. It was a braised beef and a halibut fish. I don’t normally like fish but tried it and it was great, my husband loved it. I ate all the beef- very tender, fell apart immediately and delicious.

We finished about 930, they told us to wait out in the lobby area and the band was playing, it was nice to hear that while we waited for those in the bathroom. Boarded the monorail, went past MK


And space mountain


And into the contemporary. I should have known something was amiss when they didn’t separate the stair and non stair people and we just kept walking straight. We were lead out to a patio under the monorail to view the fireworks. Like I said before I thought we had a better view so was a little disappointed when I saw this. It was set up with about 10 metal chairs on a corner and 4 standing cocktail tables. We were all kinda packed in a 10x 15 space otherwise the monorail blocked your view here so it was hard to walk around and get desserts.


Furthermore every time the monorail went over us it leaked some oil right onto our table and made it so you couldn’t hear the piped in music or have a conversation. Any idea how frequent the monorail runs? Me neither but it seemed like every 2 minutes when you are stating under it.


The desserts were pretty standard that you would get at any dessert party, 1 chocolate torte and 1 pumpkin layered cake, 5/10. There were unlimited cordials of Kailua, baileys, and a different liquor that I don’t remember. They were mixing them in coffee or hot coco as it was windy with a chill in the air or you could have them straight. I will say that it was nice that at this point it was as much as you could drink and as my husband and I were not “feeling it” at this point we had 2 glasses each, but I think you could have kept going back for more if you wanted.


It was a Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party night so we were able to see Happy HalloWishes which was nice. What was not so nice was the fact that our view was obstructed by the monorail and not over the castle but more over Space Mountain. You could hear the music in-between monorail trips but there was no chance of getting any type of photo of fireworks over the castle. I have eaten at California Grill and think they had a much better view of the fireworks then we did from where we were for the highway in the sky.



After HalloWishes was over we all parted our own ways, said goodbye to our guides, and were given a little gift of 2 truffles to go that were tasty.

Overall: Would I do it again? No. But if you never have done it and had money to burn or just wanted to say you did it, it was not a bad birthday celebration. I think I could have had more fun with that money in better ways at WDW but not mad that we did it. We felt full but not overfull by the end of the night, and maybe we have higher tolerances but after 6 drinks over the course of 4 hours my husband and I didn’t feel drunk. Slightly buzzed but not as wasted as some people were acting at the end of it. The guides were great and it was very nice to get a little taste of each place, just wish it was a little more than literally a taste.

Hope this helps anyone on the fence if they want to do it or not!
Thank you. I appreciate your very thorough review. It is something I looked at doing with my DH. He would hate most of this -- even if the food and drinks were all 10/10.
Awesome review- I like how you gave a good and objective balance between food/drink and experience!
Very fair and honest review! It can be really hard to be objective about experiences, especially if it was not what you expected.
Very sad to hear your review as my husband and I did this last March... still in its beginning stages and it was awesome! When we went to the Polynesian we were on the terrace outside of Trader Sam's and had that same food but the drink was the Hippopotomai Tai (sp?). At the Grand Floridian we went to Citrico's first and then to the Tea Room.
Thanks so much for posting. We decided against this and instead booked ressies at the Wave and CG, and we're still deciding between Citricos and Narcoosee's for the last night. We had a 50-yr anniversary party for my parents in the Chef's Domain room at Citrico's several years ago, and it was an amazing experience (so will probably be our choice). That room is certainly well worth booking for a private event, but I think I'd get a little twitchy stuck in there with people I didn't know who were getting on my nerves ;)!
Thank you SO much for writing this detailed review!! I have been reading opinions all over the place, but they don't share specifics or pictures, so it's hard to tell if it's really based in fact. My husband and I will be doing this on our first adults only trip since our Honeymoon. We splurged because honestly we would likely never book full sit down meals at any of the restaurants we will get a tiny sampling of on this event.
Very sad to hear your review as my husband and I did this last March... still in its beginning stages and it was awesome! When we went to the Polynesian we were on the terrace outside of Trader Sam's and had that same food but the drink was the Hippopotomai Tai (sp?). At the Grand Floridian we went to Citrico's first and then to the Tea Room.

We did this in October and that was my one disappointment - that we were in the lobby area at the Poly. I think we did have mai tais though to drink. Our first app/drink at the contemporary was in a private room unlike the OPs experience (the drink was different also there). And we were personally escorted there by a CM, who said the area near the Wave was too busy/noisy so they moved it upstairs. Overall we had a great time with the experience, met some nice people, enjoyed the food/drinks and the evening a lot. I had read several reviews prior and had a pretty good idea what to expect, where the fireworks viewing would be, etc.
Thanks for the review! It all seems to be different for everyone! We've loved it and have our second booked for next month and can't wait to book another if it continues :) We have close friends that have both loved it and another pair that was glad for the experience but wouldn't do it again. It seems it's all in how people interpret things :)
This was pretty much our experience in October as well. We went as a group of 6 and all came out feeling that it's a one and done experience. We decided that next time we will just do it on our own and actually visit the lounges vs the lobby in each resort. Glad we tried it but it felt so unorganized. We had a much better experience at Savor the Savannah.
Thank you so much for posting this detailed review. I had considered this, was leaning more towards not doing it, and your review just confirmed my decision. Several aspects of the tour that you mentioned would not be enjoyable to me.
I did this in Dec 2016 -- each stop and every course was really well done --- but it sounds like they're cutting corners so maybe it's not so sad they're not offering dates yet for March when we're there.

Not sure why they moved the initial reception from the Wave lounge to the 2nd floor at CR --- definitely a different feel and not an improvement. (The cocktail in Dec 2016 definitely didn't have whipped cream but was very sweet --- whipped cream would have made it way too sweet.)

The lobby of the Poly is NOT a substitute for Trader Sam's Tikki Terrace. Knowing that they've moved this to a really busy spot is not good.

Interesting they did the cheese/sparkling wine course after Citricos (the food there was wonderful) because in Dec 2016 they did it after the main course. This may be an improvement as people were fairly full from dinner and most of the cheese/etc... didn't seem to get eaten --although people did have their sparkling wine.

The area for the fireworks isn't great and a lot of people were not thrilled with that in Dec 2016 --- lots of obstructions and there were a fair number of people who I guess normally view the fireworks from that terrace who were quite offended (and vocal about it) that there was an event which prevented them from getting to their view of the fireworks.

It's too bad because when the event was first offered it was really enjoyable. We may skip it in March based on this review...


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