Holiday Inn Club Vacation timeshare presentation - how bad is it?

Mrs. Bradbury

It will ALWAYS be the PeopleMover!
May 11, 2009
*Cross-posting from the budget board because I wasn't sure where to put this*

Normally I would not even consider going the timeshare-presentation-deal route, but this one is hitting a couple of things just right for us. I have an annual pass that I purchased last August, in preparation for celebrating my 50th birthday in grand style. Due to finances, that is not coming to pass . . . :sad: However, 3 nights at a Holiday Inn Express near Downtown Disney (I checked the map) and 2 free one day tickets to WDW for my husband would be a great getaway for us.

We have no intention whatsoever of buying a timeshare.

So, my question is, what are the negatives? The hotel in question is Holiday Inn Express Lake Buena Vista. It has decent reviews on Trip Advisor. We would drive to WDW, and more than likely drive to the parks, and with my annual pass we would get free parking. So, the only other expense would be food, as we've been enough times that we don't buy souvenirs much at all anymore.

I would love to know other's experiences, good or bad, and what to expect regarding the timeshare thing. How long does a presentation last? What questions should I ask, if I do decide to call for more information?

Thanks everybody! :goodvibes
You might get better feedback with this kind of question over on TUG (The Timeshare Users Group -- ). TUG has forums specializing in just about every brand of timeshare and the participants there are thoroughly familiar with their particular system.

I haven't been to a Holiday Inn presentation, so I can't help much there. But timeshare sales strategies vary all over the map -- ranging from low-key, low pressure (DVC and a few others) to VERY high pressure.

Some of the most abusive sales programs practically hold you hostage until you agree to buy something. (Think sleezy used car salesmen on crack.) I read a post here last year where a family was booked in a hotel in the DTD area for a tour at Westgate. When they didn't buy, Westgate refused to take them back to their hotel -- they had to take a cab.

A general rule with timeshare sales people is, if their lips are moving they're lying. That's not always true, of course, but it's good advice to keep in mind. Many of them will tell you absolutely anything to get a sale.

Good luck!
Up until a year ago I sold timeshare for Orange Lake. The majority of reps I met were the nicest people I have ever met. Great company, very reputable. Presentations are at least 2 hours. Also, the resort your staying at is great.
Thanks for your replies!

I decided late yesterday afternoon that there are just too many unknowns to proceed with it. Going with my gut instinct, which is "run away!" ;) I really appreciate your input.
We had friends who insisted on trying this last year. I'm local, so I was driving them around. They stayed at the Holiday Inn near DTD, but the time share presentation was over off 192. Holiday Inn did not provide transportation to or from the meeting. I dropped them off at noon with plans to meet them about 2:30. (It's supposed to be a 2 hr spiel). I arrived at 2:15 and they still had not come out by 3pm. Long story short - it was 6:00 before they could get out of the resort:furious: and only then by agreeing to a repeat visit this year and putting a down payment on the return visit.

They were able to cancel that within 24 hours, but they were angry and I was furious, too.



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