HitchHiking Mickey's Grand Adventure (a very different kind of trip report)


DIS Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
This is a story for Lorilais_mommie, well actually for Lorilai, about how her Hitchhiking Mickey Popcorn bucket came to be hers, and all the adventuring he did along the way.

The first photo is thanks to Joe Penniston from Flickr, all others are my own.
Once upon a time a Hitchhiking Mickey Popcorn Bucket was assembled. He wasn't like all the other Mickey popcorn buckets. All they ever wanted to do was to find the perfect family and go home. No, Mickey was a Hitchhiker, and he wanted to see the world. He wanted to go to all sorts of places, big and small, but most of all he wanted to see history. You see, this Mickey was assembled right next to the Liberty Tree Tavern.


He wanted to see the things the people talked about. So while all the other popcorn buckets were picking out families. He hitched a ride to Colonial Williamsburg. Mickey knew that's where the Founding Fathers first brought up the idea of the Revolution. So he took a bus, a plane, and a short trip on a train to end up at the Capitol Building.


He heard all about the delegates sending men to Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence. Now he had hitchhiked a long way, and after his tour he got thirsty. So Mickey decided to stop at R. Charlton's Coffeehouse. Mickey didn't like Coffee much, but inside the Coffeehouse he learned that a lot of the Founding Fathers, even George Washington himself, drank chocolate! Hot sipping chocolate, mixed with water and spices to give it a kick. Mickey liked their drink!


Mickey walked down the historic D.O.G. street - that's Duke of Gloucester St, but everyone called it Dog street because of all the dogs! One sniffed him so hard he fell on his nose!

Mickey brushed himself off and went to the historic court house where the first Americans had heard the Declaration of Independence read from the courthouse steps. He shivered as he touched walls that had once heard people shout and cheer for the end of the war with England. Outside, he shivered even more when he played in the stocks.


He decided to lighten his mood by visiting the St. George Tucker House the home of the first Christmas tree in America! He learned about the family that lived there, and how they were generous enough to let a man who traveled all the way from Germany stay with them one winter. That man shared his tradition of bringing in a tree and decorating it. There wasn't any tree to look at, so Mickey went off in search of other decorations.



He found them just across the street in a market place where they sold all sorts of wonderful colonial treasures.


But pretty hats and historic dresses didn't fill a mouse's belly. And worse! Every time he turned around Mickey saw happy families and laughing children. It was just about this time that Mickey began to feel sorry for himself. All the other popcorn buckets might have been right -maybe it was better to go home with a family. He imagined a home of his own with a little girl, or maybe two, that he could play with. He wanted them to have brown hair, and if he could have whatever he wanted, then he wanted a little sister to play with and a big sister to keep him safe.

Well, his friend Princess Tiana always told him that wishing was only half of it and you had to work hard to make your wishes come true. So he walked down to the farmer's market and bought lots of fresh vegetables.


Then he hitched his last, and best, ride ever. The one that took him to be with you!


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