Honestly - how wet is Splash Mountain?


DIS Veteran
Sep 10, 2003
I generally do not ride wet rides because I do not like getting wet at the parks. I have never ridden Splash Mountain for just this reason. But I've been reading and I want to ride Splash Mountain for its entertainment value aside from the big drop and splash.

So, how wet could I expect to get on Splash Mountain? I've ridden the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Hollywood which I figure is similar and disembarked dry enough for me to be ok with it. Is Splash Mountain similar? Is there a location in the boat I should try to sit in that would give me the greatest chance of remaining the most dry?

If you sit in the back of the boat you will not get very wet at all- the front seat usually gets wet, but even therre it's not that bad! Go and ride.... have fun!
I agree, you don't get too wet. The last time we went we got wet, but not soaked (note - if you don't like to get wet, obviously avoid the Kali River Rapids attraction at Animal Kingdom; there's the real potential of getting soaked to the bone on that one).
I agree with karebear 1. We have been on it lots of times, got splashed but have never been soaked. Go on and give it a try. :D
There is a waterfall on the right side of the boat that can splash you quite a bit if the boats back up and you get stuck next to it for any length of time. I sit on the left if given a choice. I also try not to sit back in the seat all the way. Any water that hits the seat flows along the crease between the seat and seat back until it reaches the drainage holes.
My extended family and I rode this on our last visit in 2000. We were spread out throughout the boat and I can't remember anyone complaining about getting wet. I have VERY vivid memory of getting soaked on kali River Rapids.
when i went two weeks ago - the very first bit soaked me when you go round and you pass the final drop i got soaked all of the three times i went on in.

take a poncho and just lay it across your lap.

the final splashdown is a slight spray - nothing compared to the soaking you get at the beginning!

Originally posted by julieannbabe
when i went two weeks ago - the very first bit soaked me when you go round and you pass the final drop i got soaked all of the three times i went on in.

take a poncho and just lay it across your lap.

the final splashdown is a slight spray - nothing compared to the soaking you get at the beginning!


Did your feet manage to stay fairly dry?
The advice about sitting on the left to avoid the waterfall is good, but there is one key to avoid getting drenched on Splash Mountain.

To put it delicately, there has to be much more weight in the rear of the boat than the front. Sitting in the back is always best for staying dry, but if two or four very large adults are in the front of the boat, chances are that the front will dig into the water on the bottom of the hill and cause a large wave to slosh in, soaking at least the shoes of the people in back.

On the other hand, if adults are in the back and kids are in the front, the front of the boat will skim at the bottom of the hill, creating barely more than a light mist.

If staying dry is an absolute must for you, take note of who is scheduled to sit in the front of your boat, and, if necessary, let people skip ahead of you until you can get the boat that you want.

Sorry to be so blunt about a delicate matter.
... sorry to disagree, folks, but we got SOAKED when we rode! ...but is'nt that the idea!?
I've only been "soaked" once on this ride and it was from being in the middle of a heavily loaded boat.
All the other times (and there have been plenty) the only actual wet part was from sitting on the right side (the little waterfall that others have mentioned) or from the seat itself.
Take a pancho and put it on (or a small towel) and you shouldn't get too wet.
Have fun!
I have seen plenty of people wearing ponchos on Splash Mtn, especially during cooler months. That is what I would do if I didn't want to get wet. It is one of the best themed ride at the MK, go for it!
Mildly sprayed to soaked - agree that is the point

Got caught on the right hand side at the waterfall and backed up - with DS next to me on the left, we had a great time and thought it was a lot of fun - this was in May

On a cold Jan day would think twice

You don't get too wet. When DH got sick last year, my kids talked me into riding SM over and over about 20 times right before the 6pm close. We were soaked, but we had so much fun. There were no lines what so ever! Twice, we even got to ride it two times in a row without getting off. We had a ball, but I was a little cold at the end. When I had had enough, we went and continuously rode BTMR over and over again too! We had fun, despite DH not being with us.

I sat in the front seat and I got very, very, <b>very</b> wet!

I just love Splash mountain, though :)
I also got quite wet from the briar patch splash. If it's timed right, you'll get soaked from that. I do not like to get wet, so I always wear my poncho.
Hi was just going to mention this one, slp87!

Three places to get wet...
1) Big Drop... so sit in the back.
2)Just after you leave the Big Drop, you make a hard through the briar patch and pass along side the Big Drop... water cannons shoot at you, timed with the next log down... so sit on the LEFT. You may or may not get hit.
3) Another 30 feet straight ahead is the water fall to the right... so if you are on the LEFT, you will be OK.

This is my daughters favorite ride... but I always have to sit on the RIGHT (call me the splash deflector!). Even the wettest that I have ever been, I am dried out before getting to another ride.

So take precautions (strategic seating), and have fun!
First time we rode I was in the front seat...got damp, but not wet. Next time in the second seat...stayed pretty dry. Last time, on August 22..E-night...anyone there for that night?? We were already soaked from all the rain and 3 consecutive rides on BTMR, in the rain. Wouldn't you know it??? Not a drop of water on us!!! We were in the next to last (third) seat with 2 youngish boys in back of us. Maybe that whole weight theory is correct. Since we already had ponchos (for what they were worth!!) on we didn't mind if we got soaked a little more!! Ah well.
I dragged DH on this in Feb. It wasn't a cold day, but he wasn't fond of getting wet. I'd ridden this many times with no problem and assured him he wouldn't get wet. Can you sense where this is going? ;) He got drenched when we went past the briar patch. Needless to say, I had to go by myself the next time... This year I'm getting us ponchos:D and hoping there is a warm enough day for us to do Splash and Kali as well (after Splash there was no way I could talk him into "not getting wet" on Kali):p
i like the response regarding the weight distribution in the log...i'm a fairly large guy (6' 3" about 300lbs) and i love to sit in the front to make sure my family gets soaked...but that is the point of the ride isn't it???
have fun!!!!


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